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  • 8/13/2019 Voca GramaT6





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  • 8/13/2019 Voca GramaT6


    Escribe losnombresde lasprendas.

    Relaciona lasprendascon las situaciones.1 awedding 2 an informalparty 3 n therain 4 at home 5 in thegym

    high-heeledshoes suit tie raincoat ..trainers cap top tracksuit ..denimjacket hat pyjamas slippers ..Relaciona las imgenes con los textos. Despus, completa los huecos marcados )utilizandolaspalabrasde laactividad2 y los marcados ) con palabras delrecuadro.

    average earr ings g loves look necklace overcoat slim tight woollenjumperJulie:When I goout, Ilike wearing casualclothes,aa . Iusually wear some too. and asweaterwithjeansandperhapsJanet:Idon'thavetoweara .toworkbut Ineedto smart.Iusually wearaskirtwithanice blouseand ajacket.I canwear clothes, becausel'm , but l'm notverytall,soIwear . Ialways weara too.John It gets very cold herenwinter,so Ialways sleepwithwarm . At themoment l'mwearinga ,trousers,thicksocks,boots,an , ascarf, a n d a , and 'mstillcoldJanice l'm in weight and height, but l'mreally strongandsporty.Ioften wear aT-shirtwitha ontop, and . Ioften haveabaseball onmyheadCompletalosdilogoscon laspalabras del recuadro.

    reduced mdium suits lighter casual wonderful changing-room old-fashioned fitJill: l'm lookingfor a (1) top. Nothing formal. ssistant What about this?Jill: No, it's very (2) My mother has a top like thatssistant This one snice.

    Jill: Mm,yes... but it's very dark.Do you haveit in a (3)Assistant: Hereyouare.Jill: It doesn't (4) It's extra largessistant What sizedo youwant,smallor (5) ?Jill: Idon'tknow. 'IItry themboth.

    ssistant OK , the (6) soverthere... ssistant You look (7) Itreally (8) youJill: Is texpensive? ssistant No, it's (9) There's30%off.


  • 8/13/2019 Voca GramaT6




    UWHao WWdLMnbeUWnaevWpwbeWnTuoWoAWe?UHevJmnHOnnH

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    /nWIwmHdo aondNuzeunermg/nonPRGmdsuRa pewUnGmvmsf

  • 8/13/2019 Voca GramaT6


    ExercCompleta las conversacionescon laspalabrasy expresiones del recuadro.

    beautiful apity exciting anawful job great newsA: I was really nervo us about my driving test,butl've passed B: What (1)A:Sorry,but Ican't com eto yourpartynextweekend. Ihavetowork. B:What(2)A: Look at my new dress l'mgoingto we ar it for Joanne's we dding. B: How (3)A: John has nvited me to go on an expedition to the Amazon withhim. B: How (4)A: Sue says she worksseven days a week, 10 hours a day. B: Wh at (5)Escribe lo quedicen los pers on ajes utilizando How... oWhat a/an)Example: Whata terrible smell /How terrible

    wonderfu l) _ (fantast ic

    456Elige laalternativacorrecta en las siguientesfrases.1Harryhatesexams/the exams,bu tScienceexam/the Scienceexamsthathe had yesterday was nottoo difficult.2My sister Nkesbright clothes / the bright clothes. Shethinks dark clothes / the dark clothes areboring.3This is agood c inema.Seis/ The seisa re verycom for table and thetickets/tickets are cheap.4 My favour i te sport is tennis / the tennis. Tennis club/ The tenn is clubat my spo rts centre isfantast ic ,5It's hardfor youngpeople/the youngpeop/eto f ind work nowadays.6 Iwent swim ming yesterday.Water/ The waterwasfreezing.7John always wea rssunglasses/ the sunglassesbecausehe h as aproblem with hiseyes.8 I never go to Luigi's Pizzas.Food/ Thefood\s expensive andwaiters/the waitersare really rude.Completa el texto con elartculo definido thedondesea necesario. Dond eno lo seaescribe0Onth e f i rstday of the summer sales,M adeleine took a businto (1) city centre.It was aniceday andthere were(2) people everywhere in thestreets,In thepark,(3 ) children playedhappily and (4) dogs ra narou nd m adly. When she got to the centre,( 5) shops werefull.M adeleine decidedto have a coffeebeforeshe startedshopping. She ordereda cappuccino.(6 )coffeew asdel iciousand (7) waitresswa sveryfriendly.When shef in ished, Madeleineleft (8) caf an d went into her favourite shop.She saw abeautiful pairo f shoesand alovelydress. (9) shoes were expensive bu t (10) dre sswasperfectand Madeleine bought t.What a lovely morning