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3/30/12 VMware - Configuration Tools


Advanced Configuration Tools

In my last section on the VMware series I am going to cover advanced configuration tools, I will be covering host profiles, vCLI, ,PowerCLI. I am from a Unix background and if I can I try to script everything this eliminates the human error factor, once you know a script

works then you can run hundreds of times knowing that the same outcome will occur, you can script many common tasks in VMware.

There are a few new features in version 4

Host Profiles which almost eliminate the need for complex scripted installationsThe next generation of command-line tools which allow everyone to script configurations of not just ESXi servers but also the vCenterenvironment

Below is a list of the current tools that are available for with VMware

Local CLI at the ESXi hostYou require root level access and a SSH connection (PuTTy), this is idea for those who like the command-line and using switches, a

bit like the Unix world.

vSphere CLIvCLI allows you to run commands from your Window/Linux server remotely without an SSH session, not all commands available at

the local CLI are available in the vCLI

vSphere PowerCLI

(toolkit for windows/Powershell toolkit)

PowerCLI plugs directly into vCenter remotely and carries out many functions that aren't even exposed in the GUI. You should have

a good knowledge of object-oriented programming (objects, properties, attributes, etc).

vSphere Perl

(Perl vSphere PowerCLI)This toolkit exposes the same functionality as the PowerShell toolkit

vSphere Management Assistantaggregates much of the functionality seen in the vCLI and the Perl toolkit, it allows for an interactive CLI to ESX classic and ESXi, it

also automates much of the authentication issues, meaning you have no need to disclose the root account

Host Profilesare not a scripting engine or CLI tool but carry out many of the post configuration tasks of an ESXi server normally undertaken with

scripting, you can achieve the same results with host profiles as with scripting, so if you don't like script this is the way to go.

Host Profiles

Host profiles allow you to capture the configuration of a ESXi server and apply it another ESXi server, essentially it acts like a policy object

that can be applied to either an ESXi server or cluster in the vCenter inventory, thus you can cut down on the scripting element. If you wantmaximum control over any settings that make up your ESX server than scripted installation is the way to go, but if you are using ESXi host

profiles may be a better route because they are relatively easy to use and require no scripting knowledge whatsoever.

Host profiles have five main functions

Capture the configuration profile of an existing hostApply the configuration profile to a new ESXi serverConfirm that an ESXi server is correctly configuredPrompt the administrator for per ESXi server settings such as VMKernel network configuration

Apply the profile as an ESXi host is added into vCenter cluster - a mere drag and drop event configures the ESXi server

You cannot install additional software into the ESXi server and there are some issues with the HA agent starting, but they are ideal for masserollouts of ESXi servers. Host profiles are associated with the vCenter you logged in to when you create them, they are not available across

multiple vCenters even in linked mode, also the vCenter must manage the ESXi server.

Firstly may want to prebuild a clean ESXi server and apply a modest vSwitch, NTP and firewall configuration. try to build as much as you can so that you don't have to

tweak to much after applying to a new ESXi server. Host profiles have many number of settings, I am not going to show you all of them but do have a look and play


First right-click the source ESXi server and choose host profile, then select "Create Profile from Host"

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create and edit a host


Type in a friendly name and a description

Next we get the summary screen

Now go to the home page and select "Host Profiles"

This is the main host profiles screen, we will discuss some of this later, you can edit the production_cluster profile we created by selecting the "edit profile" link

if you select the "edit profile", you will see the edit edit screen, this has vast amounts of information, there is lots to configure here, hence why I stated earlier that

when you build the first source ESXi server try to configure as much possible

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Once you have created and configured your host profile you might want to test it against some existing ESXi servers to see if they are

compliant with your build, next we attach a a ESXi server to the host profile and apply it

To attach ESXi servers to you host profile, right-click the host profile and select "Attach Host/Cluster"

Select the cluster or the ESXi server/s you want to attach

In the "Hosts and Clusters" tab you can now see two ESXi servers attached to the "production_cluster" host profile, and if you notice in the top right-hand corner the links are now live, you can apply this profile to a

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host or check its compliance, which is what we are going to do now

Select each ESXi server in turn and click the "Check Compliance Now" link, vmware1 should be compliant as this is the ESXi server we created the host profile with in the first place, however vmware2 is not compliant as

the TSM service is different

Before you apply a host profile to a ESXi server it must be in maintenance mode, then just click the "apply profile" link, below is the screen you get if your ESXi server is not in maintenance mode

You may have to tweak the ESXi server after applying the profile (IP address, etc) but 99% of the configuration should be complete.

You also have the ability to export the host profile, this can then be imported on another vCenter server, the host profile is saved in the

VMware Profile Format (.vpf) format as seen below


vCLI does not cover all the commands that the service console does, for instance you cannot add a second service console port for the

VMware iSCSI software initiator and VMware HA, you cannot open firewall ports for the iSCSI. vCLI comes in three flavors

Windows installer

Linux installerDownloadable VM (called VMware management appliance)

They all use the perl environment, so if you are using windows you need ActivePerl installed, then download the latest version of vCLI fromVMware and install, hopefully you should end up with a vCLI icon like below

vCLi can configure common tasks such as the following, I am not going to cover every single command so I will point you to the VMwarevCLI documentation

Create vSwitches

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setup DNSconfigure NTP

Enable the iSCSI initiator

configure NAS

vCLI can be frustrating sometimes due to the authentication process, it may take some time for the prompt to come back, all vCLIcommands require a host (ESXi server or vCenter), username and password (HUP) to authenticate against the system prior to the command

being executed. There are three ways to authenticate

Use a session file

## uses a cookie that expires after 30 minutes of nonuse, vCLI commands can be long especially when you add the authentication details for example --server=vcenter1 --username=administrator --password=password --vihost=vmware1 -l

## to create a session file you can use the following command --savesession=c:\vmware_session\vc1 --server=vcenter1 --username=administrator --password=password

## You should receive a message stating "Session information saved" and a file called vc1 should have been created, set a enviroment variable to ##

point to this file

set VI_SAVESESSIONFILE=c:\vmware_session\vc1

## The contents of the session file is below, but they will be different than yours


Set-Cookie3: vmware_soap_session="\"096482A3-3638-4674-A83C-42BD007486F2\""; path="/"; domain=win-2008.local; path_spec; discard; version=0

Now we can use this session file as seen in the image below were I list all the vSwitches

## A configuration file holds the details of the server, username and password, you have to make file secure as it is a text file, an example is

## below I called this vc2.txt




## once you have created the file set the variable below

set VI_CONFIG=c:\vmware_session\vc2.txt

## now test the configuration file

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Create a configuration file

Pass-through the


uses the current logon to the Microsoft Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI), to use this method all you need to do is use the below

parameters to the command

--passthroughauth --passthroughauthpackage="kerberos"

I am now going to list some of the more common commnds that you may use, there are many more so take a peak at the VMware

documentation, this is a sort of get the feel for vCLI

create a internal vSwitch --vihost=vmware1 -a=vSwitch1

## you can also create aport group on a vswitch by using th -A option --vihost=vmware1 -A=vmware1-internal0 vSwitch1

## you can list the vswitches --vihost-vmware1 -l

create a vSwitch with

VLAN tagging

## First create the port groups --vihost=vmware1 -A=vlan10 vswitch1 --vihost=vmware1 -A=vlan11 vswitch1 --vihost=vmware1 -A=vlan12 vswitch1

## then set the VLAN value on the properties of the correct port group

vicfg-vswitch --vihost=vmware1 -v=10 -p vlan0 vswitch1

vicfg-vswitch --vihost=vmware1 -v=11 -p vlan0 vswitch1

vicfg-vswitch --vihost=vmware1 -v=12 -p vlan0 vswitch1

## Finally link the relevant NIC's to the vSwitch --vihost=vmware1 -L=vmnic1 vSwitch1 --vihost=vmware1 -L=vmnic2 vSwitch1

Create a VMKernel port

for vMotion

## create a port group called vmotion --vihost=vmware1 -A=vmotion vSwitch3

## link the relevant NIC's --vihost=vmware1 -L=vmnic3 vSwitch3

## configure the IP address and subnet mask --vihost-vmware1 -a -i -n -p vmotion --vihost=vmware1 -a=vSwitch4 --vihost=vmware1 -A=ipstorage vSwitch4 --vihost=vmware1 -L=vmnic4 vSwitch4 --vihost=vmware1 -L=vmnic5 vSwitch4

## configure the IP address and subnet mask --vihost-vmware1 -a -i -n -p ipstorage

## change the MTU to support jumbo frames

vicfg-vswitch --vihost=vmware1 -m=9000 vSwitch4

## Now enable the VMware iSCSI software initiator --vihost=vmware1 -E -e

## check to see what virtual HBA device is used --vihost=vmware1 -l -H

## now that you have the device, you can find out your IQN details --vihost=vmware1 -E -l -P vmhba34

## now set the IQN for this interface --vihost=vmware1 -I -K=vmware1 vmhba34

## add the iSCSI target

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Enable iSCSI initiator --vihost=vmware1 -a -D -i=<openfiler IP address> vmhba34

## rescan and then list the available luns --vihost=vmware1 vmhba34 --vihost=vmware1 -E -l -L vmhba34

## here is simple session to display the current configured LUNs I have

Set up your NTP --vihost=vmware1 --vihost=vmware1 --vihost=vmware1

## to stop and restart ntp use the below --vihost=vmware1 -s --vihost=vmware1 -r

## List the NTP servers

get-vmhostntpserver vmware1

Manging Files

## list the datastores available --server=vmware1 --username=root --password=password -S

## upload a file, you must supply the "[datastore name] /directory" --server=vmware1 --username=root --password=password -p=c:\w2k3.iso "[iso] /ms/w2k3.iso"


## list VM on the server -H vmware1 -U root -P password -l

## take a snapshot, using the information obtained above -H vmware1 -U root -P password /vmfs/volumes/4d7f4f35-c02e5bd8-5946-

00237d16ab10/linux01/linux01.vmx createsnapshot "Before Export" "Taken before using VM to 2gbsparse

format" 1 1

Backup existing ESXi server


## make sure you don't have any registered VM's on the ESXi server, a binary file will be created --server=vmware1 --username=root --password=password -s c:\vmware1.bak

## Now factory reset your ESXi server, make no VM's are running on this server --server=vmware1 --username=root --password=password -r -q

## Now restore the configuration --server=vmware1 --username=root --password=password -l c:\vmware1.bak -f -q


Lastly we come to PowerCLI, by default PowerCLI is already installed on Windows 7 (see screen shot below of my Windows 7 desktop

PC) and Windows Server 2008 R2, otherwise you can download from the Microsoft website.

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Once you have this installed you next need to download the vSphere PowerCLI from the Vmware website, then install this, hopefully youshould end up with a icon like below

Because I installed PowerCLI on my desktop PC, when I open a window I am not connected to a vCenter (notice the error messages), toconnect to a vCenter I use the connect-viserver command

Once connected I can then run the PowerCLI commands, here I get a list of the current ESXi servers and VM's

Now I am not going to explain all the commands, so again go to the VMware documentation for a complete list, there are seven categorieswhich you can carry out tasks

Add - adding objects such as ESXI servers, vSwitchesGet - listing objectsMove - moving objects such as moving a VM from one ESXi server to another

New - create new objects such as port groups, vSwitchesRemove - remove objectsSet - set a VM resource allocation

Stop/Start - stop a vm or start an ESXi server service

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You can also feed one command into another with the use of Pipes (|), if you know the Unix world then this will be familiar, I have listedsome common commands below to get you started and to see what tasks you can perform using PowerCLI.

List all the get commands get-command | where object { $ "get*" }

List ESXi servers and VMget-vmhost


Disconnecting CD/Floppiesget-vm | get-floppydrive | set-floppydrive -connected:$false

get-vm | get-cddrive | setcddrive -connected:$false

Port groups

## List network adapters and sort them

get-vm | get-networkadapter | sort-object -property "NetworkName"

get-vm | get-networkadapter | sort-object -property "NetworkName" | where {'Production' -contains $_.NetworkName}

## rename a port group

get-vm | get-networkadapter | sort-object -property "NetworkName" | where {'Production' -contains $_.NetworkName} |

set-networkadapter -Networkname 'production'

Maintenace Mode get-vmhost -name vmware1 | set-vmhost -state maintenace

List datastores


## get the datastores on a particular ESXi server

get-vmhost -name vmware1 | get-datastore

Create a datacenter with


## Create the DataCenter first

new-datacenter -location (get-folder -Name 'UK DataCenters') -name 'Milton Keynes DataCenter'

## Now create the folder inside the DataCenter

new-folder -location (get-datacenter -Name 'Milton Keynes DataCenter') -name 'AMD Hosts'

new-folder -location (get-datacenter -Name 'Milton Keynes DataCenter') -name 'Intel Hosts'

Create a clusternew-cluster -location (get-datacenter -name 'Milton Keynes DataCenter' | get-folder -name 'AMD Hosts') -name 'AMD

Cluster' -HAEnabled -HHAdmissionControlEnabled -HAFailoverLevel 2 -DRSEnabled -DRSMode PartiallyAutomated

Adding hosts to a

datacenter or clusteradd-vmhost vmware1 -location (get-datacenter 'Milton Keynes Datacenter') -user root -password password

Triggering vMotion move-vm (get-vm -name 'linux01') -destination (get-vmhost vmware1)

Now that you have a feel for the commands, you can create scripts to run multiple commands, save the script with the extension of .ps1 thenjust run it, if it complains that you are not authorized then run the command "set-executionpolicy unrestricted", remember this is dangerous asyou can run any command but it will at least get your going on you test setup.