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Number 026 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Sunday 27-01-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.

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HAL’s RIJNDAM seen anchored off Bora-Bora Photo : Gert van de Werken ©


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Publication of Bourbon Dolphin report postponed until April

Groupe Bourbon in France has announced that, following the capsize of Bourbon Dolphin in April 2007, the findings of the Special Inquiry Commission, which were set to be released on February 1st, will not now be released until April. Said Bourbon in a statement: "At the request of the judge in charge of the Special Inquiry Commission, the handover date of the investigation report has been postponed to April 1st, 2008."

After towing many miles the URS tug BOXER seen at the breakers, slowly getting scrapped but still showing the Dutch flag in the mast

Photo : Richard Wisse ©

Pirates may have seized Kapitan Uskov bulk carrier


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Pirates may have seized the Kapitan Uskov bulk carrier that went missing in the East China Sea, head of the Far East department of the Russian trade union of sailors Nikolai Sukhanov told Interfax. "It is possible that pirates could have attacked the ship," Sukhanov said. "The district where Kapitan Uskov went missing is one of the most dangerous in the world as to the frequency of pirate attacks. We do not rule out such a possibility," he said. Ten years ago the Linkstar vessel flying the Cambodian flag en route from Calcutta to Singapore with a crew of 25 sailors from the Khabarovsk territory went missing in the East China Sea. Nothing has been heard of the sailors and the ship ever since. "According to some information, the sailors could have been enslaved and sent to a plantation on the island of Sumatra," Sukhanov said. The Russian trade union of sailors asked it colleagues in China, Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong to provide assistance in finding information about the bulk carrier and its crew. The Vladivostok rescue coordination center told Interfax that it "has no information about the missing vessel." It was reported earlier that no communication has been established with the Kapitan Uskov bulk carrier, which was to arrive on Thursday in Hong Kong with a cargo of metals, since Sunday. The ship owned by Alazara Navigations has a crew of 17 Russian citizens. The vessel sailing from Nakhodka to Hong Kong was put to sea on January 15. Russian authorities asked Chinese and Japanese rescue services to help search for the ship. The Japanese side was the first to react. A Japanese coast guard aircraft flew to the area where the missing vessel might be, but found nothing. Several vessels are continuing the search for the Kapitan Uskov.

Veerpontje De Zijpe gezonken Het oude veerpontje De Zijpe is in de haven van Antwerpen gezonken. Omdat uit de scheepsmotor olie lekt, willen de autoriteiten de boot zo snel mogelijk bergen. Over de oorzaak is nog niets bekend, aldus scheepsinspecteur Stijn Bosmans van de Antwerpse Havendienst. "Je vermoedt bijna kwade opzet, maar daar is nog geen enkele aanwijzing voor.". De instantie had juist besloten de pont te verkopen aan een bedrijf dat het wilde opknappen en inzetten voor waterbouwkundige werken op de Schelde. De Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond had ook belangstelling. De NOB wilde het schip als duikobject afzinken bij Tholen. Het bod van de aannemer was echter beduidend hoger dan het symbolische bedrag dat de duikers wilden betalen. De bond gaat nu op zoek naar een ander schip voor het wrakkenproject, reageert R. Aarsen. Hij was nog niet op de hoogte van het zinken van De Zijpe. Volgens G. van Woudenberg van Rijkswaterstaat lag het sinds 1988 werkeloze veer te verroesten, maar was de romp nog volledig intact. Bron : BN de Stem

Berging vlet alsnog geslaagd Een drijvende bok van de firma Van der Straaten uit Hansweert heeft gisteren aanvankelijk tevergeefs geprobeerd de sleepvlet Martijn-Eva van scheepswerf De Schroef in Sluiskil te bergen.


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Foto :

Een eerste poging mislukte op het laatste nippertje omdat de zogenoemde beting (voor het vastmaken van trossen) achterop de vlet afscheurde. De vlet zakte vervolgens terug naar de bodem. De Martijn-Eva zonk woensdagavond omstreeks kwart voor tien bij het verhalen van de coaster LS Eva. Die moest uit een droogdok bij de werf worden gesleept. De vlet assisteerde de sleper Multratug 2 van Multraship in Terneuzen. Bij dat karwei ging het mis. De vlet verdween snel onder water. De schipper kwam in het ijskoude water terecht, maar kon worden opgepikt door de bemanning van de Multratug 2. 's Avonds om acht uur had een tweede bergingspoging meer succes.

Chinese container route through the Arctic SSG-TØNSBERG. China is keen to begin container shipments in the Arctic north using Iceland as a hub. According to Robert Wade, professor of political economy at the London School of Economics, such shipments should be possible for much of the year by as early as 2015. In an article in the Financial Times he says that opening a route through the Arctic is attractive for reasons of both distance and security. Shanghai to Rotterdam via the northeast sea route across the top of Russia is almost 1,000 miles shorter than via Suez. The Suez and Panama canals are already operating at maximum capacity and, while they are to be expanded, economic development in south and southeast Asia alone will take up the extra capacity. Additional freight will either have to go round the Cape of Good Hope or take the much shorter trip through the Arctic. Source : The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette


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The PRIDE OF HAWAII seen moored in Hilo Photo : Hjalmar Fontijn ©

Erika: Total gaat in beroep tegen veroordeling

De Franse oliemaatschappij Total heeft vrijdag aangekondigd, in beroep te gaan tegen de veroordeling op 16 januari tot de maximale boete van 375.000 euro voor de gigantische olievervuiling van de Atlantische kust van Frankrijk tengevolge van het vergaan van de tanker Erika in 1999. In een communiqué noemt Total de veroordeling door de correctionele rechtbank "onrechtvaardig" en ingaand tegen het beoogde doel: verbetering van de veiligheid van de scheepvaart.


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De groep zegt door de rechtbank nalatigheid te zijn aangewreven in de keuze voor de Erika. Total voert aan echter misleid te zijn geweest door certificaten die niet overeenstemmen met de povere staat waarin de tanker verkeerde. Het komt niet aan de groep toe zich in de plaats te stellen van de in controle en klassering gespecialiseerde bedrijven, zegt de oliereus. Total moet ook een schadevergoeding betalen van 192 miljoen euro, samen met de eigenaar,de uitbater en het klasseringsbedrijf die allen Italiaans zijn. De groep zegt de schadevergoeding meteen te willen uitbetalen aan de slachtoffers van de vervuiling, op voorwaarde dat deze burgerlijke partijen verzaken aan het beroep. Tengevolge van het ongeluk met de Erika is 20.000 ton zware stookolie over 400 km Franse kusten verspreid geraakt, met de dood van meer dan 150.000 vogels als gevolg. De plaatselijke economie heeft jaren nodig gehad om de catastrofe te boven te komen. De correctionele rechtbank van Parijs heeft in zijn uitspraak voor het eerst in Frankrijk rekening gehouden met een ecologisch misdrijf. Bron : belga/jv

Nordane Shipping in court again SSG-RINGKØBING. Nordane Shipping has visited the courthouse in Svendborg again. This time the company has

been charged with responsibility for the accident in March, 2005, when the Karen Danielsen hit the Great Belt Bridge. Nordane Shipping was ISM responsible for the Danielsen-owned vessel flying the Bahamas flag.

The public prosecutor is going for a fine of at least DKK 30,000. Nordane Shipping says that it is innocent, as it did not hire the crew for the vessel, that the crew was of Croatian origin and the vessel was flying the Bahamas flag and thus cannot be charged in a Danish court. The court is still considering its verdict. Nordane Shipping has another ongoing case, where the company is charged with responsibility for the death of 15 seafarers when the anchor handling vessel Stevns Power capsized and sank off Nigeria in October, 2003. Source : The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette

Japan Navy Resumes Anti-Terror Mission A Japanese navy destroyer departed Thursday to resume the country's anti-terror mission in the Indian Ocean after a divisive battle in parliament caused a three-month suspension. The destroyer Murasame left this port south of Tokyo, to be joined later by a tanker. The ships' refueling mission, in support of U.S.-led forces patrolling the Indian Ocean, was to begin in two to three weeks. "Japan will fulfill its global responsibilities," Defense Ministers Shigeru Ishiba said at a send-off ceremony attended by about 200 people. "This mission is highly appreciated abroad. It is a very important mission."


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Japan had refueled ships since 2001 in support of U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan, but was forced to abandon the mission last fall when the resurgent opposition blocked an extension. A law rammed through parliament by the ruling party earlier this month will limit Japanese ships to refueling boats not directly involved in hostilities in Afghanistan, a restriction aimed at winning over a public wary of violating the

spirit of the post-World War II pacifist constitution. The United States had lobbied hard for the mission, and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda had been deeply embarrassed by having to withdraw the mission in November, a step that cast doubt on how far Tokyo can back Washington in its global war on terrorist groups. Fukuda and other ruling party lawmakers argued the mission was needed to fulfill Japan's obligations in the global war against terrorism and give the country a world role commensurate with its economic clout. Japan's naval mission in the region the past six years provided logistical support to forces involved in the war in Afghanistan. It mainly supplied fuel to coalition warships, including from the U.S., Britain and Pakistan, according to the Japanese government. Public opinion polls show Japanese are gradually coming to accept a greater role for their troops abroad — as long as it does not involve combat. The Democratic Party of Japan, the party that took control of the upper chamber in elections last year, opposes the mission because it says military operations in Afghanistan do not have the explicit support from the United Nations. The party also says the mission violates Japan's pacifist constitution. On Thursday, a small group of protesters stood outside the base's gate waving banners and shouting slogans opposing the mission, but there were no incidents or arrests.

Tanker Owner in Spill Denies Wrongdoing According to reports, the owner and operators of the tanker involved in South Korea's worst oil spill denied any wrongdoing, but offered sympathy to locals affected by the environmental fallout and their insurer agreed to accept claims for compensation. The Dec. 7 accident occurred after a barge owned by Samsung Group slammed into Hong Kong-registered tanker Hebei Spirit, which leaked 78,920 barrels of oil into western coastal waters. But the owner of Hebei Spirit, Hebei Spirit Shipping Co., and its operator, V. Ships, both denied wrongdoing at a press conference in Hong Kong on Thursday. The accident jeopardized the ecosystem and the livelihood of residents in the area, home to some of the country's most scenic beaches. Samsung, which issued a public apology for the accident published in major South Korean newspapers Tuesday, has said it will deal with compensation as required by law. The South Korean government has promised financial aid, but payments have been delayed. Three people distraught over the slow compensation process have committed suicide in recent weeks. On Monday, $59m in funds raised by the central and local governments and from public donations was sent to the governments of six affected cities and counties. The distribution of the money, however, has been delayed as officials determine who is eligible and for how much. Source: AP


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Referring to the article 2 days ago about the collapsing of the container crane in Southampton herewith a photo impression of the damage occurred.

CASUALTY REPORTING Danish-owned coaster aground again

SSG-RINGKØBING. The Danish-owned coaster South Michelle ran aground – again. This time it happened in the entrance to Nakskov. The ship left the port in ballast and was apparently blown off the narrow fairway in Nakskov fjord. The ship is currently standing high and dry awaiting a salvage operation. The ship has been transporting beets from Assens to Nakskov for a couple of months. The South Michelle had a similar accident outside Assens at the beginning of December, when the ship was blow ashore with a Russian captain on board, who turned out to be intoxicated. Three tugs, which have also been working with barges transporting sugar beets to Nakskov,are in Nakskov so help is close at hand. The ship is owned by Green Maritime ApS in Assens. Source : The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette


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Collision in Newark Bay The Vessel Traffic Service at Coast Guard Sector New York closed Newark Bay following a collision between an orange juice tank ship and a dredging vessel that occurred at 1:51 p.m. today.

The Orange Sun, a 669-foot Liberian flagged vessel and the dredging vessel New York were involved in a collision resulting in the New York taking on water and leaking a small amount of hydraulic fluid. Local media report that a third vessel narrowly escaped being involved. No injuries were reported.

Coast Guard Station New York immediately launched two small boat rescue crews who arrived on scene minutes after initial report. A Coast Guard rescue helicopter from Air Station Atlantic City was also on scene to assist. The Coast Guard Cutter Sturgeon Bay, a 140-foot cutter home ported in Bayonne, N.J., is also currently on scene. The Coast Guard investigation team is on scene to conduct an assessment and investigation. The Orange Sun was escorted to a nearby anchorage by tug boats and the Coast Guard awaits the damage survey. Diving operations continue to stabilize the dredge New York. "The Coast Guard will continue monitoring the salvage operations on the dredge New York throughout the night," said Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth Moser, chief of incident management at Coast Guard Sector New York. "The Newark Bay waterway will remain closed until the situation onboard the dredge is stabilized." The collision is under investigation. Source : MarineLog

NAVY NEWS Water poured on smoking sub fears

The Australian defence Department is playing down concerns about a Collins Class submarine seen emitting smoke as it was coming into Sydney. The sight, about 1.5 kilometres outside the entrance to Sydney Harbour, prompted speculation the submarine might be in trouble. But a Defence spokeswoman says the smoke was the result of "surface snorting", a standard procedure submarines undergo when they are preparing to berth. She says the submarines release diesel exhaust and steam during the process. The spokeswoman has stressed there is nothing to be concerned about.


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The submarine is no longer blowing smoke and is passing through the harbour heads, accompanied by a second Collins Class submarine on its way to the Garden Island Naval Base

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French Navy New Sub Fleet to be Powered by GE

GE Oil & Gas has been selected by DCNS to provide the turbo-generators and propulsion turbines for the French Navy’s new fleet of six nuclear submarines, which are scheduled to enter service between 2016 and 2027. DCNS, the European leader in naval defense systems, recently awarded Thermodyn, the Le Creusot-based turbo-machinery division of GE Oil & Gas, a contract to provide two turbo- generators and one propulsion turbine for the Suffren, the first of the six submarines ordered under an initial contract as well as for each of the other five ships ordered under optional contracts. The turbo-generator- rectifiers will supply electric power to the propulsion and to the auxiliary systems. GE’s propulsion turbine, which drives the propeller, will supply the required mechanical power to the submarine when at top speed. These condensing-type turbines are highly customized to address the French Navy’s specific requirements, including very low noise and vibration levels, to provide the submarine with maximum speed and stealth capabilities. GE’s project partner, Jeumont Electric, is supplying the generator-rectifier equipment for the turbo-generators. DCNS is the prime contractor for the overall Barracuda submarine fleet project and the partner of Areva TA, which is the prime contractor for the shipboard nuclear power plant. The first Barracuda-class submarine, the Suffren, is scheduled to enter service in 2016. Source : MarineLink

Navy Christened Guided Missile Destroyer Dewey The US Navy christened the newest Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer, Dewey, Saturday, Jan. 26, during a ceremony at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems in Pascagoula, Miss. Designated DDG 105, the new destroyer honors Adm. George Dewey (1837-1917) who commanded the Asiatic Station from the cruiser Olympia. Shortly after the onset of the Spanish-American War, Dewey led his squadron of warships into Manila Bay on April 30, 1898. The next morning, his squadron destroyed the Spanish fleet in only two hours without a single American loss. A widely popular hero of his day, Dewey was commissioned admiral of the Navy, a rank created for him, in March 1903. Two previous ships have proudly carried his name. The first was a destroyer (DD 349) that survived the attack on Pearl Harbor and went on to receive 13 battle stars for World War II service. The second was a destroyer commissioned as a guided-missile frigate (DLG 14) before being reclassified as a guided-missile destroyer (DDG 45).

USS Connecticut to Arrive Tuesday The fast-attack submarine USS Connecticut will join sister ship USS Seawolf at Naval Base Kitsap-Bremerton on Tuesday. Both had been based in Groton, Conn., but were transferred to Bremerton as part of the Navy's shift of 60 percent of its firepower to the Pacific Ocean. The Seawolf left Connecticut on June 15 and arrived on July 22. The Connecticut departed shortly after, but completed a six-month deployment before reporting here. The third and final member of the class, the USS Jimmy Carter, has been stationed at the Bangor submarine base since November 2005. It is modified to conduct secret operations such as transporting SEALS and undersea recovery. All three submarines are assigned to Submarine Development Squadron Five, headquartered at Bangor.


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Attack submarines are designed to seek and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships, project power ashore with Tomahawk cruise missiles and special operations forces, carry out intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions, support Aircraft Carrier and Expeditionary Strike Battle Groups, and engage in mine warfare. Source : Kitsap Sun

SHIPYARD NEWS Sevmash Completed Overhaul of

Nuclear Submarine 'Panther' On January 15 the submarine left the area of the plant's water and made for the permanent base. The sea and acceptance trials were carried out in December 2007 with positive results. Submarines of 971 project are the most advanced submarines of the Russian Naval Forces. From 1984 to 2001, Sevmash constructed 7 submarines of project 971, all of which are now in service in the Northern Fleet. Source: Russian Shipbuilding.

VT Order Book Expands According to the Financial Times, VT has seen its order book rise to about $7.93b on the back of several contract wins. The company said its financial performance was in line with its expectations for the period to the end of December 2007. The order book increased to about $7.93b on the back of two recent acquisitions. Talks with BAE Systems to form a shipbuilding joint venture remained at an advanced stage, VT said. The companies have now received a commitment from the government on the proposed terms of a business agreement for the partnership, seen as crucial for it to go ahead. However, the signing of the joint venture hinges on final approval from the Ministry of Defence for the start of construction of two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy. Source: The Financial Times

Polish plug skills shortage Unions are backing the move, as long as Barrow and British workers are offered any new jobs first. Shipyard bosses say four Polish pipe fabricators are already employed on a trial basis in the pipe shop. More Poles could follow if a drive to recruit hundreds more workers from Cumbria and the rest of the UK, fails to find enough skilled people to do the jobs. BAE spokesman Chris Nelson said: “The four Polish workers are experienced pipe fabricators and will work only in the pipe shop.” They are not allowed to go in the main Devonshire Dock Hall submarine assembly area, due to British secrecy laws, as they are not UK citizens. Mr Nelson said: “They will not be working in either the Devonshire Dock complex or on board the submarine units in the Devonshire Dock Hall. “One of the Polish workers is a team leader and fluent English speaker who will assist with translation for the other three and supervise the work of the team. The trial began in December last year.” Head of resourcing for BAE Submarine Solutions, Graham Hempsall, says the yard is still recruiting locally and continuing to invest in the training of young people and mature recruits. It is also involved in the retraining of employees to meet the needs of the business. He said: “The shipyard remains committed to employing local labour when it is available and appropriately skilled, and we would like to hear from anyone in Barrow who has the skills we need – ranging from pipe fabricators and fitters and planners, to estimators, team leaders and engineers. “However, we are trialling the Polish team because we can’t guarantee to recruit the required volume of skills we need in the UK.”


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BAE says the trades unions within the shipyard are fully involved. Keith Pearson, trade union secretary for manual workers in the shipyard, says the unions have no objection to foreign workers, as long as local and UK workers are given the first option. He said: “As long as local personnel have been given the opportunity to be employed, if it is looking difficult for the employers to get the personnel they need in the UK to fulfil their contract commitment to the Ministry of Defence, then we have no problem with them looking further afield.” Barrow Island independent councillor Eric Wood said: “We have Polish kids in school now. There is no problem with Polish workers as long as the people who really want a job in Barrow are first in line.” There are now hundreds of Poles in the Barrow area, including 95 who work at the Sandscale candle factory. Pipes are a key element in the building of the Astute-class submarines. Each submarine contains more than 23,000 pipes, totalling around 10 kilometres of pipework. They are used for a range of vital systems, including hydraulic actuation, cooling and oxygen. Source : Northwest Evening Mail


The ELLY MAERSK seen moored in Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Fred Vloo ©

Another record year SSG-BERGEN. Preliminary figures for 2007 confirm the high level of activity and investments by shipping companies in Scandinavia. According to our own records, a total of 339 ships and 13 drilling rigs were ordered and some 560 second-hand ships and resale contracts changed hands. Total new investments in building orders amounted to USD 17.9 billion for ships and 5.0 billion for offshore rigs, in addition, there were second-hand acquisitions totalling USD 7.8


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billion. However, also considerable divestments were made with sales out of the region of USD 6.3 billion. As for investments in ships (excluding offshore rigs), Norwegian owners account for 67 per cent, Danish for 25, Swedish for 6 and Finnish for 2 per cent of the total. Total turnover in the Scandinavian shipping community amounted to about USD 37 billion in 2007, much the same as in 2006 but up from about USD 5 billion in 2001/02. Source : The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette

Six top executive to leave Maersk Group SSG-RINGKØBING. The new top boss in A. P. Møller-Mærsk continues to clean out in the organization to make room for a new management team. Yesterday it was announced that six top executives in the third top level will leave their position during the coming months. The first to leave is head of information department Jette Clausen, who have had the position for 15 years. Furthermore Knud Pontoppidan, the company’s lobbyist will leave for retirement in February next year. Also head of finance Jørgen Engell will leave for retirement. Head of safety and security Bo Wildgang will leave the company in the spring, while Bent Erik Carlsen head of the industrial companies will leave shortly. Finally the head of procurement Brian Voldsgaard have announced that he will leave the company. In the previous months a number of executive has left the company ranging from the former CEO Jess Søderberg, shipowner Tommy Thomsen and Knud Stubkjær to midlevel executives in Maersk Line. Source : The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette

Fjord Line deploy Bergensfjord on Kristiansand to Hanstholm

SSG-TØNSBERG. Bergensfjord, formerly Atlantic Traveller, has began twice-weekly sailings between Kristiansand and Hanstholm in Denmark in direct competition with Color Line. Line director Øystein Glad says that Fjord Line, which took over Master Ferries last autumn, wants to buy another vessel this year possibly to be deployed from Arendal to the east of Kristiansand to Denmark. The deployment of Bergensfjord is to satisfy demands from the Port of Kristiansand for round-the-year service on the route. Therefore, Bergensfjord will only sail until 4 April when Fjord Cat, formerly Master Cat, begin sailings. Bergensfjord will be back when the Fjord Cat goes into winter lay-up. Fjord Line bought back Atlantic Traveller on 23 November last year. Source : The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette


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DEME secures another Australian project DEME, the Belgian dredging contractor, has announced that it has been awarded a contract to deepen a berth at Fisherman’s Island, Gladstone in Queensland, Australia. Said DEME: "This is another commodity related project, allowing Rio Tinto Aluminium (formerly Comalco Aluminium) to expand its alumina refinery and increase the annual output of smelter grade alumina from that area." The work is being managed by Central Queensland Port Authority (CQPA). Dredeco’s CSD Wombat will execute the project in two phases, starting early in 2008. Dredeco is a subsidiary of DEME.

The VOS SHELTER ( former Deurloo ) was spotter in her former home waters, the Westerscheldt River Photo : Richard Wisse ©

UK TONNAGE TAX CHANGES WARNING UK-based shipping accountant Moore Stephens has warned that new European Commission requirements will lead to unwelcome changes to the UK tonnage tax regime from April 2008. Sue Bill, a tax partner with Moore Stephens, says, “The good news is that UK tonnage tax will remain as a stable and robust regime, as the changes will affect relatively few shipowners. Also, the UK government seems to be trying to ensure that the required amendments will be implemented as reasonably as possible.” “But,” she adds, “the changes will nevertheless be very disappointing for affected shipowners who have made a ten-year commitment to tonnage tax. The timing is unfortunate, too, as shipowners are likely to still be feeling jittery following recent tonnage tax developments in Norway.”


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The UK Inland Revenue (HMRC) has issued draft legislation setting out changes to the tonnage tax regime, as required under ruling by the Commission, as follows: · vessels providing transport in connection with services at sea such as cable laying, diving support, research vessels etc will no longer qualify for tonnage tax. Safety standby vessels will however continue to qualify for tonnage tax as they are considered to be providing marine assistance carried out at sea; · profits by passenger vessels from gambling, certain retail sales, recreational activities off the ship, shore excursions, and certain transport off the ship will no longer be within tonnage tax; · incidental activities of less than 0.25 per cent of the turnover from qualifying activities will no longer be within tonnage tax; · the exemption from the transfer pricing rules which applies to small or medium-sized enterprises will no longer apply to transactions involving a tonnage tax trade. Following these changes, companies or groups have been given an opportunity to withdraw their tonnage tax elections by giving notice between 1 April 2008 and 30 September 2008. Sue Bill said “Withdrawal will involve some careful planning, as it will not just be a case of giving notice. Various factors will need to be considered depending on circumstances.” Source :Maritime Global Net

The TSHD BARENT ZANEN seen dredging in the Rotterdam area Photo : René Mostert ©


GERMAN-based liner company Hamburg Süd is enhancing its southern routes service from northern Europe to the eastern Mediterranean. Beginning in mid-February 2008, this service will be switched to a weekly frequency, with sailings on fixed weekdays, by the deployment of a fifth vessel. The company says that the deployment of the 1,900 TEU "Santa Monica" will expand not only the capacity in service, but also permits an additional call at Valencia in the western Mediterranean. The Valencia call offers ideal linkage with the South America services of Hamburg Süd and Costa Container Lines. Furthermore, a new weekly feeder link from Valencia to Tunis, synchronised with the southern routes service, is being instituted to guarantee a fast connection. One effect of the upgrade will be to make the direct Europe / Tunis-Salerno shuttle redundant. All ports previously called at by the Tunis-Salerno shuttle will continue to be served - either directly by the shipping group's services or via feeder services. Source : Maritime Global Net


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The BELUGA SKYSAILS seen last year under construction in Harlingen Photo : Patrick Blankwaard ©

53 ships docked without safety norms, SC told The 'Blue Lady' case, it seems, was a mere tip of the iceberg. The Ship Recycling Industries Association has admitted in the Supreme Court that 53 ships have been beached at the Alang ship-breaking yard without the requisite safety certificates as mandated by the apex court in its last order, handing another fait accompli to the courts and the government. The 'Blue Lady' had been similarly beached pending decision by the court and had to be dismantled as the petitioners had claimed a beached ship cannot be withdrawn. The court had in its order in September 2007 ordered that all ships being beached in India should compulsorily carry the "Certificates for Gas Free for Hot Work". Since the September order, the nodal Gujarat Maritime Board has not given permission for ship-breaking because no shipbreaker has provided the requisite certificate. The specific certificate is given by the government agency, Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO). The agency, on its part, has put in an affidavit in the apex court suggesting that only ships that used to carry oil should be checked. The request runs counter to the recommendations of the Technical Experts Committee on hazardous waste set up by the apex court before delivering its last order. The committee had in October 2006 in its report recommended 'gas free' certificate for all ships that are to be beached in the country for breaking. The court had accepted their recommendation.


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But now the shipbreaking industry has requested the courts to not only do away with these certificates but also ease the regulations on radioactive components on board the ships. The ship breaking industry wants the regular ships not be checked for radioactive components on board before they are broken down at Alang. It has requested the court to require only nuclear-fuelled ships to be checked by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). The industry has pleaded this despite a raging controversy having gripped the 'Blue Lady' case. Upon court ordered investigations, AERB had found radioactive material in the luxury liner. The radioactive material was found in the fire-safety devices on board the ship. Source : Times of India

The STAR DIEPPE, seen leaving Santos Photo : Carlos Prado ©






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Transfennica’s LONGSTONE - Photo : Rob de Visser ©


Above seen the Timber Carrier ship KAPITAN PRIMAK launched in 1987 @ Malta Shipbuilding Co Limited, Marsa as Hull 168 & completed in 1990 for Baltic Shipping Co, Russia with Saint-Petersburg as her port of registry. She was the

second timber carrier to be built out of 8, first one was KAPITAN GONCHAROV as Hull 167 built in 1989. Then KAPITAN PRIMAK was reflagged to Cyprus flag & changed name to FOREST TRADER. Then she changed name again to SEA ENTERPRISE II trading for Interorient Navigation Co Limited still flying Cyprus flag & renamed ICE

PRINCE in 2002 flying a Greek flag. Photo / text : Lawrence Dalli - Malta Ship Photos ©


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Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 1000 vessels today.



Distribution : daily 3725+ copies worldwide Page 20 1/26/2008

The FAIRPLAY 21 seen assisting an arriving Greek flagged vessel in Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Jacco van Nieuwenhuyzen ©


Onder de titel ‘De Verolme werf aan de Nieuwe Waterweg - The Verolme yard on the New Waterway’ heeft de Keppel Verolme werf ter gelegenheid van haar 50-jarig bestaan een lijvig en prachtig geïllustreerd jubileumboek uitgegeven. Een werf die op initiatief van Nederlands grootste scheepsbouwer, Cornelis Verolme, in de tweede helft van de jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw is aangelegd en sinds 2002 deel uitmaakt van de Keppel Groep. Het bijna 200 pagina’s tellende jubileumboek is verdeeld in acht hoofdstukken. Voordat aan de historie van de werf wordt begonnen, belicht auteur Paul Schaap in de eerste twee hoofdstukken in het kort de levensloop van Cornelis Verolme, wat deze bekende scheepsbouwer heeft betekend voor de Nederlandse industrie en wat zijn beweegredenen zijn geweest om vlak bij zee, aan de Nieuwe Waterweg, een grote scheepsbouw- en scheepsreparatiewerf op te zetten. In de volgende vijf hoofdstukken wordt steeds een periode van tien jaar


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beschreven. Aan de orde komen de eigenaarstructuur, de uitgevoerde projecten, de medewerkers en de faciliteiten van de werf, alsmede de activiteiten van de bedrijfsschool, personeelsvereniging en ondernemingsraad. Aandacht wordt onder andere besteed aan de diverse hoogwaardigheidsbekleders die voor spectaculaire tewaterlatingen een bezoek aan de werf brachten en aan de indrukwekkende conversies van bijvoorbeeld het half afzinkbare boor- en productieplatform Petrobras XXIII en het kraanschip Balder, de verlenging van het luxe cruiseschip Enchantment of the Seas, de ombouw van de bulker Geeview tot geavanceerde pijpenlegger en de afbouw van de Sevan FPSO’s. Dit alles wordt ondersteund door prachtig fotomateriaal. Het boek wordt afgesloten met een hoofdstuk over de bijzondere projecten die de werf in het jubileumjaar 2007 onder handen had, waaronder in dok 7 de bouw van het grote betonnen hefvaartuig MPU Heavy Lifter.

Het jubileumboek ‘De Verolme werf aan de Nieuwe Waterweg - The Verolme yard on the New Waterway’ (ISBN:9789080542563) is binnenkort via te bestellen en bij de in de hal van het

Maritiem Museum Rotterdam gevestigde Rotterdamse Scheepvaart Boekhandel. Het boek is zowel in de Nederlandse als Engelse taal geschreven en bevat een schat aan authentiek fotowerk.

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