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Page 1:  · Web viewand gun crime in Kensington than any other part of Liverpool, although crime is

Bridging Work 2018Moving from GCSE to A Level


Geography DepartmentHeaton Manor School

The work within this booklet is designed to prepare you for the challenges of moving from GCSE to A Level


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This work must be completed before you start A Level Geography, please bring it with you in


A Level GeographyExaminationsYou will sit three examinations at the end of your A Level (2019)

A Level Geography is now fully linear so assessment of knowledge and understanding takes place at the end of the two years of study!

Field StudyFieldwork is crucial to the delivery of the A Level Geography course and the specification has been designed to strengthen geographical and

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fieldwork skills. As part of the A Level Geography course you must undertake four days of fieldwork across the two years.

Resources for A Level GeographyThe core A Level textbook will be provided during lessons, however you may also wish to buy a copy for your own use. Your teacher will also use additional textbooks during lessons and will provide you with a range of wider reading to support your studies.

ISBN: 9781471858703Author: Michael Raw, Andy Palmer, Peter

Stiff, David Barker, Helen Harris

Publisher: Hodder Education

Cost: £35.99

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Helpful Hints and TipsA Level Geography is inherently more challenging than GCSE. You will be required to complete independent study outside of lessons and A Level Geography requires the use of a wider range of skills than those you will have used at GCSE. If you are absent from lessons, it is your responsibility to ensure that you catch up with any work you have missed. A Level Geography is delivered by two teachers across five lessons per week. One of your teachers will deliver Physical Geography, whilst the other will be responsible for the Human Geography content. You will also be taught Geographical Skills and Fieldwork alongside these subject areas.Unlike GCSE there are no exercise books so you must ensure you arrive at lessons with the correct equipment. You will also need a ring binder to allow you to store your notes and help organise your work.Additional work to help you develop your understanding of the topics studied will be set each week. This may come in the form of past examination questions, additional research on the issues studied or group work.

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A Level Geography Key ConceptsThere are 14 geographical concepts which have been set out by the DfE that must be covered during your A Level Geography course. Add a definition or explanation for each one; you can also add examples to show that you understand. This task will require additional research and wider reading around the concepts outlined!

Key Concept Definition/Explanation of ConceptPlace









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Mitigation and Adaptation




Glossary of Terms for A Level Geography 2018

Key Term Definition/Explanation/Examples of countries/Features

Advanced Countries (AC)

Emerging and Developing Countries (EDC)

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Low income developing countries (LIDC)

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Local Scale

Regional Scale

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Primary Data

Human Geography – Changing Places; Making Places

The first unit will investigate two contrasting places.Task 1: Write a definition for each of the terms below. How do you think these key terms fit into the topic you will be studying?Try to get accurate definitions, which are relevant to Geography! Use examples where you can!Demographic




Built characteristics

Natural characteristics

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Social Inequality


Place making


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Task 2: Use the link below and the work that you have completed in Task 1 to complete a Place Profile for Hackney, London.f ile:///H:/Downloads/Hackney-Profile%20(1).pdf

Place Profile Factor Key Features / Facts

How influential is this feature in creating the

identity of this place?

(5 = most influential1= least






Built characteristic


Natural characteristic


Task 3: … Read the article below…. Describe and comment on how it represents this place.

Kensington houses up for sale for £1 (Guardian 2013)

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A Victorian terrace on a tranquil street in cosmopolitan Kensington, within walking distance of the city centre, universities, museums and the historic waterfront, is on sale for £1. What's the catch?

The fact it is not in London's most expensive borough (average house price: £1.478m), but in burgeoning Liverpool is certainly not a catch in my eyes. Liverpool city council plans to offer 20 derelict homes in Kensington, Granby and Picton for £1 each, but there will be some basic rules to stop this latest attempt at regeneration being abused. Buyers must show they are capable of doing the house up to a reasonable standard and will have to sign an agreement to live in the property for five years and not sublet it.

I can barely put up a picture hook, but I reckon I could cobble together some savings to pay someone to do up the house. Joining the rush of 200 people in less than 24 hours who have called the council about the homes for a quid, I phone them to see if I'm eligible. Does it count against me that I am not a local?

"We want to keep communities together, but a lot of what we are doing in Liverpool is attracting new people into the community," says Damian Richards-Clarke of the city council. Best of all, he thinks, "you won't need 10 grand lying around" to do up the house. The details are still to be finalised – the council is set to approve the proposals on Friday and people must wait until May to apply – but there may be an opportunity for potential residents to take advantage of cheap loans to turn the derelict shells into homes.

What about Kensington itself? Ex-footballer Phil Thompson, screenwriter Terence Davies and David Morrissey grew up here, but four years ago a police report identified more murders and attempted murders and gun crime in Kensington than any other part of Liverpool, although crime is falling. "Cosmopolitan is the word," says Richards-Clarke. "It's a good, diverse mix of people and it's on the fringes of the city centre, which has had a huge amount of investment." Even with a five-year residency rule, such a bargain looks ripe for exploitation: what's to stop me using it as a second home or quietly letting it out? "There's always this danger but it's either that or do nothing and leave these homes to rot," says Richards-Clarke. And the council's housing officers could be deployed to ensure the scheme is not exploited.

If the 20 homes for £1 scheme is successful, the council may consider extending it to more of the 179 derelict homes it owns. Another scheme will allow a housing provider to do them up and then sell them for 25% less than the market rate. This has already brought 250 homes back into use in other parts of the city. I won't be moving to Liverpool but I hope those who really need it – the homeless families living in B&Bs and people in need of a clean break – get a home for a quid and Kensington rises again.


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Task 4: Now conduct a web search to find an up to date newspaper article about an area of/issue occurring in Newcastle upon Tyne. Print it out and comment on how it represents this part of the city. Is it positive or negative? Why do you think Newcastle has been represented this way?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Task 5: Look at the photograph below. Can you describe the photograph? What impression does it create of this area?

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Task 6: Watch the BBC clip below and read The Guardian article

How is Rio de Jainero being represented by the media? Is it positive or negative?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Physical Topic: Coastal LandscapesTask 1: Find out the definition for the following words and put them into your own words

Fluvial erosion Fluvial DepositionAeolian erosion

Aeolian deposition Longshore drift Wave refraction Fetch


Spring tide

Neap tide

Mass movement Weathering

Beach nourishment

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Sediment cell

Isostatic sea level change

Eustatic sea level change

Coastal retreat

WavesTask 1: Explain how waves are formed, why they break and the factors which affect their strength and characteristics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 2: Research the opposing characteristics of constructive and destructive waves

Constructive Destructive

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Coastal processes Marine processes: processes operating upon a coastline that are connected with the sea, such as waves, tides and longshore drift.

Sub-aerial processes: processes operating on the land that affect the shape of the coastline, such as weathering, mass movement and runoff.

Task 3: Recap the four types of erosion that take place along a coastlineHydraulic action __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Abrasion __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Attrition __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 4: Research the factors which affect the rate of erosion taking place along a coastline. Choose four factors and explain them below





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Tides "Periodic rise and fall in the level of the sea"

Task 5: Explain what tides are and how they occur. Make sure you include... Spring / neap tide Tidal range / tidal cycle


Climate changeTask 6: Complete the spider diagram below to suggest some of the causes of climate change.

Causes of climate change

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Task 7: Complete the table below by considering some of the effects of climate change.Social effects Economic effects Environmental


Task 8: Explain what is meant by an emergent landform and provide examples.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 9: Explain what is meant by submergent landforms and provide examples.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Coastal managementTask 10: Recap the different coastal management strategies which can be used along a coastline. You must include a range of hard and soft management strategies. Hard engineering strategies - _____________________________________________


Soft engineering strategies - ______________________________________________

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Task 11: Research an area of coastline where there a specific management strategy in place. Complete the questions below for your case study.

Area: _______________________________________________________________

Type of management: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for implementation: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Effects this strategy is having on the area:____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Task 12: Complete the spider diagram to show the ways in which humans can use the coast. Consider social, economic and environmental uses.

Uses of the coast

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Task 13: Research one area where the coastline has undergone economic development and complete the section below.Name of coastline: _____________________________________________________________________

What developments have occurred?


What unintentional impacts might these development have had on coastal processes?


Have these developments caused damage?
