Download - Viveros karla why i feel i can be an autonomous learner

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“Why I feel I can be an autonomous learner”

OViveros Galindo Karla

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The freedom and ability to manage one’s affairs, which entails the right

to make decisions as well

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Being an autonomous learner

Autonomous learner







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MotivationHuman behaviour is motivated by 4 drives:

1. The drive to acquire

2. The drive to bond

3. The drive to defend

4. The drive to learn

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(1980,Knowles)Bases of adult learners.-• Increasing self-directed • Increasing experience learning• Motivation to learn • Concern about developing

competence to achieve their full potencial

• Prefering participation in performance-centred learning activities

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Learning and Facilitating Principles

• Good health, well rested & distressed• Good learning environment • Planning activities with flexible time • Past experience is used by both • Opportunities for testing activities• Positive self-concept and high self-esteem • Self-direction in learning is facilitated when

the learner is assisted to learn how to learn

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Autonomous learner

Ability to take

control of the

process Evaluatemy


Accept change

sSolve problem


Positive self-



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Head, K., & Pauline, T. (1997). Readings in Teacher Development, The Teacher Development Series. (U. Adrian, Ed.) Oxford: Heinemann.MacKeracher, D. (2004). Making Sense of Adult Learning (Segunda ed.). Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto.Richard Edwards, A. H. (1996). Boundaries of Adult Learning (Adult Learners: Education & Training). New York: Routledge.Scharle, Á., & Anita, S. (2000). Learner Autonomy. United Kingdom: Cambridge University.


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O 10 puntos Video record yourself giving a 10 minute presentation entitled “Why I feel I can be an autonomous learner” Upload your video to a YouTube link. Share via teacher’s platform. Tener una cuenta en You Tube Subir y guardar video como NO LISTADO. Compartir liga en plataforma indicada. Viernes 8 noviembre 2013

O Bibliografía AntologíaO García-Huidrobo B., Cecilia; Gutiérrez G., María Cristina, y Condemarín G., Eliana.. (2000). A estudiar se aprende. Trillas.

O Garza, Rosa María y Leventhal, Susana. (2000). Aprender cómo Aprender. Trillas.

O Díaz Barriga, Arceo, F., Hernandez Rojas, G. (2001) Estrategias docentes para un aprendizaje significativo Mc Graw HillO Mackenzie, N., Postgate, R. Scupham, J. (1979). Enseñanza Abierta. Paris, TJNFSCO, 1979. p. 420. N.EO Pallan Figueroa, Carlos. Bases para la administración de la educación superior en América Latina, el caso de México, México, libros de México, 1978,

p.60.O Coombs, Phillip. La crisis mundial de la educación. Barcelona; Ed. Península, 1973.O Faure, Edgar. Aprender a ser. Madrid (Versión Castellana). Alianza/UNESCO. 1974. p. 383.O Argumentos sobre los beneficios de la enseñanza abierta son analizados en documento: "Sistema de Universidad Abierta de la Facultad de Economía de

la UNAM" presentado a la Comisión Académica en Junio 19 de 1978, h. 21-24.O Ponencia titulada: "La Universidad Abierta Problemas y Perspectivas para la enseñanza de la economía y sus posibilidades de extensión universitaria",

presentada por el profesor Alfonso Anaya Díaz en la VII Conferencia de Escuelas, Facultades e institutos de Economía de A.L. En Quito-Ecuador, en septiembre de 1978.

O Dr. Rodolfo Herrero Ricaño Ponencia presentada en el Simposium Internacional "Perspectivas para la Educación Abierta y a Distancia en el Siglo XXI". 1992.

O Bibliografía Programa EducativoO (disponible en 2003-2010 All rights reservedO © 2010-2012 The Writing Center at UNC Chapel Hill.O

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The Capital Community College Foundation 2013. The Five-Paragraph Essay

Writing Language Activities 2013.

Writing Language Activities (worksheets)

The Writing Center at UNC Chapel Hill. (2012). Paragraphs. Retrieved July 10, 2013

The Capital Community College Foundation. (2013). The Five-Paragraph Essay. Retrieved July 10, 2013 (2010). Retrieved July 10, 2013

Writing Language Activities. (2013). The Five Paragraph Essay. Retrieved July 10, 2013

Bibliografía sesiones y material de clase

Liu, J. and Hansen, J. G. (2002). Peer response in second language writing classrooms. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press

© Copyright 2013 University of Otago

© University of Toronto 2013. Advice on Academic Writing.


Taylor & Francis Group, 1996Adult Learners--education and Training: Boundaries of adult learning. 2. The learning society.

Dorothy MacKeracher – 2004. Making Sense of Adult Learning

Katie Head, Pauline Taylor