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Page 1: Vitamin C and Lead Poisoning

Vitamin C and Lead Poisoning

Learn if vitamin C can truly help with lead poisoning!!

Click on the link below for a free guide to avoiding

overpriced and dangerous supplements!!

Page 2: Vitamin C and Lead Poisoning

Lead poisoning can be a major problem for someone and vitamin C can be of help.

As you might be able to guess lead poisoning comes from well lead. Can you guess

what the largest source someone may get this poison from?

Older houses are the primary culprit when it comes to this health problem. If you

see paint peeling off of a house than that is a warning sign that there could be

contaminations with this metal.

Lead poisoning is also a danger to blue collar workers in some industries. OSHA

for example has estimated that nearly 3 million people in the U.S. are exposed to

this metal.

Sure we like to believe that we have a very strong immune system and lead will

not do us much harm but the truth is that even a little bit of this metal can be

very damaging. To start with it can increase blood pressure which we all know

raises the risk of heart disease and strokes.

This health condition may hurt someone’s ability to concentrate, lower sperm

count, create seizures, contribute to hearing loss, weaken bones and much much


Hey, I told you this stuff was nasty. What is even sadder is that children are at a

greater risk than adults. Children in developing nations are at a much higher risk

for instance there have been estimates that children in Mexico are around 14

times more likely to get this health problem than Americans.

Maybe it’s because a lot of companies outsource battery manufacturing to third

world countries and that is where most of the world’s lead goes.

One of the most challenging aspects of this health condition is that someone can

be getting exposure to it and receiving the damage and not even know it. The

symptoms include vomiting, weight loss, constipation, headaches, having trouble

concentrating and stomach pains.

These are common health challenges that can go under the radar. The best way

to know if someone is getting too much exposer to lead would be a urine and

blood test.

Page 3: Vitamin C and Lead Poisoning

So we all know that too much lead is very bad, so how do we remove it from

someone? One idea would be to consume more of vitamin C which comes from

oranges and may improve the immune system.

One of the ways that vitamin C is helpful is because it helps the body absorb more

Iron. Now you may already know that iron is an important nutrient because it

helps carry oxygen to cells but it also removes lead.

Another way that vitamin C may be of help is because it has something called

chelate which is a metal binding property that helps remove the lead.

In one study with 19,000 people it was found that people who were at the top

third of vitamin C intake had nearly a 90% chance of not having high lead levels in

their system. Yea that is fairly incredible isn’t it?

As you already know one way someone can get vitamin C is by eating oranges and

drinking orange juice. Another way would be to take a daily multi-vitamin or


Not all multi-vitamins and supplements are equal and some can even do you

more harm than good. In the last 4 years over 200 supplement brands have

actually been recalled for being too dangerous. Again they were already on store

shelves when they were recalled.

To better protect yourself and your loved ones there is a free report that can

show you what to look for in a supplement brand so you not only get the best

deal but get one that is safe. To view this free report click on free report.

Page 4: Vitamin C and Lead Poisoning

Click on the link below for a free guide to avoiding

overpriced and dangerous supplements!!