Download - Visual - Evaluation

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FMP EvaluationYour name

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Production Process Evaluation

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Research• I think overall my research went pretty well because I knew what I was doing straight away.

Therefore it was easy for me to choose the features that are going to be on the front cover and on the double page spread. I looked at Pokémon magazines for a start because that’s the topic I wanted to do my magazine on and chose three out of many and described why they are good. This then inspired me to make something similar to those front covers and it went pretty well in the end.

• Because of Pokémon Go releasing the second generation of Pokémon recently, I decided to talk about that and the TV series as well as the recent Pokémon Nintendo game Sun and Moon. They were the main subjects I wanted to talk about and write about on the double page spread.

• Overall the research helped me because it gave me a basis to start from. • There wasn’t any weaknesses with my research because I knew what I was doing right from

the start. And there isn’t anything to improve on that I could think about.

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Planning• I think overall my planning went well. I chose 3 potential ideas and started to expand on

them all. I then decided which one was the final idea and was going to do my magazine on. The mind mapping helped me decide which idea to go for in the end.

• When planning the front cover and double page spread I had to decide (on Photoshop) which colours I was going to have in the background as the colours are important for the topic I’m doing my magazine on. In the end I chose the colours from the logo and went on from there.

• The weaknesses of my planning was the decisions on where to put things on the front cover and the double page. Also deciding on the colours was difficult as my topic surrounds all the colours.

• If I was to improve my work it would be to maybe look at some background images instead of using colours and maybe have a background on my front cover.

• This might have a good effect on my product.

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Time Management• I think I managed my time well. I finished all the PowerPoints and tasks on time and in-time

for all the deadlines. I completed everything on-time which was good, despite having a lot of work to do. However if I had extra time I could maybe have done an extra double page to gain extra marks because then there’s more to talk about and more to show about on my topic.

• I would have looked at some background mages instead of Having colours in the background if I had more time. However there isn’t anything else I would do if I had extra time other than doing an extra double page spread or checking for mistakes.

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Technical Qualities

The similarities on both magazine front covers are that they both have the logo, similar colours, and a similar concept. The colours are similar because colours used from the logo are used as a background. They both include Pokémon and information about games. Both include the names of the games / TV shows.The differences however are quite simple, the images are positioned differently as well as the text. Basically the positioning on both front covers are different. The second front cover doesn't have a lot on it however my own made front cover has every part covered whether it’s a picture or text.

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Technical Qualities

Both double page spreads are different and simialr in their own way. My own double page is on the left and the other from another magazine is on the right. The main differences between them both are that the backgrounds are different and the colours schemes are different. There’s a similar amount of images in both double page spreads and both have similar layouts with lots of text and pictures. The positioning of both spreads are a bit different because on the second half of the double page just has a picture / poster of a Pokemon movie.

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Aesthetic Qualities• Overall, I think that my work looks pretty good because

it looks like a proper magazine with all the aspects included that are needed. I made it creative by making my background from scratch by getting each individual picture for the outline and getting rid of their backgrounds to make them transparent. I did that so I could choose any colour I wanted for my outline colour.

• The parts that I like about my product is the outline on the front cover and the colours that I’ve chosen for both the front cover and the double page. The colour scheme as well is good for a topic that surrounds all colours known.

• The strengths of my product are the colour schemes used and I think that the colours from the logo help make the magazine front cover and double page spread look good. Another strength would be the pictures because they are all decent and fit well with the colour scheme.

• Weaknesses could be the background colours and I maybe could include a proper background image to make it look better, however I couldn’t find a decent enough picture for the main background.

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Audience Appeal• I think I appealed to my target audience because I kept my magazine front cover and double

page available for ages above 7 able to view and look at. I included decent enough colour schemes and pictures so people of a young age can understand what it all means. I set my target audience age range to be above 7 because that’s the age certificate of Pokémon TV shows and for the games so I put my magazine as the exact same so there’s no difference with my magazine compared to the games and TV series.

• The specific parts of my magazine that would appeal to my target audience would be mainly the pictures that I’ve used because then people know what the text is talking about.

• My magazine front cover and double page would be suitable and appeal to the psychographic Belonger because it covers all platforms. Belonger is a psychographic that involves family and time to have fun and the topic that my magazine’s about involves having fun and being able to involve family members.

• And my magazine will suit majority of the social status’ because the topic I’m doing it on is popular and most people know what it is.

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Peer Feedback

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Feedback 1

• What did you like about the product?– I like the outline / border line. I like the content it is

really good. I like the layout of it all.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– Some of the images overlap, some parts overlap

important parts of the magazine.

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Feedback 2

• What did you like about the product?– I like it and like the border on the outside. The pictures are good and fill up the

gaps. There’s a lot of text which is good for a double page in a magazine.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– Put paragraph of text in columns.

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Feedback 3• What did you like about the product?

– The product is very visually appealing to the audience, from a first glance you know what it is about and this is good as it will stand out to the reader. It fits the Pokémon brand very well. On the double page spread you have a good article that will get the audience interested and hook them into the other pieces. The titles help to illustrate what is going on.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?• On the double page spread the image could be downsized so that it

does not come over the border. At the bottom of the front cover, the text could be a different colour in order to stand out.

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Peer Feedback Summary

• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?– Yes, I do agree with the feedback I’ve been given. The improvements that need to made are

reasonable and need to be changed to make the readers / viewers happy.

• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?– I don’t disagree with any of the feedback.

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Peer Feedback SummaryFrom the improvements that were mentioned in the feedback, I would change everything that was asked by the people who gave feedback and see if it made a difference to my front cover or / and my double page spread. Because I want to improve the mistakes I have made, getting some improvement comments helps me progress further when making other stuff for other projects.