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Vision Wall (Game Design Document) For Sony PlayStation ® GAMING SYSTEM (MULIT- FUNCTION CONTROLS)

Bobbie E. Emerald Way (Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved)“Vision Wall” is an Advance Christian Video Game that was given by the inspiration of God for the purpose of instructing the saints and children of God through the illustration of the five (5) fold ministry about stewardship. This game was created to teach both the non-believer(s) (Gentile(s)) and all believer(s) (Jews according to the Divine will of God that trust, believe and have faith in Christ Jesus the Son of God who gave his life as a ransom for many through the redemption of the cross) about the responsibility and role of leadership within the five (5) fold ministry.


This game entitled “Vision Wall” was designed to teach the player(s) about the responsibility that comes with accepting the calling of God in their lives. The player of the game must start the game with the title or name referred to as “Servant” of the Lord Jesus Christ. The player also must strive to be faithful according to the calling of his purpose in the things that God has called him to do which is to occupy the land and protect (safe guard) the vision stones (bricks) that are erected and established through out the land, because upon them are


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inscribed the precious promises of God. The player that has successfully completed each assignment will be able to advance to a higher lever (next level) and shall be recompensed (rewarded) by the Lord God for his faithfulness to the work of God. After the player has accepted the new assignment, promotion and new title (name) from the Lord God who has called him to do the work of Christ within the five-fold (5) ministry the previous title (name) that was upon his garment and clothing will change (disappear) and the new title (name) will appear upon his garment (clothing).


The player has been given a charge to protect and safeguard the vision walls and the vision (promise) stones (bricks) that are within the land, because they are inscribed with the precious word of God and he must also sanctify and cleanse the temple of God and defend the land that the Lord God has entrusted into his care by overcoming all adversaries. The player must subdue and overcome his enemies; that are the “Bandits”, the “Rammers”, the “Night Flyers” and the “Tares” which are the creatures of darkness, because they will seek to subdue (kill) him and also attempt to destroy the work of God (walls of promise). The player must lay and set the Chief corner stone which represents the Lord Jesus Christ and all the Foundation stones; which represent the Apostle of Christ within the midst (center) of the sun that the word of the Lord and foundation of God may be established in the 2nd heaven and also within the earthly realm. The player must press the “Square” button on the game controller in conjunction with the “L1”, “L2”, “L1and L2” buttons in order to harness and use the power of the “Star of David” which is empowered by faith to “Restore and remove the decay and mold from the vision stones (bricks)”, “Bond and Seal any loose material (stones) together and repair the breaches that are considered to be the cracks within the vision walls, column and pillars stones that are erected through out the land of promise that has been compromised” and “Restore and remove the decay and mold that may be upon the walls within the promise house (Temple of God)”.

Numbers of PlaysThe game entitle “Vision Wall” has seven (7) levels that must be mastered by the player. Therefore, the player does not have a specified number of characters in this game that may be used during game play. However, if the player is killed at any point of the game; then his character will by default reset back to the last check point that was successfully achieved. Now, the default function will also allow the player to prevent the loss of progress in the game; because it automatically saves their the last known position and progress by way of these check points should game play temporarily be interrupted or should the player have to temporarily end the gamming session for any reason. Therefore, the player can restart game play at the last known check point and continue game


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play at the last check point that was previous stored in memory and saved.


Now, if the player is killed at any point during game play then his character will by default reset back to the last check point and level that was successfully completed. The player of the game can also select a “New Game”; if they want to increase their previous score points (game score). Now, if a new game is desired the new player “Prompt” (Message) will appear within the screen display and disappear when a new game has been selected.

The “Start” button on the game controller must be pressed to start a new game.

Health Meter

* The “Health Meter” will incorporate both slow regeneration and also instant- effect healing by way of a miracle through the power of the Spirit of God that does rest upon the Altar of God after the player has placed his hands upon the horns of the altar.

Now, the player can also press the “R1” and “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to “place his hands upon the Horns of the Altar” within the temple of God that he may obtain mercy from the Lord God (Holy Spirit) who will heal him from his injuries (wounds).

Foundation stone(s)

The “Foundation Stones” are the doctrine and works of the Apostle of Christ That must be laid within the sun.

Level 1........... Chief Corner Stone .....................................30000 pointsLevel 2........... Peter and Andrew .......................................5000 pointsLevel 3........... James and Philip......................................... 5000 pointsLevel 4........... John and Thomas........................................ 5000 pointsLevel 5........... Bartholomew and Simon............................. 5000 pointsLevel 6........... Matthew and Judas...................................... 5000 pointsLevel 7........... James and Matthias .................................... 5000 points



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All foundation stones must be set in the following order:

(Preprogrammed) Function

The player must be ordained and promoted by God and endued power of the Holy Ghost which is the Spirit of the Lord for the new job assignment before he can advance to the next level. After the player has successfully completed any level in the game a preprogrammed message will prompted on the screen display. You (the player) have been faithful to the work of the Lord in this level and your labor is accepted as a memorial before the Lord God. Therefore, God has ordained your promotion. Will you accept this promotion? Press the “Start” Button to accept the promotion and continue. Now, after the player accepted the new calling (Job description) they shall be promoted by God and shall receive a new title (name) will appear upon their clothing (garment). In addition, “Bonus” points will be awarded to the player for each level that they have successfully completed.


After the player accepted the new calling (Job description) they shall be promoted of God and a new title (name) will appear upon their shirt (garment). The player that has accepts the promotion of God will have a new title (name) As well as job description signifying his new position within the five fold ministry.

Levels of Promotion (Bonus)

Level 1...................... Servant ...................................................... 500 pointsLevel 2...................... Teacher ...................................................... 1000 pointsLevel 3...................... Evangelist ................................................. 2000 pointsLevel 4...................... Prophet ..................................................... 3000 pointsLevel 5...................... Pastor ..................................................... 5000 pointsLevel 6...................... Bishop ...................................................... 7000 pointsLevel 7...................... Apostle ...................................................... 10000 points

Restoration of the vision walls stone(s)

Restoring The Promise House Walls ................... 2500 pointsRestoring Vision Walls (blocks) ....................... 350 pointsRepairing Breaches ................................... 500 pointsRestoring Sectional Pillars .................................. 750 pointsRestoring Door Post .................................... 350 pointsRetrieving Water of Life ................................... 1500 pointsCapturing Star of David .................................. 2000 points


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The Vision Walls

The “Vision Walls” are walls that have inscribed upon them the promises of God and these promises are given to the people of God in the earth. The player of the game must protected and safeguarded the vision walls along with the stones of promise by subduing and overcoming the creatures of darkness who will attempt to destroy the work of God by devouring the stone of promise which are the vision walls and stones that are erected and established through out the land of promise. The player must protect (safeguard) the “Promise House” which is also called the temple of God, the Vision stones (bricks), Pillars stones and Column stones because they were built and established as memorials within the land.

The Promise House

The player may temporarily store (hold) any stone such as the Chief corner stone which represents the Lord Jesus Christ and any foundation stones which represent the twelve (12) Apostles of Christ within the “Promise House” if he is (was) not able to establish and set (place) the foundation stones within the sun during the day time (light) hours. The “Promise House” is also called the temple of God. The player must press the “L3” button on the game controller in order to be able to “Sanctify (cleanse) and anoint the temple of God and the temple items such as the altar of God, the pillars stones, column stones as well as the door post of the temple”. When the “L3” button is pressed by the player he will be able to approach the altar of God and anoint it with oil that was taken from the Armory’s vault. The player must use the anointing oil to sanctify the temple if any of the creatures of darkness have entered it. The player must subdue and removed the creature(s) of darkness and cleanse (sanctify) the temple walls from any decay and also must seal the breaches that may be found in the temple.


The player must press the “L3” button in order to use the “Anointing Oil” that he has retrieved from the Armory’s vault to touch the items within the Temple of God that God has shined the light upon. When the “L3” button is pressed the player will appear to be using the Anointing Oil” to anoint and sanctify (cleanse) the things within the “Promise House” (Temple of God). The player can use the Left/Right “Arrow” buttons on the game controller to move to the place where the light of God is shining upon the things of the temple.

Inner Chamber (Holy of Holies)

The player may also be able fellowship and sup with the Lord God in the temple within the “Most Sacred Place” (Holy of Holies), if the “Spirit of the Anointing” (Holy Spirit) descends (falls) upon him after he has performed the service of the


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temple. The player will be allowed to pass through the “Curtains” that separates the main temple from the inner chamber, which is known as the “Holy of Holies” (Most Sacred Place) to fellowship and sup with the Lord God, after he received this “Message” (prompt) which has been written by the finger of God within the screen display: “The Table of the Lord is Prepared”.

Now, after the player entered the most scared place the number counter will start the count down from Twenty-Four (24) seconds until it reaches the number zero (0), which shall signify the amount of time with each second representing the hour within a entire day (24) hour period that any individual (person) can have devotion with the Lord God in fellowship, supplication and in prayer within their “Most Sacred Place”.


However, in this game no picture (image) of the inner chamber will be displayed or seen by the player(s) of the game who has been granted the grace to pass through the “Curtain Veil” and enter the “Holy of Holies which is also referred to and known as the “Most Sacred Place”. Why? Because we (Game Developers) believe that each person (individual) has the God given right to have their own private meeting with God in secret. Now, after the player that has been summoned to the inner chamber he shall receive a fresh anointing by the Lord for the work of the ministry.


If any of the creatures of darkness attempt to draw nigh (near) unto the entrance where there is a “Curtain veil” that separates the temple from the inner chamber, they will be confronted by an Angel of God which shall appear within the temple before the entrance of the “Holy of Holies” (Most Sacred Place).The Angel of God that is assigned to the temple to prevent the creatures of darkness from entering into the “Most Sacred Place” will appear with sword drawn before the “Curtain Vail” shall subdue and destroy any unclean creature (beast) that may attempt to pass through to the “Inner Chamber” (Holy of Holies).The creature(s) of darkness shall flee and escape out of the temple from the presence of the Angel of the Lord that has appears before the entrance of the moat sacred place with his sword in his hand. Moreover, However, If any member(s) considered to be in the family creature of darkness attempts to enter the “Curtain Veil” which separates the main temple from the “Inner Chamber” (Holy of Holies or Most Sacred Place) it (they) will be destroyed.

The Temple of God “Outer Chamber”

The player must press the “L3” button on the game controller in order to be able to “Sanctify, Cleanse and Anoint the Temple of God and all the temple items such as the Altar of God, the Pillars stones, the Column stones as well as the


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Door post of the temple” which are items that are located in the “Outer Chamber”. The temple items that are lit ten by the light of God must be cleansed by theplayer who must use the “Anointing Oil” that must be retrieved from the armory’s vault to cleanse the items that were selected for sanctification by the Spirit of the Anointing who’s Spirit does rest upon the altar. The player must press the “L3” button on the game controller in order to be able to retrieve the “Anointing Oil” from the Armory’s vault and use it to perform the service of the temple; which is to “Sanctify and Cleanse” the “Things” (Objects or Items) within the temple of God that have need to be cleansed after he received this message (prompt), which shall appear to have been written by the finger of God within the screen display: “Sanctify and Cleanse the Temple”.

Clothes and Shoes (Protective Suit)

The player of the game has been given a special suit (clothing) and shoes from God which will shield and protect his body and feet from any fall out debris produced when the Ultra Violet Light and Particles exploded. The player can enter the promise house and retrieve the “Anointing Oil” which is also referred to as the “Oil of Gladness” and anoint his “Forehead” (himself) to receive a “Fresh Anointing” and “Deliverance” (sound mind) through the Spirit of God, and he shall also have his “Raiment’s (garments and shoes) cleansed” by fire of God, which shall remove any traces of "Metallic Powder (Dust)" that may be presently upon them when the “L3” button is pressed on the game controller.


The player must seek to avoid walking across the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” that he has sprinkled and released (cast) upon the surface of the ground. Because, if any the player should himself inadvertently come into contact with it (Metallic Powder (Dust)) in anyway the presences of “Beryllium” will be found upon his raiment’s (garments), detected by the sensor and shall deploy the “Umbrella Popper” or may also adhere to the bottom of his shoes if the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” has been stirred.

Protective gloves

The “Protective Gloves” must be retrieved from the Armory’s vault by the player of the game and can be stored within the duffle bag for future use, until they are need to remove dark stone from the well of Jacob. The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” button on the game controller; which will “allow him to put on, use and handle (retrieve) or take hold of the dark stones without being defiled (spotted) by them in order to remove them from the well of Jacob.


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The Water of Life (Healing Waters)

The “Well of Jacob” is located in the midst of the land of promise and it was established by God as a fountain that will allow the player to receive healing from any sickness or disease after he has retrieved the water which possesses these healing attributes. The player must retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob; which are also referred to as the "Waters of Life" to counteract the effects of the poison that was injected into his blood stream as a result of being bitten by his adversaries and enemies known the creatures of darkness within the game.

The Altar of God

The “Altar of God” is located within the “Promise House” (Temple of God) which is located in the midst of the land of promise. The player must entered through the door of the promise house and will be able to approach to the “Altar of God” to touch it with the power bands, which will allow him to have his power bands recharged and also enable him to replenish the “Power” (light source) within the core of the “Star of David” if it has been diminished (faded) after he has touch the “Altar of God”. The player must press the “R1” and “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to touch the “Altar of God” with the power bands which will allow him to recharge his power bands and also enable him to replenish the “Power” (light source) within the core of the “Star of David”; if it has been diminished (faded) after he has touch the “Altar of God”. In addition, the player can also press the “R1” and “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to “place his hands upon the Horns of the Altar” within the temple of God that he may obtain mercy from the Lord God (Holy Spirit) who will heal him from his injuries (wounds). Furthermore, now if the player is able to ensnare and catch his adversary within the energy net he can absorb his enemies “power” (life force) and this negative energy will be converted into positive energy and transferred back to the power bands through the “Coils” (multiple strand of energy) allowing the bands to receive an additional energy charge. In addition, if the player is injured he can place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” if he desires to obtain mercy from the Lord God in order to be healed from his wounds and from the poison within his body. The player may also be able to receive healing from the Lord God, if he has been bitten by more than one of his adversaries; which are the creatures of darkness, if he is able to retrieve the “Waters of Life” which are within the well of Jacob.

Now, the player can receive healing in (2) two ways if he has multiple bites from any one of the creatures of darkness within the game and they are by either retrieving the “healing waters” (Waters of Life) from the well of Jacob or by placing his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple of God that he may seek to obtain mercy from the Lord God. However, if the player does not receive healing from the wounds inflicted by his adversary the poison will affect his body by causing him to experience "Paralysis"; which shall render him


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motionless and leave him defenseless against the attacks of his enemies. Now, the “Final stage” of the poison affecting the player’s body will cause him to lose consciousness and forfeit his life. Therefore, the player must attempt to retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob in order to counteract the effects of the poison. Now, if the player fails to either retrieve the "healing waters" (Waters of Life) from the well of Jacob and/or does not enter the "Promise House" (Temple of God), and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” that is located inside the temple within a timely manner to receive healing he shall lose consciousness and shall forfeit his life. Now, after the player has placed his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” the power of God (energy) will flows and the Spirit; which rest upon the altar of God shall cause the poison that is within his body to dry up allowing him to be healed. Furthermore, the player can also enter the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and ascends unto the “Altar of God” if he has a need to recharge his power bands. Now, the “Anointing of God” (Holy Spirit) which is the presence of the Lord that dwells within the temple who Spirit does rest upon the altar shall transfer the power (energy) of God to the power bands (weapons) causing them to be recharged when the player touches the altar of God with the power bands. Moreover, after the power bands have been recharged the player can continue to use them as an offensive weapon against his adversaries and enemies to subdue (overcome) them which have come to destroy the vision (promise) stones (bricks) that are inscribed with the promises of God and spoil the land of promise.


The player must press the “R1” and “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to touch the “Altar of God” with the power bands which will allow him to recharge his power bands and also enable him to replenish the “Power” (light source) within the core of the “Star of David” if it has been diminished (faded) after he has touch the “Altar of God”. In addition, the player can also press the “R1” and “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple of God that he may obtain mercy from the Lord God (Holy Spirit) who will heal him from his injuries (wounds). Now, after the player has placed his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” the “Power of God” (energy) will flows through the Spirit and heal him by removing the poison that is within his body allowing him to be healed from his injuries (wounds).

Preprogrammed function:

When the player has approached the altar of God the computer program will determine (designate) where the placement of the player hands will be on the altar after the player has approached the “Altar of God” when the “R1” and “L1” buttons is pressed on the game controller”. The computer program will predetermine by examining the circumstances whether the player has come


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into the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and has attempted to touch the “Altar of God”, because he has need to recharge his power bands or if he is seeking to obtain mercy from the Lord God and desires to place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” because he is in need of healing.

The Altar of God is “Holy and Sacred”

The “Altar of God” which resides within the “Promise House” (Temple of God) is considered to be a “Holy” and “Sacred” area, because the presence of the Lord’s and his Holy Spirit which is also called the “Anointing of God” does rest upon the altar that is located within the “Promise House” (Temple of God) at all times.If any of the creatures of darkness are able to gain access or entry into the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and attempt to touch the Altar of God it (The creature of God) shall be killed by the Lord of the temple, because the Altar of God cannot be touched by any unholy creature. Therefore, if any creature of darkness should attempt to touch the “Altar of God” a bolt of lightning shall come from heaven and killed (destroyed) it (the creature), because they have tempted Lord God by trying to violate the Altar of God which is consideredto be “Holy” and “Sacred”.

Addition Item(s)

The Duffle Bag

The player will be able to retrieve the “Duffle Bag” from the Armory’s vault which will allow him to safely store additional weapons and/or items (objects) within (inside) the duffle bag and these objects can be used by him to subdue and overcome his adversaries (enemies), as he travels and moves through out the vision area during game play. The “R2” button is dual function button that will enable the player to “open or close the duffle bag” and this function will also allow him to view (see) the content within the duffle bag by way of a viewer window which shall appear when the duffle bag is open. When the “R2” button is pressed the Armory’s vault will be opened and a message will prompt the player to press the (Up) “Arrow” button in order to “Retrieve” a weapon or item (object) from the Duffle bag or to press the (Down) “Arrow” button in order to “Return” a weapon or item (object) back to the duffle Bag. The player must press the “R3” button on the game controller which will enable him to “Secure his duffle bag over his shoulders and back and also enable him to retrieve the duffle bag from off his shoulder and back when a weapon is desired. The player can press the “R3” button; which will allow him to carry the duffle bag on his back as he travels through out the region which will also allow him to have both hands free in order to be able to use (employ), distribute and set-up any offensive and defensive weapons and/or items within the immediate area (vicinity) and through out the land of promise.


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The player can also use the duffle bag to store and transport (carry) the Chief Corner stone and any of the Foundation stone which represent the Apostle of Christ when attempt the set (lay) them within the midst (center) of the sun (sphere). When the “Square” is pressed simultaneously with the “L1” button on the game controller the player will be able to “Grab (take hold of) and/or Release” the "Chief corner stone" and any of the "Foundation stone(s)”; which represent the Apostle of Christ that may be within his possession (the duffle bag or within his hands), and allow them to be placed either in the “Promise House” (Temple of God), or placed permanently within the midst (center) of the sun that the foundation of God may be established in the earth.


The player must close the duffle bag to prevent any weapons and /or items from falling out of the bag when traveling through out the land. if the player loses any weapons and/or any items (objects), as a result of traveling with the duffle bag open he must seek to recover the objects before they are stolen by his adversaries. The creatures of darkness will attempt to steal the player's duffle bag if he has not retrieved it from the Armory's vault and the vault is left open. Moreover, these creatures will retrieve (steal) and hide any weapons and/or items (objects) that has fallen out of the duffle bag away from the player to prevent him from using or deploying that weapon against them or any members of their family within the land of promise.

Consecrated Ashes

The player can use the "Consecrated Ashes" that were taken from the altar of God and placed within the ram’s horn to “destroy” (dissolve) the dark stones that were created by the creature known as the “Bandit”; which are used to pollute (taint) and make bitter the “Waters of Life” that are within the well of Jacob.The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L2” button on the game controller in order to be able “remove the dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob” and this function button will also enable him to “sprinkle the consecrated ashes within the rams horn upon the dark stones to dissolve (destroy) them”; which were cast into the well to “taint” (pollute) the healing waters and make them bitter (unclean).

The Ram's Horn

The player must retrieve the “Ram's Horn” that is placed within the Armor's vault which contains the “Consecrated Ashes” that are used to “dissolve” (destroy) the foundational dark stones, which are created by the creatures of darkness.


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The Ram’s Horn does not have to be refilled by the player who can transport and carry it within the duffle bag, until he is ready to use the ashes to destroy (dissolve) the dark stones that are created by the creatures of darkness known as the “Bandits”.

Anointing Oil

The player must use the “Anointing Oil” to sanctify and cleanse the temple after he received this message (prompt) which has been written by the finger of God that shall appear within the screen display: “Sanctify and Cleanse the Temple”.The player can retrieve the anointing oil from the Armory’s vault to cleanse and sanctify the “Things” (Objects and Items) within the temple of God (Promise House) that is lit ten by the light of God, such as the Altar of God, the Pillars stones, the Column stones and the Door post of the Temple. Now, after the player has use the “Anointing Oil” to anoint his “forehead” (himself), he can choose to either return the “Anointing Oil” back into the Armory’s vault for safe keeping or place it within (inside) his duffle bag for future use to anoint his “forehead” (himself) again to receive deliverance, if he has received another wound and has been bitten by a single attacker within the screen display. Moreover, if any the player should himself inadvertently come into contact with it (Metallic Powder (Dust)) in anyway the presences of “Beryllium” may also be found and detected upon his raiment’s (garments) by the sensor of the “Umbrella Popper” and adhere to the bottom of his shoes if the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” has been stirred. The player must press the “L3” button on the game controller in order to be able to retrieve the “Anointing Oil” from the Armory’s vault and use it to perform the service of the temple which is to “Sanctify and Cleanse” the “Things” (Objects or Items) within the temple of God that have need to be cleansed after he received this message (prompt), which shall appear to have been written by the finger of God within the screen display: “Sanctify and Cleanse the Temple”.

In addition, the player can also press the “L3” button on the game controller in order to be able to “retrieve and use the anointing oil that is within the armory’s vault to anoint his forehead (himself)” by faith to receive a fresh anointing and “deliverance” (healing of the mind) through the Spirit of God; which shall descend (fall) upon him and restore unto him a sound mind and he will also have his “raiment’s” (garments and shoes) cleansed from any traces of "Metallic Powder (Dust)" that may be presently upon them.


The player must press the “L3” button in order to use the “Anointing Oil” that he has retrieved from the Armory’s vault to touch the items within the Temple of God that God has shined a light upon. When the “L3” button is pressed the player will appear to be using the “Anointing Oil” to sanctify, cleanse and anoint the things within the “Temple of God” (Promise House) to restore them back to there former


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Condition (Glory).

The Armory Vault

The player of the game will be allowed to retrieve weapons from the “Armor’s Vault” which will enable him to subdue, defeat and overcome the creatures of darkness that have come into the land to devour the stone of promise. The player of the game must retrieved these weapons out of the Armory’s vault which is located within the “Promise House” (Temple of God). The weapons that may be retrieved from the Armory’s vault are “Illumination Grenades”, “Whistle Blowers”, “Umbrella Poppers”, “Fire rocks (stones)”, “Protective Gloves”, and the “Ram’s Horn which contains the Consecrated Ashes” that are used to “dissolve” (destroy) the dark stones and metallic dust which is a powder that can be used by the player to track the foot prints of his enemies in order to subdue (destroy) and overcome them. These offensive and defensive weapons (devices) may be retrieved by the player during game play and can use against his enemies or used to destroy the works of his adversary as well as deployed by him through out the land of promise. The player may use these weapons to track the movement of his enemies as they move through out the land of promise and they can also be used to alert (warn) him if his adversaries are advancing upon a certain location or if they have come within close the proximity of a specific area. In addition, the defensive weapons that are taken from the Armory’s vault can be used to help the player avoid being ambush by his enemies and some weapons, such as the “Fire Rocks (stones)” may be used as bait to lure, catch and trap his adversary in order to overcome and subdue (destroy) them.


The weapons and items that are available within the Armory’s vault are the “Illumination Grenades”, “Whistle Blowers”, “Umbrella Poppers”, “Duffle Bag”,Fire rocks (stones), “Protective Gloves, The “Ram’s Horn which contains the Consecrated Ashes”, “Anointing Oil” and “Metallic (Dust) which is a powder” that can be used by the player to track the foot prints of his enemies. These weapons and items (objects) may be retrieved by the player during game play as well as stored and transported within the duffle bag for future use.

Armory Vault Content

1. Protective Gloves2. Umbrella Popper3. Whistle Blower4. Fire Rocks (stones)5. Metallic Powder (Dust)6. Illumination Grenades


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7. Duffle Bag8. Anointing Oil9. The Ram's Horn with Consecrated AshesOpening the Armory’s Vault

The player must press the “R1” button on the game controller in order to be able to open and close the Armory’s vault and this function will also allow him to view (see) the content within the Armory’s vault by way of a viewer window that shall also appear within the screen display when the Armory's vault is open.When the “R1” button is pressed the Armory’s vault will be opened and a message will prompt the player to press the (Up) “Arrow” button in order to “Retrieve” a weapon or item (object) from the vault or to press the (Down) “Arrow” button in order to “return” a weapon or item (object) back to the Armory’s vault. However, if no action is performed by the player within (15) seconds of the Armory’s vault being opened the Armory’s vault will automatically close and must be re-opened by him if any weapons or items are desired. The player may be able access the armory's vault through out all levels of the game. However, the player will only be able to retrieve the maximum number of item(s) or weapon(s) allotted for each level from the Armory's vault during game play.


The player of the game will be granted access into the promise house after the "Key of Life" is retrieved in the game. However, after the player enters the promise house he can gain access to the Armory's vault by pressing the “R1” button on the game controller which will allow him to open and close the Armory’s vault. When the player has reached level Four (4) he can retrieve an unlimited number of weapons and items (objects) from the Armory's vault.

Optional Function:

The player must press the “R1” button on the game controller in order to be able to open and close the Armory’s vault and this function will also allow him to view (see) the content within the Armory’s vault by way of a viewer window that shall also appear within the screen display when the Armory's vault is open.When the “R1” button is pressed the Armory’s vault will be opened and a message will prompt the player to press the (Up) “Arrow” button in order to “Retrieve” a weapon or item (object) from the vault or to press the (Down) “Arrow” button in order to “return” a weapon or item (object) back to the Armory’s vault. However, if no action is performed by the player within (15) seconds of the Armory’s vault being opened the Armory’s vault will automatically close and must be re-opened by him if any weapons or items are desired.

Remote Control Alarm (device)


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The “Remote Control Alarm (device)” will allow the player to “Arm” (Activate) or “Disarm” (Deactivate) the “Whistle Blower” and the “Umbrella Popper” from a safe distance when coming into close proximity of them before the devices are accidentally deployed. The player can press the “R1” and “R2” buttons in order to be able to use the remote control alarm (device) to Arm (Activate) or Disarm (Deactivate) the “Whistle Blower” and the “Umbrella Popper”.

Umbrella Poppers

The “Umbrella Popper” is a device that has a built in sensor that can detect the presence of “Beryllium” which is an alkaline earth metal and is one of the chiefComponent’s found within the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” used by the player of the game to track the footprints of his adversaries and their movement through out the land of promise and vision area. When the “Metallic Power (Dust)” is released (dropped) upon the surface of the ground and is walked upon it will harden and appear as “Metallic Foot Prints” embedded in earth. Furthermore, if the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” should becomes stirred as a result of his enemies movement across the land” the traces of “Beryllium” may also adhere (attach) to the bodies and feet of his adversaries. After the “Umbrella Poppers” are distributed and set-up they must be armed (activated) by the player of the game before they can be used us defensive weapons. Now, if the sensor detects any traces of “Beryllium” the device known as the “Umbrella Popper” will be deployed. When the “Umbrella Popper” is deployed it can release a projectile into the air that will open up like an umbrella and descend to the earth” to alert the player when the presence of “Beryllium” has been detected where ever the device was set up and distributed. The player can distribute (set-up) and arm (activate) these devices known as “Umbrella Poppers” anywhere within the land of promise and through out the vision area at any time during game play. However, the player must press the “R1” and “R2” buttons in order to be able to “Arm” (Activate) or “Disarm” (Deactivate) the “Umbrella Popper”.


The player must remember to “Disarm” (Deactivate) the devices “Umbrella Poppers” when coming into close proximity of them, if he himself has also walked across the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” in order to not have the device deployed and deplete (use-up) his arsenal of weapons.


If the player does not remember to press the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller to “Disarm” (Deactivate) the devices “Umbrella Poppers” when in close proximity of them, then he may deployed the devices if he himself has also walked across “Metallic Powder (Dust)”.


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Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to remove the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” away from the surface area that they may prevent the player from having the ability to track them. Example:

The creature known as the “Night Flyer” will try to using its wings to remove the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” from the surface of the earth and the creature known as the “Bandit” will also attempt to blow the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” away by releasing powerful breadth (winds) that can be used to cause it to disappear from the surface of the ground. However, the “Tares” are the only members within the family of all the creatures of darkness that are able to release and secreted a residue from their mouth that can be used to dissolve the metallic powder (dust) from the surface of the earth (ground) that it may not be used by the player to track them, or alert the player to their location (movement). However, if the “Metallic Powder (Dust)” is allow to remain upon the surface it can be use by the player to track his enemies that he may subdue and destroy them which have come to spoil the land of promise. The player can press the “R1” and “R2” buttons in order to be able to use the remote control alarm (device) to “Arm” (Activate) or “Disarm” (Deactivate) the “Umbrella Popper”.

Illumination Grenades

The player can use “Illumination Grenades” in the vision area as offensive weapons and they can be used also as defensive counter measures, because they can produce an explosion of bright light that can temporarily blind the eyes of his enemies. The explosion that is created by the Illumination grenades will Illuminate and light up the night sky for several minutes allowing the player to go on the defensive in order subdue and overcome adversary who are advancing on his position or that have moving toward a specific location or area. The player may also use and deploy the Illumination grenade to view at night see (view) and inspect the areas within the land of promise that have been compromised, and also to find out what areas are being overrun by the creatures of darkness; who have come to destroy the vision walls (bricks) and spoil the land.


The player must use these “Illumination Grenades” only during nightfall as counter measures, because they will enable him to safe guard the surrounding area as well as protect and maintain the vision walls are under his charge (care).

Whistle Blower


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The “Whistle Blowers” are defensive devices (weapons) that will release and send a “Flare of Bright Lights into the atmosphere (night sky)” to alert the player when a sensor has detected movement and/or motion within the vicinity where the “Whistle Blower(s)” were set up and deployed. The player can used these devices “Whistle Blowers” at any time during game play. However, they are more effective at night because they will release “Flares of Bright Lights into the atmosphere (night sky)” which can be used to alert the player of enemy movement” wherever the devices are distributed (set up) and “Armed” (Activated) through out the land of promise especially, if he has placed them within close the proximity the Temple. The “Whistle Blower” is a device that has a built in sensor which can detect movement (motion) within the proximity of 15’ feet when it is triggered. The player can press the “R1” and “R2” buttons in order to be able to “use the remote control alarm (device)” to “Arm” (Activate) or “Disarm” (Deactivate) the “Whistle Blower”.

Fire Rocks (Stone)

The player must press the “L2” button in order to be able to “Release (Drop) and place Fire Rocks which have the appearance of live coals into the area (vicinity)” during day or night, which can be used by him to locate (find) decay, mold and also any cracks (breaches) that may be upon the pillar stones, column stones, upon the vision (promise) stones or within (between) the mortar that holds (bonds) the vision (promise) stones, including any compromising agent that may be upon the walls of the “Promise House” (Temple of God). Furthermore, after the player has retrieved the “Fire rocks (stones)” from the Armory’s vault they can be strategically place and released (drop) upon the ground in specific areas or close to the proximity of the vision walls, pillar stones or column stones and can be used as "Bait” to subdue and ensnare his adversaries who are drawn to the heat that is generated (produced) by the “Fire rocks (stones)” that have been released (drop) by the player of the game. Therefore, the “Fire rocks (stones)” can be used by the player of the game as offensive or defensive weapons, because they will allow him to see, if there are any breaches within the temple of God or upon the walls of promise, and they can also be used as bait to ensnare his adversaries (Creatures of darkness) that will try to steal the “Fire rocks (stones)” believing that they can be use to keep them warn, since they are cold blooded creatures.

The player offensive weapons:

The player wears upon each wrist arms bands which are also referred to as "Power bands" and by using the power bands the player can subdue and destroy his enemies when mounting an offensive attack.

Offensive Weapons that are produced by the power bands


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There are three (3) offensive weapon that are created by the use of thePower bands and they are:

1. Energy Nets2. Ultra Violet Rays of Lights and Particles3. Holograms Images

Energy Net

The player can deploy and release energy from his power bands that can be used as an offensive weapon which shall “Release a single stream of energy that will separate into multiple strands (coils) of energy having the appearance andform of a Net of Energy”. The energy that is released through the power bands that is sent toward and in the direction of any adversary(s) within the vicinity will entangle, ensnare and drain them of their power (life force) through these strands (coils) of energy referred to as an “Energy Net”. Furthermore, if the player is able to ensnare and catch his adversary within the energy net, then he can absorb his enemies power (life force) and this negative energy will be converted into positive energy and transferred back to the power bands; through the coils (multiple strand of energy) allowing the bands to receive an additional energy charge.

Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles

The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R2” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to engage and activate the power band; which shall “Release energy into the atmosphere that will form a vortex in space and explode sending Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” down into the earth and the surrounding area of the land of promise that will afflict his enemies’ bodies and feet with grievous sores and blisters.

Hologram Images

The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to activate(turn on) the power bands which shall “Release a small burst of energy that will allow him to transmit and project a hologram image of him 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position”. The player can use this hologram image as a diversion when he wants to give the appearance that he is in certain area or at a certain location, but in reality is physically at another to draw his adversary away from a specific area; that may have need of restoration in order to restore the compromised vision walls and stones of promise and also as a counter measure to know the whereabouts of his enemies that may be lying in wait to ambush (kill) him through out the land.


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The Doors of the Promise House

The player must press the “R2” and “L2” buttons on the game controller in order be able to “open or close the door that will allow entrance into the Promise House” (Temple of God). The player can enter through the door of the promise house to retrieve the foundation stone(s) that were previously placed within the temple; which were stored there overnight and when he wants to retrieve any weapons or items that are available within the Armory’s vault. The player may retrieve these weapons and/or devices from the Armory vault, because they will help him overcome and defeat his enemies who are seeking to kill him and spoil the land of promise. The “Door” of the promise house can be opened and/or closed (accessed) by the player when he has to enter into the promise house (Temple of God) and has to leave the promise house. In addition, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to gain access into the promise house in an attempt to steal the player weapons, or any items from the temple of God and some will attempt to devour the walls of the temple if the door is left open. Therefore, the player must remember to close the door of the temple in order to safeguard the sacred items (things) therein. Some of the creatures of darkness will try to destroy and breakdown the door to the “Promise House” (Temple of God) that they may enter it and steal any foundation stones that may have been stored there and/or any weapons that may be present within the Armory’s vault. The player can prevent the creatures of darkness known as the rammer and the bandit from destroying the door by having the Angels of God place a large stone in front of the “door” (doorway); which will not allow them access through the entrance and will also prevent them from breaking down the door of the temple. Therefore, the player must safeguard all the weapons within the Armory’s vault and the scared items, such as any foundation stones that may be stored within the temple by preventing these beasts from looting the temple and denying them access into the temple of God.


The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” button on the game controller in order to “call and send for the Angels of God to assist him by placing a large stone in front of the doorway of the promise house” to protect the door from being destroyed by the creatures of darkness and also to safe guard the things (items) inside the promise house; which is also called the temple of God from being stolen by his adversaries. The player can also press the “Triangle” button and "R1"again on the game controller in order to “call and send for the Angels of God” to have them come back into the earth and “remove the large stone from in front of the entrance” of the “doorway” (doors)” of the promise house. When the “Triangle” and the “R1” buttons are pressed the Angels of God will descend from heaven and shall come to assist the player by taking away and removing the stone that blocks the “doorway” (door) of the promise house (Temple of God).


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The creatures of darkness that are known as the “Rammer”, the “Tare” and the “Bandit” will try to gain access into the “Promise House” (Temple of God) that they may enter it and steal any foundation stones that were stored within the house and/or any of the player’s weapons that are stored within the Armory’s vault. These vile creatures will seek to destroy and breakdown the door and entrance that they may take the spoils that are within the temple and prevent the player from accomplishing his mission.

The Chief corner stone and the foundation stones

The Angel of God which shall appear standing upon a cloud within the second 2nd

heaven and shall release the “Star of David” into the earth. The player must press the “Square” button on the game control in order to be able to “retrieve” the Star of David anywhere within the screen display. In addition, the “Square” button can also be use to manifest and reveal a spiritual “stairway” (stairs) that shall appear within the screen display that will allow him to climb the stair and ascend from the earth unto the 2nd heaven. The player must climb the “Stairs”(Stairway) and enter into the midst (center) of the sun, through the blinking “door” (doorway) to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones; which represent the Apostle of Christ within the midst (center) of the sun that the word of the Lord and foundation of God may be established in the 2nd heaven and also within the earth. Now, the player must first place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone, because it represents the Lord Jesus Christ who is the stone that the builders rejected that has become the head corner stone.In addition, the player must also carry the remaining twelve (12) foundations stones; which represent the Apostles of Christ and lay (set) them also within the sun, after he has retrieved them from the Angel of God. The Chief corner stone and the foundation stones; which represent the Apostles of Christ must be set within the sun, before sunset of the same day in order to receive game points for that day for establishing the foundation of God.

The player can use the (Left/Right) “Arrow” button on the game controller, after he has retrieved any stone to move with the stone(s) toward the “Left” or the “Right” side of the screen display. The player can also use the (Left /Right) “Arrow” buttons to relocate (move) the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones or any vision (promise) stones that may be within his possession; which he has retrieved or taken from the vision walls to restore (repair) any where within the screen display, after he has removed and separated (isolates) them from the vision walls. The “Star of David” is most effective during the daylight hours, because it absorbed its energy from the light of the sun. The Chief corner stone and the foundation stones which represent the Apostles of Christ shall be released into the earth by the Angel of God that will appear in the heavens, and


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will drop the foundation stones that they may be retrieved by the player in the earth. The player of the game must retrieve the foundation stones as they appear within the screen display through out every level of the game play. Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to steal and remove the Chief corner stone which is considered to be the head corner stone and the foundation stones; which represent the Apostle of Christ, from out of the midst of the sun, after they have been placed inside the midst (center) of the sun. However, once the Chief corner stone has been placed and laid (set) within the body (center) of the sun it cannot be removed from the sun, but will remain set (established) within the midst of the sun for all eternity. However, only the foundation stone(s) can be removed from out of the midst (center) of the sun by the creatures of darkness; who must seek to remove them before night fall (sunset) of the same day. Because, if any of the foundation stones are allowed to remain within the sun anytime after sunset; they will become established (set) permanently as a spiritual foundation stone for the duration of game play and bonus points will be awarded. Now, the Chief corner stone (brick) is the only foundation stone that cannot be touched by any unclean creature, because it a “Sacred” and “Holy” stone that was given unto the player (saints) in the earth by the hands of the Angels of God. And, if any creature attempts to touch or remove the Chief corner stone, after it has been placed and set within the midst (center) of the sun or placed within he “Promise House” (Temple of God); they will be consumed (destroyed) by the “Fire of God” from heaven, because they attempted to defile this “Sacred” and “Holy” stone that represents the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. The sun shall change its appearance from a bright yellowish light to a reddish orange color; which shall be a sign that will indicate to the player that the daytime has come to an end and that the night (darkness) is about to cover the land of promise.

Now, when the sun begins to rise in the morning it will have the appearance of a bright yellowish translucent ball of light; that will appear to be ascending from the direction of the east to the top of the screen display. The light and heat that is produced by the sun which releases light down upon the earth will allow the player to have complete visibility, as he travels through out the land of promise. When the sun appear to reach high noon within the screen display it (sun) will become engulfed by a “Sphere of flames” that will manifest a “door” (doorway) within the midst (center) of the sun. Now, the “door” (doorway) that has appeared in the sun will allow the player (entity) access into the midst (center) of the sun to place and lay (set) either foundation stones or foundational dark stones. The player must seek to retrieve the “Star of David” after is has been released into the earth by the Angel of God that shall appear to be standing within the sun, before any attempt can be made to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone or any foundation stones within the midst (center) of the sun. Now, if the player is becomes trapped within the sun, while attempting to place and lay (set) a foundation stone he will lose a life. However, if the player has become trapped inside (within) the midst (center) of sun and was not aware that the “door” (doorway) that had allowed access to enter into the midst (center) the sun had


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closed (stop blinking) then he will lose a life.

Furthermore, if the player or any creatures of darkness becomes trapped within the midst (center) of the sun, after the blinking “door” (doorway) closes they will forfeit their life. However, the Chief corner stone or the foundation stone(s) that was within his possession will remain established (set) within the midst of the sun for that day and bonus points will be awarded. Therefore, if the player is able to place the Chief corner stone or any of the foundation stones within the midst (center) of the sun he will receive “Bonus” points for laying the foundation stones (bricks) on that day. However, If the player is not able to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone or any of the foundation stones (bricks) within the midst (center) of the sun, because the flames around and about the sun have intensified then he will not receive any bonus points for laying the foundation stones (bricks) on that day.


The player must climb the “stairs” (stairway) and enter into the midst (center) of the sun, through the blinking “doorway” (door) to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones; which represent the Apostles of Christ that the foundation of God may be established in the earth. Now, the player must first place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone, because it represents the Lord Jesus Christ who is the stone that the builders rejected that has become the head corner stone. In addition, the player must also carry the remaining twelve (12) foundations stones; which represent the Apostles of Christ and lay (set) them also within the sun, after he has retrieved them from the Angel of God within each level of the game.


Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to steal and remove the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones; which represent the Apostles of Christ, from out of the midst of the sun, after they have been placed inside the body (center) of the sun. However, if any creature attempts to touch or remove the Chief corner stone, after it has been placed and set within the midst (center) of the sun or placed within he “Promise House” (Temple of God); they will be consumed (destroyed) by the “Fire of God” from heaven, because they attempted to defile this “Sacred” and “Holy” stone that represents the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because the Chief corner stone (brick) is the only foundation stone that cannot be touched by any unclean creature, because it a “Sacred” and “Holy” stone that was given unto the player (saints) in the earth by the hands of the Angels of God.

Foundation Dark Stone(s)


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The “Foundational Dark Stones” are created from fragmented pieces of promise (vision) stones and /or rocks that have been taken from the surrounding area within the promise land; which have been changed and converted into dark stone as a result of the saliva from the mouth the creature known as the “Bandit” coming into contact with them. The creatures of darkness will also attempt to climb and ascend the “stairs” (stairway) that has appeared in the earth and take the foundational dark stones (fragments and pieces of dark stone(s) and/or rocks from the surrounding area); that were changed into dark stones and place them within the midst (center) of the sun in order to create a total ellipse of darkness. The “Bandit” is the largest member that is considered to be within the family of the creatures of darkness in reference to body size and mass and is the only creature that can create a “Foundational Dark Stone”. Now, a “Foundational Dark Stone” is created when the saliva that is released from the mouth of the creature known as the “Bandit” mouth comes into contact with any small stone or and/or rocks that were taken from the surrounding area or any fragmented pieces of vision (promise) stone(s) that have been separated from the walls of promise; which have inscribed upon them the promises of God. Now, after a stone (rock) and/or fragmented pieces of the vision (promise) stone has been compromised it will undergo a physical change; that will turn the stone (rock) or fragmented pieces of the promise (vision) stone(s) appearance translucent and after the stone has turned translucent it becomes a “Foundation Dark Stone”.

The “Rammers” are also members that are considered to be within the family of the creatures of darkness and they are very aggressive and territorial creatures. These beasts are usually preceded by the other creatures of darkness who will attempt to collect and/or steal any fragmented pieces of vision (promise) stone (brick) that has been separated from the vision wall. The player must be alert because the creatures known as the “Rammers” will seek to assist the “Bandit” by attempting to use their hard head to move the vision (promise) stones out of place, knock them down or jar the stones loose from the wall, by continually running into them; that they may cause the walls to tumble or any stones that are apart of the wall, such as a pillar stones or column stones to become separated from the wall. Therefore, these creatures will also attempt to destroy the column and pillar stones by causing them to be moved out of place or knocked down within the temple. In addition, the “Rammer” will attempt to confront (rush) the player head on by running into him with the intent to knock him unconscious; that they may destroy him and devour the vision walls. Now, if a vision (promise) stone becomes separated from the vision wall any time the player may be able to restore the stone, if it has not been destroyed by his adversaries. The creatures of darkness known as the “Rammer” will attempt to destroy any promise (vision) stone that has been separated from the vision wall, and stones by running into that it may cause the single stone to crack or break into smaller fragmented and pieces; which can be easily turned into dark stones by the creature known as the “Bandit”. Now, after the vision (promise) stone has been destroyed the dark stones can then be taken by his adversaries and casted into the well of Jacob; which will taint and make the “Waters of Life” bitter.


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The player can also use the “Star of David” to cleanse the vision wall and restore the promise stone(s); if he is able to remove the decay before the decay is allowed to weaken the mortar which holds the stones together. The player also retrieve the ram’s horn which contains the consecrated ashes from the Armory’s vault to destroy the dark stones, if he is able to sprinkle the consecrated ashes that are within the ram’s horn upon the dark stones. Now, the consecrated ashes that are within the ram’s horn that were taken from the altar of God can be used to dissolve any corrosive enzymes, such as the saliva which is used by the creatures known as the “Bandit” to make the dark stone. The “Night flyer”, the “Rammer” and the “Tare” are members within the family of the creatures of darkness that will attempt to take the fragmented pieces of vision (promise) stones and/or stones (rocks) and place them in the midst (center) of the sun; that they may create a total ellipse through out the land. Now, if the player does not destroy all the dark stone(s) they may be taken by his enemies, and placed within the midst (center) of the sun or cast into the well of Jacob to “taint” (contaminate) the “Water of Life”. However, the creatures of darkness will try to take thirteen (13) fragmented pieces of vision (promise) stones and/or stones (rocks) and place them in the midst (center) of the sun in order to produce a total ellipse through out the land. If the player is not able to destroy the foundational dark stone(s) that were created by his enemies and adversaries, before it (they) is (are) placed within sun by sunset of the same day then it (they) will remain permanently established within the sun. Furthermore, if the creatures of darkness are able to placed multiple dark stones (fragmented pieces of dark stone(s) and/or stone (rocks) from the surrounding area that were changed into dark stones within the midst (center) of the sun, then they can cause the light of the sun diminish, until no light shines at all and there is only darkness. However, to perform this task the creatures of darkness must lay thirteen (13) foundational dark stones within the midst (center) of the sun in order cause total ellipse; that will completely cover the land with darkness. Therefore, the player must try to destroy all the foundational dark stones (fragmented pieces of dark stone(s) and/or stones (rocks) from the surrounding area that were changed intodark stones in order to prevent the creatures of darkness from attempting to create a total ellipse through out the land.

Furthermore, if the player is unable to stop the creatures of darkness from laying the thirteen (13) the foundational dark stones within the midst (center) of the sun; then he may have to continue to protect the land of promise under the watch of total darkness. If the creatures known as the “Bandits” is not subdued by the player, but is allowed to continue to turn the fragmented pieces of promise (vision) stone and stone(s) or stones (rocks) from the surrounding area into a foundational dark then these dark stones may also be taken by the other creatures of darkness and cast into the well of Jacob to cause the “healing waters" that are within the well of Jacob to be made bitter. Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to throw (cast) stones that can be taken from the surrounding area into the well of Jacob in an attempt to cause the healing


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waters to over flow out of (from) the well. Lastly, if any pieces of the fragmented vision (promise) stone(s) and/or stones (rocks) that have also been changed into dark stones are taken by any member(s) of the creatures of darkness and cast into the well of Jacob at any time during game play the water will become defiled. Again, the “Foundational Dark Stones” can also be used to “taint” (pollute) and make bitter the well waters, which are also referred to as the “Waters of Life”. Furthermore, if the water within the well of Jacob becomes tainted (contaminated) or are made bitter, because a dark stones has been cast upon the waters into the well, then it cannot be retrieved (drunk) by the player of the game, nor can the waters be used to heal him of his wounds and injuries, until all the dark stone(s); which are the fragmented pieces of vision (promise) stones and/or stones (rocks) that were turned into dark stones are removed from the well and the well water are cleansed by the Angel of God.


The “Foundational Dark Stones” can also be used to “taint” (polluted) and make bitter the well waters; which are also referred to as the “Waters of Life”. The creatures of darkness will attempt to produce a total ellipse through out the land, if they are able to take thirteen (13) fragments (pieces) of vision (promise) stones and/or stones (rocks) that have been “changed” (converted) into dark stones and place them in the midst (center) of the sun. The player may retrieve and drink the “Waters of Life”; which are within the well of Jacob in order to be healed from his wounds and injuries, because the “Water of Life” contains the healing attributes of God that will restore the player’s health (strength) and allow him to continue his mission by establishing the foundation of Christ Jesus through out the land. However, the player cannot use the protective gloves to remove any fragments (pieces) of promise (vision) stones and/or stones (rocks) that have been “changed” (converted) into dark stones to take them out of in the midst (center) of the sun, because the “Protective gloves” can only be used in the earthly realm.


Now, the player must remove the foundation dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob, because these unclean stones represent the works of the flesh; which are dead works that produce uncleanness in the earth. Therefore, the player must remove the foundational dark stones, before the waters can be healed (cleansed) by the Angel of God that he can call to assist him. Moreover, the player must not drink from the well of Jacob, if the waters within the well have become “tainted” (polluted) or have been made bitter, as a result of the foundational dark stone being cast into the well. The player must not drink the water from the well after the dark stones have been dropped into the well of Jacob, because the contaminated waters will produce harmful effects within the player’s body if they are ingested by him.


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The Sun Rise (Sunset)

The “Sun” represents the greater light that was created by the Lord God to rule the day and the light that is released by the sun into the earth will allow the player to have complete visibility within the game area, as well as enable him to protect, (safeguard) and restore (repair) the vision walls, pillar or column stones that were compromised (damaged) by his adversaries during day or night. Now, the “Sun” will appear at the top of the screen display within the 2nd heaven behind the background of a light blue sky line according to a preprogrammed function and this is an indication that the start of a new day is beginning. In addition, after the “Sun” has appeared within the screen display it will gradually ascend in space having the appearance of a bright yellow glowing translucent ball of light that shall increase in brightness as the day continues until sunset. Now, the sun will first appear in the morning at sun rise to signify that the night time hours has expired or come to an end; which was ruled by a lesser light that is called the moon. However, when the sun begins to set which is just before night fall the “Sphere of flames” will again intensify and the “Door” (Doorway) that previously allowed access to enter into the midst of the sun shall be closed. And after this process the sun will change its appearance from a bright yellowish translucent ball of light to a reddish orange color glowing light. This change shall be a sign within the screen display that the daytime has come to an end and that the darkness (night) is about to cover the land of promise.


The “Sun” will rise to signify to the player of the game that the start of a new day for is approaching and that the end of the night time; which had previously covered the sky (screen display) with the moon and the stars has ceased. The sun shall continue increase in brightness as the day continues until sunset and then will descend to its place; which shall signify that the day light hours are at their end within the screen display.

The Moon (Night fall)

The “Moon” will also appear within the 2nd heavens at the top of the screen display and this lesser light will have the resemblance of the greater light in form which is called the sun. However, it will only release upon the earth a fraction of light, according to a preprogrammed function which shall begin at sun set within the screen display. The moon is considered to be a lesser light which the Lord God had made that shall give some light, but not yield enough light for the player to have total visibility who has been given the charge of protecting the vision walls within the land of promise. Therefore, the player must be alert and on guard against the wiles of his adversaries, during the night time hours who will attempt to plunder and spoil the land under the cover of darkness. Furthermore, the


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player may have to retrieve and use the “Fire Rocks (stones)” which are within the Armory’s vault, if he decides to restore, seal (bond) or repair the cracks upon the walls of the temple and vision walls, as well as any cracks that may also appear upon column and pillar stones during the night. Now, the moon shall gradually ascend to its place just after sun set to indicate to the player of the game that night time is about to begin, and it (moon) shall descend to its place just before sun rise to signify that the darkness that cover the face of the sky above is about end and the dawning of a new day is about to begin.

The Sun and the sphere of flames

The “Sun” will appear within the screen display and shall rise and disappear according to a “preprogrammed” function. The sun shall appear in the morning at sunrise to signify that the start the day has come and shall descend to its place at sunset to indicate that the day light hours are at their end within the screen display. The player of the game must seek to protect (safeguard) and maintain vision walls that are erected through out the land of promise by taking advantage of the day light hours; which will allow him to see (find) the breaches of the Lord that are considered to be any decay, mold or cracks that may be upon the walls within the temple of God, vision walls, column stones, pillar stones and that may also appear upon vision (promise) stones; which are the stones that have inscribed upon them the precious promises of God that are within the land. Now, when the sun begins to rise in the morning it will have the appearance of a bright yellowish translucent ball of light that will appear to be ascending from the direction of the east to the top of the screen display. The light and heat that is produced by the sun which releases light down upon the earth will allow the player to have complete visibility as he travels through out the land of promise. Likewise, the player will also be able to locate and find where his adversaries are hiding within the earth, as long as the sun appears within the heavens.When the time approaches high noon within the screen display the body of the sun will become engulfed by a “Sphere of flames” that will manifest a “door” (doorway) within the midst (center) of the sun. Now, the “door” (doorway) that has appeared in the sun will allow the player (entity) access into the midst (center) of the sun to place and lay (set) either foundation stones or foundational dark stones. The player must seek to retrieve the “Star of David” after is has been released into the earth by the Angel of God that shall appear to be standing within the sun, before any attempt can be made to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone or any foundation stones within the midst (center) of the sun.

Now, the "Star of David" is a star that has the appearance of an “Amethyst Crystal” that will release energy from the inner core of the star in the form of a light source. Therefore, the player must retrieve the “Star of David” after it is released by the Angel of God when it appears in the earth, because it can be used to protect him from the “Sphere of flames” and the poisonous gases that are produced and are generated by them. When the power of the “Star of David” is fully energized it (the star) can be used to deflect the heat from the fiery flames


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and it can also protect the player from any harmful (poisonous) gases that are released by the “Sphere of flames”; which has engulfed the sun that has appeared within the screen display during the daytime. The player must press the “Square” button on the game control in order to use the “Star of David” to manifest and reveal a “Stairway” that shall appear within the screen display; which will allow him to climb the stairs and ascend from the earth unto the 2nd heaven. In addition, the player can also press the “Square” button on the game control in order to be able to retrieve the “Star of David” anywhere within the screen display. The stair way will allow the player to travel into the heavens and enter into the midst (center) of the sun to place and lay (set) the foundation stone that the foundation of God may be established in the earth as it is in heaven. Now, the player shall be protected from the “Sphere of flames” and from the poisonous gases that are generated by them (flames), as long as the “Sphere of flames” around and about the sun have not intensified and “Star of David” inner core remains lit ten by the light of God. When the “doorway” (door) that was created by the “Sphere of flames” starts to blink it will allow the player or any entity (creature of darkness) access to enter into the midst (center) of the sun as long as it continues to blink. Now, the player can use the “Star of David” to manifest a stairway if he has a foundation stone within his possession and also has the “Star of David” attached to his garment (clothing); which will protect him from the “Sphere of flames” and from the harmful (poisonous) gases that are generated by them. The player must use the “Star of David” to manifest the “stairway” (stairs), because they lead him to the blinking “door” (doorway); which will allow him to enter into the midst (center) of the sun through in order to lay the Chief corner stone or the foundation stones that may be within his possession.

Now, the blinking “door” (doorway) will allow entry into the midst (center) of the sun at intervals during the day time hour only after the sun has risen in the earth. However, if the access “door” (doorway) closes before the player is able to place any of the foundation stones within the midst (center) of the sun, he must seek to escape from the burning flames or he will lose a life (play). The player may on the other hand store the foundation stone(s) that are within his possession inside (within) the duffle bag when attempting to climb the “stairs” (stairway) that will lead him to the blinking “door” (doorway) that will allow entrance (access) into the midst (center) of the sun. However, if the player or any creatures of darkness becomes trapped within the midst (center) of the sun, after the blinking “door” (doorway) closes they will forfeit their life. Now, if the player should lose his life (die) before he is able to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone or any foundation stone into the midst (center) of the sun in heaven, then it (Foundation stone) will be retrieved from the earth by the Angel of God and placed within the temple of God which is also referred to the “Promise House”. However, the player can then continue his mission if he has any additional games and characters in reserve; which shall appear upon the top of the display screen. Therefore, the player may be afforded another opportunity to complete his mission of placing and setting the foundation stones within the


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midst of the sun; if he has any additional games and characters in reserve.

Now, after the “New Player” prompt (message) appears within the screen display the player of the game will be allowed to retrieve a “New player” (character), because the game has calculated the number of game plays (games) still remaining within the game that are available to be retrieved from reserve. The “New Player” awarded “Prompt” (Message) will appear within the screen display, and then disappear after the player of the game has received a “New Player” (Character). Now, the player must retrieve and use the “Key of Life” in order to be able to gain access into the “Promise House” (Temple of God) to retrieve the lost foundation stone that was retrieved and placed there by the Angel of God. Likewise, the player can retrieve another duffle bag from the Armory’s vault if the bag is destroyed by the sphere of flames. However, when the player should lose his life (die) in the game and does not receive the “New player” prompt (message) he will not receive any new character, because he has reached the maximum number of games and characters awarded during a single game. When the player of the game fails to accomplish his mission and forfeits all remaining games and characters the game will be terminated and the total score will be calculated and displayed at the top of the screen display above. The player of the game can select a new game is they want to increase their previous score points (game score). Now, if the player is killed in the earth by his adversaries (creatures of darkness) and has the duffle bag upon his back and shoulders; which was used to carry (transport) the foundation stone(s), weapons and objects (items) it (duffle bag) may be stolen by taken by his enemies. And if the duffle bag, a foundation stone(s), a weapon or any objects (items) are stolen at any time during game play by his adversaries they must be recovered by the player of the game. The “Duffle Bag” will allow the player to store up to eight (8) weapon(s) and/or item(s) within (inside) the duffle bag at one time. The player must press the “R3” button on the game controller; which will enable him to “Secure his duffle bag over his shoulders and back and also enable him to retrieve the duffle bag from off his shoulder and back when a weapon is desired. The player can use the “R3” button which will allow him to carry the duffle bag on his back as he travels through out the region; which will also allow him to have both hands free in order to be able to use (employ), distribute and set-up any offensive and defensive weapons and/or items within the immediate area (vicinity) and through out the land of promise.

Now, the player must retrieve the "Key of Life" when it appears within the screen display, because it will allow him to gain access into the temple of God in order to retrieve any lost foundation stone or open the Armory’s vault to retrieve another duffle bag and/or any weapons or items from the Armory’s vault. The player can press the “R2” button on the game controller which will allow him to open and close the duffle bag and also enable him to safely store items up to (8) items within it, such as any “Foundation Rocks (stones)”, “Fire Rocks (stones)”, “The Ram’s Horn” which contains the “Consecrated Ashes” that can destroy


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(dissolve) the dark stones, “Protective Gloves” as well as the “Metallic Dust (powder)” that is use to track his enemies movement through out the land within (inside) the duffle bag. Again, the player will be protected from the “Sphere of flames” and from the poisonous gases that are generated by them, as long as the inner core of the “Star of David” is lit ten. When the light of the “Star of David” starts to fade (diminish) the player must leave from out of the body (midst) of the sun in order to escape the poisonous gases, before they are inhaled by him and also before the “flames” increase and penetrates his garments (clothing) causing him to forfeit a life (die). Now, if the player is becomes trapped within the sun while attempting to place and lay (set) a foundation stone he will forfeit a life. However, if the player has become trapped inside (within) the midst (center) of sun and was not aware that the “door” (doorway) that had allowed access to enter into the midst (center) the sun had closed (stop blinking) then he will lose a life. Furthermore, if the player or any creatures of darkness becomes trapped within the midst (center) of the sun, after the blinking “door” (doorway) closes they will forfeit their life. Now, when the day light hours are about to expire (end) the rotation of the sun will begin to slow down (decrease) and the “Sphere of flames” shall briefly intensify (increase) as the sun begins to start its transformation process at sun set. However, when the sun begins to set which is just before night fall the “door” (doorway) that previously allowed access to enter into the midst of the sun to be closed (disappear). Now, after the “door” (doorway) closes (disappears) the sun will change its appearance from a bright yellowish translucent ball of light to a reddish orange color glowing light. This change shall be a sign within the screen display that the daytime has come to an end and that the darkness (night) is about to cover the land of promise. Likewise, when the light of the sun begins to dissipate and disappearing into the horizon as the moon starts to cast its shadow upon the earth.


The player must be sober because some of these creatures will sacrifice their life by increasing their body mass, beyond their normal limits in at attempt to create toxic vapors; that can cause the player to lose consciousness after inhaling these vapors, if he does not have the “Star of David” attached to his garment to protect him from the gases that are released. Therefore, the player must avoid these vapors gases; if he does not have the “Star of David” attached to his garment to protect him from the vapors that are released into the vicinity. Now, the player can use the (Left/Right) “Arrow” buttons on the game controller to move away from the toxic vapors, after they are released in the vicinity order to avoid inhaling the gases that will cause him to lose consciousness. However, the player can also press the “Square” button on the game control in order to be able to “retrieve the Star of David” anywhere within the screen display, because when the power of the “Star of David” is fully energized it can be used to protect the player from any harmful (poisonous) gases that are released by the “Sphere of flames”; which has engulfed the sun and also from the toxic vapors (gases) that


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are released by the creature known as the “Bandit”.

Spiritual Stairs

The player must press the “Square” button on the game control in order to use the “Star of David” to manifest and reveal a “Stairway” that shall appear within the screen display; which will allow him to climb up the stairs and go to the 2nd heaven. In addition, the player can also press the “Square” button on the game control in order to be able to retrieve the “Star of David” anywhere within the screen display. Now, if the player does not capture the “Star of David” when it appears within the screen display, he will not be able to manifest the “Stairway” (stairs) and ascend to the 2nd heaven to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone, nor any of the foundation stones, which represent the Apostles of Christ within the midst (center) of the sun. However, after the “Star of David” has been retrieved by the player it will appear to be attached (hooked) to his garments (clothing) and will remain attached to them when not is use. The player can retrieve the “Star of David” at any time in the game and have it reappear within his hands by pressing the “Square” button on the game controller. However, when the time approaches high noon within the screen display the body of the sun will become engulfed by a “Sphere of flames” that will manifest a “door” (doorway) within the midst (center) of the sun. When the “doorway” (door) that was created by the “Sphere of flames” starts to blink it will allow the player or any “entity” (creature of darkness) access to enter into the midst (center) of the sun as long as it continues to blink. Now, the player can use the “Star of David” to manifest and reveal the “stairs” (stairway), if he has a foundation stone within his possession. The player must climb the “stairs” (stairway) and follow the path that will safely lead him to the blinking “door” (doorway), which will allow him to enter the sun in order to place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone or the foundation stones that may be within his possession that the foundation of God may be established within the earth.

Now, after the “Star of David” has appeared upon the player garment it can be used to deflect the “Fiery flames” away from his body that are produced by the sphere of flames that have engulfed the sun. Howbeit, the player shall be protected from the “Sphere of flames” and from the poisonous gases that are generated by them (flames), as long as the “Sphere of flames” around and about the sun have not intensified and “Star of David” inner core remains lit ten by the light of God. However, when the light of the “Star of David” starts to fade (diminish) the player must leave from out of the midst (center) of the sun, and escape (climb) down the “stairway” to save his life, before the flames around and about the sun intensify. The player must leave and exit the sun before the “blinking” door closes at sunset, or before the “power” (light source) within the inner core of the “Star of David” diminishes (fades) and the “stairway” (stairs) disappears. When, the “Power” (light source) that is within the inner core fades (disappears) the “stairway” (stairs) shall also vanish, and disappear out of the


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earth that had previously allowed the player to climb (use) the stairs to travel to the 2nd heaven. If the “Power” (light source) that is within core fails (disappears) the “Star of David” will no longer be able to protect the player from the heat produced by fiery flames or the harmful (poisonous) gases that are released by the sun, nor will he be able to use the “Star of David” to use it to manifest and reveal the “stairway”.

Now, if the player is not able to place and lay (set) the foundation stones for any reason, then he must abort his mission and exit (leave) from out of the midst of the sun, before the blinking door closes at sunset and escape (climb) down the “stairs” (stairway) to save his life. However, if the player cannot escape through the door way because the pathway was blocked by his adversary he may forfeit a life, because the flames of fire produced by the sphere will burn him up and kill him. Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to climb and ascend up the “Stairway” that has appeared in the earth to take the foundational dark stones (fragments and pieces of dark stone(s) or any rocks from the surrounding area that were changed into dark stones), and place them within the midst (center) of the sun in order to create a total ellipse of darkness. However, other creatures such as the “Bandit” may attempt to physically block the stair or use dark stones to block the stairway or the door way leading out of the sun to prevent the player’s escape from the fiery flames that he may lose a life. Therefore, the player must be on guard against the attacks of his enemies, because some of these creatures will try to bite him and other may attempt sacrifice themselves by intentionally “blocking the exit door way” that leads out of the sun down the stairs way in an attempt to cause the player to lose a life by trapping him within the midst (center) of the sun.


If the “Star of David” is not retrieved by the player it will appear suspended in motion within the screen display, until the light of the star vanishes at sunset causing the “star of David” to disappear at night fall.


When the “Power” (light source) that is within the inner core fades (disappears) the “stairway” (stairs) shall also vanish and disappear out of the earth that had previously allowed the player to climb (use) the stairs to travel to the 2nd heaven and enter the midst (center) of the sun where he was attempting to relocate place and lay (set) the foundation stones.

The Sun Set

The “Moon” will also appear within the 2nd heavens at the top of the screen display and this lesser light will have the resemblance of the greater light in form


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which is called the sun. However, it will only release upon the earth a fraction of light, according to a preprogrammed function which shall begin at sun set within the screen display. The moon is considered to be a lesser light which the Lord God had made that shall give some light, but not yield enough light for the player to have total visibility who has been given the charge of protecting the vision walls within the land of promise. Now, the moon shall gradually ascend to its place just after sun set to indicate to the player of the game that night time is about to begin. Therefore, the player must be alert and on guard against the wiles of his adversaries, during the night time hours who will attempt to plunder and spoil the land under the cover of darkness. Furthermore, the player may have to retrieve and use the “Fire Rocks (stones)” which are within the Armory’s vault, if he decides to restore (repair), seal and bond the cracks upon the walls of the temple and vision walls, as well as any cracks that may also appear upon column and pillar stones during the night. However, when the sun starts to set which shall occur prior to night fall within the screen display the “door” (doorway) that had previously allowed the player entrance (access) into the midst (center) of the sun will start to blink. The player must quickly exit through the door way before it stops blinking (closes) and traps him within (inside) the body (center) of the sun. However, if the player has become trapped inside (within) the midst (center) of sun and was not aware that the door way that had allowed access to enter into the midst (center) the sun had closed (stop blinking) then he will lose a life. Furthermore, if the player or any creatures of darkness becomes trapped within the midst (center) of the sun, after the blinking “door” (doorway) closes they will forfeit their life. However, the foundation stone(s) that was within his possession will remain established (set) within the midst of the sun, because they (foundation stones) can not be harm by the flames of fire which are produced by the sphere that has engulfed the sun, nor can they be defiled by any member of the creature of darkness.

Now, the Chief corner stone is a stone that represents the Lord Jesus Christ and the twelve (12) foundation stones (bricks) are stones which represents the Apostles of Christ. The player will receive “Bonus points” if he is able to place the Chief corner stone or any of the foundation stones (bricks) within the midst (center) of the sun during the day light hours. Therefore, the player must attempt to gain access into the sun through the blinking “door” (doorway) after he has retrieved the “Star of David” when it appears within the screen display. Now, the player can also use the “Star of David” after it is retrieved to “Manifest” (reveal) the stairway that will allow him to climb the stairs to enter into the midst (center) of the sun through the blinking “door” (doorway). However, If the player is not able to lay (set) the Chief corner stone or any of the foundation stones (bricks) within the midst (center) of the sun, because the fiery flames around the sun have intensified, then he must abort his mission and quickly exit through the “blinking” doorway to save his life. The blinking door way will allow entry into the midst (center) of the sun at intervals during the day time hour only when the sun has risen in the earth. Now, when the day light hours are about to expire (end) the rotation of the sun will begin to slow down (decrease) and the


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“Sphere of flames” shall briefly intensify (increase) as the sun begins to start its transformation process at sun set. However, when the sun begins to set which is just before night fall the “door” (doorway) that previously allowed access to enter into the midst of the sun to be closed (disappear). Now, after the “door” (doorway) closes (disappears) the sun will change its appearance from a bright yellowish translucent ball of light to a reddish orange color glowing light. This change shall be a sign within the screen display that the daytime has come to an end and that the darkness (night) is about to cover the land of promise.


The player can store the Chief corner stone or any foundation stone(s) within the “Promise House” (Temple of God) at night fall, if he was unable to set (lay) these stones within the midst (center) sun earlier that day. Now, if the player has become trapped inside (within) the midst (center) of sun and was not aware that the door way that had allowed access to enter into the midst (center) the sun had closed (stop blinking) then he will lose a life. Furthermore, if the player or any creatures of darkness becomes trapped within the midst (center) of the sun, after the blinking “door” (doorway) closes they will forfeit their life. Therefore, the player must quickly leave out of the midst (center) of the sun and escape down the “stairs” (stairway) to save his life, if the light source within (inside) the Star of David” starts to become dim or when the “Sphere of flames” about and around the sun start to intensify at sunset.


Now, when and if the “power” (light source) that is within core fails (disappears) the “Star of David” will no longer be able to protect the player from the heat produced by fiery flames or the harmful (poisonous) gases that are released by the sun, nor will he be able to use the “Star of David” to use it to manifest and reveal the “stairway” (stairs). The player shall be protected from the “Sphere of flames” and from the poisonous gases that are generated by them (flames), as long as the “Sphere of flames” around and about the sun have not intensified and “Star of David” inner core remains lit ten by the light of God. However, if the player cannot escape through the “door” (doorway), because the pathway was blocked by his adversary he may forfeit a life and be killed by the flames of fire that are generated by the “Sphere of flames”.


The Chief corner stone and the foundation stones which represent the Apostles of Christ must be set within the sun before sunset of the same day in order to receive game point for that day for establishing the foundation of God.The player must first lay (set) the Chief corner stone, because it represents the Lord Jesus Christ; who is the stone that the builders rejected that has become the head corner stone. Now, after the Chief corner stone has been laid (set)


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within the sun by the player it will become established permanently as the head corner stone within the midst (center) of the sun. Furthermore, once the Chief corner stone has been placed and laid (set) within the midst (center) of the sun it cannot be removed from the sun, but will remain set (established) within the midst of the sun for all eternity. However, only the foundation stone(s) can be removed from out of the midst (center) of the sun by the creatures of darkness who must seek to remove them before night fall (sunset) of the same day. Now, some of the player’s adversaries may attempt to steal and remove the Chief corner stone or the foundation stones which represent the Apostle of Christ from out of the “Promise House” (Temple of God), during the day time (light) hours or at night. Therefore, if this happen the player must recover the stolen foundation stones and attempt to place and lay (set) them within the midst (center) of the sun that the word of the Lord and foundation of God may be established in the 2nd heaven and also within the earthly realm. Likewise, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to steal and remove the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones that represent the Apostle of Christ, from out of the midst of the sun, after they have been placed inside the body (center) of the sun as the head corner stone and as foundation stones. Howbeit, only the foundation stone(s) can be removed from out of the midst (center) of the sun by the creatures of darkness who must remove them before night fall (sunset) of the same day. However, if a foundation stone(s) remains within the sun anytime after sunset it (they) will become established (set) permanently as a spiritual foundation stone for the duration of game play. The Chief corner stone (brick) is the only foundation stone that cannot be touched by any unclean creature, because it a holy stone that was given unto the player (saints) in the earth by the hands of the Angels of God. Now, if any creature attempts to touch or remove the Chief corner stone after it has been placed and set within the midst (center) of the sun or placed within he “Promise House” (Temple of God); they will be consumed (destroyed) by the “Fire of God” from heaven, because they attempted to defile this sacred and holy stone which represents the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to steal and remove the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones; which represent the Apostle of Christ from out of the midst of the sun, after they have been placed in the midst (center) of the sun as a spiritual corner stone and as foundation stones. However, if any creature attempts to touch or remove the Chief corner stone, after it has been placed and set within the midst (center) of the sun or placed within he promise house; they will be consumed (destroyed) by the fire of God from heaven, because they attempted to defile this “Sacred” and “Holy” stone which represents the body of Christ Jesus.



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The player can retrieve the Chief corner stone and/or any one of the foundation stones from the “Promise House” (Temple of God) instead of having the Angel drop them from heaven. Therefore, if the Chief corner stone is lost by the player it can be retrieved by the Angel of God and shall be taken to the temple of God. Now, the angel of God place and lay (set) the Chief corner stone or the foundation stones within the armory’s vault for safekeeping. The player must retrieve the "Key of Life" when it released by the angel of God in the heaven after appears within the screen display in order to be able to gain entrance (access) into the “Promise House” (Temple of God).

Day Time (light) Hours

The “Sun” will appear within the screen display and shall rise and set in accord with a preprogrammed function. The sun shall appear in the morning to signify that the start a new day has begun which is at sun rise and shall descend to its place at sun set just prior to night fall to signify that the day light hours are at their end within the screen display. Therefore, if a single stone(s) is removed during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset) by any of the creatures of darkness the player may be able to recover the stone(s) from the creatures of darkness, and restore (replace) it (them) back within the midst (center) of the sun that it (they) may beestablished as a spiritual foundation stone(s) for the duration of game play.However, if the player recovers the stone(s) but is not able to restore the foundation stones before night fall of the same day he may temporarily store the foundation stones that is within his possession within the “Promise House” (Temple of God) or can choose to keep and hold on to the foundation stone that is in his possession within his duffle bag.


The player will must weigh the choices and consider the dangers whether to risk holding on to the foundation stone and possibly losing it again, because he may be attacked by his adversaries or placing the foundation stone within the promise house for safe keeping for the night when confronted with this issue.

Creatures of darkness that are assigned to block the stair way or the door way leading out of the sun

Some of the creatures of darkness have been given an assignment by their master who is the God of the underworld and name is “Beelzebub” to destroy the player at any cost, even if it means they will perish (sacrifice) their lives as well.Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to climb and ascend up the “stairway” (stairs) that has appeared in the earth to take the foundational dark stones (fragments and pieces of dark stone(s) or any rocks from the surrounding area that were changed into dark stones), and place them within the midst (center) of the sun in order to create a total ellipse of darkness. However, other creatures, such as the “Bandit” may attempt to physically block


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the stairway or use dark stones to block the stairway or the door way leading out of the sun to prevent the player’s escape from the fiery flames that he may lose a life. Therefore, the player must be on guard against the attacks of his enemies, because some of these creatures will try to bite him and other may attempt sacrifice themselves by intentionally “blocking the exit door way” that leads out of the sun down the stairs way in an attempt to cause the player to lose a life by trapping him within the midst (center) of the sun. Therefore, the player must be sober and vigilant that he may discern the wiles of his enemies and tricks of his enemies and adversary in order to may preserve his life and fulfill his mission in the earth. The foundation stones that are not laid (set) within the midst (center) of the sun during the day time (light) hours can be kept over night within the promise house which is also called the “Temple of God”. When a foundation stone is placed inside the temple of God by the player he can block the door way that allows entrance into the “Promise House” (Temple of God) in order to keep the foundation stones safe from harm and prevent them from falling into the hands of the creatures of darkness. Some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to steal and remove the Chief corner stone and the foundation stones that represent the Apostle of Christ, from out of the midst of the sun, after they have been placed in the body (center) of the sun as a spiritual corner stone and as foundation stones. However, if any creature attempts to touch or remove the Chief corner stone after it has been placed and set within the midst (center) of the sun or placed within he promise house; they will be consumed (destroyed) by the fire of God from heaven, because they attempted to defile this “Sacred” and “Holy” stone which represents the body of Christ Jesus.

When the player has been bitten by a single attacker (creature of darkness) during the game a small "Circle of stars" will appear above his head indicating dizziness and he shall also become disoriented (lose his sense of direction) which is the first stage of the poison affecting his body. The player will become incoherent for several minutes, if he does not receive healing or drink the water of life to counteract the effects of the poison; it will continue to affect his body by restricting his ability to move freely through out the land that he has been given charge of protecting the land of promise by the Lord God. Therefore, the player must attempt to retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob in order to counteract the effects of the poison. If the player is unable to retrieve the “Waters of Life” from the well of Jacob he will forfeit a life. The player can also if he has been bitten by his adversary enter the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple that he may seek mercy from God in order to be healed from his wounds. Now, after the player has placed his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” the power of God (energy) will flows and the Spirit; which rest upon the altar of God shall cause the poison that is within his body to dry up allowing him to be healed.

Likewise, the player must be careful to avoid being bitten by his adversaries while attempting to ascend up the stair way to lay a foundation stone within the sun that is in the 2nd heaven or descend down the “stairs” (stairway) back to the


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earth, that he may not fall from the stair way and lose (forfeit) a life. The well of Jacob has a bucket that is affixed to it which can be lowered down into the well and raised from the well in order to retrieve the healing waters from within the well that can be used to heal the player. If the player does not descend down the “stairs” (stairway) within a specified manner of time and acquire healing by either retrieving the waters of Life and/or does not place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar”, before the poison affects his body than he may lose consciousness and may forfeit his life, because the poison of his adversary will spread quickly through out his body causing him to become dizzy and disoriented indicated by stars appearing over his head.

The Well of JacobThe “Well of Jacob” is located in the midst of the land of promise and it was established by God as a fountain that will allow the player to receive healing from any sickness or disease, after he has retrieved the water with the healing attributes. The player must retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob which are also referred to as the "Waters of Life" to stay (counteract) the effects of the poison that was injected into his blood stream, as a result of being bitten by his adversaries and enemies known the creatures of darkness within the game. Likewise, if the player has been bitten by his adversary he can also enter into the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple and be healed from his wounds. Now, if the player is bitten by a single attacker (creature of darkness), during the game small “Circle of stars” will appear above his head indicating dizziness and he shall also become disoriented (lose his sense of direction), which is the “First stage” of the poison affecting his body. Again, if the player has been bitten only once, during the game by a single adversary he can retrieve the "Anointing Oil" from the Armory's vault and use it to anoint his “Forehead” (himself) and receive “Deliverance” (peace of mind) from the dizziness and disorientation, after the Spirit of God shall descend (fall) upon him. A single bite does not have enough poison to paralyze and kill the player, but it will cause him to become dizzy, disoriented and incoherent for several minutes and may slow (decrease) his movement and mobility temporarily during the game and may place him at a disadvantage when confronting his adversary and/or if he is being attacked by his enemies.

The player can also press the “L3” button on the game controller in order to be able to “Open the jar that contains the anointing oil and place (spread) it upon his “forehead” (himself) to anoint his body by faith” to receive a “Fresh Anointing”; which will cleanse his “raiment’s” (garments and shoes) by “Fire of God” removing any traces of earth or "Metallic Powder (Dust)" that may have been presently upon them and he will also be able to receive “Deliverance” (sound mind) through the Spirit of God; which shall descend (fall) upon him and restore peace (soundness) unto his troubled mind; if he has been bitten once by his adversary during game play. However, if the player has been bitten more than


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one adversary at the same time and does not receive healing from God or is not able to retrieve (drink) the “Water of Life” to counter act the effects of the poison he may forfeit his life, because it (poison) will restrict his ability to move freely throughout the land, which this is the “Second stage” of the poison affecting his body. Again, if the player has received multiple bite wounds from more than one of his adversaries at one time or if he has sustained "multiple" bite wounds from the same adversary at one time within the game, he must either retrieving the "healing Waters" (Waters of Life) from the well of Jacob or enter the "Promise House" (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple of God that he may obtain mercy from the Lord God (Holy Spirit) who shall heal him from his injuries (wounds). Now, if the player fails to retrieve the "healing Waters" (Waters of Life) from the well of Jacob or does not enter the "Promise House" (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” that is located in the temple within a timely manner to receive healing he shall lose consciousness and shall forfeit his life. The well of Jacob has a bucket that can be lowered down into the well and raised from the well by way of the pulley that has a robe; which is affixed to the post of the well in order to retrieve the healing waters from within the well that can be used to heal the player. The player must press the “Circle” button in conjunction with the “R2” button on the game controller in order to “remove the seal to the lid (cover)” that he may retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob. When the “Circle” button is pressed in conjunction with the “L1” button on the game controller the player will be able to “start and engage the pump” that will allow him to lower the bucket down into the well by way of the pulley that has a robe; which is affixed to the post of the well in order to fill the bucket and retrieve the healing waters that are within the well of Jacob. Now, after the well pump has started the player must press the “Circle” button and the “L2” button on the game controller to “activate and engage the pulley” that is responsible for lowering, and raising the bucket of water from the well that will allow the player to retrieve the “Water of Life” from the well of Jacob which will heal him. The player must press the “Circle” button in conjunction with the “L1” and “L2” buttons on the game controller in order to “seal the Lid (cover) of the bucket to ensure that the “healing waters” (Waters of Life) are preserved within the bucket”; to prevent his adversaries from polluting (contaminating) the water within the bucket with a dark stone, before the bucket is raised to the surface again.

Now, if the player does not seal (close) the opening of the lid by the word of God and a foundational dark stone is cast into the well by his adversaries prior to retrieving the “Waters of Life”; then the waters within well and the water within the bucket whose lid opening remained unseal shall be made bitter and become polluted. Therefore, the player must seal (close) the opening of the lid that covers the bucket, before raising the bucket to the surface in order to ensure that the content (Waters of Life) that has flowed into the bucket through the opening of the lid has been preserved. Again, the player must press the “Circle” button and the “L2” to “activate and engage the pulley” in order to lower or raise the bucket from the well of Jacob in order to be able to retrieve the “Waters of Life”; which


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can be used to heal him. The player can retrieve the bucket of water from the well by pressing the “Circle” button in conjunction with the “R1” button on the game controller. When the “Circle” button is pressed in conjunction with the “R1” button the player will be able to “retrieve the bucket” that contains the “Waters of Life” from off the post of the well and place it upon the ledge along the well or the ground for safe keeping. The player can also use the (Left/Right) “Arrow” button on the game controller, after he has retrieved the bucket to move with the bucket to the “Left” or “Right” side of the well and he can choose to place the bucket any where upon the ledge of the well or on the ground near the well. Now, if the player places the bucket of water upon (along) the ledge of the well he must be careful not to sit the bucket of water close to the edge of the well and cause it to fall back into the well. Now, if the bucket falls down into the well he may have to reactivate the pulley to bring the bucket of water up from the well again to the surface in order to retrieve the “Waters of Life” from it. Likewise, if the player chooses to place the bucket of water upon the ground, then he must be careful not to accidentally knock over the bucket, especially if he has removed the seal to the lid (cover) from the bucket to avoid the water spilling out through the opening of the bucket.

The player must also be on guard against his adversaries after he has removed the bucket from the well, because they will attempt to steal the bucket and destroy it to prevent the player from using it to retrieve the “Waters of Life”. However, if the player allows the bucket containing the “Water of Life” to be stolen by his adversaries he may forfeit a life; if he has been bitten by his adversary and has received multiple bite wounds. Again, the player must return (replace) the bucket back to the well, after he has retrieved the healing waters and this can be done by pressing the “Circle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller. If the player has been bitten by his adversary he must either retrieve the “Waters of Life” in order to be healed from the poison injected into his body by his enemies or enter the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple that he may seek mercy from God in order to be healed from his wounds. Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to cast all manner of stones, such as dark stones down the well; which can be used to “pollute” (contaminate) the “Waters of Life”. The creatures of darkness will attempt to cast foundation stones and/or other stones taken from the game area into the well to clog the well and prevent the player from laying the foundation of Christ within the sun. Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to cast all manner of stones, such as foundation stones that were stolen from the temple or taken out of the midst (center) of the sun and also dark stones down the well; which can be used to pollute the “Waters of Life”.

Yet, other creatures such as the “Night flyer” will attempt to use stones that may be removed from off the land and cast into (within) the well of Jacob, to cause the “healing waters” to over flow from the well, and to damage the pulley that is used to lower the bucket from the surface to the bottom of the well, or to raise the


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bucket from the bottom of the well to the surface. These acts of sabotage will be attempted by his adversaries for the purpose of destroying the pulley that is used to retrieve the water, to damage the bucket that is lowered into the well, or to weigh it down in order to prevent it (bucket) from be raised to the surface with the “Water of Life”. The player must prevent his adversaries from attempting these acts of sabotage by subduing his enemies, before they are able to remove any stone from the land to cast into the well and also by using the “Consecrated ashes” within the ram’s horn to destroy the dark stones.


The player may also drink from the water of the well, if he is thirsty and may receive strength, because of the healing attribute found with the water. Now, after the bucket has been lowered to the bottom of the well an “Image of a bucket” will appear at the top of the screen display indicating (revealing) the amount of water (water level) that has entered into the bucket and through the lid opening.


When the “Circle” button is pressed in conjunction with the “R1” button the player will be able to “retrieve” the bucket that contains the “Waters of Life” from off the post of the well and place it upon the ledge along the well or the ground for safe keeping. Again, if the player places the bucket of water upon (along) the ledge of the well he must be careful not to sit the bucket of water close to the edge of the well and cause it to fall back into the well. Now, if the bucket falls down into the well he may have to reactivate the pulley to bring the bucket of water up from the well again to the surface in order to retrieve the “Waters of Life” from it. Likewise, if the player chooses to place the bucket of water upon the ground, then he must be careful not to accidentally knock over the bucket, especially if he has removed the seal to the lid (cover) from the bucket to avoid the water spilling out through the opening of the bucket. The player must also be on guard against his adversaries after he has removed the bucket from the well, because they will attempt to steal the bucket that contains the water of life and destroy it to prevent the player from using it to retrieve the “Waters of Life”. The player must press the “Circle” button in conjunction with the “R2” button on the game controller in order to “remove the seal to the lid (cover)” and retrieve the healing waters from within the well of Jacob in order to be healed from the wounds of the enemies. However, the player must first retrieve the "Star of David" when it initially appears within the screen display, because it will cause the well of Jacob to appear somewhere in the midst of the land and remain in the earth allowing the player to draw from it the “Waters of Life”.


When the player is bitten by a single attacker (creature of darkness) during the


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game small “Circle of stars” will appear above his head indicating dizziness.However, a single bite does not have enough poison to paralyze and kill the player, but will cause him to be incoherent for several minutes and may slow (decrease) his movement and mobility temporarily during the game.However, if the player is ambush by multiple attackers having received multiple bite wounds from more than one adversary at a time and fails to either retrieve the "healing Waters" (Waters of Life) from the well of Jacob and/or does not enter the "Promise House" (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” that is located in the temple within a timely manner to receive healing he shall lose consciousness and shall forfeit his life. However, if the player does not receive healing from the wounds inflicted by his adversary the poison will affect his body by causing him to experience "Paralysis"; which shall render him motionless and leave him defenseless against the attacks of his enemies. Now, the “Final stage” of the poison affecting the player’s body will cause him to lose consciousness and forfeit his life. Therefore, the player must attempt to retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob in order to stay (counteract) the effects of the poison. If the player is unable to retrieve the “Waters of Life” from the well of Jacob he will lose a life. The player can also if he has been bitten by his adversary enter the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple that he may seek mercy from God in order to be healed from his wounds.

The Key of Life

The player must retrieve the "Key of Life" when it released by the Angel of God in the heaven after appears within the screen display in order to be able to gain entrance (access) into the “Promise House” (Temple of God). The “Key of Life” will appear as a star descending from the heavens after it is released from the Angel of God in heaven. The player must press the “Triangle” button on thegame controller in order to retrieve the "Key of Life" when it appears within the screen display, because the “Key of Life” can be used by the player of the game to open (unlock) and close (lock) the doors that allow access into “Promise House” (Temple of God). However, after the player has retrieved the "Key of Life" an “Image of a Key of Life” will be appear over the door post of the promise house as a sign signifying that access through the “Doorway” (Doors) of the promise house is granted by God and the image (seal) of the “Key of Life” will remain over the door post of the promise house for the duration of the game.Moreover, the “Key of Life” will appear to be attached to the player’s garment (clothing) and it can be used at any time by him when the “Triangle” button is pressed on the game controller to “open and/or close the doors” to the promise house which is also referred to as the “Temple of God”. The “Promise House” (Temple of God) is a place that will allows the player to safely store any weapons and/or sacred items such as the Chef corner stone and any foundation stones that may have been kept within the player’s possession especially, if he was not able to place and set (lay) them in the midst (center) of the sun earlier that day.


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Now, after the player has retrieved the “Key of Life” he can use it to open and unlock the doors of the promise house in order to retrieve weapons and/or anyitems from the Armory’s vault. The player can also use the “Key of Life” to open the doors in order to return any weapon and/or items placing them back into the Armory’s vault, or to enter the temple and approach the altar of God that he may touch it in order to have his power bands recharged and also to approach the altar of God or place his hands upon the horns of the altar to obtain mercy from the Lord God to be healed from his wounds inflected by his adversary. Furthermore, the player can use the “Key of Life” if he needs to enter into the temple and perform the duties of sanctifying and cleansing the temple of God, such as the cleansing the temple wall, pillar and column stones that may have been damaged having decay upon them as a result of his adversary gaining access into the temple. However, if the player does not close (lock) the doors of the “Promise House” (Temple of God) his enemies may gain access into the temple and try to devour the walls, column and pillar stones within the temple in order to cause the temple of God to fall to the earth and be destroyed. Therefore, the doors of the promise house should be closed and locked at all time by the player when leaving the “Promise House” (Temple). Now, some of the members of the creatures of darkness will try to gain access into the promise house by force in an attempt to steal the player weapons from the Armory’s vault or any scared items from the temple of God when the doors are left open and unlocked. Therefore, the player must remember to close (lock) the doors of the temple that he may safeguard the “Sacred” items and “Holy” things therein. Furthermore, some of the creatures of darkness will try to gain entrance into the promise house by force attempting to destroy and breakdown the doors of the “Promise House” (Temple of God) that they may enter it and steal any scared items and /or weapons that may be presently within the Armory’s vault or any foundation stones that may have been stored there. The player must prevent the creatures of darkness known as the “Rammer” and the “Bandit” from destroying the doors by having the Angels of God place a large stone in front of the “Doors” (Doorway) when he is not inside the temple; which will and prevent them from breaking down the doors and deny them access through the entrance of the temple. Therefore, the player can call and send for the Angels of God to assist him by placing a large stone at the entrance of the promise house in order to have the door way blocked.

The player must press the "Triangle" button in conjunction with the “R1” button on the game controller in order to “call and send for the Angels of God and have them place a large stone in front of the doorway” to the promise house. The great stone that is placed at the entrance by the angels of God can be used to seal and block the door way of the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and prevent any creatures of darkness from attempting to enter the promise house to steal the foundation stone(s) at night. When this function is preformed the Angels of God will descend from heaven and take a large stone from the land place it in front of the door way of the promise house to prevent any access into or out of


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the “Promise House” (Temple of God). The player can press the "Triangle" button and “R1” button to “call and send for the Angels of God to remove the large stone from in front of doorway” to the promise house when he wants to retrieve a weapon, sacred item and/or any foundation stone(s) that was previously stored within the promise house, if he is attempting try to place and establish them as foundation stones within the midst (center) of the sun at sunrise. If a foundation stone is stolen by the player’s adversary and is cast into the well of Jacob the player can press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons to “call and send for the Angel of God and have him stir the waters” within the well, which will cause the foundation stone(s) or any other stone(s) that has been cast into the well of Jacob to rise to the surface. After which, the player can retrieve the foundation stone by pressing the “Square” button in conjunction with the “L1” button on the game controller. However, if the waters within the well of Jacob are made bitter, because a dark stone was cast into the well, then the player must remove the stone and cleanse the waters before they can be retrieved by him for healing. Therefore, the bitter (unclean) waters must be cleansed (change) and heal before they can be retrieved and used by the player to heal his wounds. The player must press the “Triangle” button while holding the "R2" button on the game controller in order to “call and send for the Angel of God to come and “change” (heal) the bitter waters” that are inside the well of Jacob and turn then back into "Waters of Life".


If a creature of darkness has hid within the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and the entrance has been blocked (sealed) with a large stone then the creature will remain within the sealed promise house, until the player removes the stone from in front of the door way of the promise house. If the player has stored a foundation stone(s) within the promise house the night before which has the creature of darkness trapped inside, and then the player may have to recover the foundation stone(s) from the creature who will attempt to steal the stone and run away with it when the large stone is removed from in front of the door way of the promise house when the new day begins. However, if the player allow any members within the family of the creatures of darkness to enters into a open (unlocked) “Promise House” (Temple) that does not have a large stone place placed in front of the doors he (player) may have to repair and restore the walls, column and pillar stones inside the promise house, after he has subdued and killed his adversary that has gained access inside of it.


The “Key of Life” will appear as a star descending from the heavens after it is released from the Angel of God in heaven and the "Key of Life" will allow the player to safely keep and protect the foundation stone(s) over night within the promise house.


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Function Buttons

Triangle ButtonCircle ButtonSquare ButtonX Button

Triangle Button “Dual Functions Button”(R1, R2, R1 and R2)(L1, L2, L1 and L2)

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1”, “R2”, “R1” and “R2” buttons in order to be able to “call and send for the Angels of God to come and “place a large stone” in front of the entrance” of the “Doorway” (Doors) in order prevent access into the promise house, and he can also call them back to the earth to remove the stone. The player can also call the Angels and have them “change the bitter (unclean and tainted) waters” which are inside the well of Jacob back into vibrant "Water of Life” and also “call and send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well of Jacob in order to cause the stone(s) (whether foundation stone(s) and/or dark stone(s)) that were cast into the well to rise (float) to the surface that he may retrieve them. In addition, the player can press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1”, “L2”, and the “L1” and “L2” buttons that are on the game controller in order to be able to “put on protective gloves” which must be used when handling the dark stones and he will be able to “retrieve (remove) the dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob” and this function button will also enable him to “sprinkle the consecrated ashes within the rams horn upon the dark stones to dissolve (destroy) them” from the well. The player will also able to “repair (fix) the water bucket” which is lowered into the well, if there is any damage made by any stones when it (they) were cast (dropped) into the well.

Triangle Button

The “Key of Life” will appear as a star descending from the heavens into the earth after it is released by the Angel of God that appears to be standing upon the clouds in heaven. The player must press the “Triangle” button on the game controller in order to retrieve the "Key of Life" when it appears within the screen display, because it will be enable him to open (unlock) and close (lock) the doors that will allow access and entrance into “Promise House” (Temple of God). In addition, the “Key of Life” will appear after it is retrieved by the player to be attached to his garment (clothing) when not in use and may be retrieved from off his clothing (garment) at any time by him when the “Triangle” button is pressed on the game controller to “open (unlock) or close (lock) the doors” to the


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“Promise House” (Temple of God). Now, after the player has retrieved the "Key of Life" and has opened the doors to the temple of God an “Image of a Key” will be appear over the door post of the “Promise House” (Temple of God) as a sign signifying that access through the “Doorway” (Doors) of the promise house has been granted by God and this “Image of a Key” shall remain over the “Door post” (Lintel) of the “Promise House” (Temple of God) as long as the doors are open for the duration of the game. However, the player may also choose to close (lock) the doors of the temple of God at any time during game play, which will cause the “Image of the key” to disappear; if he wants to prevent any adversaries or enemies from gaining access into the temple of God. Therefore, if this is the case the player must also press the “Triangle” button on the game controller in order to be able to “close (lock) the doors” of the temple, if he is not performing the service of the temple, seeking to restore any damaged vision walls without or is attempting to lay (set) the foundation of Christ with the midst (center) of the sun.

Triangle Button “Dual Functions Button”(R1, R2, R1 and R2)

“Triangle” Button and “R1”

“Call and send for the Angels of God to place a large stone in front of the door way (doors) which allows entrance into the promise house and also to remove it”

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” on the game controller to be able to “call and send for the Angels of God to assist him in the land of promise by placing a large stone in front of the door to the promise house”. Now, a large stone can be placed in front of the “doorway” (doors) of the promise house, after the key of life has been retrieved to prevent any of the creatures of darkness from gaining access or entering into the “Promise House” (Temple) during the day and also during the night to steal any foundation stones,weapons and any items that is stored within the Armory’s vault. The creatures of darkness will try to gain entrance into the promise house by attempting to break down the doors that will allow access into the temple when there is no large stone placed in front of the “doorway” (doors). However, if the temple’s “doors” (doorway) are breached by the player’s enemies they will attempt to pollute and spoil the temple of God by devouring the walls of the temple along with the column and pillar stones. When the "Triangle" button is pressed in conjunction with the “R1" button on the game controller the player will be able to “call the Angels of God to assist him by bringing a large stone that can be placed in front of the “doorway” (doors) to the promise house to prevent the creatures of darkness from entering into the “Promise House” (Temple) during the day or at night to steal any foundation stones, weapons, or items that may be stored therein.


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When this function is performed the Angels of God will descend from heaven and assist the player by retrieving a large stone from the land; which can be place it in front of the entrance of the “doorway” (doors) that allows access into the promise house to block the entrance in order to prevent any access through it. However, the player must have the stone removed from in front of the entrance of the “doorway” (doors) if he desires to retrieve any foundation stones from the temple and also if he desires to retrieve any weapons or items from the Armory’s vault or return anything back to the Armory's vault. Likewise, the large stone must be removed from in front of the entrance of the “doorway” (doors), if he is seeking to obtain mercy from God having a need to be healed from any wounds and must enter the temple and attempt to take hold of the horns of the altar, because he was not able to retrieve the “healing waters” from the well of Jacob; which can also healed him from his wounds inflicted by his adversary. The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with "R1" button on the game controller again to call and send for the Angels of God and have them come back into the earth and remove the large stone from in front of the entrance” of the “doorway” (doors) of the promise house. After the “Triangle” is pressed in conjunction with “R1” button on the game controller the call and send for the Angels of God which shall descend from heaven and assist the player by “taking away (removing) the stone that blocks the entrance to the doorway” (doors) of the “Promise House” (Temple of God).


The creatures of darkness will attempt to destroy and break down the doors of the promise house that they may enter the temple of God and steal the foundation stones that were previously stored there and/or any weapons or items from the Armory vault that are used against them. Therefore, the player can call and send for the Angel of God to assist him by placing a large stone in front of the entrance of the “doorway” (doors) to protect them and all the contents within the promise house from the wiles of his adversary. The player must press the “Triangle” button on the game controller in conjunction with the “R1” button to “call and send for the Angels to place a large stone in front of the “doorway” (doors) and he can also call them back to remove the large stone that blocks the entrance of the “doorway” (doors) of the “Promise House” (Temple of God).

“Triangle” Button and “R2” “Call and send for the Angel of God to cleanse (change) and heal the bitter (unclean) waters that are inside the well of Jacob and turn them back into vibrant "Waters of Life"

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R2” on the game controller to be able to “call and send for the Angel of God who will assist him by bringing fresh “Manna” from heaven; which represents the Word of God that can be used to heal the waters” that were made bitter within the well of


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Jacob. When the “Triangle” button is pressed in conjunction with the and the “R2” button on the game controller the player will be ale to “call for the Angel of God to assist him by changing the bitter waters” that are inside the well of Jacob into vibrant "Water of Life" in order to be healed of his wounds (injuries). The player must retrieve and drink the “healing waters” (Water of Life), if he has been bitten by any of the creatures of darkness. When this function is performed the Angel of God will descend from heaven into the earth bringing with them the “Manna of God” and will cast (drop) it (manna) upon (into) the waters within the well of Jacob to change (cleanse) and heal the waters which were made bitter (unclean) by the foundational dark stone(s) that were cast into the well. The player must retrieve and drink the well waters in order to be healed from the wounds of his adversary. Therefore, the player must press the “Circle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to “retrieve and drink” the “Waters of Life” and be healed from his wounds. The Angel of God shall come and assist the player when he call them and will drop the fresh manna into the well that will cleanse (change) and heal the waters within the well of Jacob that were made bitter (unclean), as a result of the foundation dark stone(s); which represents uncleanness and dead works being dropped into the well. The player must have the bitter waters “cleansed” (changed) and turned back into vibrant (healing) waters in order to be healed from the wounds of his adversaries, if he has been bitten more than once while attempting to safeguard and protect the land of promise. Now, if the player cannot retrieve the healing waters from the well of Jacob for any reason, then he still may be able to receive healing if he is able to enter the promise house and take hold of the horns of the altar of God.


The player must press the "Triangle" button in conjunction with the "R2” button on the game controller to “call for the Angel of God to assist him who will bring the manna of God to “cleanse” (change) and heal the bitter (unclean) waters” turning them back into vibrant “Waters of Life”. The player must retrieve the healing waters if he has been bitten by any of the creatures of darkness.The player must press the "Circle" button in conjunction with the "R1” and “R2" buttons on the game controller to “retrieve and drink” the “Waters of Life” from the well of Jacob in order to be healed from any bites (wounds) of his adversaries. When this function is done the player will be able to retrieve and drink the “Water of Life” from the bucket and be healed of his wounds (injuries).

Preprogrammed Function:

The player can be healed from his injuries (wounds) after the water has been cleansed (changed) and healed by the Angel of God.

“Triangle” Button and “R1 and R2”


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“Call and send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well that they may cause the stones to raise (float) to the surface that the player may retrieve them”

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller to be able to “call and send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well that they may cause the foundation stone(s) and/or any dark stone(s) that are at the bottom of the well to rise (float) to the surface” of the well that they (stones) may be retrieved and recovered by the player. Some of the creatures of darkness will try to hinder the player’s progress of repairing the damaged vision walls and restoring peace to the land by attempting to steal the foundation stone(s); which represent the doctrine of the Apostle of Christ that are used by him (the player) to establish the foundation of God in the earth, and/or by stealing the promise (vision) stones from the vision walls that have the promises of God written and inscribed upon them. The creatures of darkness will attempt to steal (carry off) the foundation stone, promise (vision) stones and dark stone and cast (drop) them into the well of Jacob or convert (change) them into dark stones. The creatures of darkness will attempt to cast (drop) the foundation stone(s), into the well of Jacob to clog the well and prevent the player from laying the foundation of Christ within the sun which will restore peace to the land of promise. If any promise (vision) stones are stolen by these beasts and dropped into the well they must be retrieved (recovered) and reset (returned) back within the vision walls to ensure the promises of God. The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller in order to “Call and send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well in order to retrieve the stones from the well”. The player must recover or retrieve any foundation stone(s) and/or promise (vision) stones that were taken (stolen) from the land of promise and cast into the well of Jacob that he may complete the process of laying the foundation of Christ and restoring the walls of promises within the land. The player may recover the foundation stone(s) or any promise (vision) stone(s) from the well of Jacob if he is able to call and send for the Angel of God to have them stir up the waters of the well and cause the foundation stones, promise (vision) stones and foundational dark stones to rise (float) to the surface that he may recover them again.

The player must press the "Square" button in conjunction with "L1" to “recover the stolen foundation stone(s)” and he must press the "Square" button in conjunction with "L2" to “recover the stolen vision (promise) stones” from the well of Jacob when they rise to the surface after the Angel has stirred the waters. When this function is performed the Angel of God will appear and descend from heaven and go to the well to stir the waters of the well which will cause the foundation stone(s) and/or vision (promise) stone to rise to the surface and allow them to be retrieved by the player. The player must use the protective gloves if he attempts to retrieve any dark stone(s) from the well. The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” button on the game controller which will allow him to “use and put on protective gloves” that he has retrieved


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from the Armory vault that allows him to handle (retrieve) and take hold of the dark stones without being defiled (spotted) by them and remove them from the well of Jacob.


The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller in order to “send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well in order to retrieve any stones from the well”. When the promise (vision) stones have come to the surface the player can press the "Square" button in conjunction with the "L2" button on the game controller in order to be able to “Grab (take hold of) and/or Release” the “Vision (promise) stone(s)” from the well of Jacob. The player must also press the "Square" button in conjunction with the "L1" button on the game controller in order to be able to “Grab (take hold of) and/or Release” the “Chief Corner Stone and any Foundation Stone” that are within his possession or to be able to retrieve (recover) them from the well of JacobTriangle Button “Dual Functions Button”(L1, L2, L1 and L2)

“Triangle” Button and “L1”

“Allows the player to use (put on) the “Protective Gloves” before he attempts to removes the Dark stone from the well”

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” button on the game controller which will allow him to “put on and use the protective gloves” that he has retrieved from the armory vault which allow him to handle (retrieve) and take hold of the dark stones” without being defiled (spotted) by them when he is attempting to remove the dark stones from the well of Jacob. The player must enter into the promise house (Temple) and retrieve the “Protective Gloves” from the Armory’s vault and use them to remove the dark stone from the well of Jacob. The player must press the “R1” button on the game controller to “open and close the Armory’s vault” and this function will also enable him while the Armory’s vault is open to retrieve (select) any defensive weapons or items from the Armory’s vault when the viewer window appears after the “R1” button is pressed. When the viewer window is open the player can use the (Left/Right) “Arrow” buttons to “rotate the list of weapons or items” around through the viewer eye. The player must allow the weapon of choice to remain within the viewer eye and then must press the “R1” button again to close the viewer window in order to retrieve the weapon or item desired. The weapon and /or item will either appear within the player’s hand, if he has not retrieved and opened the duffle bag that will allow him to store the desired items inside.

Now, the stored items will remain inside (within) the duffle bag until the player is ready to use them. The player must retrieve the duffle bag from the Armory’s


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vault after the vault is open, because it will allow him to store up to eight (8) items within the duffle bag which he can carry through out the game area. The player must press the “R2” button on the game controller in order to be able to open and close the duffle bag. The player must put on and use the protective gloves, before attempting to “Grab (take hold of) the dark stones, because they will enable him to remove them from the well of Jacob without being defiled (spotted) by them. The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller to “call and send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well” in order to retrieve any stone, such as the foundation stones, vision (promise) stones and/or dark stones from the well. When this function is performed the Angels of God will descend from heaven and go to the well and stir the waters of the well which in turn will cause the foundation stone(s), vision (promise) stones or dark stones to rise to the surface and be retrieved by the player. The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” button in order to be able to put on “use the protective gloves” to remove the dark stones from the well of Jacob, which has turn the healing waters bitter before the Angel of God can “change” (turn) the bitter waters back into vibrant “Waters of Life”.


Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to cast foundation stones and/or other stones taken from the game area into the well to clog the well and prevent the player from laying the foundation of Christ within the sun. The player must recover the stolen foundation stone(s) and/or any promise (vision) stones from the well that he may complete the process of laying the foundation and also restoring the promises (vision) stones back within the wall. After the foundation stone(s) or promise (vision) stones have risen to the surface the player must press the "Square" button in conjunction with the "L1" on the game controller in order to be able to “Grab (take hold of) and/or Release” the Chief corner stone and any Foundation Stone, and he can also press the “Square” button in conjunction with the "L2" button on the game controller in order to be able to “Grab (take hold of) and/or Release” any of the “Vision (promise) Stones” that were jarred loose or knocked down from the well.

“Triangle” Button and “L2”

“Remove the Dark stones from the well of Jacob and also enable him to sprinkle the consecrated ashes within the ram’s horn upon the dark stones to dissolve (destroy) them”

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L2” button on the game controller in order to be able “remove the dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob” and this function button will also enable him to “sprinkle the consecrated ashes within the rams horn upon the dark stones to dissolve (destroy) them”; which were cast into the well to “taint” (pollute) the healing


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waters and make them bitter (unclean). Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to cast all manner of stones, such as “Dark stones” down the well; which can be used to pollute the “Waters of Life”. Yet, other creatures, such as the “Night flyer” will attempt to retrieve stones that may be removed from off the land to cast into (within) the well of Jacob, in order to cause the “healing waters” to over flow from the well, or to damage the pulley that is used to lower the bucket from the surface to the bottom of the well and raise the bucket from the bottom of the well to the surface. Now, these acts of sabotage will be attempted by his adversaries for the purpose of destroying the pulley that is used to retrieve the water, to damage the bucket that is lowered into the well or to weigh it (bucket) down in order to prevent it from being raised to the surface with the “Water of Life”. The player must prevent his adversaries from attempting these acts of sabotage by subduing his enemies, before they are able to remove any stone from the land to cast into the well and also by using the “Consecrated ashes” within the ram’s horn to destroy the dark stones. Now, when a dark stone has been cast into the well of Jacob by any one of the creatures of darkness the well water will become bitter (unclean), and cannot be drunk by the player who must retrieve the “Waters of Life” to be healed from his wounds that were inflicted by his adversary. Therefore, the player must remove the foundation dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob, because these unclean stones represents the works of the flesh; which are dead works that produce uncleanness in the earth.

However, before the player can retrieve the foundation stone(s), vision (promise) stone(s) or the dark stone(s) he must call the Angel of God to stir the water within the well; which will cause the stones (foundation stones, vision (promise) stones or the dark stones) that were cast into the well to float to the surface and allow the player to retrieve them (from the well). Therefore, the player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller to “call and send for the Angel of God to stir the waters of the well” in order to retrieve any stone, such as the foundation stones, vision (promise) stones and/or dark stones from the well. Again, the player must remove the dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob, before he can call and send for the Angel of God who will come to assist him by bringing fresh “Manna” from heaven; which represents the word of God that will “heal” (cleanse) the waters within the well of Jacob that were made bitter (unclean) and change (turn)” them back into vibrant “Waters of Life”. Moreover, the player must not drink from the well of Jacob, if the waters within the well have become “polluted” (contaminated) or were made bitter, as a result of the foundational dark stone being released into the well. The player must not drink the water from the well after the dark stones have been cast into the well of Jacob, because the contaminated waters will produce harmful effects within the player’s body if they are ingested by him.

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” button on the game controller in order to be able to “put on and use the protective gloves” that he has retrieved from the Armory vault to handle or grab (take hold of) and/or release the dark stones and remove them from the well of Jacob


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without being defiled (spotted) by them. Now, after the player has removed the dark stone(s) from the well of Jacob he must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “R2” on the game controller to be able to “call and send for the Angel of God who will assist him by bringing fresh “Manna” from heaven; which represents the Word of God that can be used to heal the waters” that were made bitter within the well of Jacob.


The “Foundation Dark Stones” are also used by the creatures of darkness to “taint” (contaminate) the “Waters of Life” that are within the well of Jacob. Furthermore, if the water with the well of Jacob are made bitter and are drunk by the player they (waters) will be harmful to him. The player can retrieve (drink) the healing waters of Life that are within the well of Jacob in order to be healed from his wounds and to restore his health (strength). Therefore, the player must remove the foundational dark stones, before the waters can be healed (cleansed) by the Angel of God that will come and assist him. However, if the player is injured he can also seek healing by entering the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” to obtain mercy from the Lord God and be healed from his wounds inflicted by his adversary and from the poison within his body.


The creatures of darkness will attempt to cast foundation stones and/or other stones taken from the game area into the well to clog the well and prevent the player from laying the foundation of Christ within the sun. Now, some of the creatures of darkness will attempt to cast all manner of stones, such as foundation stones that were stolen from the temple or taken out of the midst (center) of the sun and also dark stones down the well; which can be used to pollute the “Waters of Life”. Yet, other creatures such as the “Night flyer” will attempt to use stones that may be removed from off the land and cast into (within) the well of Jacob, to cause the “healing waters” to over flow from the well, and to damage the pulley that is used to lower the bucket from the surface to the bottom of the well, or to raise the bucket from the bottom of the well to the surface.

“Triangle” Button and “L1 and L2”

“Repair the bucket that was damaged by the dark stones”

The player must press the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” and “L2” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to “Repair (fix) the bucket that was damaged” as a result of the foundation stone, promise (vision) stone and/or dark stone being cast into the well of Jacob by the creatures of darkness. If the player fail raise the bucket to the surface and allows it to remain at the


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bottom of the well he may not be able to raise the bucket to the surface, because of the weight of the stones dropped upon it (bucket). In addition, the opening of the lid which allows the water to flow into the bucket may also become damaged if the creatures of darkness are allowed to continually down stones into the well whose bucket has not been raised to the surface. The player must allow the bucket to remain at the top of the well to prevent his enemies from trying to destroy the bucket and also the opening of the lid which covers the bucket in order to ensure that the content (Waters of Life) that has flowed into the bucket through the opening of the lid has been preserved. Again, the player must press the “Circle” button in conjunction with “L2” to activate the pulley in order to lower or raise the bucket from the well of Jacob in order to be able to retrieve the “Waters of Life”; which can be used to heal him. Therefore, the creatures of darkness will attempt to drop (cast) stolen foundation stones and promise (vision) stone into the well of Jacob to damage and destroy the bucket that has been lowered into the well to retrieve water and also to cause the waters of the well to overflow. Foundation dark stones which are created by the creature known as the “Bandit” shall also be cast into the well of Jacob to “pollute” (taint) the “Waters of Life” that they may become bitter preventing the player from being healed by drinking the water. The player must subdue his adversary (Creatures of darkness) and try to prevent him (them) from casting any stone kind of stones into the well of Jacob by overcoming them within the game area and destroying the dark stones when they are created by sprinkling the consecrated ashes that were taken from the altar of God which are within the ram horn upon them. The bucket that is affixed to the well of Jacob which is raised and lowered by the pulley system must be repaired, if it becomes damaged as a result of a stone falling upon it. The player will be able to “repair and fix the bucket” that was damaged in order to continue to be able to use it to retrieve the healing water that are within the well of Jacob by pressing the “Triangle” button in conjunction with the “L1” and “L2” buttons on the game controller.


The player can use the "Consecrated Ashes" that were taken from the altar of God and placed within the ram’s horn to destroy (dissolve) the dark stones that were created by the creature known as the “Bandit”; which are used to pollute (taint) and make bitter the “Waters of Life” that are within (inside) the well of Jacob.


Destroying the Foundation Dark Stones ................ 3000 points

Destroying the “Night Flyer "............................... 1500 points


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Destroying the “Bandit” ............................... 1000 points

Destroying the “Rammer" ............................... 750 points

Destroying the “Tare” ............................... 350 points

Player's Weapons

Power Bands

The player will wear upon each wrist arms bands which are also referred to as "Power bands" and he can use the power bands as offensive weapons in order to subdue and destroy his enemies when mounting an offensive attack. The player should use the power bands as an offensive and/or defensive weapon when he is fighting against the creatures of darkness which have come to spoil the land and disannul (destroy) the promised of God. When the “power bands” are fully charged (energized) they will allow the player to perform multiple functions and he can use them to "release a single stream of energy that will split into multiple strands (coils) of energy that will have the appearance and form of a net of energy and this energy that is released that has turned into a net that can be used by the player of the game to ensnare and entangle his adversaries(enemies) in order to absorb (assimilate) their power (life force) and destroy them", “Release energy into the atmosphere that will form into energy massand explode sending ultra Violet rays of light and particles” down into the earth and the surrounding area within the land of promise that will afflict his enemies’ bodies and feet with grievous sores and blisters” and he will also be able to "Release a small burst of energy that will allow him to transmit and project a hologram image of him 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position”. Furthermore, if the player is able to ensnare and catch his adversary within the energy net he can absorb his enemies’ power (life force) and this negative energy will be converted into positive energy and transferred back to the power bands through the coils (multiple strand of energy) allowing the bands to receive an additional energy charge.

Now, these specific offensive weapons can be used against his enemies and adversaries through the use of his power bands when mounting an offensive attack against them. The player has an arsenal of weapons and devices (offensive and defensive), such as “Whistle Blowers”, “Illumination Grenades”, the “Ram’s Horn which contains the Consecrated Ashes”, “Umbrella Poppers”, “Metallic Powder (Dust)” and “Fire rocks (stones)” that he may deploy and use when fighting against the creatures known as the “Bandits”, the “Rammers”, the “Night Flyers” and the “Tares” who are his enemies that have come to take he spoils of the land to subdue and overcome (destroy) them. Furthermore, if the player is able to catch and ensnare his adversary within the “Net of energy”, then


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he can absorb his enemies “power” (life force) and have the negative energy converted and transferred back to the power bands through the “coils” (multiple strand of energy); which will allow the bands to receive an additional energy charge.


The player must press the “R1” and “L1” button on the game controller in order to be able to touch the horns of the Altar of God; which will allow him to “Recharge the power bands and also obtain healing”, when the Spirit of the Anointing (God) is resting upon the altar. Furthermore, if the player is able to catch and ensnare his adversary within the “Net of energy”, then he can absorb his enemies power (life force) and have the negative energy converted and transferred back to the power bands through the “coils” (multiple strand of energy); which will allow the bands to receive an additional energy charge.

The player’s offensive and defensive weapons below:

1. Energy Nets - Are used primarily as offensive weapons2. Ultra Violet Rays of Light - Are used as offensive and defensive weapons

3. Hologram Images - Are used as offensive and defensive weapons

4. Halogen Lights - Are used to illuminate (light-up) the pathway up to 3’ in front of him to see at night and will also will highlight any single vision (promise) stone(s) that must be restored upon the vision walls

The player’s offensive and defensive weapons and devices below:

1. Illumination Grenades - Are used as offensive and defensive weapons

2. Whistle Blowers - Are used primarily as defensive devices

3. Umbrella Poppers - Are used primarily as defensive devices

4. The Canisters of Metallic Powder (Dust) - Are used primarily as offensive weapons

5. Fire rocks (stones) - Are used as offensive and defensive devices

6. Protective Gloves - Are used primarily as defensive devices


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The power bands that are used by the player must be charged each day by the player in order for him to be able to use them as an offensive and/or defensive weapons and they will enable the player and give him the ability to catch and destroy his adversaries that have come into the land of promise to destroy the vision walls. The player will be able to activate and deploy these weapons by pressing the “X” button on the game controller.

R1 and L1 Button

“Recharging the Power bands and obtain healing”

The player must press the “R1” and “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to touch the horns of the Altar of God which will allow him to “Recharge the power bands and also obtain healing” when the Spirit of the Anointing (God) is resting upon the altar. When the player places his hands upon the Altar of God that is within the promise house (Temple) the Anointing of God which is the presence of the Lord that dwells within the Temple of God who Spirit is upon the altar shall transfer the power (energy) of God to the power bands (weapons) and they will be recharged. Furthermore, if the player is able to catch and ensnare his adversary within the “Net of energy”, then he can absorb his enemies power (life force) and have the negative energy converted and transferred back to the power bands through the “coils” (multiple strand of energy); which will allow the bands to receive an additional energy charge.In addition, if the player has been bitter by his adversary he can enter the "Promise House" (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the horns of the altar and obtain healing from the wounds inflicted by his enemies and adversaries. Note:

If the player has been bitten by his adversary he must either retrieve the “Waters of Life” in order to be healed from the poison of his enemies or enter the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and place his hands upon the “Horns of the Altar” within the temple that he may seek mercy from God in order to be healed from his wounds when the Spirit of the Anointing (God) is resting upon the altar

X Button “Dual Functions Button”

(R1, R2, R1 and R2)(L1, L2, L1 and L2)

The player can press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R1”, “R2”, “R1” and “R2” in order to be able to engage and activate the power bands; which shall


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“Release a single stream of energy that will split into multiple strands (coils) that will turn into a net”; which can be used by him to catch, ensnare and absorb (assimilate) his adversaries (enemies) “power” (life force) and destroy them, “Release multiple beams of energy into the atmosphere that will create a energy vortex in space and explode sending Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” down to the earth and through out the surrounding area within the land of promise; which if touched by any of the creatures of darkness will produce grievous sores (boils) and/or blisters upon their bodies and also upon the soles of their feet, and also he they (power bands) can “Release a small burst of energy that will allow him to transmit and project a hologram image of him” 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position. In addition, the player can press the “X” button in conjunction with the “L1”, “L2”, and the “L1” and “L2” buttons that are on the game controller in order to be able to “hurl and deploy a weapon known the Illumination Grenade in the vicinity as defensive counter measures” which will allow him to see his adversaries at night after the sun has set within the screen display, “set up and deploy a devices known as the “Whistle Blower”; which acts as flares that can be used to alert him of enemy movement” through out the land of promise and also he can “set up and deploy a sensor device known as “Umbrella Popper”; which has the appearance of an umbrella that will release a projectile into the air” to alert the player after it has detected the presence of metallic dust which contains beryllium if it is within close proximity.


If the player is able to catch and ensnare his adversary within the “Energy Net” he can absorb (assimilate) his enemies’ power (life force). The negative energy will be converted into positive energy and transferred back to the power bands through the coils (multiple strand of energy) allowing the bands to receive an additional energy charge.

X Button

The player wears upon each wrist arm bands which are also referred to as "Power bands" and he can use these power bands as weapons to defeat, subdue and overcome his enemies and adversaries; which are the forces of darkness that have been unleashed upon the earth by the dark Lord Beelzebub. The player must press the “X” Button on the game controller in order to be able to activate (turn on) the power bands to use them as a weapon against his enemies and/or to deactivate (turn off) the power band in order to conserve thepower that remains within the bands. The player can activate (turn on) the power band in the time of need when he wants to use them as defensive weapon thatwill help him defend the vision area, overcome his enemies and restore peace to the land. When the “X” button is pressed in conjunction with “R1”, “R2”, “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller the player will be able to activate (turn on) and use the power bands as offensive or defensive weapons against his


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adversaries and enemies within the game. However, when the “X” button is pressed in conjunction with “L1”, L2”, L1” and “L2” the player will be able to

release (hurl), set and deploy additional offensive and/or defensive weapons and/or devices through out the surrounding area within the land that he must protect and safeguard, after he has retrieved these items (weapons and devices) from the armory’s vault which is located within the “Promise House” (Temple of God). The player can press the “R2” and “L2” button on the game controller in order be able to “Open or Close the Door” that will allow entrance into the Temple of God. However, when the power bands start to show signs of power failure the player can recharge them, if he is able to enter the “Promise House” (Temple of God) and touch the altar of God. When the player has entered through the “door” (doorway) of the promise house he must then proceed to the altar and allow the Anointing (Holy Spirit) which is the power of God that rest upon the altar to transfer energy (power) to recharge his weapons (power bands). Now, after the power band are recharged the player can continue to use them as an offensives and /or defensive weapon against his enemies in order to subdue and overcome (defeat) them who have come to spoil the land of promise. The player must press the “R1 and L1” button on the game controller in order to be able to recharge the power bands which will allow him to touch (taking hold of) the “Altar of God” which is located within the “Promise House” (Temple of God). Likewise, if the player is able to ensnare and catch his adversary within the “Energy Net” he can absorb (assimilate) his enemies’ power (life force). The negative energy will be converted into positive energy and transferred back to the power bands through the coils (multiple strand of energy) allowing the bands to receive an additional energy charge.


The player must press the “X” Button on the game controller in order to be able to activate (turn on) the power bands to use them as a weapon against his enemies and/or to deactivate (turn off) the power band in order to conserve thepower that remains within the bands. When the player has entered through the “Door” (Doorway) of the promise house he must then proceed to the altar and allow the anointing (Holy Spirit) which is the power of God that rest upon the altar to transfer energy (power) to recharge his weapons (power bands). The player must press the “R1” and “L1” button on the game controller in order to be able to recharge the power bands which will allow him to touch (taking hold of) altar that is located within the Promise House. Likewise, if the player is able to ensnare and catch his adversary within the “Energy Net” he can absorb (assimilate) his enemies’ power.

X Button “Dual Functions Button”(R1, R2, R1 and R2)


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The player’s offensive and defensive weapons are shown below:

1. Energy Nets,

2. Ultra Violet Rays of Light

3. Hologram Images

“Energy Net”

The “Energy Net” is a weapon that will release a single stream of energy that can split into multiple strands (coils) which will turn into a net that can be used by the player to ensnare, entangle and absorb (assimilate) his adversaries (enemies) power (life force) and destroy them.

“X” Button and “R1”

“Energy Net”

The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R1” buttons on the game controller to activate (turn on) the power bands; which shall "Release a single stream of energy that will split into multiple strands (coils) of energy that will have the appearance and form of a “Net of energy”. Now, the energy that is released that has turned into a net may be used by the player of the game to catch and ensnare his adversaries (enemies) in order to absorb (assimilate) their “Power” (life force) and destroy them". If the player’s enemies try to mount an offensive attack from the “Right” side of the screen display, then the player must be facing the right in order to release and deploy this weapon; which can subdue and destroy any creature(s) of darkness that are attacking from the right side of the screen display. Likewise, if his enemies try to mount an attack from the “Left” side of the screen display, then the player must be facing the left in order to release and deploy this weapon which will subdue and destroy the creature(s) of darkness that are attacking him from the left side of the screen display. The player of the game can use the (Left/ Right) “Arrow” buttons on the game controller to turn his body to the right or left in order to release and deploy this weapon, referred to as the energy net toward and in the direction of his adversaries.

Therefore, when the “X” button is pressed in conjunction with the “R1” button on the game controller the player will be able to “release a single stream of energy shall be released from both power bands” that will ensnare his enemies. Now, after the energy is released from the power bands it will travel in the direction; that the player was facing and shall appear as a single stream of energy; until it


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comes into contact with any living object (Creature of darkness); then it will split into multiple strands (coils) of energy forming a “Net of Energy” around the object(s) which shall become entangled by the strands (coils) of energy. The “Net of energy” that has ensnared the creature(s) of darkness shall absorb (assimilate) it’s (their) “power” (life force) and drain them of all it’s (their) power destroying it (them). Now, after the “power” (life force) of the creature has been absorbed from them the spirit; which lives within the creature shall leave the decaying body and the carcass of the creature will turn into dust.


The player can press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R1” button on the game controller to activate (turn on) the power bands which shall “Release a single stream of energy that will split into multiple strands (coils) that will have the appearance and form of a “Net of Energy”; which can be sent toward and in the direction of any adversary(s) within the vicinity. The player must be facing the right or the left in order to release and deploy his weapon that will subdue and destroy the creatures of darkness that are attacking from the right or the left side of the screen display.

“Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles”

The “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” is a weapon that shall release multiple beams of energy into the atmosphere that will create a energy vortex in space and explode sending Ultra Violet rays of Light and Particles” down into the earth and through out the surrounding area within the land of promise that will afflict his adversary by producing grievous sores (boils) and/or blisters upon their bodies and also upon the soles of their feet.

“X” Button and “R2”

“Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles”

The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R2” buttons on the game controller to activate (turn on) the power band which shall “Release multiple beams of energy into the atmosphere that will create a energy vortex in space and explode sending Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” down into the earth and through out the surrounding area within the land of promise, which if touched by any of the creatures of darkness will produce grievous sores (boils) and/or blisters upon their bodies and also upon the soles of their feet impeding (retarding) their movement. The creatures of darkness will attempt to hideunderneath the concrete vision stones, column stones, column pillars or any solid structure (stone) in order to protect themselves from the “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” that shall be released into the earth, as a result of the exploding energy mass produce by the vortex in space. Furthermore, the creatures of darkness will also try to elude the player, if he is out in the open or


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within an area that is not shield from the “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles”. Now, the exploding energy vortex (mass) that has produce the ultra violet rays of light and particles will cause the surface of the ground to become heated as a result of the explosion which afflict the creatures of darkness with grievous sores

(boils) and/or blisters that can be visually seen upon their bodies and also upon the soles of their feet when they come into contact with them if they are not shielded from the blast (fall out). However, the player of the game has been given a special suit (clothing) and shoes from God which will shield and protect his body and feet from any fall out debris produced when the Ultra Violet Light and Particles exploded. Again, when the "X" button is pressed in conjunction with the "R2" on the game controller the power bands will be activated (turn on) and shall release multiple beams of energy into the atmosphere that will create an energy vortex in space. The mass of energy that is produced by the vortex shall explode releasing the “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” in all directions and this blast (bomb) can be used by the player as an offensive weapon when attempting to overthrow enemy forces who are advancing upon his position. The player can use the power bands to release these multiple beams of energy into the atmosphere that will send the “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” down into the earth upon his attacker(s) if he finds himself under heavy attack by his adversaries and/or when the land is being overrun by an army of hostile enemy forces. The weapon (“Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles”) can be used by the player to overcome his adversaries and defend a wider area within the region against the ground and air attacks of his opponents. The “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles" that are produced as a result of the energy vortex explosion will consume and cause any of the creatures of darkness that the light touches to become afflicted with grievous sores (boils) and blisters and tormented by the intense heat (energy) released from the light. Now, when any creature of darkness dies the unclean spirit will leave the dead carcass and it (the dead body) will turn into dust.


The player can use the power bands to release the energy mass into the air that will send “Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles” down into the earth upon his attacker(s) if he finds himself under heavy attack by his adversaries or when the land is being overrun by an army of hostile enemy forces. The player of the game has been given a special suit (clothing) and shoes from God; which will shield and protect his body and feet from any fall out debris produced when the “Ultra Violet Rays of Lights and Particles” exploded into the atmosphere. However, the "Ultra Violet Rays of Light and Particles" that are produced as a result of the energy vortex explosion will consume and cause any of the creatures of darkness that the light touches to become afflicted with grievous sores (boils) and blisters and tormented by the intense heat (energy) released from the light. When the creature of darkness dies the unclean spirit will leave the carcass which will turn to dust.


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“Hologram Images”

The “Hologram Images” are used by the player of the games as offensive and defensive weapons and they are produced as a result of the power bands “Releasing a small burst of energy that will allow him to transmit and project a hologram image of him 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position”.The player can use this hologram image as a diversion when he wants to give the appearance that he is in certain area or at a certain location but in reality is physically at another, to draw his adversary away from a specific area that may have need of restoration in order to restore the damaged (decayed) vision walls and stones of promise and also as a counter measure to know the whereabouts of his enemies that may be lying in wait to ambush (kill) him through out the land.

“X” Button and “R1 and R2”

“Transmit and Project a Hologram Image of Him to Avoid Ambush”

The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller to activate (turn on) the power bands; which shall “Release a small burst of energy that will allow him to transmit and project a hologram image of him 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position”. The player can use this hologram image as a diversion when he wants to give the appearance that he is in certain area or at a certain location but in reality is physically at another, to draw his adversary away from any specific area that may have need of restoration in order to restore the damaged (decayed) vision walls and stones of promise and also as a counter measure to know the whereabouts of his enemies that may be lying in wait to ambush (kill) him through out the land. The projected “Hologram Images” that are produced as a result of the energy burst created by the power bands can be used by the player to spoil the plans of his enemies and adversaries who may be waiting to ambush him if he attempts to seal the breaches found within the “Promise House” (Temple of God), or when attempting to restore and repair the vision (promise) walls, pillar and column stones that were damaged (weaken) by them through out the land of promise. Again, the player will be able to use the transmission of the hologram images to project a mirrored image of him 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position to determine if his enemies and adversaries are secretly lying in wait to ambush and attack him. When the “X” button is pressed in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” buttons on the game controller the “Hologram image” that is projected from the power bands can be used as a diversion to trick his adversary into believing that the player is standing right in front of them. The player adversaries will seek to advance upon the projected imaged thinking that it is the player and this offensive maneuver can be used by him prior to traveling into any area within the land of promise. Furthermore, the transmission of the hologram image will allow the player to escape from their grasp and avoid any potential threat (danger) of


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being attacked by a single adversary or multiple attackers that may have been planning to kill him when venturing unknowing into a specific location or area where they were laying in wait.


The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “R1” and “R2” button the game controller to activate this weapon (Hologram Image); which will allow him to project an image of him 25’ Twenty-Five feet from his original position. The player’s offensive and defensive weapons will allow him to defeat his enemies and adversaries who have come to devour the land and destroy vision walls by removing the words of God from them.

X Button “Dual Functions Button”(L1, L2, L1 and L2)

The player’s defensive weapons are shown below:

1. Illumination Grenades

2. Whistle Blowers

3. Umbrella Poppers

4. The Canisters of Metallic Powder (Dust)

5. Fire Rocks (stones)

6. Protective Gloves

“Illumination Grenade(s)”

The player can use “Illumination Grenades” in the vision area as offensive weapons and also as defensive counter measures, because they can produce an explosion of bright light that can temporarily blind the eyes of his enemies. The explosion that is created by the Illumination grenades will Illuminate and light up the night sky for several minutes allowing the player to go on the defensive in order subdue and overcome adversary who are advancing on his position or that have moving toward a specific location or area. The player may also use and deploy the Illumination grenade to view at night see) (view) and inspect the areas within the land of promise that have been compromised and also to find out what areas are being overrun by the creatures of darkness who have come to destroy the vision walls (blocks) and spoil the land.


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“X” Button and “L1”

“Illumination Grenade(s)”

The player must press the “X” button in conjunction with the “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to “Deploy or Hurl Illumination Grenades” into the area or vicinity as defensive counter measures” in order to subdue, overcome and defeat his adversaries who are advancing on his position or against his enemies that have taken refuge through out the land of promise under the cover of darkness. However, the player must first enter the temple of God, open the armory’s vault and retrieve the device “Illumination Grenades” that are to be used as a weapons against his enemies. The player must press the “R1” button on the game controller in order to be able to open and close the Armory’s vault to retrieve this weapon (Illumination Grenades) and this function will also allow him to view (see) the content within the Armory’s vault by way of a viewer window which shall also appear within the screen display when the vault is open. When the “R1” button is pressed the Armory’s vault will be opened and a message will prompt the player to press the (Up) “Arrow” button in order to “Retrieve” a weapon or item (object) from the vault or to press the (Down) “Arrow” button in order to “Return” a weapon or item (object) back to the Armory’s vault. However, if no action is performed by the player within (15) seconds of the Armory’s vault being opened the Armory’s vault will automatically close and must be re-opened by him if any weapons or items are desired. The player can use the (Left/Right) “Arrow” buttons to “rotate the list of weapons and/or items (objects)” that are within the Armory’s vault or the duffle bag around through the eye of the viewer window, pertaining to either the Armory’s vault or the duffle bag; which shall appear within the screen display after the Armory’s vault and the duffle bag are opened in order to be able to select any weapons and/or items (objects) from the Armory’s vault or from the duffle bag. The player must press the “Circle” button on the game controller in order to be able to retrieve any “Weapon and/or Item (object)” as well as any “Additional Weapons and/or Items (objects)” from the Armory's vault or from the duffle bag, if he allows the “Weapon and/or Item (Object) of choice to remain within the eye of any viewer window” that has appeared within screen display.This procedure (Press: the “Circle" button”) may also be used when returning any weapons and/or items (objects) back to the Armory’s vault and also when returning anything back within (inside or into) the duffle bag. However, the player can only retrieve one weapon and/or item (object) from the Armory’s vault at a time which will appear in his hand or one weapon and/or item (object) from the duffle bag at a time which will appear in his hand. The weapons (devices) and/or items (objects) that have appeared within the player’s hand may be carried by him to any destination or area through out the land of promise and can be used by him, distributed or set-up anywhere within the land as counter measures (offensive or defensive weapons) after they are armed (activated). In addition, the weapons or items (objects) may also be retained by the player


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and stored within (inside) a duffle bag (sack) until he is ready to use and deploy these weapons (devices) and/or items (objects).

Again, the player can press the "Circle" button on the game controller to confirm his choice (selection) of “Weapons and/or Items (objects)” as well as any “Additional Weapons and/or Items (Objects) previously placed within (inside or into) the Armory’s vault or duffle bag that he desires to retrieve. The weapon (device) “Illumination Grenades” will appear within the player’s hand and may be carried (distributed) by him to any destination (area) through out the land of promise or stored within the duffle bag (sack) until he is ready to use (set-up) and arm (activate) the weapon (device). Furthermore, this weapon after it is retrieved can be set-up and employed (used) anywhere within the land as a counter measure (offensive or defensive weapon) after it is armed (activated). Now, if the player desires to retrieve more than one weapon(s) or item(s) from the Armory’s vault he must retrieve the duffle bag first from the Armory’s vault; because it will allow him too safely store and transport (carry) multiple weapons within the duffle bag as he travels through the land of promise. The player must press the “Circle” button on the game controller in order to be able to retrieve any additional weapon(s) and/or item(s) from the Armory’s vault or duffle bag after the viewer windows appear. This procedure can also be used when returning any weapon(s) and/or item(s) back to the Armory’s vault and also when putting any object back within (inside) the duffle bag. Now, the Armory’s vault viewer window and the duffle bag viewer window will only remain open as long as either or both the Armory's vault and duffle bag are still opened.

However, when the Armory's vault or duffle bag are closed the viewer window pertaining to either or both will also disappear from the screen display. However, the player must allow the weapon(s) and/or item(s) of choice to remain within the eye of the viewer window and press the “Circle” button to retrieve the “Illumination Grenades” which will appear in his hand and this device can be set-up and armed (activated) at any time during game play. Now, the player must press the “R2” button on the game controller in order to be able to open and close the duffle bag after he has retrieved it from the Armory’s vault, because it (duffle bag) will enable him to safely store additional offensive and defensive weapon(s) and/or any other useful items (objects), such as the “Fire Rocks (stones)”, the “Ram’s Horn which contains the Consecrated Ashes” that can destroy (dissolve) the dark stones, “Protective Gloves” and any “Canisters containing the Metallic Powder (Dust)”; which can be use to track the footprints of his adversaries and their movement through out the land of promise and vision area. Furthermore, the player can also use the duffle bag to store and transport (carry) the Chief Corner stone as well as the Foundation stone which represent the Apostle of Christ when attempt the set (lay) them within the body (center) of the sun (sphere). The player can select (retrieve) as many weapons and/or items from that Armory vault as desired that will fit into the duffle bag and all these weapons and/or items (objects) may be safely stored and transported (carried) to any destination or region (area) through out the land of promise and can be


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employed (used), distributed and set-up anywhere by him within the land as counter measures (offensive or defensive weapons) after they are armed (activated).

Again, the “R1” button is dual function button that will enable the player to open or close the Armory vault after he has entered the “Promise House” (Temple of God). When the Armory's vault is closed the viewer window that appeared within the screen display which allowed the player to see the content within the Armory’s vault will also be closed and disappear from the screen display. The “R2” button is dual function button that will enable the player to open or close the duffle bag and this function will also allow him to view (see) the content within the duffle bag by way of another viewer window which shall appear within the screen display when the duffle bag is open. When the “R2” button is pressed the Armory’s vault will be opened and a message will prompt the player to press the (Up) “Arrow” button in order to “Retrieve” a weapon or item (object) from the duffle bag or to press the (Down) “Arrow” button in order to “Return” a weapon or item (object) back to the duffle bag. The player can store up to eight (8) weapon(s) and/or item(s) within (inside) the duffle bag at one time and he can also retrieve these weapon(s) and/or item(s) from the duffle bag at any time when the duffle bag is open. The player must press the “R3” button on the game controller which will enable him to “Secure his duffle bag over his shoulders and back and also enable him to retrieve the duffle bag from off his shoulder and back when a weapon is desired. The player can use the “R3” button which will allow him to carry the duffle bag on his back, as he travels through out the region; which will also allow him to have both hands free in order to be able to use (employ), distribute and set-up any offensive and defensive weapons and/or items within the immediate area (vicinity) and through out the land of promise.The player can carry the duffle bag on his back as he moves and travels through out the region so that he can have both hands free in order to be able to distribute (set-up) and Arm (activate) his offensive and defensive weapons in any area within the land of promise. The viewer windows for the Armory’s vault and the viewer window for the duffle bag will allow the player to see the content within both the Armory’s vault and duffle bag when they are open. The weapon referred to as the “Illumination Grenade” will appear within the player’s hand and can be carried and used by him or stored within the duffle bag (sack) for future use. The player can deploy or hurl “Illumination Grenades” through out the vision area as a counter measure against his adversaries which will create an explosion that can temporarily blind his enemies, as a result of the bright lights that are released by them (Illumination Grenades) into the heavens and the earth.

The explosions created by these grenades will illuminate and light up the night sky for several minutes allowing the player to make offensive move against his enemies and adversaries in order subdue, overcome and defeat them. The player can use this weapon to find his enemies who may have hid themselves through out the land of promise under the cover of darkness and also to confuse and derail his adversary who may be advancing on his position. The player can


Page 68: Vision Wall (Game Design Document) For Sony PlayStation ... Wall - Sony Platstation - 67 of... · Web viewThe player must press the “Square” button on the game controller in conjunction

use these “Illumination Grenade” at night to survey (view) and inspect any areas within the land of promise that may be overrun by his adversaries who have come to destroy the vision walls and spoil the land. However, the player must walk in wisdom and conserve these special weapons “Illumination grenades” which should only be used after sun set as counter measures, because they will allow him to continue to survey the land and protect (safeguard) the “Promise House” (Temple of God) as well as the vision walls, column and pillar stones.


The “Illumination Grenades” can also be used as an additional weapon against the night flyers which are nocturnal creatures who like to hunt primarily at night When there is the cover of darkness. When the “Illumination Grenades” is hurled and deployed by the player it can temporarily blind any member within the family of the creatures of darkness that are within close proximity (range) of its blast. The “Illumination Grenade” will always be released in the direction that the player is facing. Therefore, the player must be press the "X" button in conjunction with the “L1” buttons on the game controller in order to be able to deploy or hurl this weapon known as the “Illumination Grenade”.