Download - Vision Values and Leadership- San Diego

  • 1. Vision ValuesLeadership [email_address] 312-953-2208

2. Successful leaders are not necessarily the ones with the greatest vision, or the most winning personality.They are ones who actually do what they say they are going to do and execute on their goals. This is why people trust good leaders and follow them willingly. Management is doingthingsright; leadership is doing therightthings.Who said that?Peter Drucker Leadership 3. Birds of a featherflock ________;Opposites _____________ Your word is your _________;Dont believe everything you _________ You have to see it to _________ it;Looks can be _________ Fish or Cut _____;Fake it till you make it____ Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Who said this? Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Who said this?What is your belief? Every Action has an opposite and equal reaction. Einstein Einstein 4. All you can control are Your Actions andYour Attitude 5. Which road do I take?" Alice asked "Where do you want to go? "I don't know," she answered. "Then, it doesn't matter. said the cat 6. If you dont know where you are going,then any road will get you there 7. 8. Do you want to be a leader? 9. How to become a good leader?

  • Read Books- Learn- Study
  • Appreciate Success
  • Study Failures!
  • Why make the same mistake someone else has already made?
  • Have a vision, goal, and ability to articulate it
  • Appreciate its all about Learning!

10. Realize most peopleWont make it! 11. I 12. 13. 14.

      • Set a specific financial goal.
        • Make it BIG by including others.
      • What do you want to be? Business or Company?
      • Public or Private?
      • Product or Service
      • Employees or not?
      • What size company?How much?How big?
      • Travel or not?
      • BE SPECIFIC!- Accurate and Articulate
      • Vacation- where? Dollar amount?
  • Create your list, write it down, and
  • then...

Begin with the end in mind measure opportunities against it 15. What is your Vision?

  • Set your goals
  • Be Specific
  • Isolate what you need to be successful
  • Identify what you need to be move ahead
  • Create a Vision of what your success is
  • Then learn how to articulate it!

16. 17. See yourself at the Top of the Mountain And stay There! 18. Who is this?He went into debt when he was twenty-three, to become a partner in a small store. 3 years later his partner died, and left him in debt that took years for himto repay. He dated a girl 4 years and, at the age of 28, asked her to marry him. She turned him down.At 37 he was elected to Congress... on his THIRD try. He thenfailed to be re-elected. This man's son died when he was only 4 years old. At age 45 he ran for the Senate...and failed to be elected.He persisted at politics and ran for the vice-presidency at 47 and again lost. Finally, at the age of 51, this man became_____________His name is_______________ 19. 20. Is Planning Important? 21. Chart your course Know your Goals Its not a Pivot, Its a Tack 22. Can you stay FOCUSED? 23. 24. Your greatest___Strength___,Is your greatest ___Weakness___ Know yourself 25. Which Type of Employees? HERD CRASH DESTRUCTION MURDER 26. Convocation! A group of People brought together for a Special Purpose. 27. 28. Negotiate. or people think they have more Beware of title creep Value Early and Often 29. Term Sheet for _______: Equity compensationas an Advisor and Interim President: As a current participant, Advisor will be granted stock in the following designations and for the following activities. 1% immediate grant for services as advisor and potential migration to President 1% performance bonus for participation and successful closing of a sales opportunity within the next 60 days1% performance bonus for successful closing of angel, seed or investment funding in an amount greater than $100,000 and secured within the next 45 days. 2% if amount exceed $250,000 within 60 days. 3% if equal to or exceeding $500,000 in 90 days. Responsibilities: If Advisor is available to move FULLTIME to the Company, Advisor shall assume the role and title of President, unless otherwise mutually agreed Responsibilities shall include but not be limited to; Salary and Equitycompensation if executed move to President: $_____ per year. To be determined or discussed (contingent upon proper funding) Cash bonus to be determined Equity Compensation: An equity compensation in the amount of 30% of the current membership units of thexyz, and under the control of the Founder Stephen Meade, will be made available.The current capitalization is 5MM shares, of which 4,400,000 are with the Founder. Thus equity commitment for Advisor equals =1,320,000 membership units Vesting and accelerator clause Upon full time employment, the stock compensation shall be vested quarterly over a 24 month period.A full employment agreement, stock option plan and documentation shall be provided.Employment agreement shall include full acceleration clauses. 30. Urgent Non UrgentImportant Quadrant 1Crisis Pressing Problems Deadlines Quadrant IIPrevention Relationship Building Recognizing Opportunities Planning, Recreation Not ImportantQuadrant III Interruptions, telephone mail, reports meetings popular activitiesQuadrant IV trivia, busy work mail, email, internet time wasters pleasant activities 31. Interest No Interest Time No Time Has the time Has the background Has the credibility Not interested Has the time Has the interest Has the background Has credibility 32. Its harder to Climb up a Mountain What are these people doing? Than it is to Repel down it! 33. Build a Good Advisory Board

  • Advisors have the path of knowledge and credibility
  • They have already made the mistakes- dont be afraid to ask why something wont work
  • Create value for them- Ask how you can help
  • Ask for help indirectly, let them offer
  • Types of Advisors: Strategic, Marketing, Tactical, Knowledge, Human Capital, Experiential

34. Take Meetings Early and Often

  • Be humble- Ask GREAT questions
  • What would it take to make this happen?
  • Why wont this idea work?
  • What can I do to get better?
  • What would it take to get started?
  • What question is not asked of someone in power?
    • Wrong Way- What can I do to help you?
    • Right Way- What are the TOP two or three things youre working on?What are your top two most passionate items?What two or three issues are causing the most problem and need to be solved? Etc.

35. Tornado Technique The basis for everything Realize most people dont care about what you do, or dont understand it. 1- What is the emotional value of what you do? (what are your benefits, how do you help) 2- What is the industry, genre, or type of customer? 3- Names of companies you are trying to meet- Be Specific!4- Ask for the person who are you trying to get to- be specific in terms of title, or name.Research and find the name ofEXACTLY who you want to meet.

    • Be Specific and dont be shy!

36. For Hiring

  • Company is My WetRock
    • Weve createdan environmental product called the drop box that can save water , plastic, and power.
    • The goal is to save 10 Billion Gallons of water a month.Weve created an employee engagement program where big companies buy the product from us and give it away to employees as a way to promote their environmental initiatives.
    • Were dealing with companies from all industries like automotive, retail, hotels, etc.
    • Some companies were in discussion with are Starbucks, McDonalds, Shell, UPS, Dell, CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) and others.
    • Within those organizations, we deal with the Sustainability Director CSR (corporate social responsibility) or other Senior Executives.
    • Directly Id like to meet Mike Duke, Venod Koshla, Alan Salzman, Doug Band, James Wolsey- people like that.

37. Raising Capital can besummed up in THREEsimple words. Capital FollowsCustomers! 38.

  • Thomas Edison founded what eventually became General Electric (GE) during a time historians called the "Panic of 1873.
  • William Hewlett and David Packard founded their electronics company in 1939, when Europe and Asia were wracked by war and the U.S. had not yet escaped the Depression.
  • Intel founded(INTC) in July 1968, five weeks after Robert Kennedy was assassinated a time when America seemed to be flying apart.
  • In 1975, as the last soldiers were evacuated by helicopters during the fall of Saigon, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple,
  • Same year, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft.
  • In 1977, as Americans waited in gas lines and turned down thermostats because of oil shortages, Oracle got its start.
  • In 1982, unemployment was so bad that Ronald Reagan was expected to lose his re-election bid two years later. In 1982, Sun Microsystems began.

Dont Make Excuses These companies all started during times of trial and tribulation 39. Build your own story

  • Employee
  • Great idea- no one believed
  • Bought existing company
  • $2 million in debt
  • Started and grew locally
  • National Chain- Globally recognized brand.
  • When times are tough- ask yourself, what would _________do?

40. What do you tell Others?

  • What is your belief?
  • What are your goals?
  • What is your conviction?
  • What do you say when questioned on your choices of being an entrepreneur?
    • I am following my dream, have a chance to change my family tree, retire my parents, send my nephew to school, and give back to society.
    • Yes, I may fail, but if I do, I can always go get a job..and Ill be just like _______!

41. Always Remember The Skys the Limit! 42. 1- During an event, go to the Host and ask WHO you should meet.Use the tornado technique to explain what you NEED.The earlier the better. 2- Stand by the speakers AFTER the event.Listen to all of the questions asked and how theyreanswered. 3- Do your homework in advance to see who will be at the event, who are speakers, who is in the paper or news, who is getting awards, who you need to know, etc. 4- Look for the most popular person at the event and meet them. 43. A few of my great truths 1- S-Your greatest strength, is your greatest weakness 2-P- People do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure 3-E-People make decisions emotionally and defend them logically 4- N- Ask not "why, ask "why NOT" 5-D-If you say it- they doubt it.If they say it- it's true 6-R- Remember the Three Cs- Credit, Contacts, Compensation 7- Q-Questions are the key to the Universe 8- B-Begin with the end in mind 9-L- He who speaks first loses 10- 99% of the things we worry about never happen, so why worry SPENDR QBL9 44. Vision ValuesLeadership [email_address] 312-953-2208