Download - Virtualization in Clusters and Grids

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Virtualization in Clusters and GridsDr. Lizhe Wang

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+Virtualization in Cluster/Grids

On demand computing resource provision with desired OS, software configuration, with “root” privilege

Easy management from resource provision side Resource accounting Startup/shutdown/clone/migration,

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Virtualization for a cluster scheduler Xen Grid Engine COD: cluster on demand In-VIGO @ UFL Virtuoso @ NWU SODA

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+Virtual machine in Cluster:Computing cluster context Existing cluster scheduler distributes jobs to cluster

nodes Jobs may come from local users or remote users (grid) Problem:

Jobs have different resource requirements: OS, software package

Jobs may require QoS guarantee Security issues

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+Virtual machine in Cluster:Solution Prepare a set of virtual machine templates On demand start up virtual machines when jobs come Cluster scheduler distributes jobs to virtual machine

nodes No change on existing cluster scheduler Programming with cluster scheduler interface

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+Virtual machine in Cluster:ImplementationWith Maui/Torque In University Karlsruhe,

GermanyUsed for LCG Grid projectComputing jobs for huge data


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+XGE: Xen & cluster scheduling

A share-used compute cluster Improve the performance of cluster usageWork from Marburg, Germany Based on Sun Grid Engine

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+XGE: Cluster usage

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+XGE: Cluster scheduling

Parallel job submission qsub with reservation qsub without reservation

Backfilling Problem:

My quota, why backfilling? I did not get quick response!

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+XGE: requirements

User should be entitled to speedy job execution within their quotas. Unused CPU time of a user may be consumed freely byother users

when needed. To maximize overall cluster performance, serial jobs should run

whenever possible. Parallel jobs should have waiting times as short as possible. To minimize response time, parallel jobs should get as many CPUs as

needed (definitively more than 32) without increasing the waiting time or reducing the overall cluster performance.

Any modification of the scheduling strategy should be easy to use and transparent for administrators and users to avoid arguments.

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+XGE: solution

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+XGE: implementation

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+Cluster on Demand: goals

Secure isolation of multiple user communities• Custom software environments Dynamic policy-based resource provisioning As a Grid site manager

Balancing local vs. global resource use Controlled provisioning for grid services Resource reservation

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+Node Management

As the node boots, the COD servers shape its view of its environment: COD assigns node IP addresses within a subnet for each

vcluster. Each vcluster occupies aprivate DNS subdomain de rived

from the vcluster’s symbolic name assigned at creation time.

Each vcluster executes within a predefined NIS do main, which enables access for user identities and net groups enabled for the vcluster.

COD exports NFS file storage volumes as groups and vclusters are defined.

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+COD architecture

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+Virtual Cluster Manager of COD

for each vcluster that hosts a dynamic service: vcm contain the logic for monitoring load and changing

membership in the active server set for the specific application environment.

handles the details of resource negotiation with the COD manager.

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+VCM implements SGE scheduler

Add_node Remove_node Resize

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In-VIGO from UFL a virtual machine management system providing application VM based execution environments

for Grid Computing.

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+VMShop operations

Creating new VM. Configuring existing VM. Estimate cost of creating a new VM. Attribute-value based querying of VMs. Collect (or destroy) VM.

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+VMShop architecture

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+VM description

VMs are described using a DAG encoded in XML strings. The VMPlant servers maintain a library of cached VM

images, from which new VMs can be cloned The new VM DAG starts with the node identifying the

cached image from which to clone, followed by nodes which may include configuring network, mounting application data files etc.

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In-VIGO provides a distributed environment where multiple application instances can coexist in virtual or physical resources, such that clients are unaware of the complexities inherent to grid computing.

From UFL

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+Three layer of virtualization

virtual resource, “primitive” components: virtual machines virtual data virtual applications virtual networks.

Virtual computing grids grid applications are instantiated as services

Virtual interface aggregated services (possibly presented to users via

portals) export interfaces

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+Three layer of virtualization

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Distributed/Grid Computing Using VMs A complete system with VM provision, scheduling,

virtual network, automatic application environment provision, information service From Northwestern Univ.

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+Complexity from User’s Perspective Process or job model

Lots of complex state: connections, special shared libraries, licenses, file descriptors

Operating system specificity Perhaps even version-specific Symbolic supercomputer example

Need to buy into some Grid API Install and learn potentially complex Grid software

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+Complexity from Resource Owner’s Perspective Install and learn potentially complex Grid software Deal with local accounts and privileges

Associated with global accounts or certificates

Protection/Isolation Support users with different OS, library, license, etc,


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+The Virtuoso Model (1)

User orders raw machine(s) Specifies hardware and performance Basic software installation available

Virtuoso creates raw image and returns reference Image contains disk, memory, configuration, etc.

User “powers up” machine Virtuoso chooses provider

Information service

Virtuoso migrates image to provider Efficient network transfer

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+The Virtuoso Model (2)

Provider instantiates machine Virtual networking ties machine back to user’s home

network Remote device support makes user’s desktop’s devices

available on remote VM Remote display support gives user the console of the

machine (VNC) Resource control to give user expected performance

User goes to his network admin to get address, routing for his new machine

User customizes machine Feeds in CDs, floppies, ftp, up2date, etc.

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+The Virtuoso Model (3)

User uses machine Shutdown, hibernate, power-off, throw away

Virtuoso continuously monitors and adapts Virtual network as a monitoring platform Various mechanisms, all invisible to user

Migrating the machine Routing traffic between machines Virtual network topology Predictive scheduling versus reservations

Various goals Price Interactivity Direct User Feedback

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A Service-On-Demand Architecture for Application Service Hosting Utility Platforms

Utility computing concept Application service On-demand providing service on the Hosting Utility

Platform From Purdue Univ.

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+SODA architecture