Download - Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare


Augmented & Virtual Reality in


This presentation is focused on how Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality (a hybrid of the first 2) are already changing healthcare. With real and recent examples

Pain Relief

MindMaze combines gaming and easing pain. Based on direct interaction with brainwaves, zapping zombies is done efficiently, rendering the remainder of the nervous system redundant

Ok sounds fun but for pain relief?

Recent Amputees wear a MindMaze MR headset, they raise their right arm, and the avatar in their headset will raise the left, fooling their brain to believe the amputated limb is still present and thus reducing, even eliminating phantom limb pain


The University of Washington are using Virtual Reality to treat burns patients without painkillers.



The earlier MindMaze technology is using its tricksy ways to fool stroke patients into using their limbs again. And it works according to a Cochrane Review. This has potential across a range of conditions that require physical therapy, even trauma or accident.


Eksobionics make exoskeletons, primarily used for patients with spinal cord injuries. These exoskeletons are linked with a patients VR head set and avatars can help them learn motions. It is often the case if they believe they can do it, then they can

I see this evolving into patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or ALS - and age related conditions such as arthritis. Oh here is an example of the potential in Multiple Sclerosis.


Assisted Daily Living

Braingate help quadriplegics by using robotic devices and smart prosthetics that interface with brainwaves to enable self help and perform everyday tasks e.g. brushing teeth, opening jars, preparing food or moving around. The patient interface is a mixed reality headset.

Again this has big potential in the above neurodegenerative disorders. Oh and consider Alzheimer's Disease - augmented reality via a headset helping patients with daily tasks. There are already apps for that.




The Genworth Aging Experience, is a virtual reality exoskeleton that can help the wearer experience aging, for example creating tinnitus, vision problems i.e. macular degeneration, pressure on joints that simulate arthritis


Autism Speaks uses virtual reality to help young adults develop social skills and with situations such as dates or job interviews.

Virtual reality can be used to help teach kids with autism, an avatar continues to teach until it recognizes the child's facial expressions indicating their mind is wandering. This could be used to good effect in ADHD also


Wearables & Sensors

3D PrintingVirtual Surgeries

Image via Medical Realities

Virtual reality has a big play in training physicians or helping them rehearse pioneering or unique operations. The example was given of operating on a rare tumor type in an inaccessible part of the leg. The operation site was mapped in 3D and surgeons were able to practice the operation virtually.

And this year the worlds first operation was streamed live in virtual reality. READ MORE

3D Visualization and Augmented Reality are being used in the operating room to widen the teams field of view. This example was featured as number 8 in the Cleveland Clinic Top 10 innovations 2017


Augmented Senses

NuEye's technology uses virtual reality, bypasses damaged retinas and helps restore vision to patients with macular degeneration.

Second Sight uses an augmented reality headset combined with a retinal sensor, essentially creating a bionic eye


And Holohear, a product created overnight at a hackathon, translates speech, real time, into sign language via an avatar, with subtitles also



Virtual reality is being used to treat cancer patients more effectively, exploring genetic mutations and protein structures in 3D and help find a better targeted therapy


St Judes Hospital Nashville, partnered with Expedia, to help children suffering from cancer to travel to exciting destinations. A way of escaping the burden of their condition.


Mental Health

Virtual Reality can employ its brain trickery, for example taking people with phobias into ‘real life’ situations. On an airplane, with spiders or walk on top of a high building. This exposure therapy is indistinguishable by the brain from the actual real life situation. The approach is also showing promise in other areas such as PTSD, delusions and paranoia. READ MORE

Note: A number of these examples are featured in more detail in the health section of the following book:

The Fourth Transformation: How Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything

Thank you
