Download - Viridans Wild Plants of South-eastern Australia Tutorial 3 · Viridans Wild Plants of South-eastern Australia Tutorial 3 Task: You are somewhere in south-central NSW and on the roadside


Viridans Wild Plants of South-eastern Australia Tutorial 3

Task:You are somewhere in south-central NSW and on the roadside you see a conifer-like, medium-sized tree which has red, fleshy fruit and is apparently leafless. You check your GPS for a geographic location (lat-lon or UTM/MGA). Use this location and the identification aids in WPSEA to determine the species identity.

• Find the location in WPSEA using the GPS coordinates• Using a point-and-click technique select a search grid which covers the location of the

plant• Summarise a list of all plant species found in the local area• Use the identification filters to select characters Medium Tree, Leafless and Fleshy

Fruit• View the results and examine each plant photograph and description to determine

which is the best fit

The products of this task should be:• A printed page showing a photograph-description-map combination for Exocarpus

cupressiformis (Cherry Ballart)