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Page 1: Virgin Mary is a Corrupted Imposter of Astaroth

“Virgin Mary" is a corrupted imposter of Astaroth

The Jewish "Virgin Mary" is a corrupted imposter of Astaroth. Michael the archangel is the same and was stolen from Marduk. Archangel "Gabriel" was stolen from the Egyptian God Thoth, Raphael was stolen from Azazel and Uriel from Beelzebub. Again, another rip-off of the four quarters.

Human sexuality has always been severely regulated and frowned upon by the Christian Church. This is because sexuality and orgasm as the life force are essential to spiritual advancement and the raising of the kundalini serpent. Because the church could not supervise sexual activity, they enforced a doctrine of extreme terror. The populace, stripped of all knowledge and spiritual power (ignorance= fear) fell

Page 2: Virgin Mary is a Corrupted Imposter of Astaroth

victim to lies. “Hell” emerged on the scene. The word “Hell” was stolen from the Norse word “Hel” representing the Norse underworld. In truth, "Heaven" and "Hell" are code-words for the base and crown chakras. Every attempt was made by the church to replace any spiritual associations with these numbers and any significant numbers that were related to the human soul such as 144,000, which is the number of nadis within the human body to channel the life force. The number two became synonymous with Satan. The second chakra is sexual in nature and controls human sexuality, so of course any association with two was evil. Blockages in the second chakra keep an individual completely enslaved spiritually as the life force remains completely dormant in the first chakra. With fear, human beliefs and thoughts can be controlled. Humanity was led to believe this omnipresent and “all-powerful” “God” could know their every little thought and action. Through fear, people began to monitor their own thoughts and actions. The seven sacraments (another rip-off of the seven chakras) of the Catholic Church enforced strict control over every stage of an individual’s life. The most control was exercised through the so-called "sacrament" of “confession.” Through confession, the church had even more control, that of knowing the deepest secrets of the frightened population. This enabled the ruling clergy to have power over kings, queens and other secular monarchy. References: Cassel Dictionary of Witchcraft by David Pickering, article on "Germany", page 108 The Lost Book of Enki; Memiores of an Extra-Terrestrial God by Zecharia Sitchin Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons, pp 24-26 The Biography of Satan by Kersey Graves, pp 146- 147 The People of the Sea- The Search for the Philistines by Trude and Moshe Dothan, pp 185- 186