Download - · Web viewTrial a number of fast food recipes to produce a healthy menu item for a fast food outlet to promote healthy choices- keep journal 12 Create healthy

Page 1: · Web viewTrial a number of fast food recipes to produce a healthy menu item for a fast food outlet to promote healthy choices- keep journal 12 Create healthy


UNIT OVERVIEW: This unit explores knowledge of nutrition and food selection models in making health food choices. Diseases of affluence, with focus on fast food industry, will be investigated to develop recommendations including a fast food menu item to ensure healthy food choices for individuals, families and communities.

ASSESSMENT: 1. Supervised written exam- Multiple choice and short response 2. Research –Analytical Essay with cooking journal and prac exam UNIT DETAILS:

No Learning Goal Success Criteria(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)

1 Define nutrition and components of food

State what is nutrition and components of food including nutrients and non- nutrients

2 Identify nutrients, role in body, food sources and amounts needed

Recognise distinct characteristics of nutrients and how impacts body

3 Analyse the effects of not having enough of specific nutrients and having too much

Describe health concerns from deficiency and excess intake of nutrients

4 Discuss food models including AGTHE, ADG, Swap It Campaign, Smart Choices and apply to plan dietary needs

Describe how these food models help with making healthy food choices and apply to plan dietary needs

5 Investigate nutritive value of foods to evaluate their inclusion in a healthy diet

Identify nutritive value of foods and whether has place in healthy diet provide supporting evidence

6 Evaluate recipes and identify foods that have negative impact and suggest an alternative food need to increase nutritive value. Justify changes

Modify recipes and meals to promote health of individuals and families

7 Compare recipes to identify which is healthier. Justifying choice

Identify healthy and unhealthy aspects of recipes to decide which is better. Justify choices

8 Interpret nutrition labels Understand nutrition labels to determine nutritive value of foods using evidence from label

9 Discuss food practices, food preparation and cooking practices that have negative impact on nutritive value of foods

Reflect on food preparation and eating habits to identify those that negatively impact on nutrition

Page 2: · Web viewTrial a number of fast food recipes to produce a healthy menu item for a fast food outlet to promote healthy choices- keep journal 12 Create healthy

10 Investigate Fast Food Industry in terms of responsibility to wellbeing of individuals, families and communities

Analyse food items identify poor food choices and impact on health, research how to address current practices and responsibility to ensure wellbeing of all.

11 Identify aspects of an Analytical exposition to analyse nutritive value impact on health suggest recommendations to improve including a healthy fast food recipe.

Write an analytical exposition in response to fast food design issue.

Trial a number of fast food recipes to produce a healthy menu item for a fast food outlet to promote healthy choices- keep journal

12 Create healthy dishes using a range of preparation and cookery skills that enhance the quality and nutritional value of individual, family and community

Plan , prepare and cook healthy dishes using variety of cookery skills which enhance quality and nutritional value of individual, family and community

13 Synthesise appropriate management kitchen safety, food safety and hygiene

Develop and display safe and hygienic work practices with appropriate planning and management practices