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Fundamental values Employment Innovation


BUSINEss Code Packaging Raw Materials The Loyalty and Consistency of Business Partnership

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“The Ferrero family is a great example of an Italian entrepreneurial family that in a few decades’ time was able to

conquer a world-leading position in its field – confectionery – taking roots in many countries.”

Ferrero S.p.A. is one the first confectionary companies recognized worldwide. It

represents a successful family-business born in the ‘40s when the Ferreros decided to turn a

pastry shop into a factory. From here on, the firm has grown and reached extraordinary goals

becoming a multinational company. Today, the Group is composed by about 70 companies under

Ferrero International. According to the Consolidated Financial Statement relating to the

financial year ending 31st August 2012, Ferrero International S.A. closed the year with a

consolidated turnover of 7,795 million euros, up 8% from the previous year. Furthermore,

Ferrero’s products are exported and sold in hundred countries and it constitutes one of the

world's largest confectionery makers. The Ferrero S.p.A. is successfully run by Michele Ferrero,

86, and is a firm based on solid family values. According to Forbes, Michele Ferrero is one of

the richest people in the world and he is at the 23rd position among billionaires. The company’s

success is due to the following of the family motto: “Work Create Give.” What characterizes the

Ferrero Company is the caring of hygiene, the environment, social issues and the local

communities where the company is present, as well as its own human resources. All the

ideas and the strategies for a new product’s production are centered on the consumers’ needs.

Furthermore, the company accomplishes its goals thanks to its main characteristic to be “glocal,”

which means: “think globally, act locally”. Accordingly, “Ferrero focuses on international

development, without losing sight of its relationship with local communities.” The uneasy

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financial context in which the entire world is passing through has led markets to have negative

food consumption. However, Ferrero was moderately affected by the financial crisis thanks to its

extraordinary dynamism, the constant efforts of innovation, research and development.

According to the result of the company’s financial year, Ferrero had difficulties to face the

international economic context as there were increases in prices of principal raw materials,

packaging materials and energy. Ferrero got several awards for its entrepreneurial ethics,

meritocracy, and social responsibility. In 2009 Reputation Institute's survey ranks Ferrero as the

most reputable company in the world. While in 2010 the Group was assigned the Falck-Family-

Owned Business Award.



A strong moral code is what characterizes the Ferrero Company. The fundamental values that

underlie this company were published in 2010 in its first Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

Its set of ethical principles is known all over the world and is one of the reasons of Ferrero’s

success. Such values are also the basis for everyday relations with consumers and partners. The

more important are

Loyalty and Trust

Integrity and Sobriety

Passion for Research and Innovation

The company pursuits their entrepreneurial objectives without losing a special focus on respect,

professionalism, and responsibility. The relationship of trust with its customers that the company

has built over the years is the result of its transparency and excellence in quality. The key

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principles that are at the basis of the company are summarized in the motto “work, create,

donate”. As Michele Ferrero stated, the Group favors the “ethics of doing” over the “practice of

appearing”. The constant attention towards consumers’ needs is what pushes Ferrero’s team to

create new products and continually try to improve its production processes. The combination of

effort, involvement, and creativity has brought Ferrero’s to excel in the confectionary sector.

Moreover, the company managed to successfully balance freedom with rules, creativity with

responsibility, and individual initiative with collective protection. The philosophy that inspires

the company is founded on the Group’s two main objectives:

Creating value for the community

Creating value for the company

While before creating value at the social level was related mainly to the creation of employment,

nowadays it requires also social commitment, respect for the environment and the defense of

human rights and workers’ rights. On the other hand, creating value for the company means

creating profit. Such a result must be reached by safeguarding the benefits of the stakeholders.

The deep dedication to the consumers’ satisfaction results in the attempt to make products that

are appealing to consumers today while anticipating and satisfying their changing tastes.


The keyword is meritocracy. The main goal of Ferrero’s company is to create a

stimulating environment and help to arouse the workers’ skills. The basic idea is that a pleasant

and positive environment increases employees’ performances. Indeed, passion for their activity

is what characterizes Ferrero’s workers that are supported by several services. The company, in

addition, provides workers with small children programs designed to guarantee “part time” work

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hours. Michele Ferrero really cares about his employees, and he demonstrates it through rewards

on the basis of merit. Furthermore, despite of the worldwide crisis, the leading exponents of the

company continually try to find alternative solutions to avoid firing their workers. The distinctive

trait of this leading manufacturer, is the sense of belonging shared by all its workers. The mutual

trust between colleagues, moreover, results in their full dedication, and engagement to the work.


The mission of Ferrero family turns around its main feature: innovation. The main goal of

the company is to develop new products capable to create new products categories. Originality is

what characterizes this confectionary manufacturer. Its power stands in the ability to think

beyond the models in products, packaging, selection of materials, and advertising. Product

freshness is guaranteed with the complete traceability of the origin of each supply.


Companies regularly make business decisions and their effects can be short-term in nature or

have long-term impacts. Changing the color of a product, introducing new products, and

discounting a production are examples of short-run decisions that are compatible with

incremental analysis. In a short-term context, the resources must meet the current marketplace. In

order to understand what kind of information is relevant in a particular business decision it is

necessary to make a distinction among the different kind of costs. On one hand, opportunity

costs, incremental revenues and costs, and out-of pocket costs are relevant information in the

incremental analysis. On the other hand, sunk costs are not relevant because they have been

already incurred and cannot be affected by future decisions. Out-of-pocket costs are those costs

that are not yet been incurred and that may vary among the possible courses of action.

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The incremental analysis is fundamental in order to make specific decisions such as the

product mix decisions and the make or buy decisions. This technique is used to compare two

different course of actions and determine consequently which one is the best choice. For

example, whenever a factor limits the production, the

contribution can be maximized by discontinuing the

manufacturer of the item less profitable. In the production

constraint decisions the managers have to identify the input

factor that limits the amount of output. Furthermore, they have also to find the perfect production

mix to maximize the contribution margin per unit of the limiting factor. Nevertheless, it is

important taking into consideration the current demand of the item as well as its complementary


In other manufacturing operations, the incremental analysis is useful in order to figure out

whether the company should buy or produce a part required in the assembly process of a certain

product. To determine which decision is the most profitable, the firm has to compare the selling

prices and the production costs. Since not all the costs are relevant, it is important to identify the

incremental costs.

In 2011 Ferrero introduced a line of frozen products called "Gran Soleil". It is a shelf-

stable frozen dessert which has to be shaken, and if left overnight in the freezer, can be eaten as

a sorbet.

The company received an innovation award for the product in March 2011. The demand for Gran

Soleil is not sufficient to allow Ferrero to sell all of the items it is capable of producing. Also, as

the firm spends many labor hours and direct materials in order to produce Gran Soleil but its

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demand is scarce, the best choice to make is stopping producing Grand Soleil. Operating income

would be maximized by producing Estathè once the demand for Nutella is satisfied.

Among the products produced by Ferrero Company, it is easy to understand from the tables that

Nutella and Estathè are the products that have been sold the most. As a consequence, the firm

decided to exploit this outcome by

propagandizing a new marketing idea. To

maximize its sales, Ferrero invented an

ingenious product which combines both

Estathè and Nutella. The new product was

called “Nutella & Go”.

The product has a circular packaging divided in half. In one compartment it has the

Nutella chocolate and in the other, it has the Estathè which is Ferrero’s tea. The bread-like sticks

are used to be dipped into the Nutella. The combination of this and the Estathè is a perfect one

because the Estathè can then be used as a drink to go along with this delicious snack. In order

for this product to be combined, Ferrero created the model of having three compartments in one


As Nutella is a product sold and known worldwide, Ferrero should make it better by

working on a new marketing idea. Other pastry companies have already invented the double

chocolate cream. For “double cream” they mean both white and black chocolate creams. Ferrero

has not the white chocolate cream among its products. For this reason, in order to improve their

sales, Ferrero should create the white chocolate cream. As member of the Ferrero Company, I

would suggest to invent a squeeze bottle idea of having both the original Nutella and the white

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form of Nutella combined, when squeezed, but not mixed. The idea is that when both forms of

Nutella come out of the squeeze bottle, they form a twist.


Producing Nutella requires thousand hazelnuts. Ferrero Company is one of the world’s

largest hazelnuts users. At the beginning Ferrero used to purchase hazelnuts mainly from

Northern Italy and Turkey, which are both producing countries of hazelnuts. By doing some

computations, Ferrero noticed that it would be convenient for the company growing its own

hazelnuts. The group would save $ 33.300 if it stops trading hazelnuts with other foreign

customers. In accordance with this project, Ferrero created “Hazelnut Business Development”

(HBD), which establishes long-term partnerships with producers. HBD develops its strategy by

identifying and purchasing land where hazelnuts can be cultivated and processed through its own

techniques and resources.

Business code


The commitment of Ferrero Company to reduce the environmental impact of its

packaging pushes its team to find new eco-sustainable solutions.

The 5R’s of packaging:

R-Removal: elimination of unnecessary packaging component

R-Reduction: creation of smaller packs with resultant saving of materials


R-Reuse: besides traditional Nutella glass containers, Ferrero company is working on

new ideas of “reusable” packaging

R-Renew: attempt of utilizing larger amounts of materials from renewable sources

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Nutella packaging is composed of 92.58% glass. The glass is a material 100% recyclable, and ,

moreover, 34% of the glass used by Nutella is recycled glass.


All raw materials must meet specific requirements regarding freshness, quality, and safety.

Furthermore, the acquisition procedure is related to the following criteria:

Selection of suppliers based on their competences

Inspections and control on agricultural production

Analysis of conformity of raw materials

The relationship of Ferrero’s company with its suppliers is based on

mutual respect, communication, and transparency. In addition, the

reciprocal fairness in its commercial partnerships are incentivized

through a transparent price policy as well as the achievement of

rewards in order to stimulate the maintenance of high quality

standards. The choice of suppliers is made by looking at

requirements of integrity, quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness.


In the choice of business partnerships the adopted rule is to not enter into agreements that

prevent the client from buying products from competitors of Ferrero. In particular in the

acquisition of raw materials, equipment, goods, and packaging, the selection of trade partners is

preceded by some considerations regarding the potential partner by looking at in particular:

Quality and safety

Ethical, social, and environmental principles

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Cost effectiveness analysis

Furthermore, Ferrero Company determined some main principles for engaging into a trading



Trading partners are independent economic entities