Download -  · Web viewThe Committee reviewed the correspondence from Patches Pet Supply Inc. concerning the street name change adjacent to his building in Queensway. The Committee recommends

Page 1:  · Web viewThe Committee reviewed the correspondence from Patches Pet Supply Inc. concerning the street name change adjacent to his building in Queensway. The Committee recommends






7:00 P.M., TUESDAY, JULY 9 TH , 2013

PRESENT: Mayor: Allan Hawkins Deputy Mayor: Anne Blackmore Councillors: Jean Buffet-Mercer, Amy Coady-Davis,

Darren Finn, Bruce Moores Staff: M. Pinsent, Town Manager\Clerk

J. Saunders, Director of Engineering & Works D. Nichols, Director of Parks & Recreation B. Griffin, Director of Finance G. Hennessey, Economic Development Officer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked for any errors or omissions to the Minutes of Meeting #414 of Tuesday, June 11th, 2013.

Motion Moores\Coady-Davis

Be it resolved that the Minutes of Meeting #414 of Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 would be adopted as circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.





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Public Works and Planning

The following report was presented by Councillor Moores.

Scanner Request – Town of Bishop’s Falls

The Committee discussed a request from the Town of Bishop’s Falls for use of our large document scanner to digitize their old maps and drawings. This equipment is located within our office space and was purchased to scan all our documents and reproducing large plans. There is a limited life on this equipment and being used by outside agencies is not favourable. Also having other people located in our office space is disruptive to our operation.

The Committee recommends this request be denied.

Correspondence – Derek Horwood

The Committee reviewed correspondence from Horwood’s Ltd. requesting permission to use our quarry site on Scott Avenue to stockpile material from his site on Sandy. This will provide quick access to materials for use in Grand Falls-Windsor.

The Committee recommends this be approved with the following conditions:-

1. Permission be granted to stockpile approximately 2,000 m3 of material.2. Stockpile location to be determined in discussion with Town staff.3. All materials stockpiled at 70 Hardy Avenue must be removed.4. This permit is for twelve (12) months and will be evaluated at that time.5. Compensation for use of this facility will be discussed with the contractor

prior to finalizing the arrangement.

Correspondence – Chad & Sarah Hiscock, 10 Caribou Road

The Committee discussed the request for land price reduction at 10 Caribou Road. This price quoted is as per policy.

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The Committee recommends that the out-of-pocket expense by the Town to deal with the land transaction be paid in full and the payment plan for the balance be discussed with the Director of Finance.

Correspondence – Patches Pet Supply Inc.

The Committee reviewed the correspondence from Patches Pet Supply Inc. concerning the street name change adjacent to his building in Queensway.

The Committee recommends that Toulette Drive extend from Main Street to Hardy Avenue and be in effect when the arterial road is constructed. Staff will also meet with the owner to discuss other issues that were raised.

Correspondence – Barry Manuel, Corduroy Brook Enhancement Association, Trans Canada Highway – Underpass

The Committee discussed issues raises by the Corduroy Brook Enhancement Association concerning the condition of the Trans Canada Highway underpass. Lighting continues to be a problem as well as broken glass. They have been giving it some attention, along with Town forces, but they are finding it difficult with their limited resources.

The Committee recommends that Public Works Staff repair the lights and continue to monitor the condition on a regular basis and maintain as required.

Correspondence – Shane Oram, Professional Grading

The Committee discussed the request from Professional Grading to remove materials from our pit on Scott Avenue for use on the construction of Maloney Street. Staff reviewed the site and there are approximately ten (10) years of material remaining in this quarry for Town use based on present demand.

The Committee recommends this pit\quarry be maintained for Town use only and the request be denied.

Home Based Business – 16 Ryan Street

The Committee discussed a request for a mail order business at 16 Ryan Street.

The Committee recommends this be approved.

Page 4:  · Web viewThe Committee reviewed the correspondence from Patches Pet Supply Inc. concerning the street name change adjacent to his building in Queensway. The Committee recommends


Development Regulation Amendment 2-A, 2-B, 2-C and 2-D

The Committee discussed the amendments as attached and recommends they be adopted.

The Committee recommends that the proposed changes to Regulation 7.5 (5) in Amendment No. 2-C, 2013 be removed and the revised amendment be approved.

Home Based Business – 4 Carlton Place, Lawn Care

The Committee reviewed the home based business application for 4 Carlton Place for lawn care.

The Committee recommends this application be approved. All materials are to be stored either in the truck or inside the accessory building. Materials are to be stored as per manufacturer’s guidelines.

Home Based Business – 50 Peddle Drive

The Committee reviewed the home based business application for 50 Peddle Drive for gourmet cupcakes. This is for phone orders and delivery only.

The Committee recommends this application be approved.

Crown Land – 58 Pondview Drive

The Committee reviewed the survey for the Crown Land acquisition for 58 Pondview Drive. This is larger than what was originally approved.

The Committee recommends the new survey be approved.

Water Treatment Plant – Drinking Quality Index

The Committee reviewed the latest report from the Department of Environment on the water quality delivered to Grand Falls-Windsor, Bishop’s Falls, Wooddale, Botwood and Peterview. The drinking water quality index score for our drinking water is 100 which is a ranking of excellent. This is the highest that can be achieved.

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The ranking of excellent is a score of 95-100. Excellent means water quality is protected with a virtual absence of impairment, conditions are very close to pristine levels, these index values can only be obtained if all measurements meet recommended guidelines virtually all of the time.

The Committee is very pleased with this report. This quality would not be achieved if not for the efforts of Plant Manager Wayne Tait and the operators who continually monitor this operation.

The Plant upgrading, under the Municipal Capital Works Program, will be complete in November of this year. This will provide more flexibility for our operators to respond to seasonal conditions to maintain a consistent high quality drinking water.

I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.

Motion Moores\Blackmore

Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

Economic Development and Tourism

The following report was presented by Councillor Buffet-Mercer.

2013 EDAC Conference – St. John’s

The Economic Development Officer presented information on the 2013 Economic Developers of Canada (EDAC) National Conference. It is being held in St. John’s this September and we have been asked to participate in the Trade Show portion of the Conference with our own booth.

The Committee recommended that the Town place our booth in this event.

Spark Interactive Proposals – Website

The Economic Development Officer received a proposal(s) from Spark Interactive to enhance the Home Page of the Town website and add a mobile app.

The Committee reviewed this proposal and recommended that no new

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expenditures be committed to the Town site this calendar year as we will be looking to restructure the Town site in 2014.

New Business Application Forms Update

The Economic Development Officer presented two (2) new forms that were developed by both the Engineering and Works and Economic Development Departments. These two (2) new forms will contain specific checklists that are intended to assist the applicant in completing the applications properly and allow the Departments to process the applications in a timely manner.

The Committee recommended acceptance of these two (2) new Business Application forms.

One on One Media – Communicating with the Media Seminar June 13 th Review

The Economic Development Officer and Councillor Moores attended this session on June 13th. The presenter gave an excellent overview on ways that local Councils can communicate more efficiently with the media.

The Committee recommended that this company may be approached in October to make a similar presentation to the new Council.

Town Twitter Account

The Economic Development Officer presented a report on other communities and how they manage and operate their Municipal Twitter accounts.

The Committee reviewed all of the information and has asked the Economic Development Officer to conduct further research on this for the fall.

Photo Shoot Proposal

The Economic Development Officer recommended to the Committee that the Town hire a professional photographer to take photos of various places in Town including the new Boat Launch Park, the Salmon Festival events, and various recreation facilities and activities.

The Committee recommended that we complete a list of proposed sites and get quotes on this project.

Page 7:  · Web viewThe Committee reviewed the correspondence from Patches Pet Supply Inc. concerning the street name change adjacent to his building in Queensway. The Committee recommends


Concessions Proposal

The Economic Development Officer presented a proposal from a local business person to set up a concessions stand at Centennial Field to service the youth there at the various recreation facilities.

The Committee recommended that this proposal be forwarded to the Parks, Recreation and Special Events Committee for review.

I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.

Motion Buffet-Mercer\Moores

Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

Parks, Recreation and Special Events

The following report was presented by Councillor Coady-Davis.

Canada Day

The Director presented correspondence from the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage. The Town has been approved for a $13,000.00 Canada Day Grant. This amount is an increase of $3,000.00 from 2012.

The Committee discussed the 2013 Canada Day Celebrations Schedule and recommends that the presented schedule be approved.

Correspondence – South and Central Health Foundation

The Committee discussed correspondence received from the South and Central Health Foundation thanking the Parks and Recreation Department for their support during the Foundation’s Annual Mother’s Day Radio-thon.

The Committee appreciates the correspondence received and congratulates the Parks and Recreation Staff for their assistance during the Annual Mother’s Day Radio-thon.

Page 8:  · Web viewThe Committee reviewed the correspondence from Patches Pet Supply Inc. concerning the street name change adjacent to his building in Queensway. The Committee recommends


Canada Summer Job Grants

The Committee discussed a memorandum from the Director with respect to the Canada Student Job Grants approved. The Committee would like to thank the Grand Falls Rotary Club, the Grand Falls-Windsor Tennis Club and the Slo-Pitch National for providing student employment from the Summer Career Placement Program. It was noted that there is a $2,450.00 reduction of funding from 2012.

2013 Summer Students Hiring List

The Committee discussed a memorandum from the Director with respect to the students selected for employment for maintenance workers and the Summer Sports and Summer Camp Programs.

The Committee recommends that the students selected be approved.

2013 Summer Program

The Director presented the 2013 Summer Sports and Summer Camp information sheets, registration sheets, policy sheets and all sports and summer camp schedules and events. The Committee is looking forward to another exciting Summer Program this year.

2014 Recreation Newfoundland & Labrador AGM & Conference

The Director presented correspondence from Recreation Newfoundland & Labrador confirming that the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor has been selected to host the 2014 Recreation Newfoundland & Labrador 43rd Annual General Meeting and Conference. The Conference will be held from May 28th-31st, 2014 at the Mount Peyton Hotel and the Joe Byrne Memorial Stadium. The Committee looks forward to hosting the Conference.

Parks and Recreation Newsletter

The Committee discussed the 2013 Parks and Recreation Newsletter which was distributed to all households.

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The Committee encourages residents to participate in the many programs and activities which are offered throughout the summer.

Correspondence – Grand Falls-Windsor Minor Hockey Association

The Committee discussed correspondence received from the Grand Falls-Windsor Minor Hockey Association that the Association has been awarded the 2012-2013 Hockey Newfoundland and Labrador Minor Association of the Year. The Association thanked the Town for all of the support given to Minor Hockey. The Committee congratulates the Grand Falls-Windsor Minor Hockey Association on receiving this Award and looks forward to working together with the Association in the future.

Community Compost Update

The Director informed the Committee that the community compost site on Scott Avenue is receiving significant usage. The Department expects to have new compost prepared in the next few weeks. The Committee requests that residents using this site please abide by the Composting Policies and Rules.

Correspondence – Travel Grant Request

The Director presented a travel grant request from an individual selected for the 2013 Canada Games Volleyball Team requesting sponsorship to train and participate in the 2013 Canada Games in Sherbrooke, Quebec from August 1st-10th, 2013.

The Committee recommends that a $500.00 sponsorship\travel grant be approved.

Lawn Repair and Care Instruction

The Director presented the Committee with a Lawn Repair and Care Instruction Card which is given to each property owner after the Department completes lawn repairs on their property. The card contains information to be followed to provide lawn growth and several lawn care tips. Residents are reminded that new lawn growth takes between 7-14 days to appear and watering the repaired areas is required to ensure that the grass will grow.

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YMCA Pool Retrofit

The Committee discussed a memorandum from the Director with respect to two (2) proposals for the YMCA Pool Retrofit submitted by Aqua Designs Consultants. Both the proposals will exceed the allotted Capital Funding for this project.

The Committee recommends that the first proposal be submitted for tender. The Committee also recommends that this project be referred to the Finance and Administration Committee for discussion and possible increase in funding.

BMX\Skateboard Park

The Director informed the Committee that the installation of the BMX\Skateboard Park was completed and open for operation on Friday, June 14th, 2013. There is still some landscaping and walkways to be installed but this work should be completed in the next week or so. The Park has been well utilized and the users are pleased with the Park design and layout.

The Director presented a list of rules and regulations compiled to govern the Park. The Committee discussed the rules and regulations and made some changes and modification of the presented list.

The Committee recommends that the revised BMX\Skateboard Park Rules and Regulations be approved.

Correspondence – BMX\Skateboard Park Sponsorship

The Committee discussed correspondence received from a local business owner requesting that the business enter into a sponsorship or partnership with the Town for the new BMX\Skateboard Park.

The Committee recommends that staff obtain more information on this request and that the request be discussed at a future Committee Meeting.

Soccer Clubhouse

The Director informed the Committee that the tender for the Soccer Clubhouse Project closes on Tuesday, June 25th, 2013.

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Splash Pad

The Director informed the Committee that the tender for the splash pad closed on Friday, June 28th, 2013.

Leisure Services Programmer

The Committee discussed the proposed job description for the Leisure Services Programmer position.

The Committee recommends that the job description be discussed in more detail at the next Committee Meeting.

Correspondence – Airials Gymnastics Club

The Committee discussed correspondence received from the Airials Gymnastics Club with respect to starting up a full-time Gymnastics Club in Grand Falls-Windsor. The Club requests a meeting with the Committee to present information and discuss start-up requirements.

The Committee recommends that the Airials Gymnastics Club be invited to the next Committee Meeting.

Stadium Events Review

The Committee reviewed a number of events that have taken place during the spring. These events included the Chamber of Commerce Trade Show, the Home and Garden Show, Legend City Wrestling, Crime Stoppers Dog Show and the Flea Market. All of these events were successful and the Committee looks forward to hosting the many events to come during this summer.

Correspondence – BMX\Skateboard Group

The Committee discussed correspondence received from the BMX\Skateboarders Group thanking the Town for the installation of the BMX\Skateboard Park.

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The Committee appreciates the comments received from the Group and noted that an official Grand Opening of the Park will be held within the next few weeks.

Correspondence – MADD Exploits Valley Chapter

The Committee discussed correspondence received from MADD Exploits Valley requesting the use of Church Road Park to host a family entertainment event on Thursday, August 1st, 2013.

The Committee recommends that this request be approved and wish the group a successful event.

I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.

Motion Coady-Davis\Finn

Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

Finance and Administration

The following report was presented by Councillor Finn.

Cash Collection Report

The Committee reviewed the cash collection report for May 31st, 2013. Total taxes outstanding as of this date were $3,685,093 – an increase of $264,021 (7.8%) from the previous year.

Poll tax collection as of May 31st, 2013 was $67,988 – an increase of $18,592 (38%) from the previous year.

Labour Report

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The Committee reviewed the labour report as of week twenty-four (24). Total labour for the year is $1,216,294 - $43,432 under budget.

South and Central Health Foundation

The Committee reviewed a request for the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor to enter a team in the South and Central Health Foundation Golf Tournament.

The Committee recommends that the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor enter a team at a cost of $800.00.

Councillor’s Insurance

The Committee reviewed insurance for Councillors and recommends that this coverage be initiated.

Book and Bible

The Committee reviewed a request for tax exemption for the Book and Bible.

The Committee recommends that this be denied based on commercial activity undertaken at the premises.

Ski Groomer

The Committee reviewed a proposed purchase of a ski groomer and recommends it be approved for $12,000.00.

Crown Land Request

The Committee reviewed a request to approve a Crown Land purchase at Grenfell Heights in the amount of $6,750.00. This land is for the purpose of resale.

The Committee recommends that this be approved.

Taxi Regulations

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The Committee reviewed a request to amend the taxi fares for Grand Falls-Windsor.

The Committee recommends that taxi meter rates be amended to $3.50 plus $0.25 per tenth of a kilometer. The Committee also recommends that we review the permits fee structure for all taxis in Grand Falls-Windsor.

Election Sign Regulations

The Committee reviewed the current Election Sign Regulations and recommends no change be made.


The Committee reviewed the budget of the pool retrofit. The Committee recommends that the budget be increased from $250,000 to $400,000 to allow completion of work recommended by the Consultant.

The Committee reviewed costs to-date for the Riverfront Project. Total costs estimated to finish were $1,730,000. The Committee recommends that the Capital Budget for this project be increased by $154,000.

Hockey NL - Culture Civic Building

The Committee discussed correspondence from Hockey NL regarding leasing terms of space in the Civic Centre.

The Committee recommends that a three (3) year lease at $12.00 per foot with renewal option at three (3) and six (6) years be approved. The Chair of Finance stated that he does not support this recommendation and requested that this be recorded.

Fresh Start Theatre

The Committee reviewed correspondence from Fresh Start Theatre requesting funding for activities in Grand Falls-Windsor in hosting an exchange trip.

The Committee recommends that this be approved for $500.00.Bicycle, Scooter, Skateboard and Similar Objects Regulations

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The Committee reviewed current Regulations for Bicycle, Scooter, Skateboard and Similar Objects Regulations.

The Committee recommends this be reviewed by the Recreation Committee.

75 th Anniversary – Incorporation

The Committee reviewed a request for a local group to hold a family day on Main Street, July 6th, 2013 in recognition of the 75th Anniversary of municipal incorporation in Grand Falls-Windsor.

The Committee recommends this be approved. The Committee also recommends that a request for assistance be provided.

I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.

Motion Finn\Moores

Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

It was noted that the 75th Anniversary is for the former Town of Windsor not the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor. It was also stated that the taxi rates have not been increased for ten (10) years and the new rates are still lower than other major centres. It was noted that Dave Nichols, Director of Parks, Recreation and Special Events and Barry Griffin, Director of Finance also attended the meeting.

The following motion was presented by Councillor Moores on behalf of the Public Works and Planning Committee:-

Municipal Plan Amendment No. 1, Development Regulation Amendment No. 1

320-326 Grenfell Heights (Bugden Property)

Motion Moores\Coady-Davis

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Be it resolved that the Municipal Plan Amendment No. 1, 2013 and Development Regulation Amendment No. 1, 2013 be approved. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.


Motion Buffet-Mercer\Coady-Davis

Be it resolved that up to $600.00 be donated to the community minders group for their Suicide Prevention Week activities. Reimbursement will be subject to submitted invoices. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

Motion Moores\Coady-Davis

Be it resolved that the meeting of the Grand Falls-Windsor Town Council would be adjourned until the next regular scheduled meeting of 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 30th, 2013. This motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Allan Hawkins M. PinsentMayor Town Manager\Clerk