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Vicodin dosage

As a pain killer, vicodin comes with the similar and common dosages as like other pain killers. Severity of any pain determines the amount of Vicodin dosage to be applied on any patient. However, response of the patient is another variable which helps the doctors and physicians to determine dosages on any patient. Acetaminophen and hydrocodone are two major ingredients of vicodin which also comes under consideration before determining the dosages. Besides of the severity of pain, effects and side effects of the elements and ingredients inside vicodin are other issue which fixes the Vicodin dosage. According to common and general practice, one or two vicodin tablets are being considered as the normal dosage for adult patients. On the other hand the Vicodin dosage varies in case of children or pre-adult patients.

When doctors and physicians prescribe the Vicodin dosage there are other issues that must be considered before the Vicodin dosage can be given. Some patients could be required to take Vicodin but they could already be on another drug that can affect the drug, like sedative drugs or sleeping pills. The Vicodin dosage is given with much consideration as anything else you use with it can work against it. Acetaminophen and hydrocodone are highly reactive with muscle, tissue and nerve relaxing pills which can be severe and life threatening. It’s necessary to notify your health practitioner of any medication you might be taking, your doctor will consider the effects and side effects when prescribing your Vicodin dosage and he/she will also heed you with a warning that if any side effect occurs to consult them as soon as possible.

Vicodin should not be used with alcohol or be taken if you have any liver problems whatsoever. You can only obtain Vicodin if it was prescribed to you by your doctor or physician. The Vicodin dosage is given in cycles that need to be completed depending on the types and severity of the effects and side effects. The Vicodin dosage is determined on a number of things like age, pain tolerance level, other medication and the different side effects. Every Vicodin dosage will vary from patient to patient. It’s best to be honest with your doctor or physician if you have any problems with alcohol or your liver, this drug can be life threatening if misused.

There are some common and general symptoms which come as the regular side effect of almost every pain killer tablets, like: vomiting, blurred vision, anxiety, fear, interrupted urination, nausea, and rash on skin, itching, constipation and Jaundice. Such common and general issues are normally ignored before determining the Vicodin dosage as long as they are within the tolerance level of any patient. Another important issue is always taking under consideration before fixing a Vicodin dosage for any patient. That is, whether or not there could be a chance to develop hydrocodone tolerance inside the immune system of the patient’s body. If there’s a chance of that happenings, effects of hydrocodone on the patients body has permanently been blocked. Any continuous uses of vicodin may trigger such hydrocodone tolerance, and this can only be handled through a perfect Vicodin dosage. More or less these are the issues; it should be taken under consideration before confirming any Vicodin dosage on any patients

What are the side effects of Vicodin?Vicodin is one particular type of pain killer medicine. In combination with hydrocodone and acetaminophen, vicodin comes to give you relief from any moderate to severe pain. As like

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almost every other pharmaceutical manufactured medication, vicodin also comes with some particular side effects. It is always good for you to know about the basic side effects of Vicodin so that you can face any physical condition which may arise after taking vicodin by you or by anyone near to you.Vicodin is being considered as one of the most powerful medicine, and as a result side effects of Vicodin are comparatively more significant than other pain killer medicines. Though side effects of any such medicine vary on the physical condition and many other issues, but some common side effects of Vicodin are:

1. Effects on Nervous System: Among several types of side effects of Vicodin, some comes with more direct affects on the human nervous system. Patient may feel one or more symptoms on his or her nervous system as a side effects of Vicodin, like:

Drowsiness. Anxiety. Changes in mood or mental behavior. Fear. Difficult breathing. Vomiting tendency. Dizziness. Impaired thinking. Blurred or hazy vision.

1. Respiratory Depression: One ingredient inside vicodin named hydrocodone bitarrate can trigger such respiratory depression which you can consider as another important side effect of Vicodin.

1. Impaired hearing: As a result of chronic overdose, patient may have permanent damage in his or her hearing ability. Though this is a very rare side effect of Vicodin, but extra precautions must be taken before taking vicodin for a certain period of time.

1. Effects on Genitourinary System: In some cases, urinary retention has come as one of the side effects of Vicodin . As a result patient has been seen to suffer from urinary retention.

1. Renal Side Effects: one of the rare side effects of Vicodin is known as renal side effects. Such renal side effects cause disorder in urination.

1. Gastrointestinal Effects: This comes as other side effects of Vicodin. Without any overdose of vicodin and except the case of alcoholics, such gastrointestinal symptoms have rarely been seen. The symptoms of gastrointestinal side effect which actually comes as a side effects of Vicodin, are:

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Constipation. Nausea. Dry mouth. Vomiting.

1. Hepatic: Any patient suffering from alcohol abuse will have a chance of suffering from heap-a-toxicity which is one of the bad side effects of Vicodin. Even a modest dose may cause heap-a-toxicity amongst patients who abuse alcohol. Liver damage is the most common outcome of heap- a-toxicity which could be fatal.

1. Dermatological Effects: purities and Skin rash are two common symptoms which may occur due to the side effects of Vicodin. Mainly patients, who have sensitive and allergic skin, are seen to have such side effects of Vicodin on them.

These are some of the common side effects of Vicodin. They should be taken into account before taking or prescribing the medication to patients.

What are the effects of vicodin?

Vicodin is one of the most widely-prescribed and effective painkiller medicines. Vicodin comes with some narcotic effects on the human body. Among these effects of vicodin some are being considered as positive effects like: removing pain and giving relief to patients which are actually the purposes of this medicine. Other than this, there are some other effects of vicodin on which doctors and physicians are always keeping an eye open before applying this medicine to any dose on any patient. As a powerful pain killer medicine, vicodin comes with two main ingredients named: acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Depending on the amount of dose, such highly reactive chemical elements may bring some unusual and unexpected symptoms which are considered as the effects of vicodin.

Impaired visual conditions, like blurred vision is one of the common effects of vicodin, patients are warned not to take the medicine when they need to have clear site. This is mostly when driving or working with heavy machinery. Other effects of vicodin are drowsiness and light headedness and should not be taken when you are driving or working as mentioned above. Vicodin is normally prescribed to some patients for moderate to severe pain, after consumption it does not take very long to take effect. It’s advised to take vicodin when you are at home where you can rest and get immediate relief from pain due to the effects of vicodin.

Some moderate effects of vicodin are anxiety, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, minor stomach pain, light itching, stool with clay color, loss of hunger and jaundice; these are some symptoms you don’t need to be too worried about as these are normal and will go away or reduce in time. It’s always recommended and advisable to investigate if a patient is on any other medication like sleeping pills, sedatives or narcotic pain medication before prescribing vicodin or the dosage. In reaction to the elements inside vicodin, such medication as mentioned may bring forth some severe effects of vicodin.

Patients with a history of alcohol abuse are at danger of using vicodin whilst drinking due to the ingredient acetaminophen that is found within the drug. Patients with liver problems of any sort are strongly advised not to take any medication containing acetaminophen. Vicodin can be taken as prescribed by your doctor or physician. Effects of vicodin may become severe in cases like these and can cause permanent liver damage which could lead to death.

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Doctors are advised to take extra precautions when considering such effects of vicodin before prescribing it to any patient.

Most of the effects of vicodin are pretty simple reflections of chemical reactions and it differs according to different factors like health and body types of different patients. If you feel that some of the effects of vicodin are normal you need to look at the following to establish if you should see your doctor or physician: swelling, difficulty breathing, tight feeling in your chest and abnormal rash or skin itching. Immediate medical attention is required in cases such as these even if you feel this is only part of the effects of vicodin. Any unnecessary delay of gaining medical attention can lead to more sever effects of vicodin that may cause permanent damage or even put your life at risk. Be aware of the effects of vicodin and consider all the possibilities before prescribing or taking vicodin.