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Vedic Astrology Glossary

Amala Yoga: lt is formed when a benefic occupies tenth house from Moon. The native is honored by the king, enjoys all fruits of life, is loved by his kinsmen, is benevolent and qualified.

Ashtakavarga: This is a method to find out whether a planet transiting through a particular house or sign will give favorable or unfavorable results.

According to this method, each planet and also the Ascendant, is capable of throwing beneficial dots on certain houses from its house of position. The number of such dots is different for each planet. For example, Sun has 48 beneficial dots, Moon 49, Mars 39, Mercury 54, Jupiter 56, Venus 52 and Saturn 39. Their total comes to 337.

Budhaditya Yoga: This combination is formed by the conjoining of Sun and Mercury. Mercury is the planet least affected by combustion, due to its nearness to Sun. Its maximum distance from Sun is 28°.

Native born with this combination becomes educated, beautiful and strong, but he is fickle-minded. When this combination takes place in the ascendant, native becomes learned, good orator and intelligent. This combination in the fourth house makes him possessed of good qualities, highly rich, plump with a slanted nose. In the seventh house, he does not accept advice from other people; he is not very rich, lacks sensual pleasure and takes to stealing. He dies in captivity or put to death. In the tenth house, this combination makes the native very famous and wealthy. But it should not fall in Libra or Pisces.

Chaturvimsamsa: Divisional chart (D-24) representing the area of academic achievements.

Dasamsa : Divisional chart (D-10) representing the area of Career and status.

Gaja Kesari Yoga : This is of two kinds: (i) when Jupiter is in a quadrant to Moon; (ii) when the three benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus aspect Moon and the aspecting planet is neither combust nor in its sign of debilitation. Native born with this combination will be wise, intelligent, qualified and king’s favorite.

 Kemadruma Yoga: lt is the same as Daridra yoga bringing poverty to the native. Association of Moon and Sun.

Precession: The zodiac is so moving that the initial point recedes from the fixed point 0° Aries by about 50″ every year. The calculation from the fixed point is called Nirayana, while from the moving point Sayan.

Sakata Yoga: lt is formed when Jupiter occupies sixth or eighth house from Moon. But this combination is nullified when Jupiter occupies a quadrant position from Ascendant.

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Saptamsa : Divisional chart (D-7) representing the area of children.

Trik houses : Houses 6, 8, 12.

Vimshottari Dasa: The 120-yearlong, nakshatra-based planetary forecasting system developed by Parasara.