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  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    DSK Rao email:[email protected] Cell:9440051847

    Rotary Club


    11th April , 2007

  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    DSK Rao email:[email protected] Cell:9440051847

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras



    Modern Science

  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Mapping With Modern Science

    Modern Science is about Discovery of Natural LawsNatural Laws are about Discovery of Truth

    Absolute Truth is about Discovery of God

    Vedas are the words of God

    Vedas are therefore the ultimate in Modern Science

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    2 out of 196Patanjalis Yoga Sutras


    Elaborated for this meet

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    What is OM Kara Shakti? Can we get extra sensory powers

    By its Abhyasa orPractice?

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  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    Let us try to understand the Physics behind Hearing. So someone speaks

    the Audio vibrations enter our ear and we hear them. However , if

    someone blows a Dog Whistle which is at 22 KHz , they also enter our

    ear , but we do not hear as we can hear up to 20KHz and a Dog can hear

    up to 22 KHz. We hear or see because of a phenomena calledJugalbandi as per our scriptures and Resonance as per modern


    As per law of Resonance , any frequency transmits its energy to any

    object whose natural frequency is equal to the frequency of the wave. So

    the natural frequency of our Ear Drum is 0-20KHz and any frequenciesentering our ear at that frequency resonate with our ear drum and pass

    energy to our ear drum , which is heard by us. Similarly , the natural

    frequency our Eye falls in the visible Band and so we have Resonance

    and therefore see. So to sum it up , NO Resonance , NO Perception

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    Coming back to Om Kara Shakti , if any one does

    Abhyas of Om Kara Japa a stage comes when the

    subtle matter in the mind starts to Resonate atdifferent frequencies and the subject starts

    perceiving in different planes! This is very vividly

    described in our scriptures and has a potential to

    make humans start perceiving High EnergyP


  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    Most of the humans are aware of only Two states of their mind , which are

    conscious state when awake and nidra or sleep state. As per the Vedas,

    the human mind can be in 108 states with the 108th state being the

    ultimate state of revelation when the human attains the status of God

    (atma & paramatma become one). That is why the number 108 is sacred to

    Hindus with Japamala having 108 beads etc. Most of the contemporary

    religious gurus have attained not more than the 20th state of the mind.

    Need to understand

    Dharma-> Artha->Kama->Moksha

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    The Seven Chakras are Energy Points

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    We can have understanding on

    Chakras (Reiki , Tantra/ Witch Craft .. Healthcare/Defense) Identical Twins , Triplets( Concept of Bio Energy Signatures) Vedic concept of Conception ( Population Control)

    and many other phenomena

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    In the Bhagavad-gita-, Krisna says,

    "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's

    heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings

    of all living entities, who are seated as on a

    machine (yantra) made of the material energy."

  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    Concept of Maya & Perception:

  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science


    A simple thing like Real Object v/s Image is misrepresented /misunderstood by the so called modern day scientific person.Let us

    say there is a TREE and ask someone , is it real or image , the answer

    is Real. If you see the science behind it , the light falling on the Tree

    gets reflected which enters ours eye and an image forms in our mind ,

    which is projected by our mind to form a Tree. So what we see is aprojected image. So in different afflictions like Disease,Langour,


    achievement of a stage, instability , .. the projected image can look

    different. So everything that is perceived is basically dependent on

    who is perceiving it and is not absolute and is basically an Image

    conjured in our minds. Color Blind people may see all in an entirelydifferent way.

    Does our scriptures then deny the Physical World? No, definitely not.

    They however explain the limitations of our mind and open up several

    planes in which we can understand better.

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    If all the Yoga-Sutras are mapped then we can have answers to the following ,

    which is

    Past, Present & Future? Can any one see Past? Is there anything as Divya

    Dristi , Doora Dristi? To just kindle interest , when you look at Sun every day ,

    you are looking into past of the sun by 8 minutes. That is the Sun you see

    NOW is what it was 8 minutes back. Your present SUN is past of the SUN by 8

    minutes. So based on where you are , your present can be past of something

    else you are perceiving. So if you can perceive SIMULTANEOUS

    LY at any place, you can find past , present , future!

    What is Cosmic Strength? And Why Light Speed is constant? With the

    knowledge from Vedas , we can explain why light travels irrespective of frame

    of reference at a constant speed

    If Big Bang is True then we are all connected some way and so Astrology is

    true! Scientifically , the world started from a Big Bang of energy and then the

    same energy became matter . If that is true then we are all from the same

    energy and connected to each other. If that is true as all Scientists agree , the

    planets are connected to us . If , yes then Astrology is correct !

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    Road Map: Vedic Research Institute

    To have a Vedic Research Institute with $25.0 million angel funding

    which would work on mapping the Vedic Principles to Modern Science& come out with new principles to help mankind and take up the

    leadership position in SCIENCE leading to true prosperity. It can help in

    Healthcare Communication

    Energy Defense Education Entertainment

    And several other fields with Ground Breaking discoveries

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    Q & A

  • 8/4/2019 Vedas & Modern Science





    DSK Rao

    email:[email protected]
