Download - Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Page 1: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.


Pearland ISD Physics

Page 2: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Scalars and Vectors

• A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number:– Examples:

• temperature, speed, mass

• A vector quantity deals inherently with both magnitude and direction:– Examples:

• Acceleration, velocity, force, displacement

Page 3: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Identify the following as scalars or vectors – not in your notes

• The acceleration of an airplane as it takes off

• The number of passengers and crew on the airplane

• The duration of the flight• The displacement of the flight• The amount of fuel required for the

flight scalar




Page 4: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Representing vectors

• Vectors can be represented graphically.– The direction of the arrow is the direction of

the vector. – The length of the arrow tells the magnitude

• Vectors can be moved parallel to themselves and still be the same vector.– Vectors only tell magnitude (amount) and

direction, so a vector can starts anywhere

4 N 8 N

Page 5: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Adding vectors

• The sum of two vectors is called the resultant.

• To add vectors graphically, draw each vector to scale.

• Place the tail of the second vector at the tip of the first vector. (tip-to-tail method)

• Vectors can be added in any order.• To subtract a vector, add its opposite.

Page 6: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Vector Addition and Subtraction

• Often it is necessary to add one vector to another.

Page 7: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Vector Addition and Subtraction

5 m 3 m

8 m

Page 8: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Adding Vector Problem

A parachutist jumps from a plane. He has not pulled is parachute yet. His weight or force is 800 N downward. The wind is applying a small drag force of 50 N upward. What is the vector sum of the forces acting on him?

750 N downward

Page 9: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Adding perpendicular vectors

• Perpendicular vectors can be easily added and we use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the resultant.

• Use the tangent function to find the direction of the resultant.

Page 10: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Vector Addition and Subtraction

Page 11: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

1.6 Vector Addition and Subtraction

2.00 m

6.00 m

Page 12: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Vector Addition and Subtraction

2.00 m

6.00 m

222 m 00.6m 00.2 R


m32.6m 00.6m 00.2 22 R


0.2tan 1

Page 13: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Adding perpendicular Vectors – this slide is not in your notes

Note: in this example, In order to use the tip-to-tail Method, Vector B must be moved.

Page 14: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Vector Addition and Subtraction This slide is not in your notes

When a vector is multiplied by -1, the magnitude of the vector remains the same, but the direction of the vector is reversed.


Page 15: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Multiplying Vectors

• A vector multiplied or divided by a scalar results in a new vector.– Multiplying by a positive number changes

the magnitude of the vector but not the direction.

– Multiplying by a negative number changes the magnitude and reverses the direction.

Page 16: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Resolving vectors into components.• Any vector can be resolved, that is,

broken up, into two vectors, one that lies on the x-axis and one on the y-axis.

Page 17: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

1.7 The Components of a Vector

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component vector thecalled are and





Page 18: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

1.7 The Components of a Vector





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Page 19: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Calculate the following: Practice!!

• A roller coaster moves 85 meters horizontally, then travels 45 meters at an angle of 30.0° above the horizontal. What is its displacement from its starting point?

• A pilot sets a plane’s controls, thinking the plane will fly at 2.50 X 102 km/hr to the north. If the wind blows at 75 km/hr toward the southeast, what is the plane’s resultant velocity?

Page 20: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.


Page 21: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Relative Motion

• The motion of an object can be expressed from different points of view

• These points of view are known as “frames of reference”

• Depending on the frame of reference used, the description of the motion of the object may change

Page 22: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Relative Velocity (motion of objects is independent of each other)

• Velocity of A relative to B: using the ground as a reference frame

• The LanguagevAG : v of A with respect to G (ground) = 40 m/svBG : v of B with respect to G = 30 m/svAB : v of A with respect to B:


smsmAB /30/40 v

smAB /10v

Page 23: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Example 1

• The white speed boat has a velocity of 30km/h,N, and the yellow boat a velocity of 25km/h, N, both with respect to the ground. What is the relative velocity of the white boat with respect to the yellow boat?


hkmhkmWY /25/30 v

hkmWY /5v

Page 24: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Example 2- The Bus Ride Lets do this together

A passenger is seated on a bus that is

traveling with a velocity of 5 m/s, North.

If the passenger remains in her seat,

what is her velocity:

a) with respect to the ground?

b) with respect to the bus?

Page 25: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Example 2 –continuedLets do this together

The passenger decides to approach the driver with a velocity of 1 m/s, N, with respect to the bus, while the bus is moving at 5m/s, N.

What is the velocity of the passenger with respect to the ground?

Page 26: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Resultant Velocity (motion of objects is dependent on each other)

The resultant velocity is the net velocity

of an object with respect to a reference


Page 27: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Example 3- Airplane and Wind - relative to the groundAn airplane has a velocity of 40 m/s, N, in still air. It is facing a headwind of 5m/s with respect to the ground.

What is the resultant velocity of the airplane?


smsmPG /5/40 v

smPG /35v

Page 28: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Frame of reference

• What is this guy’s velocity?

• What about now?

Page 29: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Frame of reference

• What about now?

Page 30: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Relative Velocity:Example 4: Crossing a River

The engine of a boat drives it across a river that is 1800m wide.The velocity of the boat relative to the water is 4.0m/s directed perpendicular to the current. The velocity of the water relativeto the shore is 2.0m/s.

A)What is the velocity of the boat relative to the shore?

B) How long does it take for the boat to cross the river?

Page 31: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Relative Velocity

• G: • U: • E: (Pythagorean Theorem)

• S:

• S:

2222 sm0.2sm0.4 WSBWBS vvv



/0.4tan 1



sm /0.4BWv sm /0.2WSv



Page 32: Vectors Pearland ISD Physics. Scalars and Vectors A scalar quantity is one that can be described by a single number: –Examples: temperature, speed, mass.

Relative Velocity

• G: • U:

• E: (Kinematics)

• S:

• S: s 450sm4.0

m 1800t





