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Examensarbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper ISSN 1650-6553 Nr 248

Variability of Intermittent Headwater Streams in a Boreal Landscape

Influence of different discharge conditions

Variability of Intermittent Headwater Streams in a Boreal Landscape

Influence of different discharge conditions

Tum Nihm

Tum Nihm

Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaperExamensarbete E1, Hydrologi, 30 hpISSN 1650-6553 Nr 248Tryckt hos Institutionen för geovetenskaper, Geotryckeriet, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, 2012.

Dynamic expansions and contractions of stream networks can play an important role for hydrologic processes as they can connect different parts of the landscape to the stream channels. However, we know little about the temporal and spatial variations of stream networks during different flow and wetness conditions. This study focuses on the contraction and expansion of stream networks during different flow conditions in the boreal Krycklan catchment, located in Northern Sweden. The stream network and initiation points were extracted from a gridded digital elevation model (DEM) of 5-meter resolution, and then compared with the stream network initiation points (heads) observed during the spring flood (freshet) period in 2012. From the results of the study, it was clearly seen that the observed stream heads and the stream heads appearing in the stream network map extracted from DEM did not agree very well. 49% of the total observed stream heads (49) fell onto the low order stream branches and headwater streams derived from the DEM. Only few of them exactly matched the modeled stream heads. Moreover, the modeled stream network was much denser than the observed stream network, and so the simple raster based dynamic model developed could not well represent the dynamic stream network extension in the real system. Most headwater streams in the study catchment were man-made ditches, which were dug to drain water wetlands and to increase forest productivity. The majority of observed stream heads were formed by seepage from the saturated surrounding soils, while only a few of them were formed by saturation overland flow. On the other hand, the dynamic stream network derived from the DEM suggested that the number of streams of lower order and their lengths was sensitive to change in streamflow, especially during the high flow episode.

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Examensarbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper ISSN 1650-6553 Nr 248

Variability of Intermittent Headwater Streams in a Boreal Landscape

Influence of different discharge conditions

Tum Nihm

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Copyright © Tum Nihm and the Department of Earth Sciences Uppsala University

Published at Department of Earth Sciences, Geotryckeriet Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2012

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Variability of intermittent headwater streams in a boreal landscape: Influence of different discharge conditions Tum Nhim Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.

Dynamic expansions and contractions of stream networks can play an important role for hydrologic processes as they can connect different parts of the landscape to the stream channels. However, we know little about the temporal and spatial variations of stream networks during different flow and wetness conditions. This study focuses on the contraction and expansion of stream networks during different flow conditions in the boreal Krycklan catchment, located in Northern Sweden. The stream network and initiation points were extracted from a gridded digital elevation model (DEM) of 5-meter resolution, and then compared with the stream network initiation points (heads) observed during the spring flood (freshet) period in 2012. From the results of the study, it was clearly seen that the observed stream heads and the stream heads appearing in the stream network map extracted from DEM did not agree very well. 49% of the total observed stream heads (49) fell onto the low order stream branches and headwater streams derived from the DEM. Only few of them exactly matched the modeled stream heads. Moreover, the modeled stream network was much denser than the observed stream network, and so the simple raster based dynamic model developed could not well represent the dynamic stream network extension in the real system. Most headwater streams in the study catchment were man-made ditches, which were dug to drain water wetlands and to increase forest productivity. The majority of observed stream heads were formed by seepage from the saturated surrounding soils, while only a few of them were formed by saturation overland flow. On the other hand, the dynamic stream network derived from the DEM suggested that the number of streams of lower order and their lengths was sensitive to change in streamflow, especially during the high flow episode.


Dynamic stream network, intermittent streams, headwater stream, stream heads, wetness conditions, streamflow

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Variabilitet av periodiskt återkommande bäckar i ett borealt landskap: Betydelse av olika avrinningsnivåer Tum Nhim Institutionen för geovetenskaper, Uppsala universitet Villavägen 16, 752 36 UPPSALA

Utbredningsdynamiken av bäckars flödesnätverk kan spela en viktig roll för hydrologiska processer eftersom de kan ansluta olika delar av landskapet till bäckar och älvar. Vi vet dock väldigt lite om de temporala och spatiala variationerna i utbredningunder olika flödes- och fuktförhållanden. Denna studie fokuserade på utbredningsdynamiken av flödesnätverk under olika flödesförhållanden i Krycklans avrinningsområde, beläget ca 50 km nordväst om Umeå i Västerbotten. Bäckarnas nätverk- och initieringspunkter identifierades från en digital höjdmodell (DHM) med 5-meters upplösning och jämfördes sedan med samma bäckars initieringspunkter (källor) observerade i fält under vårfloden 2012. Från resultaten av studien var det tydligt att de observerade och simulerade initierings punkterna inte stämde bra överens med varandra. 49% av de totalt observerade initieringspunkterna (49) utgjordes av bäckar med låg strömordning och på källsflöden hämntat från DHMet. Endast ett fåtal av dem överenstämde exakt med de simulerade initieringspunkterna Dessutom var det simulerade flödesnätverket mycket tätare än det observerade, och den enkla raster-baserada dynamiska modellen representerde dåligt det dynamiska flödesnätverket som observerades i fält. De flesta källflöden i avrinningsområdet är diken som grävts för att dränera våtmarker och för att öka skogsbrukets produktivitet. Majoriteten av de observerade initieringspunkter har bildats av läckage från den omgivande mättade marken, medan endast ett fåtal av dem har bildats av ytavrinning på mättad mark. Å andra sidan visade det simulerade dynamiska flödesnätverket att antalet bäckar av lägre ordning och deras utbredningslängd var känsliga för förändringar i flödesförhållanden, speciellt under högflödesepisoder. Sökord

Dynamiska flödesnätverk, periodiskt återkommande bäckar, källflöden, källor, vätaförhållanden, avrinning, flöde

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Abbreviations DIC Dissolve Inorganic Carbon DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon DEM Digital Elevation Model GPS Global Positioning System LDD Local Drain Direction m.a.s.l Meter Above Sea Level

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Table of contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1 

1.1.  Research objectives .......................................................................................................... 1 

1.2.  Key research questions ..................................................................................................... 1 

2.  Background .............................................................................................................................. 2 

3. Materials and Methods ................................................................................................................ 4 

3.1. Study location ...................................................................................................................... 4 

3.2. Derivation of terrain indices and flow directions ................................................................ 6 

3.3. Development of a dynamic stream network model ............................................................. 7 

3.4. Field investigation for mapping stream heads ................................................................... 10 

3.5. Testing of model parameters’ value ................................................................................... 12 

4. Results ....................................................................................................................................... 12 

4.1. Stream network and frequency of surface flow generating ............................................... 13 

4.2. Stream network and geology of the study catchment ........................................................ 17 

4.3 Modeled stream length and stream orders during different flow conditions ...................... 19 

4.4. Field observations .............................................................................................................. 23 

4.5. Comparison of observed and predicted stream heads ........................................................ 25 

4.6. Slope-area relationship........................................................................................................... 34 

5. Discussions ............................................................................................................................... 35 

5.1. Comparison of observed and simulated stream heads ....................................................... 35 

5.2. Variation of stream length and stream orders at various flow conditions ......................... 35 

5.3. Model uncertainties ............................................................................................................ 36 

6. Concluding remarks .................................................................................................................. 36 

7. Suggestions for future work ...................................................................................................... 37 

8. Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 38 

References ..................................................................................................................................... 39 

Appendix 1: Field protocol ............................................................................................................. a 

Appendix 2: Dynamic stream network model’s scripts .................................................................. c 

Appendix 3: Coordinates and descriptions of observed stream heads ............................................ h 

Appendix 4: Field data records ........................................................................................................ j 

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List of tables and figures

List of figures

Figure 1: DEM and geology class map of the Krycklan catchment ............................................... 4 Figure 2: Krycklan catchment and flow gaging sites...................................................................... 5 Figure 3: LDD code for direction of runoff .................................................................................... 6 Figure 4: Average daily flow series at site 7 ................................................................................... 9 Figure 5: Investigated subcatchments of site 9, 7, and 1 .............................................................. 11 Figure 6: >90% frequency map of surface flow generating ......................................................... 13 Figure 7: >90% frequency map of connecting surface flow ......................................................... 14 Figure 8: Stream network map at maximum streamflow .............................................................. 15 Figure 9: Stream network map at minimum streamflow .............................................................. 16 Figure 10: >90% frequency map and geology of site 9 ................................................................ 17 Figure 11: >90% frequency map and geology of site 1 ................................................................ 18 Figure 12: > 90% frequency map and geology of site 7 ............................................................... 19 Figure 13: Relationship between total stream length and flow ..................................................... 20 Figure 14: Relation between total stream length and corresponding streamflow ......................... 21 Figure 15: Total stream length versus different stream orders ..................................................... 21 Figure 16: Total stream length versus different stream orders ..................................................... 22 Figure 17: Stream head with seepage erosion............................................................................... 24 Figure 18: Stream head with saturated overland flow .................................................................. 24 Figure 19: Stream head with seepage from saturation .................................................................. 25 Figure 20: Observed stream heads within subcatchment 7 ........................................................... 26 Figure 21: Observed stream heads in catchment of site 9 ............................................................ 27 Figure 22: Observed stream head in catchment of site 1 .............................................................. 29 Figure 23: Observed stream heads in other subcatchments .......................................................... 30 Figure 24: Observed headwater streams ....................................................................................... 32 Figure 25: Relationship of local slope/source area of stream head for man-made ditches ........... 34 Figure 26: Relationship of local slope/source area of stream head for natural stream ................. 34 

List of tables

Table 1: Flow gaging sites in Krycklan catchment ......................................................................... 6 Table 2: Statistical characteristics of the flow series .................................................................... 10 Table 3: Model calibration for b value ......................................................................................... 12 Table 4: Model calibration for Zmin value ..................................................................................... 12 Table 5: Modeled total stream length during highest and lowest flow conditions ....................... 20 Table 6: Observed stream heads ................................................................................................... 23 Table 7: Formation of stream heads .............................................................................................. 23 Table 8: Number of surveyed stream heads falling within subcatchment of site 7 ...................... 26 Table 9: Number of stream heads falling within catchment of site 9 ........................................... 28 Table 10: Number of stream heads falling within catchment of site 1 ......................................... 30 Table 11: Number of stream heads falling within other subcatchments ....................................... 31 Table 12: Characteristics of headwater streams ............................................................................ 33 

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1.Introduction Stream heads are important transition points since, similar to riparian zones, they are at the interface between hillslopes and stream channels (Montgomery & Dietrich, 1989). Connecting the stream heads to the downslope stream networks, headwater streams maintain many hydrological and biogeochemical processes that influence, for example, stream chemistry, flow and wetness conditions in the catchment. More importantly, these controlling processes may vary according to topographic conditions, geological characteristics and different landuse in a basin. One challenging aspect in the study of where the stream initiates is that little is known about the dynamic temporal and spatial variations of the stream networks since they often occur at relatively small scales, and in mapped parts of the stream network that are seldom mapped. There might be large differences in the number of active zero or first order streams, with varying flow conditions. For example, during high flow episode, the stream network might considerably expand resulting in many active low-order streams, which in turn would be likely to increase transport of sediments, organic matter, or other stream solutes. At low flow conditions, on the other hand, the stream network would contract and, as a result, the connectivity between landscape and surface waters would decrease. Many studies use DEMs to extract and examine the stream networks such as O'Callaghan & Mark (1984), Mackay & Band (1998), McMaster (2002), and Hancock & Evans (2006). However, because of different resolutions of DEMs and variable topography and landscape, the stream initiation points may be inaccurately mapped. In this study, to better understand the controlling factors in headwater streams and dynamic extension of the stream networks, DEM-derived stream heads were compared to stream heads that were mapped during field visits. The relationship between local slope and source area of the stream heads was also discussed regarding different formations and geology to which those stream heads belong.

1.1. Researchobjectives The spatial extent of stream networks can play an important role in controlling the stream chemistry as it connects different parts of the landscape to the streams. However, relatively little is known about temporal variability of the extent of the stream network during different flow and wetness conditions. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the stream network expands at different flow conditions and to investigate if the variable extend could be reproduced using a raster based stream network model.

To reach this aim, several steps were accomplished:

o Establishing a dynamic stream network model based on flow-groundwater table relationship, using gridded digital elevation data of 5 meter resolution;

o Mapping stream initiation points from the stream network extracted from the digital elevation data;

o Determining criteria for selecting stream heads; o Mapping stream head locations in the terrain during a field survey

1.2. Keyresearchquestions

In this thesis, some key research questions were addressed upon completing the stated objectives:

o Would model simulation of the stream network agree with the observed stream network in the real terrain?

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o To what extent, would the stream network expand at different flow conditions? o Could the variable extent of stream network be reproduced using a simple raster based

stream network model?

2. Background Many studies demonstrate the importance of study on the stream network expansion and the locations where the streams begin. Lyon et al. (2004) mention that knowing the locations of source areas is useful for understanding non-point source pollution. O'Callaghan & Mark (1984) and Hancock & Evans (2006) show the importance of stream network extraction from digital elevation data on the study of geomorphology and hydrology. Rayburg et al. (2005) draws the attention to the impact of landuse change on the channel network evolution. Their study further concludes that better understanding about the evolution of the water delivery networks would make it possible to make better predictions of the impact of landuse change on the hydrologic functioning. Montgomery & Dietrich (1988) define channel initiation points as the points that are located closest to the upslope drainage divide with the presence of channelized morphology. Montgomery & Dietrich (1989) also suggest that channel heads can be gradual or abrupt and that the channel reach may touch the channel network immediately downslope or discontinuously expand. Connecting the stream head locations to the downslope stream channels, headwater streams maintain many inducing processes that control, for example, stream chemistry and flow conditions in the catchment. Jaeger et al. (2007) presents physical characteristics of the headwater streams. A headwater stream, for instance, can be continuous or discontinuous. Usually, it has convergent topography and can be found at the foot of a valley. In addition, to be considered as a headwater stream, it should have channel length of at least 5 meters. To get more knowledge on the governing processes in the headwater streams, it is interesting to understand the relationship between source area and slope. Some studies discuss the source area/slope relations to better understand the inducing processes in the stream head initiation points on downslope channel network. For instance Montgomery & Dietrich (1988) suggest that, to know where the stream channels begin, the relationship of source area/slope should be tested and that the channel head source areas could be selected based on field accessibility, ranges of slope values, and climatic and geological conditions. In a more recent study, Jaeger et al. (2007) investigated the source area/slope relationships of headwater channels in sandstone and basalt lithology of forested landscape by using the source area of channels, delineated in digital elevation model (DEM) and comparing DEM derived heads to heads that were mapped in the field using Global Positioning Systems (GPS). The results of the study showed, however, that there was a poor relationship between the source area and slope since the source areas vary lithologically and that the source area derived from DEM and mapped in the field did not agree well.

Another important factor controlling the headwater stream is the formation of the stream heads. To understand more about the sources of the stream heads, field observations are very valuable. Channel heads can be formed by several processes such as overland flow (saturation excess or return flow) or subsurface flow seepage or landslide failure (Jaeger et al., 2007). In their study on channel initiation, Montgomery & Dietrich (1988) collected 71 points of stream heads in forested landscape underlain by folded Paleocene and Eocene sandstones. The results of the study show that, of all the 71 head locations, the formation of the steep-slope stream heads was either through subsurface flow seepage or through landslide failure, while that of gentle-slope channel heads was overland flow. The study done by Montgomery & Dietrich (1988) further

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shows that the initiation points of the channel heads on steep gradient may be formed by subsurface flow erosion. The field investigation also depicts that the initiation point of abrupt channel heads on low slope is formed by seepage erosion, while that of gradual channel head is controlled by overland flow saturation Many studies rely on DEMs to extract flow directions of the stream networks. There are, however, some uncertainties due to either low DEM resolution (McMaster, 2002) or difficulties in deriving flow directions in gentle slope areas (Mackay & Band, 1998). Unfortunately, there is general a lack of field data on channel initiation locations and the processes that form and control those transition points (Montgomery & Dietrich, 1988).

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regard, is to start with identifying two types of flat areas: flat area of type 1 and flat area of type 2.

Flat areas of type 1 are defined as a set of neighboring cells of the same elevation, and at least one of those cells has lower elevation than the core cell. The local drain direction for this case can be resolved by assuming that is like a simple case, which means the water will flow from the cell under consideration to the cell of lower elevation.

Flat areas of type 2 are defined as a set of neighboring cells of the same elevations, and all of these cells have exactly the same elevation as the cell under consideration (the core cell). To resolve this, each neighboring cell of the core cell is assigned a drain direction.

As mentioned earlier, pits are those cells whose neighbors point towards them. Pit removing process is to assign artificial local drain direction to those depressed cells. This process is performed because there might be problems with digitizing or discretization of digital elevation data, which is not natural phenomenon.

Calculation of upslope contribution area based on D8 algorithm

Upslope contributing area was computed based on local drain direction derived from D8 algorithm. The calculation assumed that, for each cell, accumulated amount of material would flow out from itself to neighboring downstream cell following the local drain direction. The accumulated material is the amount of material in a cell under consideration plus the amount of material flowing from the upstream cells of the cell under consideration. Based on local drain direction network, the catchment for an outflowing cell is determined, which contains the cell itself and the upstream cells that drain into it. To get the value of upslope contributing area for each outflowing cell, the total cell area was considered.

Calculation of terrain slope based on DEM

Terrain slope is the ratio of vertical distance to horizontal distance (dz/dx), whose value ranges between 0 and 1, and can be turned into percentage by multiplying that ratio with 100.

For each cell, computation of slope is performed in a 3x3 cell window, based on an analysis of DEM. There might be cases that the elevation of neighboring cells of the core cell is unknown. If this is the case, for each missing value cell, the elevation of the core cell is assigned with average elevation of non-missing value cells in the 3x3 cell window.

3.3.DevelopmentofadynamicstreamnetworkmodelFlow-Groundwater table relationship

The dynamic stream network model examined the expansion and contraction of stream network during different streamflow conditions. The basic principle for model development was based on the combination of landscape analysis and field measurements of streamflow and riparian groundwater tables. The model assumes that groundwater flow can be scaled with specific contributing area and that hydraulic gradient can be estimated by terrain slope tan . Thus, total groundwater discharge at a riparian location of homogeneous soil can be related to groundwater table position based on the Darcy’s law as following (Grabs, 2010).

. tan . [1]


: Total groundwater discharge [l/s]

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: Width [m] tan : Terrain slope : Soil depth [m] : Groundwater table position [m] K(z) : Hydraulic conductivity at depth Z [l.s-1m-1] If the riparian soil and hydraulic conductivity vary exponentially with depth, then the equation becomes

. tan . ′ . . [2] Furthermore, the total groundwater discharge can be related to streamflow measured at the catchment outlet as following:

. . [3]

Where : Specific hillslope contributing area derived from topography [m2/m] A : Catchment area [m2] By solving the last two equations, [2] and [3], we get

ln .


. [4]


o b : Transmissivity shape parameter [m-1] o : Streamflow measured at the catchment outlet [l/s]

o ,

: Transmissivity parameter [l.s-1.m-1]

The dynamic model for estimating groundwater table distribution in the whole catchment was then based on equation [4].

For the whole study period, based on the available discharge series from April 17, 2007 to December 31, 2008, the frequency of surface flow occurrence for each cell in the stream networks can be calculated by taking up the number of days that the streams may generate flow divided by the total number of observations (total time steps in the model).

To increase the chance of finding the actual locations where the stream starts, a map with at least 90% chance of flow surface occurrence was created and overlaid with geology class map, and used as a referencing source for locating the stream heads.

Hence, it is practical to create a frequency map of surface flow occurrence in the stream to facilitate the finding of stream head locations in the field. The frequency was calculated by assuming that if the groundwater table was at least 0.1m above the ground surface, there would be surface flow in the stream channels. Days for which the groundwater table was above 0.1m was summed up for each grid cell and divided by the total number of days

The model generated the stream networks based on local drain directions, and so the stream network that went across the lake and wetland in the extracted map did not reflect reality. Also the model did not perform very well at the zone of gentle-slope terrain because groundwater level distribution in the catchment was interpolated in the sense that its distribution is the same way as the terrain topography does. Thus, the stream networks that come across lakes and wetlands in the catchment were not considered.

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Determination of model parameters

There are three main parameters in the model: a transmissivity shape parameter ( , a transmissivity parameter ( ′ ), and threshold groundwater table (Zmin) parameter, i.e., the minimum groundwater table above which surface flow occurring in the stream channels.

The transmissivity parameters value ( ′ ), of the model were primarily set based on the study location geology. Since the catchment geology is sediment deposit and moraine (glacial till), then the values for these two parameters can be approximately estimated to be 7.9 ′ 0.034 (Grabs, 2010, p.27)

The value of groundwater level, based on the equation [4], is negative if the considered location has a groundwater table below the surface, and is zero or higher if the groundwater table position is at or above the ground surface. Within the stream, the estimated groundwater level will take a positive value. Thus, it is important to define a threshold level above which the presence of water in the stream might generate flow. In this study, the threshold value for the stream to generate flow was primarily assumed to be Zmin=0.1 m.

Terrain slope

From equation [4], the groundwater table position is related to terrain slope, which is the denominator of fraction, and this value should not be zero. In the model, terrain slope was set to take the value of minimum slope (assumed to be 1/10000) for all cases where DEM-derived slopes were less than the minimum slope value.

Time series of flow

In the dynamic stream network model, groundwater table position for each cell in the catchment was estimated based on corresponding flow for each time step of the model. The average daily flow series from April 17, 2007 to December 31, 2008, measured at site 7 of the catchment was used in the model. Figure 4 below illustrates the flow series for each corresponding time step of the model.

Figure 4: Average daily flow series at site 7










0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600




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Table 2 shows the statistical characteristic of the flow series used in the model. The maximum discharge (Qmax) occurs during the spring flood period after most of the snow melts, while the minimum discharge (Qmin) happens at the beginning of the summer. Q75% and Q90% are discharge of 75th percentile and 95th percentile respectively. From Table 2, it is observed that up to 90% of the discharge record falls below 8.59 l/s, and 75% falls below 4.91l/s, which is close to the average discharge of the total time series.

Table 2: Statistical characteristics of the flow series

Qmax (l/s)  Qmin (l/s)  Qmean (l/s) Qmedian (l/s) Q75% (l/s) Q90% (l/s) 

67.3  0.4  4.6 2.6 4.9 8.5 


Field investigation was done to validate the model results, i.e. to see how the locations of stream heads identified in the map extracted from the model differ from the real head locations in the catchment. Furthermore, from field observation, it was possible to see how simple understanding represented by the model works, and to determine if this simple process needs to be revised.

It is inevitable that the results of the model are to some extent not consistent with the real systems due to certain model uncertainties and assumptions in the processes, i.e. the locations of the stream heads identified in the map extracted from the model might be different from those in real catchment.

In the study catchment of Krycklan, there are 16 flow gaging sites including site 16, the one at the main outlet of the catchment. In this study, three subcatchments upstream of the gaging sites 7, 9, and 1 were selected for detailed field investigations. Additionally, stream heads were also searched in other subcatchments where depending on the accessibility of the terrain. Accessibility was most limited at the onset of spring flood period when the snow layer was relatively deep at some places.

The three subcatchments were selected for field observations because they have more available data and are underlain by the majority of till deposit whose transmissivity parameters of the model were based on. Another interesting aspect is that those subcatchments are also partially underlain by sediment deposits, which make it possible not only to discuss how stream network extractions from DEM differs topographically, but also how differently the sources of the stream heads are formed according to geological differences. Another advantage for choosing these subcatchments is that they are relatively easily accessible from nearby roads (Figure 5).

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To facistream ncontourDuring all headobserve

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Figure 5:

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: Investigate

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ed subcatch

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gon 450 GPused. The b

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f f .

o t

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3.5.Testingofmodelparameters’valueGPS coordinates of observed stream heads were imported into ArcGis and spatially compared with the stream networks extracted from the model. Then, the model parameter values were changed as shown in Table 3 and Table 4 so the observed stream heads and the simulated stream heads were spatially matched.

There are three main parameters in the model (b, K0, and Zmin), but only two parameters were used in the testing: b and Zmin. The reason is that, from equation [2], the total groundwater discharge is to the exponent of b. A small change in b value would increase the total groundwater discharge value a lot, and so increase the surface flow in the stream network since the total groundwater discharge is proportional to the stream flow (equation [1]).

Case 1:

Table 3: Model calibration for b value

Ko[l.s-1.m-1]  0.033466 0.033466 0.033466  0.033466 

b (m)  7.9024 8.2975 8.6926  9.0878 

Numbers of matched heads  24 24 24  24 

Case 2:

Table 4: Model calibration for Zmin value

Ko [l.s-1.m-1]  0.033466 0.033466 0.033466  0.033466 

Zmin (m)  ‐0.1 0.0 0.1  0.2 

Numbers of matched heads  25 26 24  25 

Table 3 and Table 4 show the model parameter testing procedure for b and Zmin values. Ko was kept constant for all cases because it is less sensitive to model response. In case 1, the value of b was increase by 5% for each time, and its initial value is bolded in Table 3. For case 2, the value of threshold groundwater table, Zmin, was increased by 0.1 m and later decreased by 0.1 m instead. The bold value (Table 4) corresponds to its initial value.

For each case, the observed and simulated stream heads were visually examined in the map and spatially compared. Since there might be spatial error in the GPS, it was assumed that the observed and simulated stream heads are matched if the relative error between them is less than 15 m. From each step of the model parameter testing, it can be seen that there was almost no improvement on the results, which means the number of matched stream heads did not increase even after changing the parameter values. Therefore, afterwards the parameter values from the initial assumption were used for the whole study, i.e. Zmin=0.1 m, Ko= 0.033466 [l.s-1.m-1], and b=7.9024 [m-1].


Since modeled stream network may be inaccurately mapped, field observation was carried out to verify the model results. The results as presented in the following sections were divided into two main parts: model results and field observation. Section 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 show the results from the model.

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Figure 7: >

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Figure 8:

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Additio(Figure subcatcmap shfield ob

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Figure 1

stream netwrlain by alm

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small branwhich were

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Subcatcsite 1). in this subcatcmodel. area, musually simulat


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Figure 12

site 7 (Figuerlain by almthe stream ause it is themainstreamshort brach

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2: > 90% fr

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f r e e d s t

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Figure 13: Relationship between total stream length and flow

The total length of the stream network was calculated by summing up frictional length from upstream grid cell to downstream grid cell along local drain direction (flow directions extracted from the DEM) in the stream network for each corresponding value of streamflow. The total stream length varied with the same trend as the streamflow (Figure 13). The total stream length at maximum discharge value was around 10 times longer than that at the minimum discharge value (Table 5). The total length of the stream network would be overestimated because the flow directions extracted from the DEM, which was used in the calculation, also took into account the discontinuous patches in the catchment.

Table 5: Modeled total stream length during highest and lowest flow conditions

Date  Discharge(l/s)  Total Stream Length (Km) 

4‐May‐08  67.3 5620 

25‐Jun‐07  0.4 509 

















18‐Jan‐07 28‐Apr‐07 6‐Aug‐07 14‐Nov‐07 22‐Feb‐08 1‐Jun‐08 9‐Sep‐08 18‐Dec‐08 28‐Mar‐09

Flow (l/s)

Total stream

 length (Km)

Total stream length (Km) Flow (l/s)

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Figure 14: Relation between total stream length and corresponding streamflow

After fitting different functions, the streamflow could be best approximated by a power relation to the total stream length (Figure 14). The power trend line seemed to fit the points very well when the flow is less than 30 l/s and somehow deviates from those points at the higher streamflow values. The line is steeper at low discharge value. This depicts that during the high flow episodes the total stream length dramatically increase, which means during this episode a small change in discharge values would increase the total stream length a lot.

Figure 15: Total stream length versus different stream orders

Figure 15 above shows that the stream length of the first, second and third-order stream changed very much at different flow conditions, especially during the high flow period. The stream of these low orders can be regarded as ephemeral streams, the streams that may not be channelized or that form only during the storm event and snowmelt.

y = 763,29x0,4477

R² = 0,9988








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Total stream

 length (Km)

Flow (l/s)














18‐Jan‐07 28‐Apr‐07 6‐Aug‐07 14‐Nov‐07 22‐Feb‐08 1‐Jun‐08 9‐Sep‐08 18‐Dec‐08 28‐Mar‐09

Total stream

 length (Km)

Order 1 Order 2 Order 3 Order 4

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Figure 16: Total stream length versus different stream orders

In contrast, the length of the fourth (Figure 15) and fifth-order stream (Figure 16) did not change very much at various flow conditions. The stream of these orders, for instance, can be classified as intermittent streams, the stream that are formed seasonally, after spring flood for example, and that could be channelized. On the other hand, the streams of higher orders, i.e. from order 6 seemed to have little change in length. At certain flow conditions, the stream length does not change even when the flow increases, usually in the low flow episodes. These high order streams may be considered as perennial streams.









18‐Jan‐07 28‐Apr‐07 6‐Aug‐07 14‐Nov‐07 22‐Feb‐08 1‐Jun‐08 9‐Sep‐08 18‐Dec‐08 28‐Mar‐09

Total stream

 length (Km)

Order 5 Order 6 Order 7

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4.4.FieldobservationsDescriptions of observed stream heads

The majority of the observed stream heads were man-made ditches (Table 6). Generally, these ditches were dug to drain water away from agricultural lands, forested area, or wetland and connected to downstream channels. Furthermore, the ditches had a straight regular channel. During the spring flood period in 2012, most of the ditches had active and continuous surface flow from the heads till the first confluence with the water depth ranging from 0.02m to 0.27 m. Only few ditches were found to have discontinuous flow at the upstream channels. Of all the 49 observed stream heads, only two points were road ditches. These road ditches were generally connected to other downslope man-made ditches before evacuating the water to the mainstream. Besides this, 10 stream heads were found in the form of a natural stream. These natural streams, overally, were unchannelized and had irregular channel shape governed by the terrain topography.

Table 6: Observed stream heads

Types of headwater streams 

Numbers of observed stream heads 

Water depth (m) 

Sources of headwater stream 

Natural stream  10  Seepage erosion/ 

Man‐made ditch  37  0.02‐0.27  Subsurface flow/ 

Road ditch  2  Saturated overland flow 

Total  49    

Stream head formations

Of all the 49 investigated stream heads, it was found that generally those stream heads were formed by either subsurface flow or saturated overland flow (Table 7). Subsurface flow was seen in the form of seepage erosion and seepage from saturation at the upslope of the stream heads, while saturated overland flow was formed because certain area around the stream heads were saturated with presence of surface water. Table 7 illustrates that the majority of the stream heads were formed by subsurface flow in the form of seepage from the saturated soil at the upslope of the stream heads. Because of convergent topography or the hollow at the stream heads, the water drained downwards to the stream heads.

Table 7: Formation of stream heads

Formations  Natural stream  Man‐made ditch  Road ditch  Total 

Seepage erosion  3  2  0  5 

Seepage from saturation  3  35  2  40 

Overland flow  4  0  0  4 

   Total  49 

Figure 17 below shows an example of the head of a ditch which was formed by seepage erosion in a hollow. Because the surrounding soil of the ditch head was saturated, it formed subsurface flow and recharged water to the hollow (usually the ditch head) before generating surface flow within the ditch channel. From observations in the field this kind of stream head had presence of debris, dead understory vegetation, and tree roots.

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Overlansurface vegetatilong en

nd flow in twater. Usu

ion and debnough, and t


this pictureually in thisbris with blthe water flo

Figure 1

ure 17: Stre

(Figure 18s kind of stack color bows accordi

18: Stream h


eam head wi

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head with s

ith seepage

med by satur, there was water surfa

graphical ex

saturated ov


rated area wthe presen

ace at this sxpression.

verland flow

which had pnce of dead saturated so


presence ofunderstory

ource lasted

f y d

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Figure stream hending Becauseformed

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Figure 1


of observeetwork wer

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19: Stream h


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am head in tin the streamam connected within sutchments raf of the col

ved stream nfluence poaccumulatio


stream heaillslope and this stream

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m heads, thy examined.

fell on the rk model,

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was defined generates. Aeam head tont of site 1, these three

mple (49). Dere recordedalso record

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m saturation


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was generatream netwo

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A headwateo its first co9, and 7. Tsubcatchm

During the fd with a hded, while

subsurfacewas a man-

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The stream ments and th

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During upwardmainstrsurface connectlocated AccordThis illu

chment of

the field ods from its reams. The r

flow conneting to the m

near the bing to the mustrates the

Table 8: N

site 7

Figure 20:

observationoutlet so

results fromecting to themainstream border of tmap (Figure


Number of s

: Observed

, the two mas to coun

m the field oe mainstreaaccording t

the subcatce 20), none ncy between

urveyed str

Stream he


stream head

mainstreamnt all possibobservation am were fouto the modechment, andof observed

n the model

ream heads

ead No. 

ds within su

s of subcatble headwashowed tha

und, while tel predictiond the otherd and simul simulation

falling with



tchment of ater streamsat only two there were ans. One obser one appealated streamand the fiel

hin subcatch


nt 7

f site 7 wers connectinactive ditch

a lot of streerved streamared in we

m heads werld observati

hment of sit

re followedng to thosehes that hadam brachesm head wasetland area,re matched.ion.

e 7

d e d s s , .

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Of all 1headwamodel. headwaothers m

chment of

5 stream heater streams

One headwater streamsmight not be

site 9

Figure 21

eads observ (bold text water streams did not ape covered in



: Observed

ved along throws in Tabm was a rppear in then the DEM r




d stream hea

he mainstreable 9) belowroad ditche map becaresolutions.

Natural strea

Man‐made d

ads in catchm

ams of the cw were founthat connecause some .



ment of site

catchment asnd on the mcted to othditches wer

e 9

s seen in Fimap extracteher dug rece

igure 21, 10ed from the

The otherently, while

0 e r e

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Table 9: Number of stream heads falling within catchment of site 9

Stream head No.  Descriptions 

4  Man‐made ditch 

7  Natural stream 

1  Man‐made ditch 

2  Man‐made ditch 

3  Man‐made ditch 

11  Man‐made ditch 

37  Man‐made ditch 

36  Man‐made ditch 

39  Man‐made ditch 

31  Man‐made ditch 

32  Road ditch 

30  Man‐made ditch 

41  Man‐made ditch 

29  Man‐made ditch 

28  Man‐made ditch 

40  Man‐made ditch 

10  Man‐made ditch 

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Like sucount aresults ditches and pamainstrlittle su

chment of

ubcatchmentall possible from the fiand only f

artly coverereams, and wurface water

site 1

Figure 22

t of site 7, active headeld investig

five of themed by snowwere found r further up

2: Observed

the mainstdwater streagation (Figu

m had activew. The streto be dry dof the stream


d stream hea

treams of thams or bracure 22) shoe flow into eam head

during the dm head, wh

ad in catchm

his subcatchches that coow that all h

the mainstNo.19 (Ta

day of field here water st

ment of site

hment wereonnect to thheadwater sreams, whi

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o e e y e f

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Other s



le 10: Numb


Figure 23:

ber of stream

Stream he






: Observed s


m heads fal

ead No. 






stream head

lling within


Man‐made d

Man‐made d

Man‐made d

Man‐made d

Man‐made d

ds in other s









of site 1


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Table 11: Number of stream heads falling within other subcatchments

Stream head No. Descriptions

42 Man-made ditch43 Man-made ditch44 Man-made ditch45 Natural stream 13 Man-made ditch47 Natural stream 48 Man-made ditch 49 Man-made ditch 14 Man-made ditch 17 Man-made ditch16 Man-made ditch 5 Natural stream 6 Natural stream 8 Man-made ditch 9 Man-made ditch 36 Man-made ditch 12 Man-made ditch 24 Natural stream 27 Natural stream 26 Natural stream 25 Natural stream 15 Man-made ditch 23 Man-made ditch46 Man-made ditch33 Road ditch

From Table 11, the stream heads observed in other subcatchments other than subcatchment of site 1, 7, and 9 represented half of the collected sample. More importantly, there were up to 12 simulated stream heads that matched with observed stream heads whose headwater streams were either ditches or natural stream (Figure 23).

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water streamms

FFigure 24: O


Observed heeadwater streams

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Table 12: Characteristics of headwater streams

No. Streamlength Descriptions1 13 Man‐madeditch2 152 Man‐madeditch3 8 Man‐madeditch4 94 Man‐madeditch5 26 Naturalstream6 18 Man‐madeditch7 49 Naturalstream8 24 Man‐madeditch9 20 Man‐madeditch10 43 Man‐madeditch11 27 Man‐madeditch12 5 Man‐madeditch13 284 Man‐madeditch14 68 Man‐madeditch15 154 Man‐madeditch16 160 Man‐madeditch17 162 Man‐madeditch18 48 Man‐madeditch19 62 Man‐madeditch20 102 Man‐madeditch21 397 Man‐madeditch22 32 Naturalstream23 86 Man‐madeditch24 16 Man‐madeditch25 14 Naturalstream26 20 Naturalstream27 18 Naturalstream28 95 Man‐madeditch29 5 Naturalstream30 220 Man‐madeditch

A headwater streams was defined as the stream that connect its head to its first confluence. During the field observation, some first confluence points of the observed headwater streams were covered by snow, and so were recorded. The length of the headwater streams presented in Table 12 was calculated in ArcGis, based on the recorded coordinates of the observed stream heads. The observed headwater stream’s length, for instance, ranged from 5m to 397m and those streams could be man-made or natural. Generally, the man-made streams tend to be longer, while the natural ones are shorter.

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4.6.Slope‐arearelationship Slope-area relationship was defined as the relationship between the local slope and the source area (drainage area) of the stream heads. The value for local slope of a stream head was extracted from the DEM-derived slope map, while the value for the source area of the stream head was extracted from the map of upslope accumulated area, whose calculation procedure was previously described. This relationship can describe how stream channels form naturally in different landscapes.

Figure 25 below shows the relationship between local slope and source area of the stream head for man-made ditches. It is no doubt that the relationship was not significant because the value of R2 was too low.

Figure 25: Relationship of local slope/source area of stream head for man-made ditches

Not different from the case of man-made ditches, any relationship between the local slope and source area of the stream heads for the natural streams was not found (Figure 26).

Figure 26: Relationship of local slope/source area of stream head for natural stream

y = ‐0,0009x + 8,2731R² = 0,0024











0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Local slope of stream


s (%


Source area of stream heads (m^2)

y = 0,0016x + 11,339R² = 0,0033






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450Local slope of stream


s (%


Source area of stream heads (m^2)

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Model parameter testing was performed to increase the number of matched stream heads between the model simulation and the field observation. However, there was almost no improvement on the results. There might be two reasons for this none-response to changing model parameters’ value. First, it may be because the most of the streams in the Krycklan study catchment are man-made ditches. People dug these ditches on purpose, for example, to drain the water away to and from specific areas, which alters from the natural processes. In contrast, the stream network extraction from the DEM is primarily based on the topographical expressions in the digital elevation data, which tends to be more natural processes. Second reason is that the calibrated parameters were probably less sensitive to the expansion and contraction of the stream network, but the streamflow was much more sensitive.

From the results, only 24 out of 49 observed stream heads fell onto branches of the modeled stream network, which accounted for 49% of the collected sample. This result, to some extent, illustrates the inconsistency between the stream network extracted from the model and the observed one. This finding supports other studies which suggest that this inconsistency could be either due to the low resolution of DEM (McMaster, 2002) or unsound performance of DEM in gentle slope areas (Mackay & Band, 1998). For instance, from the field observation, it was observed that the real stream network of the catchments was generally formed by the network of man-made ditches that drain the water away from the agricultural land, forested area, or wetland. These ditches might not be incorporated in the gridded digital elevation data of 5 meter resolution, which was used to extract the stream network.

On the other hand, all of the observed stream heads were identified to have been formed by either subsurface flow or overland flow, which is consistent with the finding from Jaeger et al., (2007) that the stream heads can be formed by subsurface flow, or overland flow, or landslide failure. In this study, the form of landslide failure was not encountered. Seepage from saturation at the upslope of the stream heads was the common form of subsurface flow formed at the heads of the stream, most of which were the man-made ditches. Other form of subsurface flow such as seepage erosion was also found.

These findings illustrate human impacts on natural systems. The flow in the stream network of the study catchment was, to large extent, governed by the artificial ditch network.

5.2.Variationofstreamlengthandstreamordersatvariousflowconditions From the results (Figure 15), the modeled total stream length of the stream network appears to have a power relation to the streamflow. This suggests that the change in modeled stream length of the stream network was very sensitive to the changes in discharge. However, the power relation might only be an artifact of the model structure which used an exponential relation between groundwater tables and streamflow. Moreover, the model appeared to largely overpredict the occurrence of surface flow and therefore, the modeled total length of the stream network might not present reality. If the flow increases, more streams will be formed and the stream network would expand in the catchment. In contrast, if the flow decreases, the stream network will contract and result in more inactive streams. Thus, during the increasing trend of the flow, the stream network, especially the headwater streams that connect the surrounding stream head locations to the downstream

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channel, potentially receives more chemical substances from those connected areas such as DIC/TOC or metals. In addition, during different flow conditions (low, medium, and high episode) the stream length for each stream order also changed. This means that if the flow increases, the number of stream orders also increases, especially the lower-order streams. This low-order stream such as first, second and third order are considered ephemeral streams, and usually the transitional streams to the higher-order stream. Thus, in the study of DIC/TOC evasion from the stream, one can assume that stream order and stream length are constant during the same flow condition. The assumption that the stream order and stream length does not change during different flow condition, for example in dry and wet condition, would more or less overestimate the amount of DIC/TOC evasion during dry period, but underestimate the amount during the wet period, especially during the high flow episode. This result is potentially significant for models such as the TRIM model (Grabs, 2010), which assumed a static stream network regardless of the discharge conditions.


The results of the study shows considerable differences between the stream network extracted from DEM and the real stream network observed in the field. This inconsistency may be caused by uncertainties and assumptions in the model structure. The raster based dynamic stream network model used in this study had assumptions and uncertainties as following:

o The soil types in the study catchment were assumed to be homogeneous and the same transmissivity parameters’ value were used in the whole catchment areas; however, Grabs (2010) mentions that the threshold groundwater above which the surface flow may generate varies with different riparian zones.

o The groundwater table position in the whole catchment was estimated directly from the streamflow and some terrain indices, and only the streamflow measured at site 7 of the catchment was used. This streamflow was then multiplied by the percentage of each contributing area to the total catchment area to scale up the streamflow for the other subcatchments.

o Groundwater table was not monitored in the study area, but assumed that the groundwater table position would follow the topographical expression of the catchment.

o The surface flow in the stream channels was assumed to occur if the groundwater table was 0.1 m above the ground surface. This assumption might not be true because the elevation of the surface flow in the stream channel may be lower than the ground surface.

o The stream network in the study catchment was formed mostly by man-made ditches, some of which were recently dug. There might be chance that these ditches were not incorporated in the DEM.

6.Concludingremarks From the results of the study, it was clearly seen that the observed stream heads and the stream heads appearing in the stream network map extracted from the model did not agree very well. 49% of the observed stream heads (49) fell onto the branches/headwater streams of the modeled stream network and only few of them exactly matched the predicted stream heads. One reason for this inconsistency is because the majority of the stream network in the Krycklan study catchment is man-made ditch, most of which would not be incorporated in the DEM. This result illustrates the human intervention on the natural landscape. People dug the ditches to increase the forest productivity, but they also altered the natural formation of the stream network.

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Furthermore, it can be seen that the developed raster based stream network model seemed to overestimate the stream network, which cannot represent the dynamic expansion of the stream network very well. For instance, the modeled stream network was so dense, forming many zero and first-order stream almost everywhere, especially during the high flow episode. The modeled stream network was somehow unrealistic because much fewer streams were observed during the field observation carried out during the spring flood of 2012. This inconsistency encourages further field surveys to be conducted in the study of where the streams begin to verify the observed and predicted stream network extracted from the DEM because the stream network extracted from the DEM can be inaccurately mapped.

From model results, the number of streams of lower order and their lengths were very sensitive to change in streamflow, especially during the high flow episode. Even though the model seemed to overestimate the stream network, large difference in number of stream with active flow was observed between the peak discharge period and the decreasing discharge period during the field observation. Therefore, studies on the variation of stream-water chemistry should take into account dynamic flow and stream network conditions.

The headwater streams are important transitional zones that connect the stream head and its surrounding upslope areas to the downslope stream networks. During the dry conditions such as in summer, many headwater streams may be inactive, while in the wet conditions, for example during the spring flood of 2012, many headwater streams turned to be very active and substantially influence the flow conditions in the catchment.

7.Suggestionsforfuturework Since the modeled stream network was usually not accurately mapped, field observations are always necessary for the study of where the stream starts and the field survey should be done at different flow and wetness conditions in the catchment. For example, a specific stream network belonging to certain subcatchments may be examined during and after spring flood and in late fall to see where the stream begins at different times.

Specifically for the study of where the stream begins in the Krycklan study catchment, one would have a clearer picture on the stream network expansion and contraction if one tries to investigate the real stream networks, most of which are man-made ditches, by tracing all the networks that connect to the main streams and include those networks in the map. One would just record the coordinates of each confluence of the stream networks and trace the networks based on the available gridded digital elevation data, and/or the contour lines. This field observation could be done after the spring flood because during the spring flood period, there is still very thick snow accumulation in many areas of the catchment and that is a big challenge that hides the ditch networks from visual observation.

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I remember when I got a list of topics for master thesis in hydrology/hydrogeology from Roger Herbert. I scanned through the list many times, but still I couldn’t keep my eyes away from a line that wrote “Where does the stream begin?”, and then it became the topic for my master thesis.

I would like to express special thanks to Thomas Grabs, my helpful supervisor. He gave me not only the new idea and comments regarding the research, but also a warm encouragement from the start to the end of the writing. Without his immense support, I wouldn’t have completed this thesis.

I can’t forget Reinert Huseby Karlsen, who always accompanies me since the start of my master thesis research. He also gave me a lot of helpful comments on my thesis writing and assisted me in technical issues. During the field investigation, he drove me to and from the field.

I’d like to say thank to Prof: Kevin Bishop, my subject reviewer, who put me into the research topic at the beginning and for his intervention in making it possible for me to conduct the field observation in Vindeln. His comments on my thesis were very helpful to improve the quality of my research.

Pianpian and Anna, thank both of you for accompanying me during the field investigation. You walked with me in the quiet forest, with thick snow depth, sometimes went up to the high hillslope for searching the stream head locations with me.

Last but not least, I remember Prof: Allan Rodhe, who gave me the colorful tracer that could be used to identify the movement of the water flowing in the stream channels.

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Deursen, V.WPA (1995). Geographical Information Systems and Dynamic Models; development and application of a prototype spatial modelling language. Doctoral dissertation, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Grabs, T., Seibert, J., Bishop, K., & Laudon, H. (2009). Modeling spatial patterns of saturated areas: a comparision of the topographic wetness index and a dynamic distributed model. Journal of Hydrology, 373, 15-23.

Grabs, T., Bishop, K.H., Laudon, H., Lyon, S.W., Seibert J. (2010). Riprian zone processes and soil-water total organic carbon (TOC): Implication for spatial varability, upscaling and carbon exports. Manuscript.

Hancock, G. R., & Evans, K. G. (2006). Channel head location and characteristics using digital elevation models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31, 809-824.

Jaeger, K. L., Montgomery, D. R., & Bolton, S. M. (2007). Channel and Perennial Flow Initiation in Headwater Streams: Management Implications of Variability in Source-Area Size. Environ Manage, 40, 775-786.

Köhler, S., Buffam, I., Seibert, J., Bishop, K., & Laudon, H. (2009). Dynamics of stream water TOC concentrations in a boreal headwater catchment: Controlling factors and implications for climate scenarios. Journal of Hydrology, 373, 44-56.

Lyon, S. W., Walter, M. T., Gerard-Marchant, P., & Steenhuis, T. S. (2004). Using a topographic index to distribute variable source area runoff predicted with the SCS curve-number equation. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2757-2771.

Mackay, D. S., & Band, L. E. (1998). Extraction and representation of nested catchment areas from digital elevation models in lake-dominated topography. Water Resources Research, 34(4), 897-901.

Montgomery, D. R., & Dietrich, W. E. (1988). Where do channels begin?. Nature, 336, 232-234. Montgomery, D. R., & Dietrich, W. E. (1989). Source areas, drainage density, and channel

initiation. Water Resources Research, 25, 1907-1918. McMaster, K. J. (2002). Effects of digital elevation model resolution on derived stream network

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Physical characteristics of stream heads

o Begin with convergent topography; o Located at the base of a valley down slope of a hollow o Formed by landslide failure or seepage erosion or subsurface flow

Physical characteristics of headwater streams

o Can be continuous or discontinuous from the downstream channel to the first confluence

o Can be first order or zero order stream o Having flowing water continuous for at least 5 meters o Can be channelized (man-made ditches) or unchannelized (natural streams)

Headwater channels have four distinguished topographic units:

o Hillslope: it has divergent or straight contour lines with unchannelized flow or dispersion flow.

o Zero-order basins: there is the presence of unchannelized hollow with convergent contour lines. It can be saturated with overland flow and return flow into flood plain.

o Ephemeral/transitional channels: it emerges from zero-order basins, with definable banks if the channels exist at the outlet of the basins. In addition, it has ephemeral flow and can be considered temporary storage of organic carbon, which may also contain discontinuous segments prior to entering first-order channels.

o First order stream channels: it may be directly originated from zero-order basin.

Field materials

o Tracer for indentifying if the water is moving o Global Positioning System (GPS) device to mark the stream heads o Field phones to communicate between field observers o A plastic container for maintain the tracer o A tape/meter to measure the water depth and stream length o Waterproof field notes with back-ups

Field procedures

a. Identify the formation of the headwater stream - Overland flow: presence of debris, brown /killed vegetation like pastures/grass

seed, or - Landslide failure: presence of recent mass wasting scars, or - Convergent subsurface flow: if the two cases above are not applied or there is

the presence of observed seeping from the channel head. b. Record the coordinates of the stream heads with GPS c. Determine the stream order and identify if the stream is channelized or not. d. Determine if the water is moving in the stream

In a steep slope stream, the movement of water flow can be easily visualized, but in a gentle slope stream, it was really difficult to indentify if the water is moving. In the later case, the colorful tracer was used:

- Mix little amount of tracer with a cup of stream water and stir it to a solution

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- Choose any point at the upper part of the headwater stream, record the time, and inject the solution to the selected point

- After several minutes, measure the distance of which the tracer solution moves along with the water in the stream channels.

e. Approximately find the deepest point of the stream heads and measure the depth of the water.

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binding # ========================================= # INPUT # ========================================= # Maps #------------------------------------------ # Network DEM STREAM_DEM =; # Stream slope (Downslope Index) STREAM_SLOPE =; # Stream catchment area STREAM_CATCHM_AREA =; # Gaging sites GAGING_SITE =; # Setting based map; #Geology map classes; # Mainstream of more than 4 ordered; #-------------------------------------------- # Time series TS_FLOW_SITE = flow.tss; # [l/s] # #------------------------------------------ # CONSTANTS #------------------------------------------ # Start time (make sure it is smaller or equal END_TIME) START_TIME = 1; # End time (make sure it is smaller or equal to N_TIMESTEPS) END_TIME = 625; # Total number of time steps N_TIMESTEPS = 1; # Since the catchment geology is kind of sediment deposit and moraine b=7.9024; # [1/m] Ko=0.033466; # [l/s.m], Flow per m flow width # Site upslope area UAA_SITE=465478 ; #[m2] # Minimum slope SLOPE_MIN =0.0001; # Minimum GWLevel above which the stream generate flow Z_MIN=0.1; #[m] # Total number of time series data TOTAL_TS=625; # =========================================

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# OUTPUT # ========================================= # Maps #------------------------------------------ # Groundwater table #------------------------------------------ areamap STREAM_LDD; timer START_TIME END_TIME 1; initial ONES = STREAM_DEM/STREAM_DEM; ZEROS = STREAM_DEM*0; # Smooth dem DEM_ = lddcreatedem(STREAM_DEM,1E35,1E35,1E35,1E35); # Create LDD STREAM_LDD = lddcreate(DEM_,1E35,1E35,1E35,1E35); report; # Calculate stream slope STREAM_SLOPE = slope(STREAM_DEM); STREAM_SLOPE=if(STREAM_SLOPE<SLOPE_MIN then SLOPE_MIN else STREAM_SLOPE); report = STREAM_SLOPE; # Stream order STREAM_ORDER=streamorder(STREAM_LDD); report; #MAIN_STREAM=STREAM_ORDER>5; MAIN_STREAM = if(STREAM_ORDER>5,STREAM_ORDER); report = MAIN_STREAM; # Calculate stream cathcment area STREAM_CATCHMENT_AREA=accuflux(STREAM_LDD,25); report; # Catchment for the gaging site whose discharge series used in the model GAGED_CATCHMENT=catchment(STREAM_LDD,GAGING_SITE); report; # Determine upslope accumulated area at the outlet UAA_OUTLET= STREAM_CATCHMENT_AREA==mapmaximum(STREAM_CATCHMENT_AREA); # Determine the main outlet of the catchment MAIN_OUTLET = nominal(scalar(UAA_OUTLET)/scalar(UAA_OUTLET)); #Remove missing values SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED_SUM = ZEROS; SURFACE_FLOW_SUM = ZEROS;

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dynamic # Flow at gauging site FLOW_SITE = timeinputscalar(TS_FLOW_SITE,2); # Estimate the discharge at the main outlet Q = FLOW_SITE*(STREAM_CATCHMENT_AREA/ UAA_SITE); # Estimate the groundwater table distribution within study period Zgwt=(1/b)*ln(Q/(celllength()*STREAM_SLOPE*Ko)); # Determine GWLevel above which the sream generates flow SURFACE_FLOW = if(Zgwt>Z_MIN then Zgwt); report SF=SURFACE_FLOW; # Count the number of days for which the stream may generate the flow SURFACE_FLOW_ = if(Zgwt>Z_MIN then ONES else ZEROS); SURFACE_FLOW_ = cover(SURFACE_FLOW_, ZEROS); SURFACE_FLOW_SUM = SURFACE_FLOW_ + SURFACE_FLOW_SUM; SURFACE_FLOW_SUM_CLEAN = if(SURFACE_FLOW_SUM> 0 then SURFACE_FLOW_SUM); report = SURFACE_FLOW_SUM_CLEAN; # Calculate the probability for which the stream might generate surface flow PROB_SF = SURFACE_FLOW_SUM_CLEAN/TOTAL_TS; PROB_SF_CLEAN = if(PROB_SF>0.1,PROB_SF); report = PROB_SF_CLEAN; P95_SF = if(PROB_SF_CLEAN>=0.95,PROB_SF_CLEAN); report; P90_SF = if(PROB_SF_CLEAN>=0.90,PROB_SF_CLEAN); report = P90_SF; # LDD map corresponding to the days with surface flow LDD_SF=if(Zgwt>Z_MIN then STREAM_LDD); report; STREAM_ORDER_=streamorder(LDD_SF); STREAM_ORDER_SF =if(STREAM_ORDER_>=1,STREAM_ORDER_); report =STREAM_ORDER_SF; # Catchment whose flow at the outlet connecting with surface flow CATCHMENT_FLOW=boolean(catchment(LDD_SF,MAIN_OUTLET)); report SFC=CATCHMENT_FLOW; # Compute the number of days the surface flow connecting to the outlet SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED = if(CATCHMENT_FLOW then ONES else ZEROS); SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED = cover(SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED, ZEROS); SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED_SUM = SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED + SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED_SUM; report = SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED_SUM; # Calculate the probability for which the stream flow connect to the outlet PROB_SFC = SURFACE_FLOW_CONNECTED_SUM/TOTAL_TS; PROB_SFC_CLEAN = if(PROB_SFC>0.1,PROB_SFC); report = PROB_SFC_CLEAN; P95_SFC= if(PROB_SFC_CLEAN>=0.95,PROB_SFC_CLEAN); report = P95_SFC; P90_SFC= if(PROB_SFC_CLEAN>=0.90,PROB_SFC_CLEAN);

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report = P90_SFC; # Count the number of cell with surface flow connecting to the stream orders CELL_SF = areatotal(SURFACE_FLOW,MAIN_STREAM); CELL_SFC = areatotal(scalar(CATCHMENT_FLOW),MAIN_STREAM); report cell_sf=CELL_SF; report cell_sfc=CELL_SFC; # Assign stream length for all streams STREAM_LENGTH_OUTLET = downstreamdist(LDD_SF); # Calculate total total legnth of all streams in the catchment STREAM_LENGTH_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_OUTLET); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_OUTLET_TOTAL = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_SUM); # Assign the longest stream of all streams STREAM_LENGTH_ = slopelength(LDD_SF,1); # Calculate the stream length for the longest stream STREAM_LENGTH_LONGEST =mapmaximum(STREAM_LENGTH_); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_LONGEST = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_LONGEST); # Assing stream length by stream orders STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER1 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==1,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER1_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER1); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_TOTAL_ORDER1 = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER1_SUM); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER2 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==2,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER2_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER2); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_TOTAL_ORDER2 = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER2_SUM); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER3 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==3,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER3_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER3); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_TOTAL_ORDER3 = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER3_SUM); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER4 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==4,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER4_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER4); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_TOTAL_ORDER4 = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER4_SUM); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER5 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==5,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER5_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER5); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER5 = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER5_SUM); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER6 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==6,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER6_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER6); TS_STREAM_LENGTH_TOTAL_ORDER6 = timeoutput(1,STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER6_SUM); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER7 = if(STREAM_ORDER_SF==7,downstreamdist(LDD_SF)); STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER7_SUM = maptotal(STREAM_LENGTH_ORDER7);

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Appendix3:Coordinatesanddescriptionsofobservedstreamheads Note: 

Lat/Lon:  Imported from GPS with UTM_WGS84 coordinate system X/Y:  Calculated in ArcGIS from imported Lat/Lon, projected to 

RT90_25_gon_V coordinate system Name:  Modified name of stream heads saved in GPS (012=stream head of first point, 112=stream 

head of 11th point) Site No:  Observed stream heads No corresponding to original 

field data 

Site No Name Lat Lon X Y Descriptions Geology Classes

1 012 64.24398 19.79073 1693046.49 7132345.48 Man-made ditch Sediment deposits

2 022 64.24662 19.79445 1693208.16 7132650.39 Man-made ditch Till deposits

3 032 64.24638 19.79125 1693055.23 7132613.98 Man-made ditch Till deposits

4 042 64.24274 19.79079 1693057.97 7132208.21 Man-made ditch Sediment deposits

5 052 64.23888 19.79097 1693093.98 7131778.94 Natural stream Sediment deposits

6 062 64.23891 19.79076 1693083.51 7131781.52 Natural stream Sediment deposits

7 072 64.24225 19.78672 1692864.33 7132141.32 Natural stream Till deposits

8 082 64.24527 19.77278 1692168.23 7132434.80 Man-made ditch Till deposits

9 092 64.24525 19.77288 1692173.54 7132433.00 Man-made ditch Till deposits

10 102 64.24774 19.782 1692597.46 7132737.38 Man-made ditch Till deposits

11 112 64.24774 19.782 1692597.46 7132737.38 Man-made ditch Till deposits

49 122 64.20282 19.83581 1695520.23 7127902.10 Man-made ditch Till deposits

35 132 64.25129 19.80894 1693877.31 7133214.51 Man-made ditch Till deposits

30 142 64.25738 19.80015 1693409.08 7133866.10 Man-made ditch Till deposits

36 152 64.24999 19.80805 1693843.30 7133066.89 Man-made ditch Till deposits

31 162 64.25845 19.79947 1693368.60 7133982.11 Man-made ditch Sediment deposits

32 172 64.2587 19.80013 1693398.73 7134012.16 Man-made ditch Till deposits

33 182 64.25658 19.80723 1693757.12 7133797.93 Man-made ditch Till deposits

26 192 64.25599 19.80697 1693748.94 7133731.05 Man-made ditch Till deposits

27 202 64.25618 19.80547 1693675.04 7133747.85 Man-made ditch Till deposits

28 212 64.25506 19.80724 1693768.29 7133629.02 Man-made ditch Till deposits

29 222 64.25202 19.80919 1693884.32 7133296.08 Man-made ditch Till deposits

34 232 64.25128 19.8098 1693918.94 7133216.46 Man-made ditch Till deposits

45 242 64.21952 19.75886 1691672.59 7129526.20 Natural stream Till deposits

46 252 64.21796 19.75526 1691508.82 7129342.06 Natural stream Till deposits

47 262 64.21774 19.75572 1691532.80 7129318.74 Natural stream Till deposits

48 272 64.2182 19.75464 1691477.27 7129366.69 Natural stream Till deposits

18 282 64.25861 19.771 1691989.73 7133914.31 Man-made ditch Till deposits

19 292 64.25672 19.77107 1692006.17 7133703.71 Man-made ditch Till deposits

20 302 64.25553 19.77454 1692182.07 7133581.61 Man-made ditch Till deposits

21 312 64.25297 19.77494 1692219.28 7133297.89 Man-made ditch Till deposits

22 322 64.25325 19.77632 1692284.51 7133333.59 Road ditch Till deposits

23 332 64.25974 19.78383 1692602.74 7134078.88 Road ditch Till deposits

24 342 64.26015 19.78057 1692441.88 7134114.30 Natural stream Till deposits

25 352 64.26195 19.77469 1692144.76 7134297.30 Man-made ditch Wetlands

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12 362 64.24993 19.77275 1692134.46 7132953.15 Man-made ditch Till deposits

13 372 64.25163 19.7749 1692226.67 7133149.30 Man-made ditch Till deposits

14 382 64.2511 19.77654 1692310.13 7133094.51 Man-made ditch Till deposits

15 392 64.2511 19.77654 1692310.13 7133094.51 Man-made ditch Till deposits

16 402 64.25536 19.77714 1692309.18 7133571.01 Man-made ditch Till deposits

17 412 64.25534 19.7772 1692312.24 7133568.63 Man-made ditch Till deposits

37 422 64.24908 19.80714 1693805.28 7132963.59 Man-made ditch Till deposits

38 432 64.24833 19.80533 1693723.17 7132874.17 Man-made ditch Till deposits

39 442 64.2498 19.8035 1693624.19 7133031.98 Man-made ditch Till deposits

40 452 64.2499 19.80352 1693624.68 7133043.62 Natural stream Till deposits

41 462 64.25238 19.80306 1693585.08 7133318.36 Man-made ditch Till deposits

42 472 64.25372 19.8046 1693649.89 7133471.83 Natural stream Till deposits

43 482 64.25476 19.80506 1693664.86 7133589.20 Man-made ditch Till deposits

44 492 64.25647 19.80509 1693654.28 7133778.83 Man-made ditch Till deposits

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Date Site No  Head  Confluence 

     WD (m)  WW (m) 

CD (m) 

CW (m)  Descriptions  Formation 

WD (m) 

WW (m) 

CD (m) 

CW (m)  Descriptions 


16/5/2012  1  0.06     0.3  0.6  Ditch, no flow  Seepage  from   0.05           Connecting the other 

                  further upward  saturated flow              ditch 


   2  0.08  0.3     0.8  Ditch discontinuous  Seepage  from                 

                  further upward  saturated flow                

                  with water grass                   

   3  0.1  0.3  0.4  0.6  Ditch continuous flow  Seepage  from               Confluence with that of 

                  slow flow  saturated flow              site 9 


   4  0.09           Not channelized  Seepage erosion              Spreading fast flow 

                  falling tree over  from under the tree roots                

                  Natural flow                   

   5  0.1           Not channelized  Seepage erosion                

                  Natural flow with  from under the tree roots                

                  many small hollows                   

   6  0.13           Flood plain or   Saturated overland flow              Natural fast disperse  

                  semi‐wetland                 flow 

                  Not channelized                   

   7  0.12  0.4  0.4  0.8  Ditch with  Seepage from saturated   0.09  0.02  0.35  0.7    

                  continuous flow  flow                


   8  0.13  0.35  0.4  0.8  Ditch with continuous  Seepage from saturated   0.1  0.3  0.3  0.8  Natural setream  

                  flow  flow             connecting to ditch at the 


   9  0.11  0.6  0.7  1.2  Sharing head with   Seepage from saturated   0.09  0.06  1  1.1    

                  site 17 at the highest  flow                

                  dividing elevation                   

   10  0.11  0.6  0.7  1.2  Sharing head with   Seepage from saturated   0.1  0.6  0.35  0.4  Natural stream not 

                  site 16 at the highest  flow               channelized connecting 

                  dividing elevation                  to ditch at the upstream 

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17/5/2012  11  0.05  0.6  0.3  0.7  Continuous flow ditch  Seepage from saturated   0.08           Natural stream not 

                     flow with the presence               channelized connecting 

                     of water grass               to ditch at the upstream 

   12  0.08     0.6  1  Continuous flow ditch  Seepage from saturated               Natural stream not 

                  with snow covered  flow and snowmelting               channelized 

                     contribution              covered by snow 



   13              Ditch covered by snow                   

                  the whole stream length                   

                  sharing head with site 21                   

   14              Ditch covered by snow                   

                  the whole stream length                   

                  sharing head with site 20                   

   15  0.08  0.5  0.45  1.2  Covered by snow  Seepage from saturated               Covered by snow 

                  ditch  flow                


   16  0.02  0.35  0.3  0.8  Covered by snow  Seepage from saturated                 

                  ditch continuous flow  flow                

                  snow melting contribute                   

   17  0.04  0.45  0.4  1  ditch continuous flow  Seepage from saturated                 



   18  0.03  0.3  0.25  0.5  ditch continuous flow  Seepage from saturated              covered by snow 



   19  0.06  0.3  0.4  0.6  Ditch continuous flow  Seepage from saturated              Covered by snow 

                  snowmelting contribute   flow                

                                    Connecting to road ditch 

   20  0.05  0.4  0.85  1.7  Ditch no flow upward  Seepage from saturated                



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   21  0.05  0.8        Not channelized   Saturate surface flow                

                  widen road titch                   


   22  0.06           Widen road ditch  Saturated flow                

                  Covered by the snow                    

                  at the end                   

   23  0.1           Not channelized        0.05        272 

                  killed grass, natural flow                   

                  continuous flow                   

   24  0.12     0.4  0.4  Ending with the tree  Seepage from saturated                

                  snow covered   flow                

                  nearby hillslope                   

18/5/12  25  0.06  0.3  0.7  1.2  Discontinuous upwards  Seepage from saturated                 

                  of the stream head  head                

                  presence of channel erosion                   

   26  0.05  0.25  0.2  0.5  Ditch with discontinuous flow  Seepage from saturated                 

                  upwards with water grass  head                

                  presence of surface water                   

   27  0.05  0.3  0.35  0.4  Ditch with discontinuous flow  Seepage erosion                



   28  0.05  0.4  0.4  0.6  Ditch with continuous flow   Seepage from saturated                

                  till the end  head                


   29  0.06  0.45  0.57  1.05  Debris, killed grass, organic  Seepage from saturated   0.5  0.05  0.45  0.8    

                  matters, at the base of   head                

                  hillslope ditch                   

   30  0.04  0.04  0.8  0.3  Presence of surface water  Seepage erosion  0.05  0.3  0.4  0.7    

                  upwards of the head  from under the tree                

                  Ditch  roots                

   31  0.08  0.4  0.4  1  Dividing at the highest                   

                  elevation between 39 & 40                   

                  covered by snow                   

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   32  0.08  0.4  0.4  1  Dividing at the highest                   

                  elevation between 39 & 40                   

                  covered by snow                   

   33  0.05  0.02  0.45  0.7  Debris and organic matter  Subsurface flow                

                  no flow upwards but little  covered bys snow                

                  surface water                   

   34  0.1  0.4  0.8  1  no flow upwards of the head  Seepage from saturated                 

                  with water grass  head                


   35  0.06  0.4  1.2  1.5  No flow upwards of the   Seepage from saturated                

                  head  head                

                  covered by snow                   

   36  0.04  0.25  0.09  0.7  drain to road ditch                   



   37  0.06  0.5  0.75  0.9  Presence of surface water   Seepage from water                

                  upwards  grass upwards                


19/5/12  38  0.02  0.3  0.5  0.8  Organic matter, killed grass  Seepage from saturated                

                  rocks, water grass in the                    


   39  0.27  0.6        Not channelized, small hollows  Seepage from saturated                

                  under the rocks and roots of  head                

                  tree, channelized downwards                   

   40  0.05  0.25  0.35  0.5  Ditch with little sufrace flow  Seepage from saturated                

                  saturated upwards, under falling  head                

                  die tree with killed grass                   



   41  0.05           Not channelized, old shallow  Seepage from saturated                

                  Ditch with little sufrace flow  head                

                  and water grass                   

   42              Ditch covered by snow head  Seepage from saturated                

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                  no flow upwards  head                


   43  0.07  0.3  0.25  0.6  No flow upwards, but saturated  Seepage from saturated                

                  with water grass  head                


   44              Natural stream, not channelized  Seepage erosion from                 

                  black color, presence of killed  under the died falling tree                

                  grass and organic matters                   

   45              Natural flow  Overland flow                



   46              Natural flow  Overland flow                



   47              Natural flow  Overland flow                












   WW  Width of water surface within the channel                   

   WD  Depth of water measured at the deepest point                   

   CD  Channel depth                      

   CW  Channel width                      






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Tidigare utgivna publikationer i serien ISSN 1650-6553 Nr 1 Geomorphological mapping and hazard assessment of alpine areas in Vorarlberg, Austria, Marcus Gustavsson Nr 2 Verification of the Turbulence Index used at SMHI, Stefan Bergman Nr 3 Forecasting the next day’s maximum and minimum temperature in Vancouver, Canada by using artificial neural network models, Magnus Nilsson

Nr 4 The tectonic history of the Skyttorp-Vattholma fault zone, south-central Sweden, Anna Victoria Engström Nr 5 Investigation on Surface energy fluxes and their relationship to synoptic weather patterns on Storglaciären, northern Sweden, Yvonne Kramer Nr 237 Structural Model of the Lambarfjärden Area from Surface and Subsurface Data in Connection with the E4 Stockholm Bypass Anna Vass, June 2012

Nr 238 Mechanisms Controlling Valley Asymmetry Development at Abisko, Northern Sweden and Sani Pass, Southern Africa, Carl-Johan Borg, August 2012

Nr 239 Effect of Orientation on Propagation of Pre-existing fractures, Hajab Zahra, August 2012

Nr 240 Mobility of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in unsaturated porous media, Abenezer Mekonen, August 2012

Nr 241 Re-processing of Shallow and Deep Crustal Reflection Seismic Data along BABEL Line7, Central Sweden, Hanieh Shahrokhi, August 2012

Nr 242 Usability of Standard Monitored Rainfall-Runoff Data in Panama, Juan Diaz River Basin, José Eduardo Reynolds Puga, August 2012

Nr 243 Numerical Model of a Fossil Hydrothermal System in the Southern East Pacific Rise Exposed at Pito Deep, Páll Halldór Björgúlfsson, September 2012 Nr 244 Regional Precipitation Study in Central America, Using the WRF Model Tito Maldonado, September 2012

Nr 245 Reduktion av järn, mangan och CODMn i dricksvatten – Ett pilotförsök vid Högåsens vattenverk, Tommy Olausson, September 2012

Nr 246Short-term Variations in Ice Dynamics During the Spring and Summer Period on Storglaciären, Kebnekaise, Sweden, Helena Psaros, September 2012

Nr 247 Reassessment of the ‘last’ Goniopholidid Denazinosuchus kirtlandicus Wiman, 1932 from the Late Cretaceous of New Mexico, Oskar Bremer, October2012

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