Download - Valentine’s Day Luncheon - St. Vartan Armenian“The path of the righteous is as the dawning light that ...


The Voice Newsletter is published once a month by St. Vartan Armenian Church 650 Spruce Street, Oakland, CA. 94610, Phone (510)893-1671, Fax: (510) 893-2102 Email: [email protected] Website: The deadline for all articles is the fifteenth of each month.

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate Rev. Fr. Hovel Ohanyan, Parish Priest and President of All Church Organizations

Parish Council Chair: Jack Papazian Parish Council Treasurer: Anto Cingoz

Parish Assembly Chair: Chris Yaldezian Choir Director: Artin Der Minassians

Organist: Ida Mazmanian, A. Rodriguez ACYO Chair: Sevan Jindoian and Tanya Jindoian Sunday School Superintendent: Janet Yeghissian

Ladies Society Chair: Gail Kezerian and Caroline Arakelian Cultural Society Chair: Liz Ojakian

Hokejosh: Nora Hanoian Church Maintenance: Jim Taylor and Arto Yagjian

Newsletter Editors: Arlene Hovsepian and Rachel Harger Wedding Coordinator: Gail Kezerian and Stacey Shartzer

Church Secretary: Rachel Harger Altar Flowers: Carole Chang

Church Custodian: Wartkes Hagopian Divine Liturgy Service—Sundays 10:30 a.m.

Karekin II, Servant of Jesus Christ,

By the Mercy of God and the Will of the Nation

Chief Bishop and Catholicos of All Armenians,

Supreme Patriarch of the Pan-National Preeminent Araratian See

The Apostolic Mother Church of Universal Holy Etchmiadzin.

Christ-Bequeathed Greetings of Love and Pontifical Blessings

To the Catholiciosate of the Great House of Cilicia,

To the Armenian Patriarchates

Of Holy Jerusalem and Constantinople,

To Archbishops, Bishops, Priests and Deacons,

To Diocesan Assemblies,

Diocesan and Parochial Councils and Officers,

And to All Beloved Faithful Armenian People.

“The path of the righteous is as the dawning light that shines brighter

and brighter unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4:18)

The centennial of the Armenian Genocide is before us, and our souls

resound with a powerful call for justice and truth that will not be silenced. Each

day of 2015 is a day of devotion for our people, a spiritual journey to the me-

morials of our martyrs in the homeland and in the Diaspora, before which we

kneel humbly in prayer for the souls of the innocent, who rest in unmarked

graves, having accepted death rather than reject their faith and nation. Indeed,

“the path of the righteous is as the dawning light that shines brighter and bright-

er unto the perfect day.”

In 1915, and in the years that followed, Ottoman Turkey committed

genocide against our people. In Western Armenia—our historic homeland—and

in Armenian communities throughout other parts of the Ottoman Empire, one

and a half million sons and daughters of our nation were subjected to slaughter,

famine, and disease, as they were deported and forced to march to their deaths.

A centuries-old inheritance was pillaged. Thousands of monasteries and church-

es were desecrated and destroyed. National institutions and schools were razed

to the ground. Our spiritual and national values were uprooted. Western Arme-

nia—where our people had lived since the time of Noah, where we forged an

identity and shaped a distinctive culture—was savagely wrested from its native

population. Eastern Armenia—the birthplace of our church, where the Only Be-

gotten descended, and from where our people received the light of St. Grego-

ry—was threatened out of existence. In this time of darkness—when Armenia

was splintered, when its fragments were scattered the world over—it was hard

to believe that a new day would come. But our people persevered. By the Lord's

February 2015

Bible Readings

Feb. 1 John 6:22-38

Feb. 8 John 7:37-52

Feb. 16 Matt. 6:5-15

Feb. 22 Matt. 5:38-48

Godly Love

Love is patient and kind;

love is not jealous or

boastful; it is not arrogant

or rude. Love does not

insist on its own way; it is

not irritable or resentful; it

does not rejoice at wrong,

but rejoices in the right.

I Corinthians 13:4-6

grace, our people rose up from the ashes, and they began to build anew. In Eastern Armenia, a country was

built out of ruins, a homeland of light and hope—where Armenians once again harnessed our people’s creative

force in education, in the sciences, and the arts. Today, though we still face hardships, we continue to strength-

en our independent homeland, where our people live in freedom, and look with hope to the future. The Arme-

nian spirit also flourished in far-flung lands, where our exiled people set down roots, built schools and church-

es, and gave generously of their talents in these new places they now called home. Glory to you, O Lord,

boundless glory. "Like a shield you protect us with your good favor" (Ps. 5:12).

By placing our hope in You, O Lord, our people were illuminated and empowered. Your light kindled

the ingenuity of our spirit. Your might propelled us to our victories. We created in the face of destruction. We

lived in the face of annihilation. It was your will, O Lord our God, that our nation should live and rise again, so

that we might seek justice where there has been oppression, concern where there has been indifference, and

truth where there has been denial. We will continue our fight without retreat, working together in unity until

justice triumphs over darkness. Our innocent martyrs and the suffering of our people cry out for justice. Our

destroyed shrines and the falsification and distortion of our history cry out for justice. Our people believe that

the countries, national and civic organizations, and individuals who have recognized the Armenian Genocide

will be joined by others who believe that the affirmation of truth will lead to a world free of hostility and vio-


We express our gratitude to all those who had the courage and conviction to recognize and condemn

the Armenian Genocide, and also to the countries and individuals who gave a new home to our people. These

acts of justice and compassion are glimpses of humanity at its best, and they are lessons we can pass on from

one generation to the next, to guide our world toward peace and harmony.

It is a spiritual consolation for us, as the Catholicos of All Armenians, to announce to our people that

during the Divine Liturgy on April 23, 2015, our Holy Church will perform a special ceremony canonizing as

saints our sons and daughters who became martyrs for their faith and for their homeland. With this encyclical,

we pronounce April 24 as the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

My dear Armenian people—a nation martyred and resurrected—live boldly, go forward with confi-

dence, never lose sight of our beloved Mount Ararat, and always keep faith and hope alive in your hearts. For

it is to you that our Lord speaks: “I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and

have not denied my name…Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown” (Rev. 3:8-11). Let

us remain steadfast in our faith, which dispels darkness and brings into view the horizons of hope. We walk

with God, and the life of faith is our victory.

May the memory of our martyrs guide us as we walk uprightly on the path to justice. In this milestone

year, let us draw strength from the firm determination of our people, who trampled death and rose again to re-

build, to renew, and to reassert the spirit of our ancestors. And let this be the lesson we teach our children and

our grandchildren, so that they, too, keep our Armenian spirit burning bright.

Before the Holy Altar of the descent of the Only Begotten, we ask God to keep our people everywhere

in peace, safety, and prosperity. May the innocent souls of our martyrs rest in peace, and may love, justice, and

truth reign over humankind. May the ways of the righteous shine upon the world until the dawn of a new day

brings peace to all.

May our Lord Jesus Christ be with us, now and always. Amen.

With blessings,

Karekin II

Catholicos of All Armenians

Help Those in Need this Winter: St. Vartan ACYO is working to help those in need this winter through its First Annual Coat Drive.

Please bring new or used coats to St. Vartan Church Hall each week now through February

28, 2015, and place them in the marked box.

With your help, the ACYO has already donated three large bags of coats to City

Team Ministry, Oakland, which were distributed to the needy on January 19. ACYO will

continue collecting coats for local humanitarian organizations.

St. Vartan Church Choir is recruiting

for the following open positions:

- Soprano (2 seats)

- Alto (1 seat)

- Baritone / Bass (1 seat)

To learn about the recruitment process

contact Dr. Artin Der Minassians, Choir

Director, at (510) 710-3994.

St. Vartan Armenian Church Ladies Society

Valentine’s Day Luncheon

Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 12:00 noon

Featuring the Traditional Menu of:

Hamburger, Potato Salad, and Apple Pie

We will play BINGO after lunch.

Wish List St. Vartan Armenian Church has

already begun the landscaping project

for the McKinley Street side of the

church. All the old juniper bushes

have been removed. St. Vartan mem-

ber and boy scout Armen Phelps,

with his boy scout troop, will fill in

fresh topsoil and plant new landscap-

ing in the area as part of Armen’s Ea-

gle Scout Project.

Please consider do-

nating to this landscap-

ing project, as we con-

tinue to beautify St.

Vartan Church.

Save the Date

St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church

Annual Assembly Meeting

& Lamb Shank Luncheon

Sunday, February 8, 2015

12:00 noon We urge all pledged members to attend the meeting so a quorum can be reached.

Upcoming Events February 8 Annual Assembly and Lamb Shank Luncheon after church services

February 12 Ladies Society Hamburger and Apple Pie Luncheon 12 noon

February 14 Choir Rehearsal 11 am

February 18 Lenten Prayer Vigil 6:30 pm

February 21 Paregentan “Black & White” Ball 6 pm

February 25 Lenten Prayer Vigil 6 pm

Lenten Prayer Vigil Services Join us as for Lenten Prayer Vigil Services on Wednesdays at 6 pm during Lent.

Wednesday, Feb. 18 6 pm Wednesday, March 11 6 pm

Wednesday, Feb. 25 6 pm Wednesday, March 18 6 pm

Wednesday, March 4 6 pm Wednesday, March 25 6 pm

St. Vartan Church Parish Council gratefully acknowledges the following donations:

In Honor of Krikor and Caline Soghikian’s Anniversary—Levon and Violet Apelian (Genocide Centennial)

St. Vartan Voice Newsletter—Shavarsh Hazarabedian, Sylvia Arzoian, Virginia Avakian, Cecelia Baloian

In Honor of Steven Donikian on St. Steven’s Day—Norma Yaglijian (Endowment Fund)

Endowment Fund—Diana Toomajian

In Memory † Harry and Arshaluce Stone

Carol and Harry Dokouzian (The St. Vartan Voice Newsletter)

† Shephan and Bergouhi Dokouzian

Carol and Harry Dokouzian (The St. Vartan Voice Newsletter)

† Onnik Yaglioglu Anto and Hasmig Cingoz (Genocide Centennial Fund)

† Grace Izmirian Harvey and Nora Hanoian (Building Fund), Edward Godoshian

† Michael Madajian Harry and Carol Dokouzian (Choir Fund), Richard Schulze, Edward Godoshian, Sarah Keishian Dergaza-

rian, Paul and Cheryl Ohanesian, Nurhan and Mary Donikian, Zaven Kanneian and Janet Yeghissian,

Charles and Dorris Kezerian (Choir Fund), Nora and Harvey Hanoian (Building Fund), Elizabeth Derderian,

Craig and Susan Bazigian, David S. Krikourian, Ron Kallan, Norma Yaglijian (Landscaping Fund), Evelyn

C. Boyd, Virginia Ratcliff (Choir Fund), Levon and Violet Apelian, Dickie and Seno Garabedian, Betty

Sempadian, John Sempadian

† Evelyn Tregoning Mildred Shirin

Toros and Sarkis Kizirian, brothers and survivors of the Genocide The Brian and Sue Barsamian Family and the Alex and Julie Apffel Family

† Dee Sullivan

Ron Kallan


In Memory

† Lucille and Albert Adams Albert Odabashian, Jonathan and LeeAnn Williams

† Albert Adams Ed and Arlene Barber

† Charles Izmirian Barry and Judy Toomajian

† Grace Izmirian Barry and Judy Toomajian

† Lillian Kalibjian Barry and Judy Toomajian, Craig and Susan Bazigian

† Lisa Brenkman Barry and Judy Toomajian, Alice Sarafian

† Fr. Shahe Altounian Barry and Judy Toomajian

† Michael Madajian

Barry and Judy Toomajian, Sylvia Alexanian, Diana Toomajian, Richard and Dotty Demirjian,

Emma and Lida Mazmanian, Harold and Bonnie Koojoolian, Suzanne and Ed Vasgerdsian,

Nurhan and Mary Donikian, Zaven Kanneian and Janet Yeghissian, Alice Sarafian

Krikor Soghikian

Alice Sarafian

Suzanne and Razmik Abnous

Araks Aghazarian

Siranouche Apelian

Annie Avedissian

Arshak and Sifinar Azizian

Pat and Peter Barsamian

Paul and Felice Bedrossian

Kegham and Roxanne Boghossian

Jack and Barbara Bousian

Donna Brooks

Adrena Clemmer

David and Nairy Colello

Suren and Sona Dakessian

June Demerdjian

Kathleen Demerdjian

Brian and Cynthia Der Matoian

Margie Dorian

Jack Dorian

Harry and Carol Doukouzian

Gary Eldemir

Dickie and Seno Garabedian

Herb and Alice Gardner

Grace Glatze

Alice Gregorian

Raffi and Nora Gregorian

Wartkes Hagopian

Amy and Vernon Hailozian

Ann and Varjoun Hailozian

Hagop and Sonik Hakimian

Frank and Sharon Higgins

Lori and Andy Hill

Rupert and Lara Horoupian

Arlene and Vartan Hovsepian

Louise Jorjorian

Harry and Joyce Kamian

Janet Yeghissian and Zaven


Arka and Nelly Kargodorian

Patricia and Garo Keadjian

Vartan Keshishyan

Hermine Keshishyan

Charles and Dorris Kezerian

Myron and Arax Konjoyan

Bonnie and Harold Koojoolian

Robert and Lucine Kroeckel

Edward and Sylva Manougian

Mark and Jessica Markarian

Jeff and Julie Masoian

Vahe and Hilda Mener

Louise Metaxes

Silva and Karnig Mikaelian

Antica Odabashian

Albert Odabashian

Liz and Ron Ojakian

Zaven and Genik Petrosians

Virginia Ratcliff

Norman Rees

Alene Rudy

Michael Sanossian

Edward and Karen Sarafian

Richard and Judy Sharafian

Krikor and Caline Soghikian

Isabelle Tajirian

Annabelle Taylor

James Taylor III

Hagop Terzagian

Mary Thompson

Marlene Tolegian

Diana Toomajian

Suzanne and Ed Vasgerdsian

Mary Wiley

Norma Yaglijian

Christmas Yughakin

News From Our St. Vartan Family Funerals

Fr. Hovel conducted a funeral service for Michael Madajian at St. Vartan Armenian Church on Janu-

ary 5. Our condolences to his wife, Virginia Madajian; his sisters, Rose Kaprelian, Margaret Madajian, Cathe-

rine Sehakian, and Liz Derderian; his duahter Lori Hill (Andy); his son, David Madajian (Viviane); his gran-

sons, Daniel Hill, and Jonathan, Alex and Gregory Madajian.

A funeral service for Nubar Tashjian was held at St. Vartan Armenian Church by Fr. Hovel on Janu-

ary 16. Our condolences to Nubar’s son, Rob Tashjian, and daughter, Judi Swenson, and all of Nubar’s family

and friends.

Fr. Hovel and Fr. Mesrob Ash conducted a funeral service for Krikor Soghikian at St. Vartan Arme-

nian Church on January 19. Our condolence to Krikor’s wife, Caline Soghikian; his sons Aram Soghikian and

Shahan Soghikian (Camilla); his daughter, Maida Soghikian (Bill Ring); his grandchildren, Max, Alex, and

Celilia Soghikian and Lina Ring, his nieces and nephews, and other family and friends.

On January 20 a funeral service was held at St. Vartan Church for Clifford Melikian. Fr.

Hovel and Fr. Kevork Arakelian conducted the service. Our condolence to his son, Kenneth Me-

likian, his wife Sharon and their daughters, Julie (William Dong), Janelle and Jennifer; and Ste-

phen Melikian, his wife Sylvia and their children, Sarah (Nate McCray), Armen and Matthew. He

is also survived by his sisters-in-law, Angie Jamjamian and Terry Melikian, and seven nieces and

nephews, along with their families.

We thank everyone who donated food for our Holiday Food Drive. We were able to donate two barrels

of food to the Alameda County Food Bank.

for almost 10 years. At St. John, she was involved in the AYMS (Armenian Young Married & Singles) group for

about four years and served as chairperson. She also typed and edited the church newsletter. Janet served in many

different roles at St. John, such as preparing for the annual bazaar, bazaar publicity and running the bazaar food

line. She also worked at the weekly bingo games, that were held on Monday nights. She married Zaven Kanneian at

St. John in San Francisco in 1990. Their children, Gayane and Aren were baptized at St. John. In 1994 they moved

to the East Bay. When their children were old enough for Sunday School, they began attending St. Vartan Church

and became St. Vartan Church members in 2004.

Janet has served St. Vartan Church in many different capacities. She helped start the nursery class for Sun-

day School, and served as recording secretary for Sunday School for four or five years. She also served as Assistant

Sunday School superintendent for two years, when she chaired the Sunday School Banquet and organized the annu-

al Easter Bake Sale. Janet has been teaching Sunday School for six years and has been Sunday School Superinten-

dent since 2012.

Janet has been a Ladies Society member for nine years and served on the Ladies Society Executive Board

from 2008-2012 during which time she prepared and distributed monthly newsletters for the Ladies Society. Since

2004 Janet has been the chair of the Bazaar Dessert Booth. She also assisted regularly with bazaar food preparation

workdays until 2014, when she began full-time employment. For the last eight or nine years, Janet has assisted in

food preparation and set-up for the ACYO Paregentan Ball. In 2009 Janet was secretary at the Annual Assembly

Meeting. She has worked on the St. Vartan Annual Banquet and has been a Cultural Committee member for the last

two or three years.


Dear Beverly & Bill,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedicated years of commitment to the St. Vartan Ar-

menian Church Choir. The choir under your guidance and direction has been the epitome of our liturgy; and

your beautiful, heartfelt singing has allowed everyone attending church service to truly feel the depth of our

spirituality in the Badarak. Over the years, your voices have expressed the soul of our church. St. Vartan is

known as the best choir in the entire Diocese thanks to you. Your outstanding service over the years is truly

commendable and deeply appreciated. We are forever and always grateful to you both. May God bless you

and keep you in His care.

With Love & Affection,

Your St. Vartan Armenian Church Family

On behalf of St. Vartan Church, Beverly and Bill were given an engraved crystal sailboat. The crystal

sailboat evokes forward motion with the sail appearing full of wind and mov-

ing forward. It symbolizes excitement and new adventures beyond the hori-

zon wishing Beverly and Bill Nalbandian smooth sailing in life’s journey.

It said: Presented to Beverly & Bill Nalbandian In Appreciation and

Recognition of Your Faithful, Dedicated Service. You have served the Lord

with gladness – tirelessly, faithfully, and with great compassion. Your leader-

ship in the choir has truly made a difference. We will be forever grateful.

With Great Affection and Gratitude From Your St. Vartan Armenian Church

Family January 11, 2015. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart…It

is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

St. Vartan Church

Bible Study Evening Bible Study will resume this month at St.

Vartan Church. Please join Fr. Hovel for monthly Bible

Study this February. The plan, now, is to have Bible

Study during the evenings in the third week of each

month, but we want to know what day of the week and

what time works best for you.

Call the church office at 510-

893-1671 or email us at stvartanoak-

[email protected] to let us know the

best day and time for you.

On December 21 St. Vartan Church celebrat-

ed Western Christmas. After Divine Liturgy the

St. Vartan Sunday School presented a Nativity


On Saturday, January 10, St. Vartan Church hosted the

annual Western Diocese Northern California Regional Par-

ishes Meeting for priests and council members.

Armenian Christmas Celebration and Banquet On January 11, 2015 St. Vartan Church celebrated Armenian Christ-

mas with a service led by Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, primate of the

Western Diocese. During the service Surpazan presented the St. Nerses the

Graceful Medal to Caline Soghikian and to Krikor Soghikian, posthumously.

He also consecreated the new baptismal font that was donated to St. Vartan

by the Soghikians.

After the service the parishioners enjoyed a delicious luncheon, at

which the Archbishop presented Suzanne Abnous, Elizabeth Ojakian and Ja-

net Yeghissian with Hye Spirit awards. Fr. Hovel thanked Bill and Beverly

Nalbandian for serving as choir director and members for over 55 years. The

Nalbandians were serenaded by Barry Barsamian, singing Somewhere, Over

the Rainbow. Tatev Amiryan also entertained the crowd with an original pi-

ano composition.

Dr. Krikor and Caline Soghikian—St. Nerses the Graceful Medal

Dr. Krikor Soghikian has spent his adult life serving the Armenian Church and

community. He served as vice-chairman of St. Vartan Church Parish Council in 1982. In

1992 he welcomed and guided Dr. Mihran Nazaretian, first health Minister of Armenia, on

his official visit to the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Soghikian also accompanied Dr. Rudi

Schmidt, Dean of UCSF medical school, in his official visit to the State Medical Universi-

ty in Yerevan in 1993. After suggesting the public health program of AUA, he developed

the program from 1992-1994. From 1993-96 Dr. Soghikian taught primary care to physi-

cians in the First Polyclinic in Gyumri. He also established the friends of AUA for fund-

raising efforts.

Krikor organized a reception for Ambassador Ruben Shugarian and Consul General

Armen Baiburtian, in San Francisco in 1996. He served as a visiting professor at AUA

College of Health Sciences from 1994-2004. In 2001 he prepared a report on medical edu-

cation in Armenia. In 2002 the Soghikians donated $25,000 to the AGBU to establish a Public Health Refer-

ence Library at AUA.

In 2005 Krikor was a chairman for the Scientific Committee, Armenian Medical World Congress in

San Francisco. For two years he chaired NorCal board of Trustees. For seven years he chaired the Mt. Da-

vidson Cross Committee (CAAONC). In 2014 the Soghikians donated $14,000 to St. Vartan Church for a new

marble baptismal font.

Caline Soghikian was born in Egypt, as were her parents. She graduated with honors from the Italian

Alexandro Monzoni Art and Craft College and worked in a high couture salon until immigrating to Canada

with her husband and infant daughter in 1963. In Canada she opened her own atelier. Caline was actively in-

volved in Armenian community life during the 30 years she lived in Montreal. She organized many fund-

raising events with the Armenian Red Cross and other Armenian organizations. She prepared the gowns for the

Hamazkayin Choir’s first concert in 1965, and the costumes for many Armenian theatrical productions. She

and her husband divorced.

In 1994 Caline married Krikor and has lived in

Oakland ever since. She is a member of the St.

Vartan Ladies Society. Caline has put her tal-

ents to work for St. Vartan church, sewing pas-

toral vestments for Fr. Mesrob and Fr. Hovel,

as well as robes for the young acolytes. She

also sewed blue satin altar cloths for the

church’s use at Christmas and red ones for


The Soghikians have visited Armenia almost

every year since their wedding, where Krikor

taught at the American University of Armenia

and Caline visited the orphanages and schools to help them with their needs. After these visits, Caline promot-

ed the establishment of the St. Vartan Church Milk Fund that regularly provided milk for babies in selected

orphanages. She also sent, and personally took, clothing to the northernmost Armenian villages of Shamluk

and Akhtala. She helped collect money to buy 90 pairs of boots for orphans in Pureghaven, as well as raised

money to build a water reservoir in Khachik Kyugh along the southern border of Armenia. Caline also sent

dental equipment to set up two dentists in their practices.

Caline’s goal is to continue to support St. Vartan Church and St. Vartan Ladies Society, as well

as provide help to Armenia.

Elizabeth Ojakian—Hye Spirit Award Winner

Elizabeth (Liz) Ojakian was born and raised in San Francisco. In 1970 she met her

future husband, Ronald Ojakian at a banquet at St. Vartan Armenian Church. Ron and Liz

were blessed with two loving children, David and Lorena, both baptized at St. Vartan. Liz

served as Sunday School Treasurer for ten years. In 1999 she became active in the ACYO

and assumed the role of Youth Advisor, assisting the ACYO through annual events such as

the Paregentan ball, and two ACYO Western Diocesan conventions.

Liz served as a St. Vartan Ladies Society Executive Board member for four years,

including two years as chairwoman. She was recording secretary on the St. Vartan Parish

Council for four years, and is currently completing a second four-year term on the Parish

Council as council liaison to the ACYO and Ladies Society, as well as assuming purchasing

responsibilities. Liz has also been the recording secretary for the Parish Assembly meetings

several times.

In 2005 Fr. Mesrob Sarafian asked Liz to chair the St. Vartan Cultural Committee

with the intent of producing cultural, social and educational events at St. Vartan, a position

she still holds. She has been an active member of the St. Vartan Bazaar Committee for many years, having headed

the bazaar games, and worked in the Hye Café. Liz is currently chairwoman of the St. Vartan Hall Renovation


Liz is guided by her Christian faith and her love for her church and Armenian culture. She is blessed and

thankful to be part of such a wonderful church community at St. Vartan and to have established lifetime friend-


Suzanne Abnous—Hye Spirit Award Winner

Suzanne Abnous was born and raised in Providence, RI, where her parents

were members of St. Vartanantz Armenian Church. She has been an active member of

the Armenian Church and community her entire life. She was an active member in the

Sunday School, Armenian School and AYF Varantian Chapter and AYF Central exec-

utive member of the New England Region.

In 1988 Suzanne and her husband, Razmik, moved to Danville, where they raised their

three sons, Sevan, Haig, and Armen. They have been members of St. Vartan Armenian

Church for 24 years. Suzanne joined the St. Vartan Ladies Society 17 years ago, and

served as chairwoman and co-chair for a number of years on the Ladies Society Execu-

tive Board.

The entire family has been active in Armenian organizations including the

ACYO, Sunday School, Armenian School, AGBU, and philanthropic activities in Ar-

menia. In 1991 Suzanne was one of five mothers who started

the Armenian School in Walnut Creek, CA. In 2005 she and

Rasmik helped establish an after-school program in the town

of Vayk at Soorp Drtad Church. The program was overwhelmingly successful and includ-

ed religious studies, music and the arts—educating 250 students to date in that region.

Suzanne’s most fulfilling achievement is her family, but she also feels strongly

that her dedication to Armenian life is through the Armenia Church.

Janet Yeghissian—Hye Spirit Winner

Janet Yeghissian was born in Detroit MI, where her family was a member of St.

John Armenian Church. She attended and graduated from Sunday School there, as well as

attending Armenian School. Janet was also a member of the ACYO.

In the 1980s Janet moved to San Francisco, where she attended St. John Church