Download - UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

Page 1: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Dr. Hans van den Berg, DipMCentre of Expertise in Learning & Teaching

University of Twente

UT Participatory Day 2019

“Yes, if” – versus – “No, unless”

15:30 till 16:10ish25 September 2019

Page 2: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Agenda proposal


15:30 – 15:50 Kick-off, getting acquainted

On the PC and its context

PC: where do you stand and where do you want to be?

15:50 – 16:10 A

What does your PC need? Tree metaphor B

A BProbably wise to chose between and

Page 3: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Who is Hans?


Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM)Graphic Arts industryResearch & Tech director

Drinking water research, manager

Consulting firm, management


Trainer, advisor, evaluator, assessor

e.g. EB, PC

Page 4: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Who are you?


Page 5: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

The Programme Committee in UT’s bigger picture



Faculty board


Examination board

University council

Faculty council

Programme Committee

Eight ServiceCouncils

Institute boardInstitute council


= Supervisory

Service Department


Executive Board, EB

Page 6: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

How to tackle WHW?


For a PC, it is vital to know the details. For training purposes, I tend to use summary information

Page 7: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Legal tasks of a Programme CommitteeWHW, reference date: December 2018


WHW states rules for



Legal rights and tasks a. Consent on parts of the

EERb. Annual assessment of EER

implementationc. Advice on parts of the EER d. Right to give advice and

making proposalse. Task of discussing visitation

reportf. (and more)

Election or appointment: Faculty Regulations


Slides in website


Page 8: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Seven themes arise from UT training / evaluation experiences and some UT / Dutch reports



E.g.: • the EER• ‘What is good education?’• “Yes, if” versus “No, unless”

2. HANDLING COMPLEXITY• Connecting with

Programme Director• Connecting annual

cycles• FC meetings• FC’s visibility


‘Why don’t you read me?’

Re: Paul Simon



PC development opportunities


• Evaluate PCs• Link PCs to FC• A PC Platform





Exam BoardFCPCsStudentsProgramme staffOutside experts

Page 9: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

ReferencesMostly in Dutch


Further readingHans van den Berg, The Programme Committee,version 1.0, August 2019. Available at

Experiencese.g. visitation-related workshops with Programme Committees and Examination Boards; rehearsal visitations; training

workshops with Programme Committees and Service Councils; evaluation workshop; talks with dean(s), PC chairs, andprogramme directors.

ResourcesWHW (Dutch Higher Education and Research Act), in Dutch:

Reports (all but one of them in Dutch)• OC-Wijzer – De handleiding voor je opleidingscommissie. LSVb, 2018• Report on facilitation of participatory bodies at the University of Twente (draft). Contact persons: Marc-Jan Zeeman and

Chris Rouwenhorst. 24 August 2018• Handleiding voor Opleidingscommissies. UvA, Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen, 2018• Algemene Rekenkamer, Voorinvesteringen en medezeggenschap hoger onderwijs. 2018• Monitor Medezeggenschap Hoger Onderwijs – derde peiling 2017-2018. 2018• Tim Cardol, Grote verschillen in functioneren opleidingscommissies. ScienceGuide 29 March 2018• Inspectie van het Onderwijs, Recht van spreken – Het functioneren van opleidingscommissies in het bekostigd hoger

onderwijs in 2016. 2016• Jet Bussemaker, minister OCW, Letter: Inwerkingtreding Wet versterking bestuurskracht, 20 december 2016• Harry van den Tillaart, John Warmerdam en Evelien Sombekke, Monitor medezeggenschap op universiteiten en

hogescholen. ISO – ITS Peiling 2015• A.G.T. Bronzwaer en E.A.A. van Gorp, Onderzoek naar de participatie in medezeggenschapsraden van de Universiteit

Twente. Wetenschapswinkel UT, 2011• Investeren in Onderwijskwaliteit – Kwaliteitsafspraken 2019-2024. ISO – LSVb – OCW – VH – VSNU, 2018

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Exercise A

You can work on the A3 paper

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UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Relationship between PC and Programme Management



2 3


PC Works in isolation

PC Works together with PM

PC Works reactive

PC Works proactive


Page 12: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Indicate the current position ( ) of the PC vis-à-vis the PM, andwhat position you would like the UC to have ( ).And draw a line between both



2 3


PC Works in isolation

PC Works together with PM

PC Works reactive

PC Works proactive

Please use a THIN line to

make this less ‘crowded’


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Exercise B

You can work on the A3 paper

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UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Operation of a Programme Committeemetaphor = tree

This is where one feeds the tree: firm soil, clean water, ‘pokon’


Good feed and attention assure a strong trunk

From the crown one picks the fruits


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UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Possible translation to Programme Committee (PC)Instruction = verbally



Page 16: UT Participatory Day 2019 · 2019. 9. 24. · UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019. Who is Hans? 3. Chemist (PhD) Marketer (DipM) Graphic Arts industry. Research &

UT Participatory Day – PC Workshop CELT 25sep2019

Statement: This was a good workshop


A. Yes

B. A bit

C. No



WWould you like to have a report of this workshop?