Download - Using your platform jun 29

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+35 Days Challenge - Testimonies

How did you find the challenge? How has your knowledge of the bible and the world improved?

What has happened to you in the last 35 days. Testimonies.

Who was able to finish? How do you feel?

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Using Your Platform to do God’s Will

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Everything got started in Him, and finds it’s purpose in Him – Col 1:16b

Our lives only begin to make meaning and find purpose when we connect our lives with the one who died to give us His life. All of our lives placements and achievements are God’s platforms of expressions. We have been given a platform, a unique position in society. We are meant to use it consciously to do our God given assignment.

Col 2:6‐7 – Live Christ! School Over, it’s time to practice!

Presentation Notes
Ps 25:14 – Secrets are Gods, revealed to people who fear God.
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What does God expect from Us?

• The GREAT Commission, Matt 28 ‐ 18And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore[a] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.[b]

• Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me[a] in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

• To Disciple:  Train, Teach and Instruct• To Witness• To Minister

God has given you a Platform

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Definition of Terms

Ministry• ministry is an activity carried out by Christians to 

express or spread their faith, the prototype being the Great Commission. 2003's Encyclopedia of Christianity defines it as "carrying forth Christ's mission in the world”

Disciple• The term "disciple" is derived from the Koine

Greek word mathetes, which means a pupil (of a teacher) or an apprentice (to a master craftsman), coming to English by way of the Latin discipulusmeaning a learner while the more common English word is student.

Witness• A witness is someone who has, who claims to 

have, or is thought, by someone with authority to compel testimony, to have knowledge relevant to an event or other matter of interest

• In Greek the word witness means Martyr, one who bears witness by his death

God has given you a Platform

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Examples of Platforms – 2 Cor 10:13

Work, Job, Career, Business• Your Job, your career, and your business 

are platforms for you to be a witness and carry on the work of Jesus. How would he like to live through you this week?

Neighborhood, Community, City, • You were placed by God where you are 

deliberately, think about the people he has placed around you, how would you allow Christ to live through you this week?

Sphere of Influence• God has deliberately given you access to 

some people. Some of them can see you, some read you, some touch you. How can they experience Christ this week?

God has given you a Platform

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Expectation of Witnesses

Tell all you know• Simply tell the truth about Jesus Christ to 

those around you. You don’t need a college degree or High IQ, you just need to know the truth. 

Tell what you have experienced, • Do you have a personal relationship with 

Jesus? Is he alive to you? Do you have a testimony? Church is not the place to share it. Do the telling, the Holy spirit will do the convincing. Belief and experience is important.

Be loyal to the end• Be willing to speak up for him wherever. 

Even willing to die for him. Be Bold, Cooperate with the Holy Spirit. He wants to live out through you, let go! When you don’t feel like it, when things are hard, difficult, sad. All the way.

God has given you a Platform

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How to START – Matt 5:14‐16, Matt 10:40‐42

Shine the Light where you are!• God Put you there because he wants to 

shine His light there, don’t cover it up. Do good, share the gospel.

Be generous with your lives!• God is doing things in your life so you can 

share with others. You want God to do more? Share more.

Consciously Engage• Write, Speak, Touch, Love! Give a cup of 

water, package a meal, gift or message. Get out of yourself to reach out to others. The smallest work makes you a disciple or apprentice.

God has given you a Platform

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Consequences of Using Your Platform for God

The Boat – Luke 5• When he uses you, he gives you access to 

what you couldn’t get yourself5 Loaves and 2 Fish – Matt 14• When he uses what you have, there is 

more than enough left.Hannah and Samuel – 1 Samuel 2/3• When you make yourself available for him, 

you’ll get more than what you wanted.

God has given you a Platform

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Prayer for this Week!

Give me Opportunities to be your witness• Give me boldness and utterance to declare 

your message. Help me to allow Christ to live through me.

Give me Opportunities to teach, train and instruct those I meet.• Let me realize your purpose behind all my 

engagements. Let me be conscious of your life within me this week.

Help me to live out your life in me fully.• I want to shine your light! I want to express 

your love, your mercy, your understanding and power. Come afresh on me Holy Spirit.

God has given you a Platform

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+Words on Marble

“We all are called to make disciples! There are only two kinds of people who cannot

disciple, and that is one who is not a follower of Christ and/or

one who disobeys God's command and refuses to


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+42 Days in God’s Agenda! Testing the Claim! – 7 Extra Days!

Pray for the World daily for 30 days

Read through the New Testament in 30 days

Sacrifice your money for a specific reconciliation/gospel purpose. Connect your giving to your going.

Spend your time in another context, go out to somewhere different from your normal routes and routine. Don’t’ just sacrifice your money, give yourself! 1 day. Choose a project.

Commit your life to a multiplying Community (HCCC). Witness and disciple others to grow the Church and community you belong to. Invite 4 (8times) this 35 days.

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+World Prayer Plan (

Afghanistan Czech Republic Iraq North Korea

Austria Denmark Israel Pakistan

Bosnia Dominican Republic Italy Peru

Bhutan Egypt Japan Philippines

Armenia Ghana Libya Portugal

Botswana France Malaysia Romania

Brazil Germany Mexico Rwanda

China Greece Moldova Saudi Arabia

Cambodia Guatemala Mozambique Slovakia

Congo DRC Haiti Myanmar Slovenia

Costa Rica Hungary Nepal South Africa

Croatia India Nicaragua South Korea

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+Bible Reading Plan

1. Matthew 1-92. Matthew 10-153. Matthew 16-224. Matthew 23-285. Mark 1-86. Mark 9-167. Luke 1-68. Luke 7-119. Luke 12-1810. Luke 19-2411. John 1-712. John 8-1313. John 14-2114. Acts 1-715. Acts 8-1416. Acts 15-21

17. Acts 22-2818. Romans 1-819. Romans 9-1620. 1 Corinthians 1-921. 1 Corinthians 10-1622. 2 Corinthians 1-1323. Galatians – Ephesians24. Philippians – 2 Thessalonians25. 1 Timothy – Philemon26. Hebrews27. James – 2 Peter28. 1 John – Jude29. Revelation 1-1130. Revelation 12-22

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+This is who we Are! This is Who I Am!I am Heaven’s Citizen! I am God’s, totally God’s.

I am God’s Representative Here on the Earth! He finds expression through me.

I am the House that God is Building! I am a living stone, fitted together with other believers into the House of God!

I belong to God’s Kingdom! I am a Son of God, A Heir of God, a Joint Heir with Christ.

I have no personal AGENDA! I have no personal AMBITION! God’s Will is my Agenda! God’s Service is my Ambition!

I am Crucified with Christ! The Life I now live is Christ’s! I live by the FAITH of the SON of God who Loved me, and Gave himself for ME!

Jesus is my Lord! He is the VINE, I am a BRANCH! I bear fruit when I abide in Him. I ABIDE in JESUS!

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+Heaven's Citizens Christian Centre- Give to God’s Work!

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