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Page 1: Using the One Stop Service Tracking (OSST) System Interface Tools The Agency for Workforce Innovation Revised October 06, 2005.

Using the One Stop Service Tracking (OSST) System Interface Tools

The Agency for Workforce Innovation

Revised October 06, 2005

Page 2: Using the One Stop Service Tracking (OSST) System Interface Tools The Agency for Workforce Innovation Revised October 06, 2005.


What changes have been made?

Several changes have been made recently in the OSST system to improve the way in which participant cases are referred to the Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET), Optional Workfare (OW) and Welfare Transition (WT) program providers.

The changes relate to how the OSST system interprets case records received from the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Florida Online Recipient Integrated Data Access (FLORIDA) system.

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What changes have been made?

The participant’s zip code is the primary mechanism for referring cases to the appropriate FSET, OW or WT unit. There are some circumstances when the zip code is not used as the primary mechanism:

– If the zip code is not valid or located by the interface process, the OSST system will rely solely on the FLORIDA site code;

– If a zip code is shared across more than one county, the zip code is “multiple mapped”. In this instance, the system uses the zip code and the first 2 digits of the FLORIDA site code which are representative of a county;

– If a zip code is multiple mapped and a case is referred with a county for which the zip code is not mapped, the system will refer the case to the county that was originally selected for the zip code mapping.

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What changes have been made?

For additional information about the new zip code referral procedures, please see the memos related to this topic at:

– dated 7/14/05, 6/21/05 and 5/16/05

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What new tools are available?

Several new tools are available for OSST system users.

These tools include:– The Other Important Information field on the Case at a

Glance screen;– The Case Movement Restricted field;– The FLORIDA site/zip code search.

The following slides describe how each tool can be used by OSST system users.

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The Other Important Information Field

This field on the Case at a Glance screen contains two pieces of information: – How the case was last referred to the program

unit;– If the case has been restricted to a specific unit.

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The Last DCF Referral Mapped Field

The Last DCF Referral Mapped field in the Other Important Information section shows the OSST system user how the case was last referred to the unit:– FLORIDA site code mapped;– Zip code mapped or;– Information is not available.

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The Last DCF Referral Mapped Field – FLORIDA Site Code Mapped

The FLORIDA site code may be used to refer a case to a particular region, county and unit if the zip code mapping is not available.

In the example below, the case was last referred to the program unit based on the FLORIDA site code (37402).

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The Last DCF Referral Mapped Field – Zip Code Mapped

In the example below, the case was last referred to the program unit based only on the participant’s zip code (zip code 33619).

In the example below, because zip code 34691 is multiple mapped, the case was last referred to the program unit based on the first 2 digits of the FLORIDA site code (county # 51), the FSET program, and the zip code.

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The Last DCF Referral Mapped Field – Not Available

“Not available” is used to identify cases that were last referred prior to the implementation of these changes.

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The Case Movement Restricted Field

The Other Important Information field also shows the OSST system user if the case has a Case Movement Restricted field set.

The field will either show “None” or “County Level”.

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How Does the Case Movement Restricted Field Work?

Setting the Case Movement Restricted field to “county level” overrides the normal FLORIDA/OSST system interface procedures.

Essentially, the user is preventing the OSST system from generating a transfer alert to transfer the case to a unit (within the county) other than the unit in which the case currently exists.

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How Does the Case Movement Restricted Field Work?


– A WT case is open in Region 5, County 37, Unit 441; the OSST system user sets the Case Movement Restricted field to “county level”.

– If the case is re-referred through the FLORIDA interface to Region 5, County 37, Unit 442, an alert will NOT be generated to transfer the case.

An exception record will be created indicating that the transfer did not occur due to the existence of the Case Movement Restricted setting.

The OSST system user can view FLORIDA exception records on the OSST case on the Case at a Glance screen.

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How Does the Case Movement Restricted Field Work?

The OSST system user can restrict the case from being moved out of a specified unit in a specified county.

The OSST user cannot restrict the case from being moved out of a specified county through the automatic interface process.

If the FLORIDA interface record includes a new county or region, a transfer alert will be generated.

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How Does the Case Movement Restricted Field Work?

If a transitional or applicant case is restricted to a particular unit based on the Case Movement Restricted field and the case becomes mandatory based on the FLORIDA record, the Case Restricted Movement field will be ignored. The case will be moved to the region, county and unit based on the FLORIDA record.

If an OSST case is closed and the case is restricted to a particular unit, a mandatory referral will result in the Case Restricted Movement field being ignored. The case will be moved and re-opened as appropriate.

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Why Would Staff Use the Case Movement Restricted Field?

The Case Movement Restricted field may be used:– To designate specific caseloads (i.e. teen

parents, sanctioned participants, etc.);– When a participant wants to be served by a

particular unit that differs from the zip code mapping logic;

– For other locally defined purposes.

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Additional Levels of the Case Movement Restricted Field

Additional levels of the Case Movement Restricted Field will be added to the OSST system soon.

Additional information regarding the additional levels will be disseminated separately.

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The FLORIDA Site/Zip Code Search

The search allowing OSST system users to review the referral-mapping logic has been revised.

The search now allows the OSST user to search by comparing the: – OSST Region, County, Unit (RCU) to the FLORIDA site code;– The FLORIDA site code to the RCU;– The RCU to the zip code;– The zip code to the RCU.

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The FLORIDA Site/Zip Code Search

For example, if the OSST system user wants to view the zip codes correlated to a specific RCU, (s)he should use the OSST RCU - zip code search.

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The FLORIDA Site/Zip Code Search

The user should then select the desired RCU and click search.

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The FLORIDA Site/Zip Code Search

The search results will display the zip codes that are “mapped” to the RCU selected.