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Using Pinterest for Pharma

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Page 2: Using Pinterest for Pharma +44 (0)118 959 4990

In April 2012, pinterest was found to be the third most-popular social network in the US, behind Facebook and Twitter, according to Experian Hitwise, and has become the

fastest growing social media platform of all time. More recently in September 2012, pinterest was ranked 50th in the top-ranked Web

property by comScore Media Metrix, having surpassing 25 million unique visitors.

As the pharmaceutical industry begins to take steps towards engaging with consumers on pinterest, Clinical Professionals decided that we would list some of the major pharmaceutical companies already using the social media site, and create a

quick guide on how to use pinterest for pharmaceutical companies.

So firstly, what is pinterest? Pinterest is a social media network that allows users to share images that they find online, and link to the source where the image was found, allowing users to share a range of information such as links to useful articles, interesting infographics, and videos.

As pinterest is an image sharing site, it allows pharmaceutical companies to visually

connect with users across the world, defying language barriers.

So how can pharma take advantage of pinterest? Pinterest presents an additional opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to broadcast their content and

increase brand awareness. Pinterest also allows users to easily re-pin posts, so ‘pins’ can easily be shared between users.

Similar to other social networks, pinterest allows users to comment and ‘like’ images posted onto the site, allowing for potential communication between pharmaceutical

organisations and consumers.

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What type of boards/posts should pharma create? Some pharmaceutical companies have chosen to engage with users on themed boards, such as LGM Pharma’s Asthma or Cancer boards. This allows consumers

affected by or interested in the condition to follow the individual board, and also allows users searching for diabetes to find the company’s page.

Pinterest also allows you to create boards that multiple contributors can upload images to, allowing companies help involve active and influential users, or fellow employees to post on their boards, creating a community. When you add a contributor to your board, the board will automatically be shown on their profile as well as yours. This can help spread your images further, as people who follow the contributor’s profile, but not your own, will also be notified of any pins you post onto your joint board. You will however, still have the main control over the board, allowing you the option to remove a contributor, or chose the main image for the board.

As an image social networking site, pinterest presents the opportunity for companies to showcase some of their advertising campaigns, such as Cancer Research’s ‘CRUK Campaigns’ board, or Bayer’s ‘#Bayer Advertising’ board. Pinterest does not have to just be aimed at potential customers. Some pharmaceutical companies, like Roche, have chosen to use pinterest to advertise themselves as a place to work for. Roche uses pinterest this way to showcase some of their office locations, and highlight various awards that they have won in the past.

How do I ensure images I pin are found? Similar to twitter, pinterest also has a search facility where users can search specific keywords to find pinned images. A simple way of ensuring that your pin appears in the appropriate search results is to use a relevant hashtag (#) in the description of the image you are pinning. But be careful not to include too many or they can make your posts appear like spam!

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What else should I know when using pinterest? Make sure you comment, like and re-pin any interesting or useful images that you find on pinterest! This helps bring awareness to your profile, as it sends a message to the user saying that you commented, liked or re-pinned their post, and shows an overall high level of activity.

Pharmaceutical companies that currently use Pinterest:


Cancer Research UK LGM Pharma

Novo Nordisk


Sanofi Pasteur

Stiefel, a GSK Company

Our Pinterest Pages:

Clinical Professionals

Only Medics

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Clinical Professionals Ltd.

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