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Presenter: Konstantin GredeskoulCTO,

Based on work of Atasay Gökkaya and other engineers

"It's a Unix System! I know this!"

Using Manta to Scale Event-based Data Collection and Analysis



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■ Wanelo (“Wah-nee-lo” from Want, Need Love) is a global platform for all the world’s shopping

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■ Users find products on online stores

■ They post these products to Wanelo via, a javascript “bookmarklet”

■ Others discover these products on Wanelo via feed, trending, search, etc

■ Users then save products they discovered to their own collections

How Wanelo Works

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■ Users can follow other users. Following is bi-directional, like Twitter, and public

■ Besides following other users, you can follow individual stores on wanelo

■ Result is a personalized shopping feed, much like Twitter’s information feed

■ After seeing a product on Wanelo, users can buy the product on the original site

Wanelo is a Social Network

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Mobile: iOS + Android 60K ratings

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Backend Stack & Key Vendors

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■ MRI Ruby 2.0 & Rails 3

■ PostgreSQL 9.2, solr, redis, memcached, twemproxy, nginx, haproxy

■ Joyent Cloud, SmartOSZFS, ARC Cache, raw IO performance, SMF, Zones, dTrace

■ Joyent Manta: Analytics and Backups

■ Chef, Opscode EnterpriseFull server automation, zero manual installs

■ Images: AWS S3 behind Fastly CDN

■ Circonus, NewRelic, statsd, Boundary

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Final word about Wanelo...

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We are slightly obsessed with cat pictures =)

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Recording User Events: Why?

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■ Let’s say user saves a product

■ Naturally we create a row in our main data store (PostgreSQL)

■ But we also want to record this event to an append-only log table, for future analysis

■ In the ideal world, this append-only table has every user-generated event of interest

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Hey, What’s the Scale Here?

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■ 10M users

■ 7M products saved over 1B times

■ 200K+ stores

■ Backend peaks at 200,000 RPMs

■ Generating between 5M and 20M user events per day

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Recording Events: Stupidly

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■ We are just starting: what’s the simplest thing we can do? Our traffic is still pretty low.

■ Let’s create a database table and append to that. Simple? Yes.

■ Scalable? Hell No.

■ One month after launch, we hit the wall.

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Let’s Scale Data Collection

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■ OK, so inserting 10M records into PostgreSQL per day is pretty stupid. Even I know that.

■ We looked around for various options. There were many. Flume, Fluentd, Scribe. Meh.

■ We chose rsyslog: clients can buffer records, send cheap UDP packets.

■ More than one log collector for redundancy

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Scaling Event Data Collection

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■ rsyslog rocks. We are now sending 20M events per day from 40+ hosts

■ rsyslog is dumping them into an ASCII pipe-delimited file

■ logadm rotates the file daily. We get 1GB+ file per day of activity

■ We have solved data collection problem for a long time, and very cheaply.

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Now What?

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■ So now we have 100s of files, closing in on 500GB of data

■ We want to ask some intelligent questions

■ For example: how many people who signed up four weeks ago are still active? (cohort retention)

■ How many products saved does it take for a user to become engaged?

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Let’s Dive Deeper

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■ Here is an example of our log file(spaces/alignment added for readability)

user_id        platform    action_type              object        object_id    secondary_object        sec_obj_id      timestamp-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐8524264|ipad      |SaveAction      |Product|5757428|Collection          |29399687|13683419427555287|android|SaveAction      |Product|5758908|GiftsCollection|26680024|13683419423924118|iphone  |SaveAction      |Product|1979020|Collection          |29463107|13683419421285811|ipad      |SessionAction|User      |1285811|                              |                |13683419428246365|ipod      |SaveAction      |Product|7930662|Collection          |28523544|13788951961233612|desktop|SessionAction|User      |1233612|                              |                |13788951969654098|desktop|PostAction      |Product|7962904|Store                    |158163    |13788951979654098|desktop|SaveAction      |Product|7962904|GiftsCollection|34407722|1378895197843456  |iphone  |SessionAction|User      |843456  |                              |                |13788951979005146|android|SaveAction      |Product|6389593|GiftsCollection|32117206|13788951976721497|desktop|CommentAction|Product|7930418|Comment                |37304732|1378895197

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Parsing ASCII files is simple

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■ What we get with this file format is simplicity

■ grep,  sort,  uniq,  comp,  awk,  wc  

■ These UNIX tools have been optimized for four decades! I challenge you to write a faster grep!

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Have YOU brushed up on your AWK skillz?

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Let’s Ask Some Questions

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cat user_actions_20130626.log | \awk -F'|' \ '{if ($2==“ipad” && $3==“FollowAction” ){ print $1 } }' | \sort | \uniq | \wc -l

■ How many unique users followed someone or something on iPad on 06/26/2013?

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What About Registrations?

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cat user_actions_20130626.log | \grep -F -e '|RegisterAction|’ | \wc -l

■ How many total user registrations happened across all platforms on the same day 06/26/2013?

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How fast is it really?

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■ It takes about 10 seconds to grep through a 1.5GB (single day of recorded events) file

>  time  gunzip  -­‐c  user_actions.log.20130512.gz  |  \>        /usr/bin/grep  SaveAction  |  wc  -­‐l......

real        0m    9.584suser        0m  12.195ssys          0m    1.672s

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Can we go back a whole year?

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■ On one hand, we know how to do it...

■ The problem is: 10 seconds x 360 files

■ Sounds like a data warehouse! /run query; /come back the next day

■ Now we are talking hours of parsing!

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■ Google published this model in 2004

■ It describes a way to parallelize algorithms across huge data sets

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■ Decidedly, Map/Reduce requires a new way of thinking

■ Today we have many related projects, such as Hadoop, HDFS, Spark, Hive, Pig

■ Which means that it also requires learning these (somewhat) new tools

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On Demand or Permanent?

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■ With Hadoop, one practical question is that of infrastructure lifecycle:■ One can create an “on-demand” Hadoop

cluster to run analytics

■ But “on-demand” solution is cheap. Once queried, Hadoop cluster can be killed

■ This requires copying lots of (TBs) of data from storage (typically S3) and takes time

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Static Hadoop Cluster

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■ With a continuously running Hadoop cluster, the biggest issue is cost

■ It’s very expensive to keep a large cluster around, sitting on top of a copy of a giant dataset

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Enter Joyent’s Manta

■ Distributed Object Store, sort of like S3

■ UNIX-like file system semantics for objects, and supports directories (YES!!!!)

■ Native compute on top of objects!

■ Strongly consistent instead of eventual consistency

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Detailed look at Manta later at Surge2013

Mark Cavage and David Pacheco (Joyent) will discuss building Manta in “Scaling the Unix Philosophy to Big Data” talk on Friday @ 10am

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User Events → Joyent Manta

■ Instead of saving daily event logs to NFS, we now push them as objects to Manta

■ One object = one file = one day of events

■ Let’s look at an example...

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Uploading and Downloading

 >  mput  -­‐f  user_actions.20130911  \      /wanelo/stor/user_actions/20130911

 >  mget  \      /wanelo/stor/user_actions/20130911  >      user_actions.20130911

 >  mmkdir  /wanelo/stor/user_actions

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Listing Uploaded User Events

>  mls  /wanelo/stor/user_actions    ....    20130909    20130910    20130911    20130912

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Beyond Object Store

■ What makes Manta unique is native compute on top of our objects

■ We submit a compute job to Manta

■ Manta creates many virtual instances in seconds (or even milliseconds)

■ We even get root access!

■ We parse our event objects in parallel

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Manta’s “Map/Reduce”

■ Streams objects into initial phase

■ Pipes output of initial phase into the input of the next phase (like UNIX!)

■ Each phase is either one-to-one (map phase), or many-to-one (reduce)

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Manta’s “Map/Reduce”

input object filtered object

combined resultinput object filtered object

input object filtered object

map phase 1 map phase 2 reduce phase

It’s very familiar, because it’s so similar to piping on a single machine

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Real Example

■ Let’s ask a more computationally expensive question:

■ How many times a store was followed in the last three months?

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Aggegating Store Follows

■ Map phase:

■ Reduce phase (sum up all the numbers):

grep -F -e '|FollowAction|’ | \grep -F -e '|Store|’ | \wc -l

awk ' { total += $1 } END { print total } '

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Cohort Retention Analysis

■ We can save output of map/reduce jobs in another stored object

■ “Cohort” is a set of unique users sharing a particular property

■ Let’s save a unique set of users who registered between 21 and 28 days ago into a temporary object

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Cohort Retention Analysis, ctd

awk -F '|' '{ if ($3 == “RegisterAction”) { print $1 } }'

■ Map Phase runs only on 7 days for the given week

■ Reduce phase saves the result into a temporary object

sort | \uniq | \mtee /wanelo/stor/tmp/cohort_user_ids

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Cohort Retention Analysis, ctd

■ Now we just need to get unique users active this week, and intersect them with the temporary object

awk -F'|' '{ print $1 }' 

sort | \uniq > period_uniq_ids && \ comm -12 period_uniq_ids \ /assets/wanelo/stor/tmp/cohort_user_ids | \wc -l

■ Map Phase runs on last 7 days

■ Reduce phase intersects

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Other Uses of Manta @ Wanelo

■ We can migrate user images to Manta instead of S3, and serve them via CDN

■ If we need to create new image format, we submit a job to use CLI tools to generate new format, or thumbnail size

■ We can (and do!) push database backups and PostgreSQL archive logs to Manta

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Conclusion■ We were able to create a very cost-efficient

way to store massive amount of events

■ Manta allows us to perform complex algebraic queries on our event data, very fast and also cheap

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And we are just scratching the surface of what’s possible with Manta...

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Wanelo’s technical

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