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Page 1: Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and … · Web viewoutlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning

Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social


Conflict resolutionLevels 5 and 6

Page 2: Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and … · Web viewoutlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning

Authorised and published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment AuthorityLevel 7, 2 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne VIC 3000

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Page 3: Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and … · Web viewoutlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning

Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

ContentsWhat is formative assessment?.....................................................................................................4

Using formative assessment rubrics in schools..............................................................................4

The formative assessment rubric...................................................................................................5

Links to the Victorian Curriculum F–10...................................................................................5

The formative assessment task......................................................................................................7

Description of the task (administration guidelines).........................................................................7

Evidence collected from this task............................................................................................8


Interpreting evidence of student learning...................................................................................12

Setting the scene..........................................................................................................................12

Sample 1...................................................................................................................................13

Evidence of student learning.................................................................................................13

Interpretation of evidence......................................................................................................14

Sample 2...................................................................................................................................15

Evidence of student learning.................................................................................................15

Interpretation of evidence......................................................................................................15

Sample 3...................................................................................................................................17

Evidence of student learning.................................................................................................17

Interpretation of evidence......................................................................................................17

Sample 4...................................................................................................................................19

Evidence of student learning.................................................................................................19

Interpretation of evidence......................................................................................................21

Using evidence to plan for future teaching and learning..............................................................23

Teacher reflections.......................................................................................................................23

Page 4: Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and … · Web viewoutlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning

Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

What is formative assessment?Formative assessment is any assessment that is used to improve teaching and learning. Best-practice formative assessment uses a rigorous approach in which each step of the assessment process is carefully thought through.

Assessment is a three-step process by which evidence is collected, interpreted and used. By definition, the final step of formative assessment requires a use that improves teaching and learning.

For the best results, teachers can work together to interrogate the curriculum and use their professional expertise and knowledge of their students to outline a learning continuum including a rubric of measurable, user-friendly descriptions of skills and knowledge. Teachers can draw on this learning continuum and rubric to decide how to collect evidence of each student’s current learning in order to provide formative feedback and understand what they are ready to learn next.

The VCAA’s Guide to Formative Assessment Rubrics outlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning to plan teaching and learning. For more information about formative assessment and to access a copy of the guide, please go to the Formative Assessment section of the VCAA website.

Using formative assessment rubrics in schoolsThis document is based on the material developed by one group of teachers in the 2019 Formative Assessment Rubrics project. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority partnered with the Assessment Research Centre, University of Melbourne, to provide professional learning for teachers interested in strengthening their understanding and use of formative assessment rubrics.

This resource includes a sample formative assessment rubric, a description of a task/activity undertaken to gather evidence of learning, and annotated student work samples.

Schools have flexibility in how they choose to use this resource, including as:

a model that they adapt to suit their own teaching and learning plans a resource to support them as they develop their own formative assessment rubrics and


This resource is not an exemplar.

Additional support and advice on high-quality curriculum planning is available from the Curriculum Planning Resource.

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Page 5: Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and … · Web viewoutlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning

Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

The formative assessment rubricThe rubric in this document was developed to help inform teaching and learning in Personal and Social Capability. This rubric supports the explicit teaching of conflict resolution.

The formative assessment rubric is designed to provide teachers with information about what students are currently demonstrating in relation to their understanding of conflict resolution. It is designed to enable students to show their ability to:

recognise causes and effects of conflict identify resolution strategies evaluate resolution strategies relate their knowledge of conflict to themselves, peers, family and the wider community.

Please note this rubric assesses students’ knowledge of conflict resolution only, not their ability to apply these strategies.

Links to the Victorian Curriculum F–10

Curriculum area: Personal and Social Capability

Strand: Social Awareness and Management

Sub-Strand: Collaboration

Levels/Bands: Levels 5 and 6

Achievement standard/s extract: Level 6:

They identify causes and effects of conflict and explain different strategies to diffuse and resolve conflict situations.

Content Description/s: Describe the various causes of conflict and evaluate possible strategies to address conflict (VCPSCSO033).

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Learning continuumPersonal and Social CapabilityLevels 5 and 6Strand: Social Awareness and Management Sub-strand: CollaborationThis rubric focuses on conflict resolution.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Students list causes or effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a personal context.

Students link causes and effects of conflicts, scenarios and resolution strategies, including in a community context.

Students explain causes and effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a context beyond their local community.

Students compare strategies regarding conflict resolution.

Organising element Action Insufficient evidence Quality criteria

Conflict resolution 1 Recognises causes and effects of conflict

1.0 Insufficient evidence 1.1 Lists causes or effects of conflicts. 1.2 Links causes and effects of conflicts. 1.3 Explains relationships between causes and effects of conflict.

2 Identifies resolution strategies

2.0 Insufficient evidence 2.1 Lists conflict resolution strategies. 2.2 Matches conflict scenario/s with resolution strategies.

2.3 Explains how resolution strategies can diffuse or resolve a conflict.

3 Evaluates resolution strategies

3.0 Insufficient evidence 3.1 Identifies that resolution strategies can have positive or negative outcomes.

3.2 Describes the effectiveness of resolution strategies used.

3.3 Compares the effectiveness of resolution strategies.

4 Recognises context of conflict

4.0 Insufficient evidence 4.1 Relates conflict situations to self, peer or family situations.

4.2 Relates conflict situations to their local community.

4.3 Relates conflict situations to the wider world.

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Page 7: Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and … · Web viewoutlines how to develop a formative assessment rubric to collect, interpret and use evidence of student learning

Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

The formative assessment taskThe following formative assessment task was developed to elicit evidence of each student’s current learning and what they are ready to learn next.

Description of the task (administration guidelines)

This task has been designed to be completed by individual students at the beginning lesson in a unit on conflict resolution to identify students’ current level of understanding.


Teachers are to familiarise themselves with the rubric and the teacher guidelines. Students complete an independent drawing and response activity within a 60 – 70

minute session.

Part 1 – 10 to 15 minutes

Provide students with page 1 of the Conflict resolution template (Appendix 1) and ask them to draw two different conflicts. If necessary, the word ‘conflict’ can be defined using a dictionary. Conflict 1 can be based on something students have personally experienced and adapted by the student to suit if necessary if there are sensitivities involved.

Note: Prompt students to provide an example that is suited to the second part of the task. For example, say ‘Later you will be asked to think about the causes and effects of conflicts and ways to resolve them. So pick an example that will enable you to do this.’

Prompt students to spend their time unpacking the scenario: drawings should be simple and include speech bubbles. Students may include a statement explaining what their drawing shows.

Part 2 – 45 to 50 minutes

Once drawings are completed, give students page 2 of the Conflict resolution template. Conflict 2 can be about any conflict scenario including with peers, family or the wider community.

Students use their drawings and their prior knowledge of conflict to complete the table.

Questions on the sheet are provided to prompt student thinking. Note: Please do not provide further prompting, other than in line with the

considerations below and to define words students are unsure of. Do not provide examples relating to conflict.

Collect pages 1 and 2 of the Conflict resolution template. Use the rubric to identify students’ current level of capability. For all actions, highlight the

quality criteria as evidenced by the students’ entire body of work including drawings and written responses.


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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Student work should be reflective of their knowledge about conflict, not their ability to apply conflict resolution strategies.

For students who need enablers the following prompts can be used while generating their drawings:

Consider a conflict you have experienced… Think of a place where this conflict occurred… Think about who was involved…

This task could be used again at the end of the unit to assess student growth.

Evidence collected from this task

Responses in the Conflict resolution template

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Interpreting evidence of student learning Evidence collected from each student was mapped against the rubric:

The quality criteria that were achieved was shaded in blue. The phase that the student is ready to learn next was shaded in green.

Please note, the following annotated student work samples are representative examples only.

Setting the scene The student work samples were collected from a Grade 5 in a Government school and

in Grade 5/6 composite class in a Catholic school. The delivery of the task was consistent across the two schools using the administration

guide. The task was completed in both schools at the beginning of a unit on conflict. Due to the age of the students, the assumption was made that all students have

experienced some conflict in their lives and would be able to reflect upon that. The task was designed for a range of learning abilities and uses writing and drawing as

evidence. The prompting questions are open-ended and could be used to allow students to complete the task aurally if literacy requirements pose a barrier.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 1

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 1: Evidence of student learning

Annotations 1.2 The student recognised the cause and one effect of the two conflicts they had

drawn. The causes and effect were related.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

4.1 The student drawings represent a conflict with a family member. The context of the second drawing was unclear and there was no written evidence to reflect understanding of conflict beyond 4.1.

Insufficient evidence:

2.0 No resolution strategies listed. The student identified a way to avoid the conflict; however, this is not a resolution.

3.0 There was no evaluation of strategies. Student only stated an effect of the conflict.

What is the student ready to learn next?The student can list cause and effect of conflict; however, they have not shown sufficient evidence of understanding of resolution strategies. Therefore, they are ready to learn Phase 1.

Any feedback given

You have some understanding of what can cause conflict and the effect this can have. You are able to identify this in your family life. I can see you know how to prevent conflict with your sister; however, do you know what to do after a conflict has occurred?

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Learning continuum Personal and Social Capability Levels 5 and 6 Strand: Social Awareness and Management Sub-strand: Collaboration This rubric focuses on conflict resolution.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Students list causes or effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a personal context.

Students link causes and effects of conflicts, scenarios and resolution strategies, including in a community context.

Students explain causes and effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a context beyond their local community.

Students compare strategies regarding conflict resolution.

Organising element Action Insufficient evidence Quality criteria

Conflict resolution 1 Recognises causes and effects of conflict

1.0 Insufficient evidence 1.1 Lists causes or effects of conflicts. 1.2 Links causes and effects of conflicts. 1.3 Explains relationships between causes and effects of conflict.

2 Identifies resolution strategies

2.0 Insufficient evidence 2.1 Lists conflict resolution strategies. 2.2 Matches conflict scenario/s with resolution strategies.

2.3 Explains how resolution strategies can diffuse or resolve a conflict.

3 Evaluates resolution strategies

3.0 Insufficient evidence 3.1 Identifies that resolution strategies can have positive or negative outcomes.

3.2 Describes the effectiveness of resolution strategies used.

3.3 Compares the effectiveness of resolution strategies.

4 Recognises context of conflict

4.0 Insufficient evidence 4.1 Relates conflict situations to self, peer or family situations.

4.2 Relates conflict situations to their local community.

4.3 Relates conflict situations to the wider world.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 2

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 2: Evidence of student learning


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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

1.1 The student has listed an effect of conflict; however, the cause and effect are not linked by the student and it is not clear that the student can distinguish between the definition of a conflict and its cause.

2.2 The student has identified one resolution strategy for each conflict scenario that they drew.

4.2 The student has drawn a conflict relating to home and in a team setting.

Indirect evidence:

4.2 The team conflict demonstrates a playing field that does not reflect school or home so an assumption was made that this is within the local community.

Insufficient evidence:

3.0 The student stated that they ‘don’t know’ whether resolutions are effective.

What is the student ready to learn next?This student is ready to learn Phase 2. The student has met two criteria within this phase; however, the student needs to develop a greater understanding of the relationship between cause and effect and has not shown an understanding of evaluating resolution strategies.

Any feedback given

You were able to identify negotiation as a resolution strategy. You are able to identify an effect of conflict. Do you think you would go to jail for disagreeing with someone? I wonder if you could think of causes and effects of conflict that are connected.

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Learning continuum Personal and Social Capability Levels 5 and 6 Strand: Social Awareness and Management Sub-strand: Collaboration This rubric focuses on conflict resolution.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Students list causes or effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a personal context.

Students link causes and effects of conflicts, scenarios and resolution strategies, including in a community context.

Students explain causes and effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a context beyond their local community.

Students compare strategies regarding conflict resolution.

Organising element Action Insufficient evidence Quality criteria

Conflict resolution 1 Recognises causes and effects of conflict

1.0 Insufficient evidence 1.1 Lists causes or effects of conflicts. 1.2 Links causes and effects of conflicts. 1.3 Explains relationships between causes and effects of conflict.

2 Identifies resolution strategies

2.0 Insufficient evidence 2.1 Lists conflict resolution strategies. 2.2 Matches conflict scenario/s with resolution strategies.

2.3 Explains how resolution strategies can diffuse or resolve a conflict.

3 Evaluates resolution strategies

3.0 Insufficient evidence 3.1 Identifies that resolution strategies can have positive or negative outcomes.

3.2 Describes the effectiveness of resolution strategies used.

3.3 Compares the effectiveness of resolution strategies.

4 Recognises context of conflict

4.0 Insufficient evidence 4.1 Relates conflict situations to self, peer or family situations.

4.2 Relates conflict situations to their local community.

4.3 Relates conflict situations to the wider world.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 3

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 3: Evidence of student learning

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Annotations 1.1 The student was able to list multiple effects for the two conflicts they drew. It is not

clear that the student can distinguish between the definition of conflict and the causes of conflict. They were placed at 1.1 as they did not explain how the cause and effect are related, effectively only listing them, despite attempting to make a link to fighting in different ways.

2.2 The student has identified at least one resolution strategy for each conflict that they drew although does not identify that how the war might end is related to a conflict resolution strategy, rather than that it ends.

3.1 The student made a clear statement that not all resolutions are effective. 4.3 The student’s drawings relate to fighting with friends and a war (wider world


Indirect evidence:

3.1 The student identifies that not all resolutions are effective, as they state that ‘sometimes it gets even worse’. Therefore, an assumption has been made that they recognise they can be both positive or negative.

What is the student ready to learn next?The student was placed on quality criteria in Phase 2 but they could develop greater depth of understanding and are ready to continue learning Phase 2.

Any feedback given

You have a clear understanding that conflict occurs in a range of situations. You were able to identify the cause and effect of conflict. The next step is for you to be able to explain how cause and effect are connected and to understand that resolution strategies refer to how conflicts are resolved.

© VCAA Page 18

Learning continuum Personal and Social Capability Levels 5 and 6 Strand: Social Awareness and Management Sub-strand: Collaboration This rubric focuses on conflict resolution.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Students list causes or effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a personal context.

Students link causes and effects of conflicts, scenarios and resolution strategies, including in a community context.

Students explain causes and effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a context beyond their local community.

Students compare strategies regarding conflict resolution.

Organising element Action Insufficient evidence Quality criteria

Conflict resolution 1 Recognises causes and effects of conflict

1.0 Insufficient evidence 1.1 Lists causes or effects of conflicts. 1.2 Links causes and effects of conflicts. 1.3 Explains relationships between causes and effects of conflict.

2 Identifies resolution strategies

2.0 Insufficient evidence 2.1 Lists conflict resolution strategies. 2.2 Matches conflict scenario/s with resolution strategies.

2.3 Explains how resolution strategies can diffuse or resolve a conflict.

3 Evaluates resolution strategies

3.0 Insufficient evidence 3.1 Identifies that resolution strategies can have positive or negative outcomes.

3.2 Describes the effectiveness of resolution strategies used.

3.3 Compares the effectiveness of resolution strategies.

4 Recognises context of conflict

4.0 Insufficient evidence 4.1 Relates conflict situations to self, peer or family situations.

4.2 Relates conflict situations to their local community.

4.3 Relates conflict situations to the wider world.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 4

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Sample 4: Evidence of student learning

Annotations 1.3 The student explained the emotional result of conflict and linked this idea to cause

and effect. 2.1 The student provided a list of potential resolution strategies. They only directly

matched one of the strategies with a conflict. 3.2 The student has identified that not everyone is going to be happy with a resolution.

They have described the most effective resolution is the one that satisfies the majority. 4.3 The students’ drawings relate to a playground dispute and an understanding of


Indirect evidence:

2.1 There is a potential that this student may have a higher understanding of resolution strategies, due to the discrepancy in the rubric between this result and their other placements on the rubric. This could be assessed through a follow-up conversation with the student.

What is the student ready to learn next?The student has achieved two quality criteria in Phase 3. Assuming that the anomaly in Action 2 could be rectified through conversation, the student is ready to learn Phase 4.

Any feedback given

You have a clear understanding that conflict occurs in a range of situations and have identified a range of causes of conflicts. You were able to identify a relationship between the cause and effect of conflict. The next step is for you to be able to compare the effectiveness of resolution strategies.

© VCAA Page 21

Learning continuum Personal and Social Capability Levels 5 and 6 Strand: Social Awareness and Management Sub-strand: Collaboration This rubric focuses on conflict resolution.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Students list causes or effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a personal context.

Students link causes and effects of conflicts, scenarios and resolution strategies, including in a community context.

Students explain causes and effects of conflicts and resolution strategies, including in a context beyond their local community.

Students compare strategies regarding conflict resolution.

Organising element Action Insufficient evidence Quality criteria

Conflict resolution 1 Recognises causes and effects of conflict

1.0 Insufficient evidence 1.1 Lists causes or effects of conflicts. 1.2 Links causes and effects of conflicts. 1.3 Explains relationships between causes and effects of conflict.

2 Identifies resolution strategies

2.0 Insufficient evidence 2.1 Lists conflict resolution strategies. 2.2 Matches conflict scenario/s with resolution strategies.

2.3 Explains how resolution strategies can diffuse or resolve a conflict.

3 Evaluates resolution strategies

3.0 Insufficient evidence 3.1 Identifies that resolution strategies can have positive or negative outcomes.

3.2 Describes the effectiveness of resolution strategies used.

3.3 Compares the effectiveness of resolution strategies.

4 Recognises context of conflict

4.0 Insufficient evidence 4.1 Relates conflict situations to self, peer or family situations.

4.2 Relates conflict situations to their local community.

4.3 Relates conflict situations to the wider world.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Using evidence to plan for future teaching and learningThe data revealed that: all students could identify an example of conflict the majority could list effects of conflict but only a few could identify causes. Many

confused the definition of conflict with its causes. the majority could identify some resolution strategies there are areas that require explicit teaching, particularly causes of conflicts, strategies

and their expected outcomes.

Teacher reflections The formative assessment rubric could be modified with student-friendly language to

provide students with a clear understanding of their pathway of learning. The administration guidelines were modified slightly following the task. This was to allow

for a dictionary definition of ‘conflict’ to be provided to students. The instructions were also modified to allow teachers to consider the whole work sample and not limit themselves to where students have written their answers.

The task template was slightly modified due to students’ misunderstandings of particular words.

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Appendix 1: Conflict resolution template

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Using formative assessment rubrics in Personal and Social Capability

Please note that this template was revised after the task was implemented in the classroom.

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