Download - Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.

Page 1: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.

Using Blackboard to support team-based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London

Page 2: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.

• What is TBL?

• How can technology help to deliver TBL?

• What technology is suitable for you & your students?

• How can a TBL package be built and redeployed in Blackboard?

Using Blackboard to support team-based learning (TBL): delivery and rollout

Page 3: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• A structured teaching strategy, involving pre-study by students, quizzing to assess understanding, and peer-to-peer learning via team and class discussion

• Larry Michaelsen - University of Oklahoma Business School

• Dean Parmelee - promoted use in Medical Schools

Team-based Learning (TBL)

Page 4: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Elements of TBL

• Reading a paper, watching a video or a lecture

• Individual MCQs on pre-study material• Marks count for grade• No feedback, no mark until later

• Team answers same MCQs as iRAT – one entry per team• Immediate feedback on answer• Ability to answer again if incorrect• Marks count for grade

• Lecturer reviews questions which caused problems for teams

Pre-study iRAT tRAT RAT review tAPP APP

debate Appeals Peer review




RAT review

Page 5: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• Team work together to answers questions, apply knowledge from RATs• One entry per team; marks count for grade• All members of team must be ready to justify the team answer

• Teams giving different answers called upon to justify their selection• Debate between teams on which answer is correct• Correct answer provided after debate

• Teams can appeal, e.g. if they disagree with the correct answer• If successful the score for that team is adjusted

• Team members assess the contribution of peers, giving a mark and comments; marks count for grade


APP debate


Peer review

Elements of TBLPre-study iRAT tRAT RAT

review tAPP APP debate Appeals Peer


Page 6: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Mr Studious

But Shy Little Miss

Team Player Mr Lazy Learner





Working with the team



Student iRAT tRAT tAPPPeer


Studious But Shy 27 22.5 20 3 72.5

Team Player 18 22.5 20 10 70.5

Lazy Learner 12 22.5 20 8 62.5

Page 7: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Teaching focus• Large class data management – recording student responses• Quick turnaround of results to feed into whole class discussion

Learning technology focus• Using tools that students are familiar with• Making the session “reusable”

Technology and TBL

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• Blackboard Items in a Content Folder• Deliver pre-study materials to students in a structured way


Technology and TBL

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Technology and TBL


Page 10: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• Blackboard Test – Adaptive Release by date/time, time limit, auto-submission, password, added time for students eligible for extra time in exams

• Hard copy of questions to record answers

• Deliver MCQs • Apply a time limit• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each student


Technology and TBL

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Technology and TBL• Blackboard Test – Adaptive Release by

date/time, time limit, auto-submission, password, added time for students eligible for extra time in exams

• Hard copy of questions to record answers

• Deliver MCQs • Apply a time limit• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each student

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tRAT • Deliver same (iRAT) MCQs • Allow one entry per

team• Instant feedback• Retry for reduced mark• Correct answer revealed• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each team

Technology and TBL

Page 13: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• Groups preloaded into Bb course and into Grade Centre • Group Set Sign-up Sheet for scribes• Smart View of Grade Centre shows

scribes and tRAT scores only

tRAT • Deliver same (iRAT) MCQs • Allow one entry per

team• Instant feedback• Retry for reduced mark• Correct answer revealed• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each team

Technology and TBL

Page 14: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• Adaptive Release of tRAT quizzes to scribes only with password• No time limit to allow discussion• One quiz for each attempt of each

question – two attempts allowed

tRAT • Deliver same (iRAT) MCQs • Allow one entry per

team• Instant feedback• Retry for reduced mark• Correct answer revealed• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each team

Technology and TBL

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• Calculated column in Grade Centre shows sum of all tRAT scores (scribes)• Hard copy of questions to record team

answers• Correct answer document manually


tRAT • Deliver same (iRAT) MCQs • Allow one entry per

team• Instant feedback• Retry for reduced mark• Correct answer revealed• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each team

Technology and TBL

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• Deliver MCQs • Instant feedback• Retry for reduced mark• Correct answer revealed• Easy marking• Reporting of results for

each team

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• Download Grades (current view) and paste into pre-prepared Excel spreadsheet, which highlights poorly answered questions

• Copy Attempt Statistics for difficult questions into spreadsheet to show which answers were chosen

• Calculate average and range of iRAT and tRAT test scores

• Rapid reporting of questions which caused problems

RAT review

Technology and TBL

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RAT review

Technology and TBL

Page 19: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Technology and TBL

• Blackboard Test – Adaptive Release to scribes only, by date/time, time limit, auto-submission, password

• Hard copy of questions to record answers

• Deliver questions • Gather answers

simultaneously• Apply a time limit


Page 20: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• Download Results of tAPP quiz and paste into pre-prepared Excel spreadsheet, to show which team gave which answer

• Select teams to speak on each answer

• Rapid reporting of answers given by each team

APP debate

Technology and TBL

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APP debate

Technology and TBL

Page 22: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• Excel spreadsheet to be downloaded and completed by scribe (up to 3 appeals, each <500 words)

• Adaptive Release to scribes only, with date/time restriction

• Submit to Turnitin Assignment Dropbox in Blackboard with timed deadline

• Gather appeals – one form per team – by a set deadline• Optionally restrict

number/length of appeals


Technology and TBL

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• Excel spreadsheet to be downloaded and completed by each student

• Adaptive Release – date/time

• Submit to Turnitin Assignment Dropbox in Blackboard with timed deadline

• Data processed and individual emails sent to students including marks and peer review comments

• Gather marks and comments from each student on their team members by a set deadline• Optionally restrict how

marks can be awarded• Process for anonymous

reporting of marks and comments to peers

Peer review

Technology and TBL

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Peer review

Technology and TBL

Page 25: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Technology and TBL

Page 26: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Elements of TBL with Technology



Peer review






• Blackboard

• Blackboard test

• Multiple Bb tests

• Bb and Excel

• Blackboard test(s)

• Bb and Excel

• Bb/TII and Excel

• Bb/TII, Excel, Perl, Outlook

Page 27: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.




Peer review






Elements of TBL with Technology

• Blackboard

• Blackboard test

• Multiple Bb tests

• Bb and Excel

• Blackboard test(s)

• Bb and Excel

• Bb/TII and Excel

• Bb/TII, Excel, Perl, Outlook

Page 28: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

• Make a template course including generic versions of all elements of the TBL session

Page 29: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

• Make a template course including generic versions of all elements of the TBL session

Page 30: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

• Make a template course including generic versions of all elements of the TBL session

Page 31: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


In template course, roll-over dates and times • Course Tools > Date Management

Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

Page 32: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Export from template course:• Packages and Utilities >

Export/Archive Course

Import into new course:• Packages and Utilities >

Import Package/View Logs

Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

Page 33: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

Page 34: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


New course contains the complete structure of the TBL session:• RAT/APP quizzes, with generic questions ready to revise• Adaptive release on all elements, including logic, dates/times, etc• Dropboxes with correct dates• All columns and smart views in the Grade Centre • Documentation for staff to reuse

Redeploying TBL in Blackboard

Page 35: Using Blackboard to support team- based learning: delivery and rollout Moira Sarsfield, Imperial College London.


• What is TBL?

• How can technology help to deliver TBL?

• What technology is suitable for you & your students?

• How can a TBL package be built and redeployed in Blackboard?

Any Questions?

[email protected]

Using Blackboard to support team-based learning (TBL): delivery and rollout
