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Page 1: Using Apache Cassandra: What is this thing, and how do I use it?

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Jeremiah JordanLead Software Engineer/Support

Using Apache Cassandra for Big DataWhat is this thing, and how do I use it?

1Monday, October 14, 13

Page 2: Using Apache Cassandra: What is this thing, and how do I use it?

Who I am• Jeremiah Jordan

• Lead Software Engineer in Support at DataStax

• Previously Senior Architect at Morningstar, Inc.

• Using Cassandra since 0.6

• Before that, wrote code for the F22

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Cassandra - An introduction

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Cassandra - Intro

• Based on Amazon Dynamo and Google BigTable papers

• Shared nothing

• Distributed

• Data safe as possible

• Predictable scaling




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Cassandra - More than one server

• All nodes participate in a cluster

• Shared nothing

• Add or remove as needed

•More capacity? Add a server


• Each node owns a number of tokens• Tokens denote a range of keys

• 4 nodes? -> Key range/4• Each node owns 1/4 the data

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Page 6: Using Apache Cassandra: What is this thing, and how do I use it?

Cassandra - Locally Distributed

• Client writes to any node

• Node coordinates with others

• Data replicated in parallel

• Replication factor (RF): How many copies of your data?

• RF = 3 here


Each node stores 3/4 of clusters total data.

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Cassandra - Geographically Distributed

• Client writes local

• Data syncs across WAN

• Replication Factor per DC


Single coordinator

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Cassandra - Consistency

• Consistency Level (CL)

• Client specifies per read or write


• ALL = All replicas ack

• QUORUM = > 51% of replicas ack

• LOCAL_QUORUM = > 51% in local DC ack

• ONE = Only one replica acks

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Cassandra - Transparent to the application

• A single node failure shouldn’t bring failure

• Replication Factor + Consistency Level = Success

• This example:

• RF = 3



>51% Ack so we are good!

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Application Example - Layout

• Active-Active

• Service based DNS routing


Cassandra Replication

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Application Example - Uptime


• Normal server maintenance

• Application is unaware

Cassandra Replication

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Application Example - Failure


• Data center failure

• Data is safe. Route traffic.


Another happy user!

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Page 13: Using Apache Cassandra: What is this thing, and how do I use it?

Five Years of Cassandra

Jul-09 May-10 Feb-11 Dec-11 Oct-12 Jul-13

0.1 0.3 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.2...




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Cassandra 2.0 - Big new features

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SELECT * FROM usersWHERE username = ’jbellis’

[empty resultset]

Session 1SELECT * FROM usersWHERE username = ’jbellis’

[empty resultset]

Session 2

Lightweight transactions: the problem

INSERT INTO users (username,password)VALUES (’jbellis’,‘xdg44hh’)

INSERT INTO users (userName,password)VALUES (’jbellis’,‘8dhh43k’)

It’s a Race!

Who wins?

Monday, October 14, 13

Page 16: Using Apache Cassandra: What is this thing, and how do I use it?

LWT: details• 4 round trips vs 1 for normal updates

• Paxos - Paxos made easy

• Immediate consistency with no leader election or failover

• For reads, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL


Monday, October 14, 13

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UPDATE USERS SET email = ’[email protected]’, ...WHERE username = ’jbellis’IF email = ’[email protected]’;

INSERT INTO USERS (username, email, ...)VALUES (‘jbellis’, ‘[email protected]’, ... )IF NOT EXISTS;

Using LWT

• Don’t overwrite an existing record

• Only update record if condition is met

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Installing Cassandra

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Download Cassandra

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Download Cassandra

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Download Cassandra

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Extract Cassandra

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Setup Data and Log Directories

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Start Cassandra

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Start Cassandra

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Installing Cassandra Python Driver

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Python Cassandra Driver

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Install Python Cassandra Driver

Monday, October 14, 13

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Connect and Create a Keyspacefrom cassandra.cluster import Cluster

cluster = Cluster([''])session = cluster.connect()"creating keyspace...")KEYSPACE = "testkeyspace"session.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS %s WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' } """ % KEYSPACE)

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Create a"setting keyspace...")session.set_keyspace(KEYSPACE)"creating table...")session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable ( thekey text, col1 text, col2 text, PRIMARY KEY (thekey, col1) ) """)

Monday, October 14, 13

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Insert a Rowquery = SimpleStatement(""" INSERT INTO mytable (thekey, col1, col2) VALUES ('key1', 'a', 'b') """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE)"inserting row")session.execute(query)

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Insert Rows (Prepared Statement)prepared = session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO mytable (thekey, col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """)

for i in range(10):"inserting row %d" % i) bound = prepared.bind(("key%d" % i, "b%d" % i, "c%d" % i)) session.execute(bound)

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Query Resultsfuture = session.execute_async(""" SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE thekey='key1' """)rows = future.result()"key\tcol1\tcol2")"---\t----\t----")for row in rows:"\t".join(row))

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Run It

Monday, October 14, 13

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Cassandra Applications - Drivers

• DataStax Drivers for Cassandra

• Java

• C#

• Python

•more on the way

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Find Out MoreCassandra:

DataStax Drivers:


Getting Started:

Developer Blog:

Cassandra Community Site:



Cassandra Summit Talks:

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©2013 DataStax Confidential. Do not distribute without consent. 38Monday, October 14, 13