Download - User's manual for Division 746's image processing systemIJ56 85-3207 1985 nationsbureau ofSTANDARDS Library NBSIR85-3207 USER'SMANUALFORDIVISION746'S IMAGEPROCESSINGSYSTEM DaleP.Bentz

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    NBSIR 85-3207A 1 1 1 0


    0 3 4 0 4 i

    User's Manual for Division 746'slmage Processing System

    Dale P. Bentz

    Jonathan W. MartinMary E. McKnightEdward J. Embree

    U S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCENational Bureau of StandardsCenter for Building Technology

    Gaithersburg, MD 20899


    Martin E. Batts


    3201 Porter St., NWWashington, DC 20008

    July 1985







  • nations bureauof STANDARDS


    NBSIR 85-3207


    Dale P. Bentz

    Jonathan W. MartinMary E. McKnightEdward J. Embree

    U S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCENational Bureau of StandardsCenter for Building Technology

    Gaithersburg, MD 20899


    Martin E. Batts


    3201 Porter St., NWWashington, DC 20008

    July 1985

    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Malcolm Baldrige. SecretaryNATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS. Emeit Ambler. Director


    An image analysis system has been developed which allows

    the user to evaluate images in either an interactive or a batch

    mode. This manual provides instructions for accessing the

    imaging system (hardware and software) and describes the struc-

    ture and function of each of the available commands. The imaging

    software is for an 80826 based minicomputer operating under

    a multi-user operating system with five imaging boards. The

    interactive run time environment is menu driven. To execute the

    imaging system in batch format, commands of a specific structure

    are placed into a datafile from which they are subsequently read

    and executed one at a time.

    Keywords: Batch format; convolution; frame buffer; graylevel;image analysis; image enhancement; imaging program;pixel



    Introduction to the Imaging System 1

    Introduction to the Imaging World 4

    What is an Image 6

    Commands and Structure 8


    Def i ni t ions 26

    Examples o£ Batch Files with Explanation 27

  • Introduction to the Imaging System

    The imaging system includes a minicomputer, imaging

    boards, a stepper motor controller, a color intensity controller,*

    a printer, and two cameras. The computer is an 80286 based Intel

    minicomputer with one megabyte of user memory, a Winchester 35Mb

    hard disk, an 8" floppy disk drive, and an external 9 track tape

    drive. The computer can support several users simultaneously.

    The minicomputer contains five imaging boards:

    three frame buffer boards (FB-512), one analog processor board

    (AP-512), and one arithmetic logic unit board (ALU-512). The

    AP-512 board is used to control color on the monitor screen via

    lookup tables, to interact with the cameras and monitor, and

    to digitize the camera signal to eight bits. The FB-512 boards

    temporarily store images where they can be easily manipulated.

    The FB-512 system consists of a master 8-bit board(FBl) and two

    other boards which are linked as a 16-bit pair(FBO). Each FB-512

    board can hold one image. The ALU-512 board provides the user

    with high speed image processing. It is used for convolutions

    and for making rapid transfers between frame buffers (i.e. moving

    frozen images from one FB-512 board to another).

    *INTEL 80286/380 minicomputer. Identification is made solelyto define the system and not to endorse a particular computer.


  • The system includes many peripherals, some of which have

    been specifically developed or modified for this imaging system.

    The basic peripherals include a printer, a color RGB monitor to

    view images, and an NTSC video camera. Specialized peripherals

    include the thermography camera, a stepper motor controller,

    which locates the camera in the x-y plane, and a color intensity

    controller used in mapping specific colors to certain grayscale

    ranges. Only one camera can be used at a time. This camera is

    attached by connecting the co-axial cable between the AP-512

    board and the desired camera input.

    The stepper motor controller can be used either manually

    or may be computer controlled from within the imaging program.

    The x-y position of the camera is controlled by sending a series

    of pulses to two stepper motors (one each for the x and y

    directions). Each pulse moves the camera a known amount in

    the desired direction. Limit switches prevent the camera from

    moving beyond the physical limits of the apparatus. Manually,

    the user can control the rate at which motion is achieved by

    dialing in the desired rate. In the computer controlled mode,

    the user simply inputs the coordinates of the desired location

    and the computer handles the rest.

    The color intensity controller is used to assign color to

    various grayscale ranges. Once this option is selected from the

    imaging menu, the user interactively converts a grayscale range

    to a corresponding red, green, and blue color combination by


  • adjusting the color-coded dials on the front of the color

    intensity controller. The signals from the color intensity

    controller are sent to the computer via an A/D board. Once

    received by the computer, the signals are transformed into a

    color lookup table (see page 6) which is used in displaying

    the color image on the monitor.


  • Introduction to the Imaging World

    While the previous section concentrated on the fundamental

    hardware devices, this section will present the basic procedure

    for executing the imaging programs as well as a brief description

    of a few of the operating system commands.

    The first step in performing image analysis is to power up

    the system. This is accomplished by applying power first to

    the peripheral chassis (i.e. the box with the disk drives)

    and then to the system processor box. When turned on, the

    computer will respond with an asterisk (*) to which the user

    should respond by typing a capital U within twelve seconds to

    initiate the system self-tests. If the processor board is

    functioning properly, the user will next be instructed to enter

    either a period or a carriage return and should respond with a

    return. This will cause the computer to load and check the

    installed memory and disk drives. After completing the self-

    tests, the computer will initiate the bootstrap loader, which

    automatically loads the operating system and configures the

    computer hardware. At this time, the user may turn on and

    configure any desired peripherals such as a printer or tapedrive.

    After the system tests are completed, the computer will boot

    up and execute an initial program. At this time the user is

    at the operating system level and has several options.

    One option is to perform file manipulation, program compilation,

    and other operating system commands within the current environ-

    ment. The other option is to enter the image analysis system by


  • typing

    :P: IMAGE.

    This commands loads and executes the imaging task.

    If the user wishes to execute IMAGE using a batch file containing

    commands to be implemented, they should type

    :P: IMAGE filename

    instead of the above.

    Some of the more important operating systems commands

    are the DIR, DELETE, LPRINT, and COPY commands. DIR is short

    for directory and is used to print a listing of all files in

    the current home directory or in some user specified directory

    (e.g. DIR :SD: lists all files in the system directory). DELETE

    is used to delete files (DELETE filename). LPRINT is used to

    print the specified file to the printer with line numbers (LPRINT

    filename). Finally, COPY is used to copy one file to another

    file (COPY filenamel TO filename2). For further information

    on these and other operating system commands, one should refer

    to the INTEL Operator 1 s Reference Manual.

    The imaging programs are currently located in the

    directory :P: (an alias for : sd : user/world/prog/fortran ) . Images

    are stored in a further subdirectory, :P: IMAGES. Convolution

    filters are stored in a subdirectory called : P : FILTER. Lookup

    table (LUT) files are stored in the directory :P: under filenames

    of the form ********. LUT .


  • What Is An Image

    To properly use the imaging system, one must have

    a basic understanding of what comprises an image. The picture

    presented on the monitor i& a digitized image of the camera

    output. The screen is divided into discrete units (pixels),

    with 512 pixel resolution in the x-direction and 256 in the

    y-direction. Each pixel is assigned a grayscale value between 0

    (black) and 255 (white) based on the incoming camera signal.

    This graylevel assignment is hardware controlled by a potentio-

    meter on the AP-512 board and should be adjusted only when



    Each pixel can be sampled by moving a pointer to any

    desired pixel location and reading its grayscale value

    (as can be done using the command CROSSHAIR [page 22]).

    This procedure is used in many of the imaging routines.

    In addition, one can assign a new grayscale value to any

    pixel in a similar fashion. This method is used in the

    procedures GREYSCALE and CROSSHAIR.

    To produce images in color, one simply assigns

    to each grayscale value a color triple (red, green, blue)

    with each of the three values between 0 and 255 thus

    creating a lookup table (LUT). The incoming image grayscale

    values for each pixel are passed through the AP-512 board

    LUT where they are assigned a RGB combination so that they appear

    on the monitor in color.


  • The key to successful imaging is that the objects of

    interest (whether they be corrosion spots or cracks, etc.) have

    a grayscale value which consistently differs from that of the

    local background. Although some "enhancement" is possible, it is

    not possible to image objects for which no detectable graylevel

    difference is present.


  • Commands and Structure

    The imaging system has many commands, some requiring

    a series of parameters. In the following pages, the commands

    will be grouped according to function and each one discussed in

    detail. The commands can be executed interactively and/or from a

    batch datafile. Interactively, program execution is menu driven

    with the user being prompted to make appropriate selections.

    In batch form, the commands are simply entered into a file in the

    proper format as listed in this section and will be executed one

    by one as prescribed. The following is an alphabetical listing

    of all commands available in the imaging system.




  • 1. Image Input/Output Commands

    A. SAVE

    Format- SAVE

    Operation- saves the current image to a specified filefor subsequent retrieval

    Batch form- SAVE ' PATH/FILENAME


    Algorithm- The pixels are read one horizontal line ata time and written sequentially to thespecified filename.

    Assembler routines- GETLIN

    Applications- This command allows the user to storeimages as they are obtained or to store"enhanced" images after processing.

    Note- One must first freeze the current image (see 3A page12) before saving, unless it is already stationary.


    Format- RETRIEVE

    Operation- retrieves a previously saved image from a fileand displays it on the image monitor



    Algorithm- The pixels are retrieved one line at a timeand written to the frame buffer for display.

    Assembler routines- ZEROPAN, PUTLIN

    Applications- RETRIEVE provides the user with the capabilityto recall previously saved images forcomparison with new ones or for furtherprocessing




    Format- FRAME_BUFFER

    Operation- transfers an image between frame buffersnumbers 0 and 1 for quick save/retrieval

    Batch form- FRAME BUFFERinteger-1




    integersave (copy FBI to FBO-1)recall (copy FBO-1 to FBI)save (copy FBI to FBO-2)recall (copy FBO-2 to FBI)

    Algorithm- The procedure uses the ALU board to transferthe images between FB boards.


    Applications- FRAME_BUFFER allows the user to temporarilystore the current image so it can be preservedfor future use if a grayscale histogramor thresholding is desired (See 8E and 8Gpages 22 and 23 ) .

    Note- Using this command before doing a convolution (See8A page 20) will have no effect since all of theframe buffers are used by the convolutionroutine



  • 2. LUT (Lookup table) Commands


    Format- GETLUT

    Operation- retrieves a stored color lookup table (LUT)from file

    Batch form- GETLUT integer PATH/FILENAME


    integer- # of lut unit to retrieve on

    Assembler routines- ACTLUT, VIDOFF, SALLUT, VIDON

    Applications- GETLUT allows the system user to usestandard lookup tables by recallingthem from storage.

    B. LUT activation

    Format- LUT

    Operation- activates the user specified lut (#1-4)

    Batch form- LUT integerinteger- # of lut to activate

    Assembler routines- ACTLUT

    Applications- LUT allows the user to toggle between lookuptables so that an image can be viewedin graylevel format or in color.




    Format- SAVELUT

    Operation- saves an interactively defined LUT to a filefor future use

    Batch form- SAVELUT integer PATH/FILENAME


    integer- # of lut unit to be saved

    Assembler routines- none

    Applications- SAVELUT allows the user to create standardlookup tables which can be used repeatedly.


  • 3. Image format and manipulation


    Format- FREEZE

    Operation- freezes the current image on the screen bygrabbing one picture and holding it

    Batch form- FREEZE

    Algorithm- The image is "frozen" by passing it throughthe ALU board and grabbing one frame on output

    Assembler routines- FREEZl

    Applications- FREEZE's major application is in freezingan image so that it can be saved or processed.


    Format- DISPLAY

    Operation- un-freezes the image, that is, allows continuousdisplay of the incoming camera input

    Batch form- DISPLAY

    Assembler routines- ALUPAS, GRAB1

    Applications- DISPLAY simply restores the system tocontinuously updating the image via thecamera input and is also used to canceltemporal averaging (See 3D page 13).




    Operation- changes the number of contrast levels displayedin an image

    Batch form- SET_CONTRAST_LEVELS integerinteger- # of levels to set (2-256)

    Assembler routines- SELLUT, SETLUT

    Applications- SET_CONTRAST_LEVELS changes the numberof apparent graylevels, so that anycombination from simple black and whiteto 256 variations of gray may be displayed.

    Note- This command is only useful when displayingor when the image is a currently frozen oneas compared to a retrieved frozen image.



    Operation- averages a specified number of consecutiveframes together to form a new frame

    Batch form- DISPLAY_TEMPORAL_AVERAGE integerinteger- # of frames to average

    Algorithm- The ALU board is used to time averagethe incoming image.

    Assembler routines- VIDOFF, ALUDTA, VIDON, END_ACQUIRE1



    Applications- DISPLAY_TEMPORAL_AVERAGE is used to enhancethe image by improving the signal to noiseratio


    Note- DISPLAY will cancel this averaging, but FREEZE willnot



  • 4. Camera Control Commands

    A. MOVE

    Format- MOVE

    Operation- moves the camera attached to the motioncontroller to a specific x,y location

    Batch form- MOVE intx,intyintx- new x-position ( 0-5000


    inty- new y-position ( 0-9000


    Algorithm- The parallel port on an iSBC communicationsboard (the board used to provide multiple useraccess to the system) is used to communicatewith the motion controller through a seriesof pulses.

    Assembler routines- MOVE

    Applications- MOVE will be instrumental in repetitiveanalyses where the camera needs to repeatedlysample a number of known locations.

    Note- Movements in the x,y plane are made relative toa home position. It is necessary to initialize (move


    the camera to the home position prior to moving it.This is accomplished by using the INITIAL command(See 5A page 16 )




    Operation- outputs to the user the current cameraposition (i.e. x,y coordinates)

    Batch form- POSITION_WRITE

    Algorithm- The position is read from the fortran languagevariables XCAM, YCAM

    Assembler routines- None

    Applications- POSITION_WRITE reminds the user of thecurrent camera location in case some timehas elapsed since the last move.



    Format- REGISTER

    Operation- centers the camera about an identifying marksuch as a cross without changing the globalcamera coordinates (XCAM, YCAM) so that theuser can start with the camera in a knownlocation

    Batch form- REGISTER

    Algorithm- The mark is identified by the difference inits graylevel from that of the background andcentered by moving the camera the necessaryamount in the x and y directions.

    Assembler routines- MOVE,RDPIXEL

    Applications- REGISTER allows the user to start with thecamera in a known location so that new imagescan be compared with earlier ones taken atthe same location.


  • 5. Batch Only Commands


    Format- INITIAL

    Operation- clears the LUT registers, initializes thecamera to the home position, etc.

    Assembler Routines- INIT, CLRLUT, INITSP

    Applications- INITIAL is a startup procedure which allowsthe batch mode user to wipe the slate cleanand start the imaging system over.

    B. EXIT

    Format- EXIT

    Operation- exits the batch mode and enables the user tointeract with the imaging system via themenus


    Assembler routines- None

    Applications- EXIT provides the user with a good methodfor executing a series of general commands,followed by more specific commands whichcan be implemented interactively.

    C. WAIT

    Format- WAIT

    Operation- instructs the computer to pause for a desirednumber of centiseconds


    Batch form- WAIT integerinteger- # of centiseconds to wait

    Algorithm- A call is performed to the system commandRQSLEEP to "sleep" for the desired lengthof time.

    Assembler routines- AWAIT

    Applications- WAIT provides the user with a methodfor inserting pauses into a batch run(e.g. to provide adequate time for the userto read text printed on the screen).


  • D. PRINT

    Format- PRINT

    Operation- prints a string of text

    Batch form- PRINT 'string'

    Assembler routines- None

    Applications- PRINT can be used to send text from aa batch execution file to the videoscreenadvising the operator of any necessarychanges in the operating environment.

    E. INPUT

    Format- INPUT

    Operation- allows the batch user to input an integer fromthe keyboard.

    Batch form- INPUT I##- number of variable to be input

    Assembler routines- None

    Applications- INPUT allows the user to input numbersinto a batch execution which can be usedas counters, flags, and identifiers.


  • 6. Miscellaneous Commands

    A. STOP

    Format- STOP

    Operation- terminates the imaging program and returns theuser to the INTEL operating system (if programis being executed interactively) or to the batchdatafile if it has been exited using the EXITcommand

    Batch form- STOP

    Assembler routines- None

    Applications- Obvious.

    Note- The imaging boards are left in their previousstate (i.e. if image is frozen, it will remainfrozen, if displayed continuously, likewise.).


    Format- MAP_GREY_TO_RGB

    Operation- enables the user to interactively createa color lut using the color intensitycontroller. This is accomplished by dialingin a grayscale range and a RGB color combinationand repeating until the desired effect isachieved


    Batch form- MAP_GREY_TO_RGB

    Algorithm- The grayscale range and RGB inputs areread using an A/D conversion board andthen scaled within the assembly languageroutines. The user has the option ofkeeping the changes or returning the imageto its original state.

    Assembler routines- SELLCJT, SET1LUT, RDRGB

    Applications- MAP_GREY_TO_RGB allows the user toexperiment with an image by dialingin certain grayscale ranges and highlightingthem with color.


  • C. BOX

    Format- BOX

    Operation- allows the user to specify a box (i.e. an areaof the imaging screen) within which certainimaging commands will be executed. Commandsaffected by BOX include Threshold, Area, Grey-scale, Variance, and Defect_Area (see pages21-24 ) .

    Batch Form- BOX inti , int 2 , int 3 , int


    inti- minimum x-value for boxint2- minimum y-value for boxint3- maximum x-value for boxint4- maximum y-value for box

    Assembly Routines- BOXSET

    Applications- BOX enables the user to implement commandswhich will affect only a portion of the imageon the screen, thereby allowing a degree ofselectivity in the imaging process.


  • 7. Image Analysis Commands


    Format- CONVOLVE

    Operation- performs a convolution filter on the imagestored on the screen. The filter is inputfrom a user specified file.

    Batch form- CONVOLVE ' PATH/FILENAME * , integerfilename- name of file for filterinteger- choice for operation after

    convolution (check for changeof sign, transform, etc.)

    Algorithm- The ALU is programmed from assembly toperform the convolution. After theconvolution is performed, the user hasthe option of further refinement, viaa change of sign detector, a 0-255graylevel rescaling, and other techniques.

    Assembler routines- KONVOLVE, GRSCALl

    Applications- CONVOLVE can be used in detectingedges present in the current image.

    Note- The image must be frozen or stationary (see 3A page12) before a convolution is performed or the resultswill be unpredictable.


  • B. AREA sum

    Format- AREA

    Operation- determines the number and percentage ofpixels in a user specified grayscale range.

    Batch form- AREA inflow, inthighinflow- low grayscale valueinthigh- high grayscale value

    Algorithm- The pixels are sampled one by one and thecumulative sum of pixels in the given rangeis updated and stored.

    Assembly routines- AREASUM

    Applications- AREA can determine the percentage ofan image covered by some type of objectif that object is contained exclusivelyin some grayscale range.

    C. MIX (mix frame buffers 0 and 1 - channels 2 and 0)

    Format- MIX

    Operation- mixes the images in the frame buffers ina user specified fashion (ands, ors, adds,or subtracts


    Batch form- MIX integerinteger- # of selected operation

    1) A+B 2) A-B3) A or B 4) A and B

    Algorithm- Once again the ALU board is used tomix the two frames in the desired fashion.

    Assembler routines- FREEZE, IMPMIX

    Applications- MIX finds application in superimposingone image upon another and in computingdifferences between images of the sameobject taken under different conditions.

    Note- For this command to be useful, frame buffer FBOmust contain one of the two starting images.This can be accomplished by using the FRAME_BUFFER(See 1C page 10) command to load a desired imageinto FBO.



    Format- CROSSHAIR

    Operation- allows the user to interactively locatea crosshair on the screen and read thepixel grayscale value at the center point,or to produce a cross-sectional histogramof the horizontal line grayscale values.The crosshair can be positioned on the screenthrough interactive use of the arrow keys.Size of moves is user controlled via a menuselection


    Batch form- CROSSHAIR (not meant to be usedin batch mode)

    Algorithm- The crosshair is produced by Xoring (exclusiveoring) each pixel with itself, so that theoriginal pixel grayscale value is preserved,(i.e. a second XOR operation will restoreit to its original value.)

    Assembler routines- CROSTART, CROSSECT, RDPIXEL

    Applications- CROSSHAIR has several applications. Itcan be used to determine the grayscalevalue of a given pixel or to determinethe grayscale profile of a line of pixels.


    Format- THRESHOLD

    Operation- thresholds an image for a grayscale rangeas follows:

    MINPIN < [pixel] < MAXPIX [pixel ]= 0otherwise [pixel]= 255

    Batch form- THRESHOLD intmin , intmaxintmin= MINPIXintmax= MAXPIX

    Assembler routines- THRES1

    Applications- THRESHOLD finds use in object detectionsince objects of interest can be highlightedas black against a white background.



    Format- DEFECT_AREA

    Operation- searches and locates defects and returnssizes, centroids, and radii of gyration.

    Batch form- DEFECT_AREA ' PATH/FILENAME ', inti , intlo , inthi


    output devicefilename- file for convolution filterinti- choice after convolutionintlo- min. value for thresholdinthi- max. value for thresholdoutput device- device to output

    results (file or printer)

    Algorithm- The image is first convoluted to highlightobjects of interest, then thresholded toenable the program to find defects by searchingfor pixels with a grayscale value of zero.

    Assembler routines- CHECKHIT, HIT, STATS

    Applications- DEFECT_AREA enables the user to determinethe size of objects such as corrosion spots.

    G. GRAYSCALE histogram

    Format- GREYSCALE

    Operation- produces a grayscale histogram superimposedon the currently displayed image

    Batch form- GREYSCALE

    Assembler routines- GRSCALE, ZEROPAN, GRPLOT

    Applications- GREYSCALE allows the user to determinedistinct grayscale ranges of interestby noting peak and valleys in the histogram.

    Note- If you don't want to lose the original imageuse FRAME_BUFFER to store it in FBO temporarilyand then recall it from there after viewing thehistogram.


  • H. SMOOTH image

    Format- SMOOTH

    Operation- smooths image in x and y directions.

    Batch form- SMOOTH

    Assembler routines- SMOOTH

    Applications- SMOOTH can be used to eliminate some of thelocal noise present in images.



    Operation- differentiates the current image by findingthe maximum gradient at each pixel.

    Algorithm- For each pixel, the surrounding eight pixelsare sampled. The current pixel grayscale valueis replaced by the maximum difference betweenthe current pixel and the surrounding neighbors.

    Batch form- DIFFERENTIAL

    Assembler routines- DELTA, LOAD0TO2, GRSCALE, THRES1

    Applications- DIFFERENTIAL provides the user an alternatemethod to detect edges since in thedifferentiated image edges will be brighterthan the surrounding background.



    Format- VARIANCE

    Operation- computes average graylevel value and standarddeviation in graylevel for image on screen.

    Batch form- VARIANCE

    Algorithm- The sums of the pixel graylevel values and thegraylevel values squared are computed inAssembly. From these, the average and standarddeviation can be computed.

    Assembly routines- AREAl

    Applications- Several possible applications exist. VARIANCEcan be used to check for imaging homogeneityor to possibly provide a measure of thesurface profile (i.e. larger std. dev. =rougher surfaces).


  • Definitions

    ANDING TWO IMAGES- In anding two images, the grayscale valuesfor the same pixels in the two images are anded in binary(e.g. 01101011 and 11100110 becomes 01100010 when the twoare anded). When all of the pixels are anded, a super-position is achieved; i.e. edges can be superimposed onthe original image). The basic rules for anding two numbersare 0 and 0 is 0

    0 and 1 is 01 and 0 is 01 and 1 is 1.

    CONVOLUTION (filter)- A convolution filter is an n*n matrixwhich is applied centrally at each pixel of the originalimage. Its function is to determine the edges of objectsin the image.

    FILENAME (form)- A filename is composed of an eight (max)letter identifier followed optionally by a dot anda three letter extens ion ( e . g . XIMAGE.ASM).

    FRAME BUFFER- A frame buffer is memory allocated forstoring all of the pixel grayscale values fora particular image. The imaging system currently containsthree such frame buffers (the FB-512 boards).

    GRAYSCALE RANGE- A grayscale range is a range ofgrayscale values characterized by a minimum and amaximum value (e.g. 10-100 is the graeyscale range forall pixels with grayscale values between ten and onehundred )


    LOOKUP TABLE- A lookup table is an input/output systemwhere the output values are dependent on the input entry.IRS tax tables are an example of this where the output(the tax you owe) is dependent on the input (your incomeand number of dependents )


    PIXEL- A pixel is an individual display unit. It is the smallestdisplay unit which can be controlled. All monitor screensare comprised of a matrix of pixels.

    ORING TWO IMAGES- Oring two images is similar to anding themexcept that the pixels are ored instead of anded(e.g.01101011 and 11100110 becomes 11101111 when ored.).The basic rules of oring two numbers are

    0 or 0 is 00 or 1 is 11 or 0 is 11 or 1 is 1.


  • Examples of Batch Files with Explanation

    1) This first batch file initializes the system, retrieves

    a frame from file, finds the defects present in the image,

    outputs the results to the printer, returns to displaying

    continuously, and exits the imaging system.


    ' ,3,140,255, ' : LP :



    2) This second batch file initializes the system, moves the

    camera to position 120,480, freezes the display, stores

    the displayed image, returns to displaying continuously

    and exits to the interactive mode for further analysis.





  • .

  • U.S. DEPT. OF COMM. 1. PUBLICATION OR 2. Performing Organ. Report No. 3. Publication Date

    BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATASHEET (See instructions)

    REPORT NO.NBSIR 85-3207 July 1985


    User's Manual for Division 746 's Image Processing System

    5. AUTHOR(S)

    Dale P. Bentz, Martin E. Batts, Jonathan W. Martin, Mary E. McKnight, Edward J. Embree

    6. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION (If joint or other than NBS, see instructions)

    national bureau of standards ParaTechDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE and 3201 Porter St. N.W.WASHINGTON, D.C. 20234 Washington, DC 20008

    7. Contract/Grant No.

    8. Type of Report & Period Covered



    _ Document describes a computer program; SF-185, FIPS Software Summary, is attached.

    11. ABSTRACT ( A 200-word or less factual summary of most significant i n formation . If document includes a significantbi bl iography or literature survey, mention it here)

    An image analysis system has been developed which allows the user to evaluateimages in either an interactive or a batch mode. This manual provides instructionsfor accessing the imaging system (hardware and software) and describes the structureand function of each of the available commands. The imaging software is for an80826 based minicomputer operating under a multi-user operating system with fiveimaging boards. The interactive run time environment is menu driven. To executethe imaging system in batch format, commands of a specific structure are placed intoa datafile from which they are subsequently read and executed one at a time.

    12. KEY WORDS (Six to twelve entries; alphabetical order; capitalize only proper names; and separate key words by semi color :

    batch format; convolution; frame buffer; graylevel; image analysis; image enhancement


    imaging program; pixel


    [^j Unlimited

    | |

    For Official Distribution. Do Not Release to NTIS

    j Order From Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.20402. 15.




    [Xl Order From National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, VA. 22161


    j SC Omm-O

  • .