Download - Users Don't Care About UX: How We Design Things Based on Human Behavior - Reza Ilmi at UXID - SMW Jakarta Meetup


Users Don’t Care About UXHow We Design Things Based on Human Behavior

Reza IlmiUI & UX Designer

Users don’t actually care about your product

When I am saying this, maybe there will be people who don’t agree.

There, I am getting your attention. This is what we call Peak-end Rule.

People judge experiences largely based on how they were at their peak and at their end, and this occurs regardless of valency (whether

pleasant or unpleasant).

Users care about their tasks

Give them the easiest way to complete their task.

Apps are not necessarily your user's final destination.

UX is a Series of TasksGive them the EASIEST way to complete their task.

Give only the most important information at a

time.E.g. An obvious “exit” way. It could be a descriptive action button,


Don’t Make User ExploreExample:

Let say you want to buy a new running shoes, here at Senayan City.

Obviously, you will try to find a sport store. Finding the store for every floor.

Luckily, Senayan city has a good design. It's designed to make their users easily go from one floor to the another. It has nicely designed

escalators & elevators.

In every floor. And in every side both west and south side of the mall.

Don’t Make User ExploreExample:

But some malls didn’t do the same. They designed their layout so that users need to explore the whole mall in order to find one store.

Instead of giving users an up & down escalators in the same area, they designed the up escalators at the south side of the mall. And to

go down, users need to go to west mall.

Business reason: So that every merchant got sight by every

user that enters the mall.

Maybe it is good for business. Merchant is happy.

But users? They could possibly curse the mall.

Ultimately, designing a product means designing something that


Good business always starts with Good Users


How we implement Modular Design at Mivo

Design with Meaningful data to cut design time.

By creating descriptive, modular designs you’re extending user

experience into teamwork

# Activity - Fragment - Screen State

After all, creating human-centric design, dealing with user's needs,

is not like a marriage.

It's more like... Having a series of date,

with your users.

Thanks!Let’s talk more about UX at Twitter, @rezailmi

Reza IlmiUI & UX Designer