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Appendix E't

Useful Expressions for Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation)

As you prepare tbr the simulated conversations in the exam, the fbllowing expressions will help you express different

ideas more effectively. Study a f'ew expressions tiom each list regularly and try to incorporate them into your

communication in class with your classmates. or when practicing this type of exercise on your own. This is far from

an exhaustive list, but as you master these expressions, you will be able to add more to your repertoire. You will see

that some words may appear more than once according to the situation'

To accept an invitation Estiis equivocado(a).Ni hablar

iNi lo suefles!

No estoy de acuerdo.No puede ser.

lPor supuesto que no!

;Qud va!

To express surprise

You ure wrong.No wtr1t.

Don't even think about it!I do not ag,ree.

It is intpos,sible(can't be done).

Of course, not!No vvav!

iClaro!lClaro que si!

lC6mo nol

lCon mucho gusto!

;Desde luego!

I Por supuesto!

To turn down an

OJ course!Of course!OJ'course!It wilL be tt pleasure!Of course!Of course!


lDe ninguna manera!Lo siento pero...No voy a poder...Ya tengo planes.

To express apathy

No way!I um,sorry, but...I am not going to be uble 1o...

I alreadv have pLans.

;,De verdad?

6En serio'l

;Figfrate!Lo dudo.

lMentira!lNo lo puedo creer!

iNo me digas!Parece mentira.

;Qud b6rbaro!

lQud raro!

To express an alternative

Is thet true?Seriously?Imagine!I doubt it.You are kidding me!I can't believe it!ktu don't say![t's hard to believe.

I can't believe it!That's odd/weird!

Como quieras.(Me) da igual.

(N'le) da lo mismo.

No (me) importa.

To express agreement

Whatever yoLr say.

It makes no difference (to me).

/lt's all the some (to rue).

It mukes no tli.fibrence (to me).

/lt's uLl the some (to nte).

It (besn't matter (to me).

Creo que si.(Estoy) De acuerdo.En efecto.

Es verdad.Eso es.

No cabe duda.

Por supuesto que si.

Tienes raz6n.

To express disagreement

I believe so.

I ugree.

Yes indeed.

It is true. It is so.

That's it.

There's no roomfor doubt.Agree. Of course.

You are rig,ht.

iHas pensado que... '?

i,No te parece que... ?

1,Por qud noconsideras... 'i

;Qud te parece si... 'lSeria mejor que...

To express preferences

Huve you thoug,ht about...?Don't you think that...?Why don't you consitler...?

What do vou think iJ...?It would be better thut...

A mi me parece que...Despuds de pensarlo,

yo...Para mi...Personalmente,

yo prefiero...

It seems to me thctt...

After thinking about it, 1...

For me...Personally, I prefer...

lClaro que no!De ninguna manera.

Of course not!No watt.

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Page 2: Useful Expressions for Informal Speaking

To express uncertainty or indecision To express dissatislaction or frustration

Estoy un pococonfundido(a).

No estoy seguro(a)de lo que dijiste, pero...

I am a little confused.

I am not sure what you said, but. ..

Eso no vale.No puedo m6s.

To express an opinion

That's not fairI can't stand it anymore.

To express indignation or disbelief

lEso es el colmo!

lNi lo suefles!

lNo es posible!

lNo puedo mdsl

1Qu6 barbaridad!

;Qud horror!

To express concern

That is the last straw!Don't even think about it!It can't be!I can't take it anymore!Good grief!That's tenible!

Creo (Pienso) que...(Me) parece que...

Que yo sepa...

To express probability

I think that...It seems (to me) that...As .far as I know. . .

Debe de ser...Es probable que...

It is probably...It's likely that...

lCu6nto lo siento!

;Qud ldstima!

;Qu6 pena!

I am so sorry!What a shame!What a pity! A mf me parece que...

En otras palabras...Es decir...Es que...O sea...

To explain or clarify what you have said

To ask for another opinion or suggestions

It seems to me that...In other words...That is to say...The.fact is (that)...That is to say...

;Qud te parece si... ?

Y tf, iqud piensas?

To explain further

What do you think if...?And whttt do vou think?

To ask for an opinion or a suggestion

Como...Por esa raz6n...Por lo tanto...Ya que...

To express acquiescence

As..,For that reason...Therefore. . .

Because. . .

lQud crees (piensas) tri'?

iQud harfas tri?

eQud te parece?

iTe importa'l

iTe parece bien'l

What do you think?What would you do?How do you like it? What aboLtt

it? What do you think oJ'...?Do you mind?Do 1:ou like the sugge.stion?

Est6 bien.No hay miis remedio.

To express disbelief

O.K., It's all right.There is no other solution. To suggest an alternative

iEn serio?Lo dudo.Parece mentira.

To express regret

Seriously?I doubt it.It's hard to believe.

iNo crees que... ?

Propongo que...Serfa mejor...Sugiero que..

To ask for permission

Don't ltou think that...?I prcpose that...It would be better to...I suggest that...

Lo siento.

;Qu6l6stima!1Qu6 pena!

['m sorry.What a pity!What a pity!

iMe permites (dejas)... ? May L..?iSe puede... ? May 1...?

iTe molesta que... ? Do you mind if...?

286 Appendix E