Download - Use your website to invite students into your school’s story



Presented by: Higher Education Marketing

1.  Storytelling: Setting Institutions Apart

2.  Communicating a Distinctive Brand Identity

3.  How do Students Fit into Your Story 4.  Embracing Your School’s Niche

5.  Living the Story You Tell


Storytelling is a pillar of content marketing and a powerful means of crafting strong higher education branding.

� It can be an influential factor in a prospect’s post-secondary decision.

� It cuts through bland, murky marketing (like multiple schools advertising similar qualities/claims to fame, & confusing students)

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

Storytelling: Setting Institutions Apart

� Recent studies show this tact is often underused.

� Across dozens of prospective student focus groups, higher ed analysts repeatedly heard: “How am I supposed to choose when they all look the same?”

� Bland branding that seeks to stand for everything to everyone risks standing for nothing.

Storytelling: Setting Institutions Apart

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

� A distinctive brand identity is essential for attracting and guiding a sustainable community.

� Try to align your brand with your community’s: •  purpose

•  reputation

•  culture

� This connects your branding to the actual people on campus – promoting strong/consistent brand identity.

Communicating a Distinctive Brand Identity

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

� A school’s website is its most prominent window to the world.

� Visitors intuitively understand the school through its web content.

� Communicate a distinctive brand identity by using content in your school’s “About Us” section to portray:

•  the school’s mission

•  history

•  values + vision

•  what makes them unique

Communicating a Distinctive Brand Identity

Why not convey these facts through a good story?

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

Example � The University of Rochester’s

‘About Us’ page features: •  stats

•  vision statements

•  rankings data

•  pictures + videos

They all illustrate the school’s proud symbols and traditions.

Communicating a Distinctive Brand Identity

UofR website content tells the story of a vibrant, engaged community.

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

� Effective higher education branding helps prospective students picture their lives on campus.

� Tell rather than sell with memorable content that features values they share.

� Authentic, relatable stories encourage students to establish more meaningful connections with a school.

How do Students Fit Into Your Story?

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

� For a school, using original content (stories) elicits emotion and empathy.

� It persuades by letting readers reach their own conclusions.

How do Students Fit Into Your Story?

- Annette Simmons

“A story is more respectful than telling someone what he or she ought to think. Respect connects.”

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

� Stories told with music, voices, & images have great potential for higher education branding.

� They’re easily memorable & shareable on social media.

How do Students Fit Into Your Story?


This video of Greg McFall, California Teacher of the Year, shows the power of video storytelling:

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

� Many schools have used storytelling to carve out a sustainable niche, by:

•  identifying/targeting a subsection of prospective students •  understanding who they can ‘serve exceptionally’

•  earning a distinctive reputation

•  cultivating a devoted social media following

� The most effective niches tap into the idea of ‘brand mythology.’

Embracing Your School’s Niche

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

Embracing Your School’s Niche

� Brand mythology is about making the most of stories that an organization already has, by:

•  stylizing •  dramatizing

•  elevating stories to new heights

� Mythologies are most compelling when they involve overcoming struggle/making meaningful life changes – but it’s most important that they’re true to a school’s branding promise.

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?


� Shimer College’s small campus & unique learning style is ideal for a particular student niche.

� Its “Our Story” pages feature content that fits this niche, like profiles of creative alumni.

(Pictured - electronic musician/ Shimer alumnus Laurie Spiegel)

Embracing Your School’s Niche

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?

Living the Story You Tell

� An effective brand position in higher education is a logical extension of how your community already perceives your school.

� To be truly accepted & influential, you must live the story you tell.

Example � University of Northern BC’s

‘Green’ branding is backed by: •  a ‘Green Grant’ program

•  proof of energy efficiency

•  support from ecological leaders, & more:

Source: HEM – How Does Your Website Invite Students into Your School’s Story?