Download - Use of Social Media in Medicine - Getting the Most Out of Your Medical Twitter Account

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Pediatric Grand Rounds – The Use of Social Media in MedicineGetting the Most Out of Your Medical Twitter Account

John Little, Manager, Physician RelationsDate: February 6, 2011

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(Just a Few) Things You Can Do With Twitter

1. Promote clinical trials (or any other document)2. Get plugged in3. Participate in focused discussions4. Share photographs and other images5. Share desktop screencasts6. Go mobile7. Start a revolution

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Promote Clinical TrialsInstantly share IRB approved clinical trial flyers with a global audience

1.Uploaded approved flyer to web server2.Shorten URL at http://bit.ly3.Paste trial title and URL into Twitter update box.4.Done!

Why URL – Twitter limits you to 140 characters2.Metrics. See how many people click on your links.

This process works with any file type. It isn’t just for clinical trials.

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Get Plugged InTwitter is more than communication. Like Google it provides access to content.

1.Keyword searches2.Follow key accounts3.Create lists

Use for complex searches by person, place, keyword, exact phrases, even attitude!

Example Searches:“Pediatric Cancer”cancer AND childrenpediatrician OR pediatrics

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Get Plugged InTwitter is an excellent tool for professional networking and subject matter exploration.

1.Keyword searches2.Follow key accounts3.Create lists

Use to search for and to follow other experts. Following others builds your knowledgebase and your visibility. They will see that you’re following – and likely follow back.

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Get Plugged InTwitter is more than communication. It’s access to content.

1.Keyword searches2.Follow key accounts3.Create lists

Twitter list feature allows you to group the people you follow by topic. Viewing the list will show only the updates from those listed. Lists can be private or public.

List Ideas:Professional organizations, Health care media, Colleagues, Private “friends” list, Patient advocates, Pharma, Personal interests

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Focused DiscussionsHashtags are keywords that “tag “ a conversation so that readers can easily find all relevant tweets/comments. They’re great for conferences!

Creating a hashtag is easy1. Any word in your tweet that starts with a pound sign is a hashtag. That’s all you have to do

Twitter makes hashtags “clickable” automatically. Clicking on one reveals the entire conversation thread. You can create your own or use others (as long as your input is relevant).


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Share ImagesSharing photos is easy. It can even be done from your mobile device while on the move.

TwitPic is a favorite1.Create a free account - http://twitpic.com2.Connect your TwitPic and Twitter accounts3.Upload an image via the web or via email on your mobile device4.Add a description5.The description and a shortened link to your image will be automatically tweeted for you.

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Share ScreencastsScreencasts are videos of activity on your desktop which can include a voiceover. They are ideal for sharing dynamic presentations.

Screenr1.Create a free account - the visible area (window) on your desktop that you want to record.3.Record a voiceover with your PC microphone as you move through the presentation4.Add a description5.Hit submit and the screencast will be tweeted with a short URL and your description

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Go MobileThere are countless Twitter applications for your phone and other mobile devices.

Apple devices:Search the App Store from your device


Android:Search the Android Market

Third-Party AppsTweetdeck, Twitbird, Seesmic, Hootsuite

Find More

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Start a RevolutionOr manage a crisis.

Twitter (along with Facebook) has become the fastest way to coordinate relief efforts and organize people.

Social media networks are broader and faster than global news networks or government intelligence services.

The marriage of SMS (phone texting), mobile multimedia devices (phone w/ cameras and video) and social media allows faster and more comprehensive communication than ever before.

You are your own network.

An Egyptian doctor gives out medical supplies in front of an army tank during clashes in #Tahrir square #Jan25

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Go Mobile

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Getting StartedCommunications and Physician Relations are Here to Help:

John LittleManager, Physician Relations[email protected](713)745-8383

Jennifer TexadaProgram Manager, External [email protected](713)563-0000