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Page 1: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations


U.Tserendolgor MD,Ph.D, Sc.D NRC, PHI

Page 2: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)




Page 3: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Magnitude of the Problem Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

affect a third of the world’s people and account for an estimated 7.3% of the global burden of disease.

Page 4: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

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Page 5: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Magnitude of the Problem Recent WHO/UNICEF estimates suggest that the

number of children with iron deficiency and anemia is approximately 750 million (UNICEF 2003).

In developing countries, it is estimated that more than 40 to 50% of children less than 5 years of age are iron deficient, primarily due to a diet inadequate in bioavailable iron (UNICEF/MI 2004).

Micronutrient deficiencies are a form of malnutrition caused by deficiencies of vitamins and minerals from the diet that are essential for human health, growth and development.

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Page 7: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)


POPULATION Among the populations most vulnerable to

micronutrient malnutrition are infants, young children and pregnant women due to their higher dietary requirements.

Children under two are particularly vulnerable to micronutrient deficiencies.

This form of malnutrition is often a major public health problem in populations in the developing world where the availability of a diverse supply of foods is limited.

Common deficiencies among children include those of iron, vitamin A, zinc and iodine.

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Page 9: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

NEW PRODUCTS Numerous new and innovative products to young

children ranging from multiple micronutrient powders (Sprinkles,Vitashakti, Anuka, MixMe), spreads (Nutributter, Plumpynut), and crushable tablets (Foodlet).

One of those newly developed interventions involves the use of MNPs to fortify and improve the quality of complementary foods prepared at home which contain a mix of microencapsulated iron and other micronutrients in a tasteless power form.

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Sprinkles Vitashakti Anuka MixMe TopNutri

MMPs – èéã ãýðèéí íºõöºëä áýëòãýñýí õ¿¿õäèéí íýìýãäýë õîîëîíä õîëüæ õýðýãëýíý. Õ¿¿õäèéí íýìýãäýë õîîëíû ÷àíàðûã ñàéæðóóëíà.

Page 11: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Composition of MultimicronutrientMicronutrients Pregnant and

Lactating womenChildren under

5VitaminsA (µg )D (µg )E (mg )C (mg )B1 (mg )B2 (mg )B3 (mg )B6 (mg )B12 (µg )Folic acid (µg )





Minerals Iron (mg )Zinc (mg )Cu (mg )Selenium (µg )Iodine (µg )

Page 12: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Importance Anemia reduction and decrease

the prevalence of other micronutrient deficiencies.

Improve the quality of complementary food.

Improved growth and mental development of children

• Improved immune of tissue.

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Page 14: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Advantages of MNPs MNPs can provide the Recommended Nutrient Intake

of micronutrients to each child. Aside from iron, essential micronutrients such as

vitamins A, C and D, folic acid, iodine and zinc can be added to the sachets to prevent and treat micronutrient deficiencies and improve overall nutritional status.

Lipid encapsulation of the iron prevents its interaction with food and masks its taste, thus there are minimal changes to taste, colour or texture of the food to which MNPs are added. Encapsulation may also reduce gastrointestinal discomport and interaction of iron witn other nutrients.

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Page 16: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Advantages of MNPs

The sachets are easy to use and convenient. No special measuring utensils or handling is required and they can be given at any mealtime during the day. One does not have to be literate to learn how to use them.

The use of MNPs does not require any change in food practices as it can be mixed with home-mad foods. They do not conflict with breast-feeding and can help promote the timely transition from exclusive breast-feeding to complementary foods at 6 months of age as recommended by the WHO.

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Page 18: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Advantages of MNPs MNPs are a food-based rather than a

medical intervention and thus can be easily incorporated into any feeding schedule.

The potential for overdose is unlikely because numerous individual packages would have to be opened and ingested for this to occur (an infant would need to consume many packages (approximately 20) to reach toxicity levels).

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Äàâóó òàë Ǻâõºí íýã óäàà õýðýãëýõ õýìæýýãýýð

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Page 20: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

Advantages of MNPs The sachets are lightweight and thus are

simple to store, transport and distribute. MNPs have long shelf-life, even in hot or humid conditions (2 years).

The cost of MNPs is not excessive (0.015-0.035 US$ per sachet depending on volume produced and site of production).

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Page 22: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

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Page 23: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

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ÁÒÕ – íü õÿìäõàí (¯éëäâýðëýëèéí õýìæýýíýýñ õàìààðààä íýã óóò íü 0.015-0.035$.)

Page 24: Use of Multiple Micronutrients (Minerals and Vitamins) Preparations (Introduction)

CONSIDERATION Under UNICEF’ s current Medium

Term Strategic Plan (2008-2011), UNICEF is to prioritize programme scale up, document sucesses and lessons learned, and measure results in a way which could further inform and improve programm scale-up.

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Õàíäëàãà ͯÁ- èéí ÕÑ- èéí äóíä õóãàöààíû

ïðîãðàììûí õ¿ðýýíä (2008-2011) ÁÒÕ- ð õàíãàõ ïðîãðàììûã õýðýãæ¿¿ëýõ çîðèëãîòîé áàéãàà.