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Part 1 of 3United StatesDepartment ofAgriculture

Forest Service

Technology &DevelopmentProgram

2300 RecreationApril 19989823-2812-MTDC

Brian Vachowski, Project Leader

7E72A47–Accessories for TransportingTrail Maintenance Tools

Mountain BikeAccessories forTrail Work

Mountain BikeAccessories forTrail Work

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MM any people throughout the country who are not listedhere helped on this project with their comments andsuggestions. I am especially grateful to the following

for their indepth contributions:

Suzanne Hanlon, Adventure Cycling Association

Stephen Hmurciak, Seward Ranger District

Irene Lindquist, Seward Ranger District

Kurt Loheit, International Mountain Bicycling Assn.

John Morris, Burley Design Cooperative

Sylvia Russell, Recreational Equipment, Inc.

Keith Wolferman, Missoula Aerial Fire Depot

MTDC Staff: Bob Beckley, Windy Hayden, Bob Hensler,Gary Hoshide, Bert Lindler, and Sara Lustgraaf.

Introduction ___________________________ 3

The Situation at Seward _________________ 4

Benefits of Bicycles ____________________ 5

Not for Everyone _______________________ 6

Panniers ______________________________ 7

Chain Saw Carrier ______________________ 8

Trailers ______________________________ 10B.O.B. Yak Trailer _________________________ 10B.O.B. Coz Trailer _________________________ 11Wheele Pac Dog Trailer _____________________ 11Burley Design Cooperative’s Prototype _________ 11

Product Sources and Organizations ______ 14

About the Author______________________ 14

Appendix A— Job Hazard Analyses for Riding Mountain Bicycles and for Trailers _____________ 15

Appendix B— Kurt Loheit’s Tool Holder (Fits B.O.B. Yak Trailer) _______________________ 17


The Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, has developed this information for the guidance of its employees, its contractors, and its cooperating Federal and State agencies, andis not responsible for the interpretation or use of this information by anyone except its own employees. The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information andconvenience of the reader, and does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.

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MM ountain bikes. You find them onnonwilderness trails everywhere.Continual improvements in

bicycle suspensions, brakes, structuralmaterials, and other key componentsallow mountain bikers to travel faster,farther, and with greater ease anddependability than ever before.

It should come as no surprise thatmountain bike enthusiasts who alsomaintain trails have seen the benefitsof using mountain bikes for trail work.This case study shows how the Sew-ard Ranger District on the ChugachNational Forest uses mountain bikes.In addition, it describes how the Mis-soula Technology and DevelopmentCenter (MTDC) worked with the Districttrail crew to develop a bicycle-mountedchain saw carrier and evaluate severalsingle-wheeled bicycle cargo trailers.

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The Situation at Seward

SS et in the beautiful and mountain-ous Kenai Peninsula south ofAnchorage, Alaska, the Seward

Ranger District has a short summerseason, high visitation, and a shrink-ing trail maintenance budget.

In her project proposal to MTDC,District Trails Coordinator IreneLindquist (Figure 1) provided somedetails about the trail program:

❝The Seward Ranger District has aspruce bark beetle infestation which

has been spreading for the past severalyears. Each year, more dead trees arefalling across the trails. Removing 2,000trees with diameters averaging 15 to 24inches is beginning to be the norm.

We are not located in a wilderness andthe preferred method for trail employeesto remove fallen trees is with a chainsaw, adding to the weight of standardcamping equipment. Heavy backpackloads combined with continuous mount-ing and unmounting of the pack andwalking several miles cutting trees is

physically and mentallyexhausting.

We have been experiment-ing with mountain bike travelfor early season tree removal

and have noted an incredible savings oftime by 50% over backpacking. We havefound mountain bike travel to be fast andeasier on the body and mind than hikingwith the gear and equipment in theproper situation. For the trails and circum-stances where mountain bike travel isappropriate, we believe a good systemwith specially designed equipment isworth investigating.

Currently we mount a chain saw in ascabbard on the rear rack. Our frontrack holds a set of panniers. A secondtraveler on mountain bike usually haspanniers on front and back for the gas/oil and ax. We are trying new and moreadvanced designs of mountain bikes forthe 1995 season. We have not come upwith any new designs for carrying a chain

saw, gas/oil, andax. We would liketo design a bikeand accessoriescapable of holdinga chain saw (sizesimilar to a Stihl036 with a 20-inchbar) and 1.5 gallonsgas, 2 quarts oil,wedges, ax, safetyand first aid equip-ment, and personalgear for the day.❞

At MTDC’s sug-gestion, the Sew-ard trail crew alsoagreed to evaluatesingle-wheeledcargo trailers.

Figure 1—Irene Lindquist and Stephen Hmurciak (right)were principal evaluators for this project.

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Benefits of Bicycles

WWe don’t want to turn trail mainte-nance into another ExtremeSport. Picture it. Barely-in-con-

trol cyclists careening down mountaintrails, chain saws in tow, grinningfiendishly as hikers scatter like terrifiedsheep at their approach.

To the contrary, we want to show youhow members of one trail crew foundthat using mountain bikes for loggingout some pretty tough trails allowedthem to double their production withouttaking extraordinary risks.

The Seward trail crew has used moun-tain bikes since about 1989, but hasincreased the use of bikes markedlyduring the past 4 years. Currently, theDistrict fields three, two-person biketeams to log out trails at the beginningof the summer season.

Irene Lindquist reports: ❝Our numberone savings utilizing mountain biketravel has been time. Running a closesecond is a lack of wear and tear onthe employees’ backs, knees, and feet.

The savings of time not only benefits theForest Service by allowing time savedto be used on bridge and tread mainte-

nance, it allows the recreating public toexperience a less frustrating hike, bike,or horseback ride on our trails.❞

Mountain bikes improve dramaticallyevery year. In 1997, the District hadsix bikes:

• Two Novara Arribas without shocks,purchased in 1990

• Two Trek 970’s with front shocks,purchased in 1994

• Two Specialized Rock Hopperswith front shocks, purchased in1995.

Front shocks are a prerequisite forany new bicycles purchased.

The Seward District’s mountain bikesare used hard and require constantmaintenance and repair. Brake pads, inparticular, need to be replaced weekly,or even more often when bike trailersare used. The District expects to spendabout $150 in parts for each bike peryear, not counting the labor to installthe parts.

The Seward trail crew is experienced.Crews use loaded mountain bikes onsingle-track trails considered moderateto difficult for ordinary mountain biking.Their use as described in this reportrepresents difficult conditions andheavy wear. The scabbard and trailersdescribed in this report make moresense and would be safer on easiertrails.

On the Seward Ranger District, moun-tain bikes work best for logging outtrails early in the summer. A two-person crew typically can log out 8miles (12.8 km) in a 12-hour day.Crews have logged out as much as11 miles (17.6 km) of trail in a singleday. This is about twice as much trailas a hiking crew can log out in a day.Being able to return to the trailheadfairly quickly often eliminates the needfor camping out. That means crewsdon’t have to carry camping gear andfood in addition to their equipment.

Mountain bikes have also proveninvaluable for trail contract inspection.Irene Lindquist rode 20 miles (32 km)to check a contractor, then rode out,all in a single day. Hiking 40 miles (64km) would have taken her 3 days.

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Not for Everyone

RR iding a mountain bicycle on anytrail takes considerable skill. Therider needs to be in good physical

condition. Controlling a heavily loadedbike on rough mountain trails requiresmuch more—exceptional skill, endur-ance, strength, and experience. Makesure your crew has plenty of experi-ence riding mountain bikes beforeloading one up with a chain saw orattaching a trailer.

Look at your own situation carefullybefore committing to a bike-mountedtrail crew. This is not an easy decision.The easier the trail, the more mountainbikes make sense. Mountain bikesand other mechanical devices are notpermitted in designated wilderness.

In Appendix A, we’ve enclosed two jobhazard analyses prepared by the Sew-ard Ranger District, one for using themountain bikes and the other for usingmountain bike trailers. Tailor youranalyses to the local conditions andhazards—you might have cactus tocontend with instead of bears.

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II rene Lindquist also wanted MTDC toinvestigate panniers that would hold10 to 15 pounds of equipment: “We

have tried several good-quality pan-niers and have had problems with theattachment system keeping the pan-niers on the bike racks. Because weare riding on trails which are notalways smooth and have lots of bumps,our panniers have bounced free fromthe racks, and have blown seams.”

MTDC chose not to evaluate panniersbecause so many good ones areavailable. Basically, you get what youpay for with panniers. Generally, themost expensive bags are the strongest.Pay particular attention to the weightof the fabric, quality of stitching, andreinforcement. PVC-coated fabricslook especially strong and weatherresistant. Bags with some sort of lock-

ing clip or clasp instead of open clipsprevent the panniers from bouncingoff the racks.

Quality retail and catalog supplierscarry a good selection of panniers thatshould meet your needs.

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Chain Saw Carrier

MMissoula smokejumper Keith Wolf- erman designed and fabricated the simple, yet effective chain

saw carrier that MTDC sent to Alaskafor testing (Figure 2). He built it to fit aStihl 036 with 20-inch (508-mm) bar,a fairly large saw. If you decide youwant some of these, build them to fitthe saws you will be carrying. We donot recommend carrying saws largerthan the one we tested. The smaller thesaw, the easier it will be to transport.

The rack is simple. Three layers of1⁄2-inch (12.7-mm), closed-cell foamwere glued together with spray adhe-sive and topped by a 1⁄16-inch (1.6-mm)sheet of aluminum. The rackfits snugly on top of thebike rack as a cushionfor the saw’s power head(Figure 3).

The side scabbard was fab-ricated from two pieces ofinexpensive, high-density1⁄8-inch (3.2-mm) polyethy-lene plastic, with a 3⁄8-inch(9.5-mm) spacer betweenthe pieces. The Seward trailcrew found that the sawteeth chewed through thesoft polyethylene, and theyrecommended that theinside of the top of the scab-bard be lined with 1⁄


(1.6-mm) aluminum, foldedback over the top of thescabbard. Perhaps the teethcould be shielded fromdirect contact with the poly-ethylene by a tight-fittingrubber or plastic guard thatcould be slipped over theteeth before the bar wasplaced in the scabbard. We don’t haveall the details yet on the best fix forthis problem.

We selected the heavy-duty BlackburnExpedition EX-1+ rear cargo rack asa mount for the chain saw scabbard.We also tried the heavy-duty BurleyMoose Rack, available from that

company’s dealers on special order.Both worked equally well. The Sewardtrail crew also used the carrier with theless expensive Blackburn Mountain-eering rack. It worked fine, too.

We designed our prototype to bepermanently mounted to the rack(Figure 4). This was a mistake,because the trail crew sometimesneeded to remove the chain sawcarrier without taking the rack off. Allthe fasteners on the cargo rack hadbeen treated with Loctite to keep themfrom loosening. Future versions of thechain saw carrier need to featurebendable hook attachments rather

than solid loop attachments to holdboth the power head cushion and sidescabbard to the cargo rack.

So long as the saw was nearly all thatwas being carried, it could be carriedsafely, despite its high center of gravityand its weight on the back of the bike(Figure 5).

The bike’s front shocks limit the abilityto carry offsetting weight up front.Front cargo racks and shocks are notcompatible. A second bike is neededto transport safety gear like chain sawchaps, first aid kit, gas, oil, personalprotective equipment, saw kit, radio,bike tool kit, ax, water filter, personalgear, water, and food. Each bikecarries at least 30 pounds (13.5 kg).Needless to say, use the smallest sawthat will meet your needs.

Power headcushion





Figure 3—The power head cushion topped with sheet aluminumneeds to be high enough so that the saw dogs clear the sidescabbard. The height will vary with different brands of saws.

Figure 2—MTDC’s prototype chain sawcarrier consists of a power head cushionand side scabbard.

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Figure 5—Two bikes, one for the saw and one for gear, are needed to outfit a crew. Handlebar bags on the front help tobalance weight in the rear.

Figure 4—We shouldhave used clips ratherthan the closed clampsshown so the chainsaw carrier could beremoved easily.

Chain Saw Carrier


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Figure 6—The B.O.B. trailer rides close to the ground and can be used with an optional cargo bag.

BBicycle racks will only carry so much gear. We decided to evalu- ate single-wheeled cargo trailers

as an alternative. Several double-wheeled trailers on the market mightbe suitable for old roadbeds and widetrails. We limited our evaluation tosingle-wheeled trailers because wewere dealing with single-track trailson the Seward Ranger District.

Three single-wheeled trailers—theB.O.B. Yak, the B.O.B. Coz, and theWheele Pac Dog—are commerciallyavailable. Two others were prototypesthat used a Burley Design Cooperativehitch system that mounts to this com-pany’s sturdy Moose Rack cargocarrier.

Some characteristics were common toall of the trailers. When trailers wereloaded with 30 to 70 pounds (13.5 to31.5 kg), all trailers and rack combina-tions hurt bicycle performance. Thebikes were light in the front end, eventhough handlebar packs were some-times used to help offset rear weight.When cyclists hit a root while climbing,the front tire often lifted or did a“wheelie.” Steering was somewhatshaky most of the time. The extraweight pushed the bike down hills,testing brakes to their limits. Extrabrake pads are essential. Poor trackingaround curves limits the safe usageof the trailers on narrow, winding trails.Only expert riders should use trailerson steeper, single-track trails.

The Seward trail crew evaluators sug-gested that trailer brakes, not offeredon any of the trailers, would be animprovement.

B.O.B. Yak Trailer

The B.O.B. Yak trailer (Figure 6) seemsto be the most prevalent single-wheeled trailer being used by trailcrews. Its features include an optional5700-cubic-inch (94-L) Cordura cargobag, chrome-moly steel frame, and16-inch (406-mm) wheel. The bag willcarry 70 pounds (31.5 kg). Its cargospace is 25 inches long, 16 incheswide, and 18 inches high (640 by 400by 450 mm). Total weight (includingthe bag) is about 14 pounds (6.3 kg).

The B.O.B. Yak attaches to the hub ofthe rear wheel by means of a specialquick-release skewer. With the specialquick release left in place, the trailercan be attached or detached inseconds. The Seward trail crew foundthis to be the most stable connection tothe bike with heavy loads. This traileralso rode the lowest to the ground. Itcarried handtools, chain saw, and daygear very well. Because its pivotingradius is limited, the B.O.B. Yak wasthe most difficult trailer to turn in tightspots.

The B.O.B. Yak has been in productionfor about 4 years. We have heardreports of welds breaking that attachthe metal screen to the frame, andalso two reports of the vertical pivotrod bending or breaking (Figure 7).The manufacturer has since beefedup the diameter of the pivot rod andnuts, and suggests that tightening thepivot rod nuts properly and sealingthem with Loctite would eliminate thisproblem.

The International Mountain BicyclingAssociation (IMBA) has a 1994 memo-randum of understanding with theUSDA Forest Service to work coopera-tively on mountain bicycling programsof mutual interest at national, regional,and local levels. Kurt Loheit, who isassociated with IMBA, has designeda handtool holder that fits the B.O.B.Yak trailer (Figure 8). Kurt has sharedhis carrier plans with us. They areincluded in Appendix B.

The suggested 1998 retail price forthe B.O.B. Yak is $229, or $259 withthe fitted Yak Sak cargo bag.

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Figure 7—The pivot rod (under his thumb) bent on this B.O.B. Yak. On new models, the manu-facturer is using a larger diameter rod and the pivot rod nut is sealed with Loctite to keep itfrom loosening.

Figure 8—Kurt Loheit’s tool holder for the B.O.B. Yak trailer is made of 5⁄8-inch (16-mm) polyethy-lene. See Appendix B for construction plans.

Side view of the B.O.B. trailerwith tool holder and tools

Tool holder



B.O.B. Coz Trailer

New for 1998 is the B.O.B. Coz (shortfor Coz mopolitan) cargo trailer. Thissingle-wheeled trailer attaches to thebike in a manner similar to that usedby the B.O.B. Yak, and features a15.5-gallon (58.9-L) Rubbermaid lock-able plastic box. Rubbermaid’s larger

25.5-gallon (96.9-L) container will alsofit the frame. The trailer weighs 20pounds (9 kg)—more than the B.O.B.Yak—but is rated to carry only 50pounds (22.5 kg), compared to 70pounds (32 kg) for the Yak. It was notavailable when we were doing ourtesting. The suggested retail price forthe B.O.B. Coz is $199.95.

Wheele Pac Dog Trailer

The Wheele Pac Dog trailer (Figure 9)is manufactured and distributed byInnovation Sports, Inc. It weighs about12 pounds (5.4 kg) with the cargo bagincluded. It is 6 feet, 4 inches (1.9 m)long, and can carry up to 60 pounds(27 kg).

The Wheele Pac Dog carries loads ina cargo bag suspended from its alumi-num frame. The trailer attaches to theseatpost (Figure 10). This attachment,in the opinion of our evaluators, wasthe least stable setup for heavy loads.

Seward trail crew evaluators liked thePac Dog’s light weight and the easewith which gear could be loaded in theback without the need for extra strap-ping and bungee cords. It carried daygear, handtools, and chain saw verywell.

Because it is so long, the Wheele PacDog tracks wide around curves. Onnarrow trails, the trailer tends to go offthe trail on curves, carrying the bikeand rider with it. Riders need todismount before going around sharpcorners, or should not use the traileron such trails. The trailer probablywas not designed for use on narrow,curvy trails.

The suggested 1998 retail price for theWheele Pac Dog is $259, includingthe cargo bag.

Burley Design Cooper-ative’s Prototype

We liked the sturdy looks of BurleyDesign Cooperative’s unique hitch andpivot system and the Moose Rack, sowe decided to have MTDC’s shopbuild a prototype trailer featuring them.

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Figure 9—The Wheele Pac Dog weighed less than the other trailers. The adjustable compart-ments in the bag provided versatility, and the outside side pockets were convenient.

Figure 10—The Wheele Pac Dog is long and tracks wide around curves, a disadvantage.


Burley also shipped one of its own pro-totypes directly to the Seward RangerDistrict for testing.

Like a fifth-wheel trailer, the Burleyhitch and pivot system attaches to thebike by clamping to the top of theMoose Rack, a TIG-welded chrome-moly steel rack that also accepts pan-niers (Figure 11). This hitch proved tobe very sturdy, locking solidly to therack. Play in the hitch’s internal pivotingmechanisms on both prototypesallowed the loaded trailers to wobbleslightly from side-to-side, even thoughthe hitches were tightly fastened. TheBurley product development managersaid there should be no play in thehitch if it was adjusted properly. At thetime of this discussion, we no longerhad the hitches to see if adjustingthem would have made a difference.

Burley’s prototype was heavier thanmost of the other trailers, about 16pounds (7.2 kg). Because it is a propri-etary design and not yet in production,we are not showing a photo of it.

The prototype held up well in the Sew-ard trail crew’s evaluation. If Burleycontinues to develop it, the trailershould offer another good choice for asingle-wheeled trailer.

The trailer designed by MTDC was notsatisfactory (Figures 12 and 13). Westarted out with the Burley Hitch andMoose Rack, and a stripped downversion of Burley’s Piccolo trailercycle,a heavy-duty, chrome-moly unitintended as a trailercycle for a childto ride tandem behind Mom or Dad.So far so good. We went wrong byloading on heavy steel side supports,two fabric ATV bags for cargo, andATV gun racks to carry a shovel andPulaski. We even installed brakes,responding to suggestions that theywould be useful. When all was said

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Figure12—Clueless in Missoula. We put too much emphasis on sturdi-ness and not enough on reducing weight. You’ll need a locomotive topull this 40-pound beast.

Figure 11—Burley’s hitch and pivot system and Moose Rack are used in their Piccolotrailercycle. The cables are for a brake on the MTDC prototype trailer.

Figure 13—We used steel and accessories designed for ATV’s, butneglected to consider the importance of using lightweight materials.


and done, our trailer weighed nearly40 pounds (18 kg)—more than twiceas much as the others. Although wemanaged to drag it along some of theeasier trails around Missoula, the Sew-ard trail crew (politely) said it was tooheavy for them to even contemplateusing it.

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Product Sources and Organizations

HHere are the sources for the prod- ucts that were used in our evalu- ation. Other mountain bike trailers

and racks are available and may beequally suitable. The listing below doesnot constitute an official endorsementby the USDA Forest Service.

Blackburn RacksBlackburn DesignsRoute 136 EastRantoul, IL 61866Ph: 800-456-2355

B.O.B. Yak and Coz TrailersB.O.B.3641 Sacramento Drive #3San Luis Obispo, CA 93401Ph: (805) 541-2554 or 800-893-2447E-mail: [email protected] site:

Burley Piccolo and Moose RackBurley Design Cooperative4020 Stewart RoadEugene, OR 97402Ph: (541) 687-1644 or 800-311-5294Fax: (541) 687-0436E-mail: [email protected]

Wheele Pac DogInnovation Sports, Inc.7 ChryslerIrvine, CA 92618Ph: 800-222-4284E-mail: [email protected]

International MountainBicycling Association (IMBA)

IMBAP.O. Box 7578Boulder, CO 80306Ph: (303) 545-9011E-mail: [email protected] site:

About the Author

BB rian Vachowski has been a Proj-ect Leader specializing in recrea-tion, trails, and wilderness projects

at MTDC since 1993. He received abachelor of science degree in forestryfrom the University of Massachusetts

in 1974, and a master of sciencedegree in outdoor recreation from UtahState University in 1976. Brian hasworked for the Nez Perce, Bighorn,Winema, and Routt National Forestsin recreation, wilderness, lands,

planning, rural community assistance,special uses, fire, and timber positions.Before coming to MTDC he was anassistant staff officer for wildernessand recreation on the Nez PerceNational Forest.

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Appendix A—Job Hazard Analyses for Riding Mountain Bicyclesand for Trailers

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Appendix A

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Appendix B—Kurt Loheit’s Tool Holder (Fits B.O.B. Yak Trailer)

List of materials for the tool holder:

1 each — 137⁄8 x 53⁄4 x 5⁄8-inch polyethylene sheet or equivalent

1 each — 153⁄4 x 6 x 5⁄8-inch polyethylene sheet or equivalent

2 each — 91⁄2 x 3⁄

4 x 3⁄

4-inch C-channel aluminum

2 each — 131⁄4 x 3⁄4 x 3⁄4-inch C-channel aluminum

4 each — 11⁄2 x 1⁄2-inch steel angle brackets

12 each — No. 8 x 5⁄8-inch self-tapping screws

16 each — No. 8 x 3⁄8-inch bolts

16 each — No. 8 large-diameter washers

16 each — No. 8 nylon lock nuts

4 each — Cable clamps, 5⁄8-inch diameter (metal preferred)

List of tools:

11⁄8-inch-diameter hole saw

11⁄2-inch-diameter hole saw




Hand drill with No. 8 clearance drill, and No. 8 tap drill bits


• Side and elevation drawings of the trailer and assembled tool holder are shown in Drawing A.• Start by fabricating the tool holder plates (Drawings B and C). The widths may vary from trailer to trailer, so all parts

should be fitted before the final assembly.• Cut the aluminum C-channel into the specified lengths.• Attach the C-channel to the plates using the self-tapping screws.• Drill the clearance holes for the screws going into the C-channel that will hold the angle brackets to the tool plates.

Use the No. 8 tap drill and drill only 1⁄8- to 1⁄4-inch deep.• Attach the angle brackets to the C-channel using the No. 8 bolts and lock nuts.• Once the tool holders are assembled, fit them onto the trailer. Place a Mcleod in the holders to adjust the front

holder so that the Mcleod tines straddle the trailer frame. (The rear holder sits all the way to the back of the trailer.)• Now mark the C-channel for the location of the cable clamps.• Attach the clamps around the trailer frame and screw them into the tool holder.• Attach the angle brackets to the trailer, inserting the No. 8 bolts through the brackets and the mesh bottom of the

trailer. Use the large-diameter washers with lock nuts.• Now the tools can be placed in their slots and secured with the 4-point bungee supplied with the trailer.

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Side View of theB.O.B. Trailer WithTool Holder and Tools


Top View of theB.O.B. Trailer WithTool Holder and Tools

Placement of tool holder assemblies

Trailer front ➞

Appendix B

Use 8-32 x 1⁄2-inch hardware to attach the tool holders. Place thelarge washers on the wire-mesh bottom of the trailer to preventthe nuts from pulling through. Secure it with the lock nuts.


Adjust the front bracket so that as the sideways-facing tines of the Mcleod face toward the centerof the trailer, the frame slips between the tines.

B.O.B. bungee cord




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Polyethylene Plate of Front Tool Holder

Assembled Front Tool Holder


Appendix B



3⁄4 x 131⁄4-inchC-channel aluminum

Locate and attachthe clamps afterthe assemblieshave been fittedonto the trailer.The clamps fitaround the trailer’supper frame.

1⁄2 x 11⁄2-inchsteel angle bracket


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Polyethylene Plate of Rear Tool Holder

Assembled Rear Tool Holder


Appendix B


1⁄2 x 11⁄


steel angle bracket

Use No. 8 x 5⁄8-inch self-tapping screws to attach theC-channel and clamps to the polyethylene plate.

Use 8-32 x 3⁄8-inch self-tapping screws to attachthe C-channels andclamps to the toolbracket.

Cable clamp

3⁄4 x 91⁄2-inchC-channel aluminum

11⁄4"11⁄2" 11⁄2"11⁄4"

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Library CardVachowski, Brian. 1998. Tech. Rep.9823-2812-MTDC. Missoula, MT: U.S.Department of Agriculture, ForestService, Missoula Technology andDevelopment Center. 21 electronic p.

Describes how trail crews using moun-tain bikes have doubled productionwhile logging out deadfall from trailson the Seward Ranger District. Showsa design for a bicycle-mounted chainsaw carrier, and evaluates severalsingle-wheeled bicycle trailers. Con-struction plans for a trailer tool holderand product sources are included.

Keywords: bicycle trailers, mountainbicycles, trail equipment, trail mainte-nance.

Additional single copies of thisdocument may be ordered from:

USDA Forest Service, MTDCBuilding 1, Fort MissoulaMissoula, MT 59804-7294Phone: (406) 329-3900Fax: (406) 329-3719IBM: pubs/wo,mtdcE-mail: pubs/[email protected]

An electronic copy of this docu-ment is available on the ForestService’s FSWeb intranet at:

For further technical information,contact Brian Vachowski at theaddress above.

Phone: (406) 329-3935Fax: (406) 329-3719IBM: bvachowski/wo,mtdcE-mail: bvachowski/[email protected]