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Usability Aspects of MP3 Player Documentation

Documentation Usability Heuristics Revised – a Case Study

Juha Hämäläinen University of Tampere

School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies English Philology Pro Gradu Thesis

April 2008

Tampereen yliopisto Englantilainen filologia Kieli- ja käännöstieteiden laitos HÄMÄLÄINEN, JUHA: Usability Aspects of MP3 Player Documentation. Documentation Usability Heuristics Revised – a Case Study. Pro gradu -tutkielma, 91 sivua Kevät 2008 Tutkielman päätavoitteena on arvioida käyttäjädokumentaation käytettävyyttä Vesa Purhon (2000) sitä tarkoitusta varten laatimaa heuristiikkalistaa käyttäen. Toissijainen tavoite on arvioida tutkimuksessa käytetyn metodin ja heuristiikkojen toimivuutta käyttäjädokumentaation käytettävyyden arvioinnissa. Teoriaosassa pohditaan ensin informaatiosuunnittelun merkitystä käyttäjädokumentaation laatimisessa. Siihen liittyen tarkastellaan sitä, millainen käytetyn kielen osuus on informaatiosuunnittelussa ja miten kielelliset osatekijät vaikuttavat dokumentaation laatuun sekä millaisia tunnusmerkkejä hyvässä dokumentaatiossa on. Kohderyhmien kartoittamisen ja arvioinnin tärkeys sekä niiden suhde informaatiosuunnitteluun on olennainen osa käytettävyyden perustaa, ja niiden lisäksi pohditaan myös teknisen dokumentaation lukemiseen liittyviä motiiveja ja lukemistapoja. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös sitä, miten käytettävyys määritellään ja mistä osatekijöistä se muodostuu. Nämä osatekijät huomioon ottaen tarkastellaan arvioinnin pohjana olevia Purhon käyttäjädokumentaation käytettävyysheuristiikkoja ja niiden suhdetta ja eroja Jakob Nielsenin käyttöliittymien käytettävyysheuristiikkoihin. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin iPod-merkkisen MP3-soittimen englanninkielistä käyttöohjetta. Ohjeista jätettiin huomiotta iPodin ja tietokoneen välinen käyttöliittymä sekä osa-alueet, jotka eivät liity MP3-tiedostojen toistamiseen tai laitteen yleisiin toimintoihin. Käyttöohje arvioitiin heuristisesti käymällä aineisto järjestelmällisesti läpi jokaista heuristiikkaa vasten arvioiden samalla, mikä löydettyjen käytettävyysongelmien vakavuusaste on. MP3-soittimen käyttäjädokumentaatio osoittautui laadultaan epätasaiseksi, ja sieltä löytyi yllättäviä ongelmia varsinkin informaation hakuun liittyen. Heuristisen arvioinnin tulokset osoittivat Purhon heuristiikkojen toimivan käytettävyysongelmien kartoittamisessa sellaisenaan myös tämäntyyppisen materiaalin arvioinnissa, mutta näin suppean kohdedokumentaation ollessa kyseessä niitä voisi myös joiltakin osin kehittää pienten dokumentaatiokokonaisuuksien arvioimista varten. Avainsanat: käytettävyys, heuristiikat, käytettävyysanalyysi, tekninen viestintä, käyttäjädokumentaatio

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Material and Method......................................................................................... 3

1.2 Organisation of This Study ............................................................................... 5

2 User Documentation for the Needs of Target Groups ........................................... 7

2.1 Design and Features of Technical Documentation ........................................... 8

2.2 Target Groups and the MP3 Player................................................................. 16

2.3 Reading Process and Motives ......................................................................... 22

3 Usability and Usability Heuristics ....................................................................... 27

3.1 Basics of Usability .......................................................................................... 28

3.2 Purho’s Documentation Usability Heuristics ................................................. 33

4 Usability Analysis of the User Documentation.................................................... 49

4.1 Motive and Method for the Analysis .............................................................. 49

4.2 Results of the Heuristic Analysis.................................................................... 51

5 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 77

References....................................................................................................................... 87

List of Figures

Figure 1: Technical writing focus (Stratton, 1996)........................................................... 7 Figure 2: A warning in iPod and the notification text (Apple Inc., 2006a) .................... 13 Figure 3: Demographics of personal digital music player owners (adapted from the Entertainment Media Research & Olswang 2007 Digital Music Survey results) .......... 18 Figure 4: Usability framework (ISO 9241-11, 1998) ..................................................... 29 Figure 5: Using iPod menus............................................................................................ 55 Figure 6: Playing music with iPod.................................................................................. 56 Figure 7: iPod Dock connector ....................................................................................... 59 Figure 8: iPod controls.................................................................................................... 66 Figure 9: Lack of caption in iPod instructions................................................................ 69

List of Examples

Example 1: Deficient user documentation (Technical Standards, 2007)........................ 15 Example 2: iPod task sequence supporting users’ workflow ......................................... 54 Example 3: iPod troubleshooting instructions ................................................................ 59 Example 4: iPod task with preconditions and outcomes ................................................ 61 Example 5: Layout of headings, procedures, and steps.................................................. 62 Example 6: A warning and a note in iPod user manual.................................................. 64 Example 7: Information content of the Important message............................................ 64 Example 8: Instructions without a list or steps ............................................................... 68 Example 9: iPod procedure and preconditions ............................................................... 70 Example 10: Consistency of procedural information ..................................................... 72 Example 11: Layout of topics in chapter 7 ..................................................................... 73 Example 12: Notice in iPod user documentation............................................................ 74 Example 13: The summary at the beginning of chapter 2 .............................................. 76


1 Introduction

Now that music is bought and distributed in digital format in increasing

numbers on the Internet, the MP3 format is gradually taking over the market from the

traditional music formats, such as CDs and vinyl releases. The 2007 Digital Music

Survey conducted by Entertainment Media Research & Olswang (2007) revealed that

MP3 players or mobile phones are increasingly more popular music listening media. It

has been estimated that at some point, although not in the distant future, the traditional

music formats will be completely replaced by digital media.

The most popular and dominant digital audio file format at the moment is MP3,

and it is almost universally supported (Tech-tips, 2007). A good general description of

the MP3 audio encoding format is available in Futuremark Corporation’s (2007)

hardware dictionary:

An abbreviation of MPEG Audio-Layer 3. This is a compression algorithm developed by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany and later standardised by the MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) that permits audio files to be highly compressed and yet retain excellent levels of quality. The algorithm takes advantage of the fact that human hearing is not “perfect” and that certain frequencies or groups of sounds are far less audible than others; therefore if they are removed from the original source, the modified sample will sound virtually the same. Other compression tricks are used in the algorithm too.

In short, MP3 is a compression standard which preserves quality sound in files of

reduced size which can be downloaded quickly on the Internet. There are also other

reasons why it has become extremely popular so rapidly, as the following passage from

the dissertation by Williams (2002) reveals:


MP3 is an open standard, meaning no one organization controls it. On the Internet, open standards win and this is why even without any significant corporate backing, MP3 is already the de facto standard. There are more MP3 listeners, software programs, and hardware devices than any other CD quality audio format in the world.

Because the number of MP3 player users increases all the time and the MP3

players have a very mixed audience, it is in current interest to investigate the usability

of MP3 player user manuals. The documentation affects the way people use the devices

and the overall listening experience and user satisfaction. Despite the widespread

popularity of MP3 players, the usability of their user documentation has not been

studied much.

For several years, usability has been one of the most important aspects of my

work. I have become acquainted with it through my work at Citec Information in the

field of technical communication, writing and editing all kinds of user documentation

from descriptions and referential texts to procedures and troubleshooting instructions.

Usability is an important and current topic. There are so many people who have at some

point been exposed to poorly written, faulty, or even incomprehensible instructions in a

user manual. A study conducted at the University of Tampere regarding the technical

communication research needs in companies (Kaleva, 2000) confirms that companies

are interested in improving their documentation. Usability, readability,

understandability, layout, and how to conduct cheap and successful usability testing

were established as being among the prime interest areas to the companies that

answered the survey. Although Kaleva’s study can be regarded as rather old, because

the field of technical communication develops so radiply, the area of the study is so vast

that there is much more work yet to be done.


1.1 Material and Method

The main purpose of this study is to examine MP3 player documentation

usability through heuristic analysis. The secondary purpose is to interpret the analysis

results to examine whether the currently used documentation usability heuristics are

relevant and accurate or whether they need updating.

I am going to examine the usability aspects of one particular 80GB iPod MP3

player user manual, the English version of the Fifth generation iPod late 2006 features

guide (Apple Inc., 2006a), also more informally referred to as the fifth generation iPod

user manual. The manual can be freely downloaded from the Apple Inc. web page.

This particular user manual was chosen for the analysis for the following

reasons. First, the iPod MP3 players manufactured by Apple are among the leading

MP3 players in the market at the moment as far as the sales figures go. Apple Inc.

(2007) announced in April 2007 in their press release 100 million iPods sold that

although the first iPod was sold as recently as in November 2001, 100 million iPods

have already been sold since then, and the sales figures have made iPod the best-selling

digital music player series in history.

Second, this particular iPod model has many functionalities, therefore there is a

big possibility of running into problematic procedures and situations in the instructions.

Third, the user manual is freely available on the Internet, and fourth, I have the

opportunity to analyse the instructions and procedures in practice, because I own this

particular MP3 player myself.

In the analysis I will concentrate on the general functions of the player and the

topics related to playing music. General functions and instructions in chapter iPod

Basics (Apple Inc., 2006a) include instructions for using the keys and functions, menus,

and handling the player. Topics related to playing music also include podcasts, audio


books, and radio, which are analysed because podcasts and audio books are often

distributed in MP3 format. The interface between iPod and the computer, that is, the use

of the iTunes software, will be left out of the scope of this research, because it would

include so many new areas and aspects to the scope that a proper in-depth analysis on

usability aspects would be impossible within the limits of this research.

I will investigate in detail, using a certain list of heuristics, the level of usability

in the manual is and whether there is a need for improvements. Heuristic analysis means

a systematic evaluation for usability in order to find the usability problems in the

documentation or in the design of a product, conducted by using a set of predefined

principles, that is, heuristics, defined especially for the purpose of usability analysis

(Nielsen, 2008a). I expect to discover errors and problematic procedures in the user

manual which may lead to the user’s frustration or even misuse of the MP3 player. My

hypothesis is that, although the heuristics I have chosen are, in my view, suitable for

evaluating the usability of documentation, they need some updating, because there are

some aspects in documentation usability for which they do not account.

I am going to discuss the ten usability heuristics of Jakob Nielsen (2008b) and

Vesa Purho (2000) in my research. Nielsen’s heuristics list is widely recognised and

very extensive for evaluating the usability of the user interfaces of software products,

but it cannot be directly used in evaluating the usability of user documentation.

However, based on Nielsen’s ten heuristics, Purho has created his own set of heuristics

for evaluating documentation usability, which I am going use in the analysis.

Although Purho’s heuristics have been previously used in heuristic evaluations,

only a few individual studies are available. Teija Salomaa (2004) and Paula Laakkonen

(2006), for example, have both written a Master’s thesis using Purho’s documentation

usability heuristics as the basis of their analysis. On the other hand, neither of them have


analysed the actual heuristics. Therefore, more use cases are needed so that we can

determine whether his heuristics are applicable to individual use cases and whether the

heuristics should be modified to suit the needs of documentation usability evaluation

more comprehensively.

1.2 Organisation of This Study

I will start the theory part of my thesis by discussing the role of information

design in user documentation in Chapter 2. I will also discuss the linguistic aspects of

information design and what kind of other features constitute good user documentation.

I will then discuss the importance of knowing the target groups for the products and

user documentation so that usability can be improved, and how the target groups can be

defined. Then I will address the reasons why people read documentation. Users have

different motives for reading, and the situation and motives affect how users read


In Chapter 3, I will discuss the basics of usability and usability heuristics. As

Hargis et al. (2004, 4) write, usability is “an umbrella concept”, meaning that usability

encompasses many different and important aspects, and I will discuss the most

important ones bearing in mind the focus of this study. Purho’s list of ten

documentation usability heuristics and their relationship and differences with Nielsen’s

ten user interface usability heuristics will be considered before the actual analysis

chapter. I will discuss their relationship with the different kind of aspects of usability

discussed in the previous chapters, such as target groups and reading strategies. I will

also define how Purho’s heuristics will be used as the method for the usability analysis.

In Chapter 4, I will conduct a detailed usability analysis on the user manual in

question and analyse the findings against Purho’s usability heuristics, before reporting


the findings of the analysis and giving the overall severity rating of the usability

problems found.

In Chapter 5, I will finish my thesis by shortly rounding up Purho’s heuristics,

the factors that affect the usability of user documentation, and evaluating the results of

the heuristic analysis. In this chapter I will also conclude which usability aspects of user

documentation the heuristics possibly do not cover properly and discuss how the

heuristics could and should be updated.


2 User Documentation for the Needs of Target Groups

The focus of technical user documentation must be on the relationship between

the subject and the reader, and the writer is just a mediator in the background building a

transparent interaction between them (Stratton, 1996, 40-41). The following figure

describes the writing focus.

Figure 1: Technical writing focus (Stratton, 1996) In my experience, in order to achieve this, the writer has to know the reader and the

target group, their motives for reading the documentation, and how to convey the

message clearly and unambiguously with the help of effective information design. I see

these factors as the major constituents of documentation usability. Effective information

design is also one of Purho’s (2000) user documentation usability heuristics and I will

expand on the topic in Chapter 3 along with the usability issues, but before that I will

discuss the aspects I mentioned in more detail.


2.1 Design and Features of Technical Documentation

Information design is difficult to define and describe, and there are various

names for it (Petterson, 2002, 19). In my view, the following two definitions best

describe the concept of information design when it is discussed in the context of

usability, therefore the term information design will be based on these in my thesis. The

definition by the International Institute for Information Design (2008) is the following:

Information design is the defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message and the environments it is presented in with the intention of achieving particular objectives in relation to the needs of users.

In my experience it summarises well the basic ideas of information design. While the

following definition is not as clear and concise, it complements the previous definition

by specifying some aspects more closely:

In order to satisfy the information needs of the intended receivers information design comprises analysis, planning, presentation and understanding of a message – its content, language and form. Regardless of the selected medium, a well designed information set will satisfy aesthetic, economic, ergonomic, as well as subject matter requirements. (Petterson, 2002, 19.)

These two definitions together present a clear and comprehensive definition of the main

aspects of information design. I will discuss effective information design and its role

and importance in usability next and these definitions will form the basis for the


Good, clear, and usable user documentation starts with good information

design which helps the users to achieve their goals when using an application. That is,

modifying the text and figures so that they invite and motivate readers by making it

easier to see when the documentation might be useful, and by supporting readers in


discovering how the documentation could be used in order for them to reach their goals.

(Schriver, 1997, 11.)

When delving deeper into the specifics of effective information design in user

documentation, there are many aspects to consider. First I will deal with language. So

what is good text and good technical user documentation like? To start with, the

language is different from our everyday language and prose. Yli-Jokipii (2004, 83-85)

mentions that the language used in technical texts can be labeled as ESP, English for

specific purposes. There are certain characteristics in English language that differentiate

standard English from the language used in technology: syntactic qualities, nominal

sentences, vocabulary, and readability. The syntax of technical language differs from

that of standard English language, because the texts are often intended to be informative

or descriptive. The vocabulary is different and words have meanings different from

normal. The use of nominal sentence structures means that the language contains many

nouns, adverbs, and adjectives, making the language very concise. In my experience the

lack of relevant terminology, and the use of abstract or esoteric terminology, presents

the possibility of usability problems in user documentation, thus slowing readers down.

Purho (2000) mentions that the imperative form and active voice are important,

which is the general consensus when writing effective user instructions. It addresses the

user directly and makes it clear what to do, and it is the best way of conveying the

message, but the active voice or imperative is not necessarily, however, always the best

way to write instructions. McCaskill (1998, 10, 29) and Reep (1997, 138) list, for

example, the following situations when the use of passive voice may be more

appropriate: the actor is not important or known, the receiver should be emphasized, or

some variety is needed in a passage using an active voice. Nevertheless, these are just

exceptions to the general rule. All these aspects related to language can be used in


heuristic usability evaluation of user documentation. They are related to other aspects of

usability than information design, which will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.2.

Next I will consider some general aspects which are also related to language.

User documentation most often contains referential and instructional

information, and Nykänen (2002, 10) argues that the main purpose of this type of texts

is simply to provide information. He lists other factors that constitute good user

documentation as compared to prose: it is intended to communicate information and

guide reader’s actions, its style is neutral, the text is unambiguous and can be shortened

without losing its meaning, and it is logical and based on facts. The language in user

documentation should be, according to Walker (2001, 3), adapted to the context in

which the instructions are used, that is, how formal the representation of the message

and language used need to be. She argues that: “Such considerations influence decisions

that have to be made about, for example, method of character assembly, and use of

language and graphic and spatial conventions.” In my view this means that the use of

language is not restricted to just writing simple instructions in imperative form, but it is

connected to many other aspects of user documentation usability and information

design, such as typography, layout, and the use of illustrations.

Nykänen (2002, 9-10) asserts that accuracy and consistency of the information,

as well as the level of detail of technical information, are very important factors in texts

dealing with technology. The quantities, units, and the use of notations have to be used

in conformity with the standards and consistently within user documentation, and the

style of the writing has to be easy to read and appropriate for the chosen medium and

purpose while keeping the language itself clear and correct. In my experience

wordiness, complexity, ambiguity, inaccuracy, and incorrect language are factors that

affect the usability of user documentation to a great extent. Nykänen (2002, 14) remarks


that you also have to edit the pictures, typography, layout, and all other necessary

details, and that these factors contribute to the readability and usability of user


In my estimation, it is easier for the users to read and learn simple and short

sentences which most often state only the relevant information for that exact moment

and action, instead of linking all information into large units. Yli-Jokipii (2004, 85)

argues that although there are no clear results when it comes to determining which

factors affect the readability of a technical text, it seems that unfamiliar words and terms

slow readers down. The following combination of definitions of readability by Hargis et

al. (2004, 6) and Alasilta (2000, 200) is good as a general definition: the ease of reading

words and sentences, and understanding them. But Pikulski (2002) argues that the

definition of readability should reflect the interactivity between the many characteristics

of the reader and the text. He states that a satisfactory definition which also takes into

consideration the more recent studies and theory is the following: “The level of ease or

difficulty with which text material can be understood by a particular reader who is

reading that text for a specific purpose.” In my mind this more comprehensive

definition reflects information design and target group analysis, and therefore it is

obvious from the description that readability is one of the many aspects of

documentation usability, which is why I will use Pikulski’s interpretation as the

definition of readability in this thesis. I will discuss reading techniques and motives in

Chapter 2.3, but first I will expand on the visual side of information design which

influences both readability and usability of user documentation.

Walker (2001, 3, 172) states that in information design, one has to take into

account the target group, the context of use, and the information contents. When it

comes to visual organisation, and more specifically typography, in other words the


style, size, and arrangement of the letters, they significantly affect how the text is read,

interpreted, and understood. By this she means that the graphic representation should be

such that it helps the users to understand the instructions. To begin with, the main title

and the other headings should describe the relevant characteristics of the content

(Alasilta, 2000, 149). Lyytikäinen and Riikonen (1995, 33) add to this by stating that

the main functions of the title are first, to get the users to read the instructions by being

interesting both visually and content-wise, and second, to provide the users an image of

the general language and feel of the documentation and its consistency. Next I will

examine the characteristics of typography and layout, and what kind of requirements

they set for information from the point of view of information design and usability.

The title should form a clear contrast with the general content and the rest of

the typography by being big, bold, or dark enough (Lyytikäinen and Riikonen, 1995,

35). Although the uppercase text or titles can be used for getting the users’ attention, it

should not be overused, because it is slower to read than normal text (Nielsen, 1993,

118-119). Mixed-case letters break up the text into shapes that users can recognise more

easily, and that kind of text can give a more professional impression than all uppercase

text (Nielsen and Loranger, 2006).

Schriver (1997, 315, 358) states that every element on the same page interacts

with one another, therefore main elements and their interaction with other elements

should be taken considered in the information design phase. Spatial cues, such as size,

position, and the size and location of the graphic elements should be carefully planned.

According to Nielsen (1993, 119), the gestalt rules for human perception should be used

to help the users understand which elements in the user manual or the product belong

together by placing them close together, inside the same boundaries, or by presenting

them in similar shapes, colours, sizes, or typography. Especially visual and


typographical factors are in my view important when the different needs of target

groups are evaluated, but their needs and qualities are discussed in more detail in

Chapter 2.2.

The following issues related to graphic design may present problems to the

users, which means that the usability of the user documentation suffers. If the layout is

designed poorly or there are missing captions and labels, it is harder for the users to

scan the text. Typographic cues which are used inconsistently have the same effect: if

bold type, bulleting, underlining, or indenting is used too excessively, it is difficult to

notice which parts of the text are important. Random use of symbols and icons, and

contextual mismatch between illustrations and accompanying text do not help the users

to understand the information. (Schriver, 1997, 449.)

Good graphic design is a key to a dialogue that the users understand (Nielsen,

1993, 117). Graphic devices and the layout affect how the users interpret the

information (Walker, 2001, 12, 172). The following kind of figure (Apple Inc., 2006a),

for example, is easily noticed on the page and it complements the instructions

underneath it:

Figure 2: A warning in iPod and the notification text (Apple Inc., 2006a)


In my experience excess of illustrations does not convey the message clearly, especially

if they are unnecessary or if there is not enough space used to separate them from the

other information content. But the lack of illustrations may prevent the users from

understanding the message successfully. Markel (2007, 130) sums the previous ideas up

in one sentence when he writes that appropriate graphics added in right places would

simplify the instructions.

In my mind all these typographical issues discussed contribute to usability and

they can be evaluated with heuristic analysis, and as discussed earlier, those issues are

important in target group analysis, which is why graphic design should pay attention to

the colours used in the user documentation and in the actual product. Nielsen (1993,

119) suggests that the number of colours should be limited to no more than 5 to 7

different colours, because otherwise the clarity of the documentation and user interface

suffers making the information harder to remember. It should be remembered that the

documentation and the product should function without colours, because many people

are colour-blind, which means approximately 8% of the male population. An example

of functional graphics for different readers is the figure (see page 18) presenting the

MP3 player demographics in Chapter 2.2.

In my experience the purpose of user documentation is basically to provide

help for using the product and for using it more efficiently, and all these aforementioned

aspects of information design help to achieve that. Their importance to documentation

usability can be seen in the following example taken from the Technical Standards web

page (2007). It describes the assembly instructions of Butchers Trolley, which sums up

everything that can be done wrong in the information design of user documentation:


Example 1: Deficient user documentation (Technical Standards, 2007) The usability of the documentation and the product is severely decreased by poor

information design. The language is inconsistent and grammatically poor, instructions

are ambiguous, some steps include several procedures, and readability is substandard.

The graphics are unclear, they have no captions, graphics and text do not complement

each other (the figure is related to step 4), and the warning does not stand out either in

the procedure or in the figure.

There are many other factors related to usability than information design that

have to be considered, for example, determining the target groups and meeting the

users’ needs. Target groups, especially those of MP3 players, will be discussed next,

and usability issues will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.


2.2 Target Groups and the MP3 Player

There are different purposes for user documentation, and different user and

target groups need different kind of documentation (Lyytikäinen, 1998, 66). In the ISO

standard 9241-11 (1998) the need for user analysis and knowing the context is described

as follows:

Relevant characteristics of the users need to be described. These can include knowledge, skill, experience, education, training, physical attributes, and motor and sensory capabilities. It may be necessary to define the characteristics of different types of user, for example users having different levels of experience or performing different roles.

In my view all these aspects listed in the ISO standard 9241-11 influence how the text is

perceived, read, and understood, and what should be written and using what kind of

language – therefore all these contribute to the usability of the user documentation.

Besides the variability of the tasks, the factors that have the largest impact on

usability are the characteristics of individual users (Nielsen, 1993, 73). Therefore it is

essential to know the audience, because the more writers know about their target group,

the more likely the text is to reach its goals. The following attribute classes help to

define target groups: user types, personal attributes, tasks, equipment, technical

environment, and physical environment (ISO 9241-11, 1998). These also have an effect

on the reading process and readers’ motivation, which will be discussed in Chapter 2.3.

When defining the target group, the context of use can be narrowed down if at

least these following attributes, with which we can break down the contents of the

attribute classes just mentioned, are considered and analysed: user’s age, gender,

motivation, general knowledge, intellectual ability, is the user a primary or secondary

user, language skills, and physical environment and place at the time of the use (ISO

9241-11, 1998). Whether the attributes can or cannot be defined, they have an impact on


the usability of the documentation. Schriver (1997, 163) writes that in order to make

better visual and verbal decisions the target group analysis should include a comparison

between the writer and the users concerning the knowledge, values, and beliefs about

the subject. The typographic and linguistic conventions in relation to information design

were discussed in Chapter 2.1. According to her (Schriver, 1997, 164), knowledge of

the target groups helps the writers to become more considerate of the users’ needs and

point of view.

Hackos and Redish (1998, 412) state that we have to realise that it is not

enough if we just document the product, “think” about the possible audience, or use

only the product to design training materials. In information design and target group

analysis it is important to try to establish what the users need to know, what they know,

and what they do not know. The non-native users should also be taken into

consideration, according to Hoft (1995, 205), because if they have trouble

understanding the language in the user documentation, they may become frustrated and

dissatisfied, which they may direct on the product itself and choose to use another

vendor’s product instead. There is even a possibility of misuse of the product, which

may cause, for example, loss of data or damage to the product.

Although iPods and other MP3 players can be used by everyone, just as almost

any other product, it is still very important to try to define the target group, the personal

characteristics, abilities, and needs of the readers. The target group of the iPods is not

easy to define. As a broad definition, the target group could be defined consisting of a

group of people from teenagers to middle-aged users. It means that there many different

user groups within the target audience, each group possessing different skills and

characteristics, each group of course differing internally.


This view of the iPod target group being hard to define in detail is shared by

the Entertainment Media Research & Olswang (2007) survey which gathered data from

1,721 respondents. The results reveal that the ownership of digital music players has

spread across all demographics. Entertainment Media Research, the other party in

conducting the survey, is a leading research consultancy for music and entertainment,

and Olswang is a leading law firm known for working in the field of

telecommunications, media, and technology, for example. The following pie chart

(Figure 3) which I drew based on the statistics and figures in that survey displays these

ownership percentages in the different age groups:

Figure 3: Demographics of personal digital music player owners (adapted from the Entertainment Media Research & Olswang 2007 Digital Music Survey results)


This kind of variety within a target group which is very diverse presents a great

challenge to technical writers. It is difficult to design and compose user documentation

of a high level of usability with this kind of background information.

Marketing goals can help to narrow down the target group of such products as

digital music players. Although this kind of user manuals are intended to serve the

needs of all the people within the target group, some concessions have to be made,

otherwise the manual may become too extensive or too general, which decreases its

usability. The main audience often dictates the style and content of the user manual in

general, but other users are of course taken into consideration, too. When over 80% of

the users are within the age group of 13 to 34 years, as shown in the previous figure,

marketing is mainly aimed at those users, and thus the content is often based on

information about that user group, modified so that it suits the needs of the rest of the

user groups.

Anastasia Goodstein (2007) wrote an article in BusinessWeek, in which she

acknowledges the fact that marketing of the iPod is targeted specifically at young

people, especially teenagers, who are more easily influenced than adults. Users within

the age group of 13 to 24 years, who constitute more than a half of the users, are in that

marketing target group. Goodstein has read many studies about teens’ favourite brands

since 2004 and Apple seems to be at the top of every brand list. The success of iPods

and MP3 players in general is obvious in this quote:

Research from consulting firm the Keller Fay Group found that the product teens talk to each other about most is the iPod. A survey by Piper Jaffray (PJC) found that 78% of high school students own a portable media player, and that of those students, 82% own an iPod. Obsession with iPods has spread to Apple's other products – namely, the iPhone. (Goodstein, 2007.)


There are other surveys and studies that confirm the same outcome. For

example, Hau (2007) wrote that although Apple iPod sales during the first half of the

year went down to 71% from the 76% last year in the United States, Apple is the clear

leader. He notes that Sandisk comes second with sales of 10%, and the next three brands

are all under five per cent market share. The annual global brand value ranking by the

market research company Millward Brown Optimor (2008) reveals that Apple is one of

the biggest risers in the list with 123% increase from the last year, which lifts Apple to

the seventh place leaving behind brands such as Nokia and McDonalds. In the

technology-only category Apple is fourth – behind Google, Microsoft, and IBM.

The outward appearance of an MP3 player may affect the audience. A certain

kind of look can attract certain people. Looks and appearance are very important to

young people. But if the product is beautiful, small, and attractive besides being good

and reliable, all users are more likely to use the same brand longer and praise it to their

friends. Mattelmäki and Battarbee (2000, 161) state that usability alone does not

guarantee success, because the product has to affect the users on an emotional level and

brand loyalty comes through emotional experiences which enhance the value of the

product to the users. However, they note that background knowledge of the users helps

to develop the product in a more favourable direction.

In her article Goodstein (2007) pointed out some of the main factors that

contribute to success of Apple’s youth marketing. She stresses the importance of

meeting a real need, that is, music has always been one of the most important aspects of

teenagers’ lives. Although the product itself may meet the real needs of the users, it

does not necessarily mean that either the user documentation is usable or that the

documentation meets the users’ or even the target group’s needs.


Most of us have listened to music and made collections on tape to share with

friends and discuss them and socialise when we were young. Some do still, but now

using other kinds of music and storage formats. Goodstein (2007) argues that the iPod

has become the digital equivalent of mix tapes.

Besides making friends and socialising via music and shared tastes, people

express themselves through music. As Apple created the iTunes online music store

where you can buy single songs under one euro apiece instead of whole CDs, Goodstein

(2007) notes that teenagers were given free hands to create their own content.

Creativity, especially that possibility provided to the customer, sells. Not to mention the

fact that they now can have their entire music collection in one portable device.

In my opinion there is so much music available that people, whether teenagers

or adults, do not have enough money to buy as many CDs as they would like. Now that

downloading music is so easy, people download music without paying for it instead of

buying a CD. These views are supported by Goodstein (2007), Pew Internet &

American Life Project (2003), and the recent Entertainment Media Research &

Olswang (2007) survey which revealed that illegal downloading is now at its highest

level despite the signs of decline last year. The survey showed that the main reasons

behind this are: it is free (91% of respondents), can find everything looking for (42%),

and that only 33% download less for fear of being prosecuted.

This means that quite a lot of the music people have in their MP3 players has

been illegally downloaded from friends or the Internet, even according to surveys such

as the 2007 Digital Music Survey. Although the survey revealed that teenagers are the

group most likely to download more often in the future, the user groups between 18 and

34 years are inclined to increase their downloads most. (Entertainment Media Research

& Olswang, 2007.)


All these future prospects affect the design of the user documentation of digital

music players, because the inclination towards MP3 music format use is concentrated to

certain user groups whose needs and goals have to be taken into consideration even

more than before. This may affect the usability of user documentation, because the

content may become mainly intended for those target groups, and the usability of the

user documentation for other user groups, although they should be noted, may be left


Alasilta (2000, 143) and Nykänen (2002, 9) summarise the main points of

recognising the target group as the following: what do the readers want and need, what

are their preconceptions of the topic, what kind of different groups are there within the

target audience, and how skilled and interested are the readers? Reep (1997, 36)

mentions that the reading style also varies depending on the user.

2.3 Reading Process and Motives

As discussed in the previous chapter, the 2007 Digital Music Survey revealed

that although 77% of the respondents own a personal digital player, the market has not

reached saturation yet (Entertainment Media Research & Olswang, 2007). The target

group of the MP3 players is so vast that it cannot be assumed that instructions for

novice users are not needed anymore. There are even arguments against the need to

study the users, because they change when they gain knowledge through interacting

with a new product, but products are successful only if they provide users with positive

and successful first experiences (Hackos and Redish, 1998, 78).

Although the number of experienced and expert users is growing all the time,

the above-mentioned survey points out that there are still 23% of the respondents who

do not own a personal digital music player, and 11% of those stated that they intend to

purchase one during the next six months (Entertainment Media Research & Olswang,


2007). This means that simple and clear instructions for new users of MP3 players are

still needed. Thus, there is a need for instructions for all groups from experienced users

to novices, which keeps the target group rather varied. The reading process varies

corresponding to users’ level of expertise and their motives for reading.

Schriver (1997, 290-291) states that in general readers have four have common

motives: (1) reading to enjoy, (2) to assess, (3) to do, or (4) to learn to do. Reading for

enjoyment can be described with the feeling of satisfaction the reader gets in the

interaction with the text. This type of texts, such as short stories, novels, or newspapers,

often contain continuous narrative prose. Reading to assess means that the readers

estimate the relevance of the content of the documentation. The evaluation may be

anything from a quick glance to comprehensive evaluation, and the text may be, for

example, a report, correspondence, or a newspaper. According to Hackos and Redish

(1998, 425), the reason for reading user documentation is either to do or to learn to do.

Schriver (1997, 290-291) continues that the objective of reading to do is to perform a

task with the help of documentation. The purpose is not to interact with the

documentation but to accomplish something, thus the users often shift their attention

from the documentation to the product or object, which means that typography is

important. For example user manuals, helps, guides, and cookbooks fall into this

category. Reading to learn to do can be characterised as something that helps the users

to acquire background knowledge and understanding of how to use what they learn in

achieving their personal goals. This type of texts are often a mix of continuous prose,

itemised lists and procedural information, and illustrations.

Reep (1997, 39-40) lists the following five ways and motives for reading

technical user documentation, which reflect the different needs of the users:

1. Only the summary is used to get general information on the subject.


2. Users search the documentation for some specific sections or topics, for example to perform a certain task.

3. Users scan the documentation concentrating on information dealing with topics that interest them, pausing at key words.

4. Users go through analytically the entire documentation, because they need all the possible information they can get on the subject.

5. Users evaluate the documentation critically searching for faults or contradictions.

These five motives share many characteristics with Schriver’s (1997, 290-291) four

common reading motives just mentioned, but as these are more specific to technical

user documentation they can, in my experience, be used to better describe the reading

techniques and motives of MP3 player user documentation readers. Reep’s list specifies

not only the motives that users of technical documentation have, but in my experience

also the way users are most likely going to read the documentation, which will be

discussed next.

There are reading techniques for different kinds of situations, texts, and

purposes. Alasilta (2000, 40) has identified, for example, techniques from detailed

reading to skimming, mechanical to experiencing, absorbing to passing, and noticing to

analysing. The reading technique is selected based on our motives, but there are three

factors contributing to the selection of the reading technique: to which goal reading is

related, how motivating the subject is, and how skilled the reader in question is. In my

opinion these factors are related to the task of narrowing down the target group, which

was discussed in the previous chapter.

Before we can analyse the possible reading techniques and motives users are

likely to have when reading any particular user documentation, such as MP3 player user

manual, there is the challenge of motivating the users to read the instructions. Users are

surprisingly reluctant to even open up the user manual before they start to use a new

application. Based on anecdotal evidence many users are more likely not to read unless


they have to (Schriver, 1997, 164). Lyytikäinen and Riikonen (1995, 33) suggest that

already the title of the user manual should lure the reader into reading it, which sounds

to me a little far-fetched. But I understand the point that the title, as well as the general

look, gives the first impression of the manual, and if it is negative, the user is less likely

to turn to the manual for instructions. To begin with, the main title and the other

headings should describe the relevant characteristics of the content (Alasilta, 2000,

149). Lyytikäinen and Riikonen (1995, 33) add to this by stating that the main functions

of the title are first, to get the users to read the instructions by being interesting both

visually and content-wise, and second, to provide the users an image of the general

language and feel of the documentation and its consistency.

Johnson (1998, 118) points out that, after all, there is always a reason for using

an application and reading the instructions means just an additional delay in achieving

the desired outcome. That is, when we use an application we are so absorbed in figuring

out how to get the application to work towards our goals and that the user manual is

seen as unnecessary waste of time. Especially novice users, who want to take the

application immediately into use, do not have the time or patience to read user manuals

either before or during the action they want to perform (Johnson, 1998, 44, 82). Johnson

(1998, 44) emphasizes this view by stating that users who are learning to use a new

application need visually sensitive instructions which help them to use that product

without too much reading. In my view that type of readers are most likely to use a

skimming technique, leafing through only the topics of interest or relevance to them.

Preventing unnecessary reading and minimising the number of instructions

follows Nielsen’s (1993, 129) usability heuristic of minimising the users’ memory load,

which in turn enhances the learnability of the instructions. The aspects of usability, and

especially Nielsen’s usability heuristics, will be discussed in more detail in the next


chapter. Instructions are easier to read and learn if they have been written in step-by-

step procedures, and in sequences which belong together (Nielsen, 1993, 153). This

minimises the memory load, because the user does not have to go back that often or

remember the earlier passages, and it encourages the user to read the manual more. A

novice reader often reads this kind of procedures in a mechanical fashion.

The way I see it, techniques such as absorbing, analysing, and detailed reading

are usually used when the user has become acquainted with the application and wants to

learn more about its use. Experienced users may use these techniques as well, because

they are already more familiar with the product. Johnson (1998, 44) remarks that users

should not be provided with information which has been already digested – they should

have something real to read and learn instead of mindlessly reading through the user


Nykänen (2002, 13) points out that there is a positive correlation between

comprehensibility and how interesting the subject is. Users are also more likely to be

motivated to read and learn if there is a clear connection between what they are reading

and the new application to which they are applying their new knowledge (Johnson,

1998, 149). This is in connection to Nielsen’s (1993, 123) usability heuristic of

speaking the users’ language, that is, making sure that there is a connection between the

system and the real world. Johnson (1998, 148) adds that it is more likely that if the

users are comfortable and enjoy what they are doing, they will learn better.


3 Usability and Usability Heuristics

As mentioned in the Introduction, of all the usability testing methods I have

chosen heuristic evaluation as the basis for my research. In this chapter I will discuss

the most commonly known usability heuristics, that is, Nielsen’s heuristics, and

compare them with Purho’s documentation usability heuristics.

There are also several other methods for testing, analysing, and developing

usability and its aspects. Testing Standards Working Party (2005) have divided usability

testing into inquiries, inspections, and actual testing. They categorise interviews,

surveys, and questionnaires into inquiries, and inspections include cognitive

walkthroughs and heuristic evaluation. In addition, Nielsen (2008d) and Ovaska et al.

(2005, 6) mention several other usability evaluation methods besides those already

listed by the Testing Standards Working Party. These include think aloud protocol and

formal usability inspections.

As mentioned in the Introduction, heuristic analysis means evaluating a

product on the basis of a set of predefined principles, that is, heuristics, defined

especially for the purpose of usability analysis. Heuristic analysis is a method of

evaluating usability, but which is conducted without a test user, by a usability expert or

a group of experts (Korvenranta, 2005, 111). Evaluation is usually performed early in

the development cycle to find the usability problems and errors so that they can be

corrected (Hargis et al., 2004, 364). My conviction is that this should be done preferably

before the product is ready and in the shops, but that is not always the case, due to

financial pressure and faster product development cycles. Korvenranta (2005, 122)

notes that expert evaluations often focus on finding usability problems, which gives the

method a critical overtone. She suggests that also the well functioning parts and good


things about the product should be listed as positive things beside the problems – as

things that should be preserved.

3.1 Basics of Usability

Before going into the heuristics in more detail, we have to define usability.

Dimon (2004) argues that basically usability culminates to one thing: if the product

needs instructions or you have to explain it, there is room for improvement. At the same

time, he acknowledges the fact that it is very difficult to cover the complete spectrum in

one statement. By instructions he refers to manuals and large blocks of text. Dimon

clarifies this statement when he says that “…the length of your instructional text is

almost always inversely proportionate to the usability of your product.” Instructions are

still needed, because all products cannot be made so intuitive that the user has no need

for them. He advises to write concise and useful instructional manuals for users and not

to replace instructions with useless or confusing pictures. Instructions should be clear

and simple, tested with actual users, and possibly improved after user testing.

But let us go back and define what usability means in this study. The number

and scope of different variables and aspects of usability is vast, which is why there are

many different definitions of usability and how to measure it. Nielsen (2003), who is

one of the pioneers as regards usability study, has investigated human-computer

interaction and especially the usability of user interfaces. His short definition of

usability is the following: “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user

interfaces are to use. The word ‘usability’ also refers to methods for improving ease-of-

use during the design process.”

In the ISO standard 9241-11 (1998) it has been defined that to specify and

measure usability there are certain factors that have to be considered: “. . . it is

necessary to identify the goals and to decompose effectiveness, efficiency and


satisfaction and the components of the context of use into sub-components with

measurable and verifiable attributes.” The usability of products can be improved by

incorporating features and attributes known to benefit the users in a particular context of

use. A product can have significantly different levels of usability when used in different

contexts, because the interactions between the user, the goals, the task characteristics

and the other elements of the context of use are very complex. The following figure

depicts the main elements of usability and how they are related to each other.

Figure 4: Usability framework (ISO 9241-11, 1998) The usability framework is useful for determining the different aspects of usability and

the factors of the context of use in any given phase of the product’s development, that

is, when specifying, designing, or evaluating its usability (ISO 9241-11, 1998).

Identifying the goals, tasks, equipment, environment, and users and their needs within

the intended context of use are a part of information design and target group analysis


which were discussed earlier. Target group analysis directly affects the way the

documentation is designed and written, how detailed information it contains, and thus

there are effects on the usability measures, that is, effectiveness, efficiency, and

satisfaction, and these measures will be discussed in more detail in the following topics.

The target group analysis and information design also affect many other aspects of


Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency are closely tied together. The definition of

effectiveness in the ISO standard 9241-11 (1998) is:

Measures of effectiveness relate the goals or subgoals of the user to the accuracy and completeness with which these goals can be achieved. For example if the desired goal is to accurately reproduce a two-page document in a specified format, then accuracy could be specified or measured by the number of spelling mistakes and the number of deviations from the specified format, and completeness by the number of words of the document transcribed divided by the number of words in the source document.

In short this means how well the users achieve their goals.

Efficiency is defined in the same ISO standard 9241-11 as: “Resources

expended in relation to the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve goals.”

It can be measured on different levels: human, temporal, and economic efficiency as can

be seen in the following:

Measures of efficiency relate the level of effectiveness achieved to the expenditure of resources. Relevant resources can include mental or physical effort, time, materials or financial cost. For example, human efficiency could be measured as effectiveness divided by human effort, temporal efficiency as effectiveness divided by time, or economic efficiency as effectiveness divided by cost. (ISO 9241-11, 1998.)


In my mind these measures include consistency, clear error messages, and giving users


In his short definition for efficiency, Nielsen (2003) indicates that it is a

criterion that can be measured, stating that once the user has become acquainted with

the product, it can be used to measure how fast the user can perform the tasks at hand.

Alasilta (2000, 200) also states that the efficiency of a product can be measured and

defined. When it comes to the quality of texts or contents which, beside the previously

mentioned factors, determine efficiency and satisfaction, one should pay attention to

following three factors which affect the user performance:

• The user has to be able to skim through the text – presenting the reader a good

and accurate first impression of the contents. • The text has to be readable – quick to read, understandable, and possible to

memorise. • The content of different subject areas within the text has to be usable – the

reader can easily and reliably find the necessary information.

In my opinion, these above-mentioned criteria can be used to measure effectiveness and

efficiency of user documentation, but they, in turn, encompass many other important

usability-related factors when determining the usability of documentation, such as

grammatical devices, readability, typography, and understandability, which were

discussed in Chapter 2.1, and also accessibility and clarity. Walker (2001, 3) argues that

the relationship between the use of language, typography, the intended use of the

documentation, and the effectiveness of this use are fundamental.


Effectiveness and efficiency indicate the performance of the users which,

together with satisfaction, can be used to measure a product’s usability in a given

context (ISO 9241-11, 1998). Nielsen’s (2003) short definition of satisfaction states that


it measures how pleasant the product is to use. This is supported by the ISO standard

9241-11 (1998) which describes user satisfaction in short as: “Freedom from

discomfort, and positive attitudes towards the use of the product.”

Although satisfaction can be measured, it is subjective and, therefore, more

difficult to measure and to define how much it truly affects usability. In my view it

depends on the user, and what the intended target group of the product is. There are

several user satisfaction rating scales which are related to many aspects of usability,

target group analysis, and reading motives (ISO 9241-11, 1998):

Satisfaction can be specified and measured by subjective rating on scales such as discomfort experienced, liking for the product, satisfaction with product use, or acceptability of the workload when carrying out different tasks, or the extent to which particular usability objectives (such as efficiency or learnability) have been met. Other measures of satisfaction might include the number of positive and negative comments recorded during use. Additional information can be obtained from longer-term measures such as rate of absenteeism, observation of overloading or underloading of the user's cognitive or physical workload, or from health problem reports, or the frequency with which users request transfer to another job.

According to the ISO standard 9241-11 (1998) objective measures of satisfaction

include monitoring users’ behaviour, for example, body posture and body movement,

and observing the users react physiologically. Subjective measures are based on depth

of the users’ feelings towards the product, for instance, how strong reactions and

opinions they have. As we established in Chapter 2.2, there are several different types of

users and if the target group is as varied as with MP3 players, users are bound to have

different opinions. The way I see it, what one user likes and finds satisfactory may not

satisfy another one, because each user wants the product and its logic of use to match

their own thought patterns.


There are also other important aspects which are related to satisfaction and

affect usability, one of which is utility. It is used to refer to the design’s functionality,

but it affects user satisfaction, too, as Nielsen’s (2003) definition of utility reveals:

“Does it do what users need?” Usability and utility are equally important, because if the

results of the users’ actions are not what they expected or wanted, it does not matter

how easy that task was to perform.

3.2 Purho’s Documentation Usability Heuristics

Nielsen (2003) has concluded that the most important quality components in

evaluating the usability of user interfaces are learnability, efficiency, memorability,

errors, and satisfaction. Although these five criteria form the basic definition of

usability and they can be applied to a great extent when evaluating the usability of any

given application or even user documentation, a thorough usability analysis requires a

more comprehensive set of heuristics than those five aforementioned aspects.

Unfortunately, as I have found out, these five above-mentioned criteria, or any

other heuristics, cannot always be applied in the information design phase. Technical

writers cannot always make a proper target group analysis because of the lack of

background information, there is less and less time to write, writers do not always have

the chance to see the actual product they are writing about, they do not have proper

input, and so on. This is, of course, mostly due to the increasing financial pressure in

companies and faster product development cycle. Usability may become sacrificed

when weighed against the product development, appealing outlook, multiple

functionalities, and the reliability and low price of the product (Keinonen, 2000, 93).

In my estimation these factors listed by Keinonen may affect the usability of user

documentation as well.


Nielsen (2008b) developed his famous list of ten usability heuristics for user

interface design. They are the ones most commonly used in usability evaluation, and

they will be discussed in this chapter in connection with Purho’s heuristics. Nielsen’s

list of heuristics was originally developed in collaboration with Rolf Molich in 1990,

but they have been since refined on the basis of usability problems analyses to get the

most descriptive heuristics for usability analysis.

However, there has been a lot of criticism towards Nielsen’s heuristics when

evaluating the usability of other things than user interfaces, and therefore usability

experts have developed similar methods and their own heuristics for evaluating the

usability of various different products. It is not the same thing to evaluate the usability

of a mobile phone and a web page. Usability is product specific, therefore the benefits

of a usability expert evaluation are the greatest when a product-specific list of heuristics

is designed. This naturally takes time, but once the heuristics have been designed, they

can be used several times in iteratively executed expert evaluations of the product, and

not so much planning and time is needed as in traditional usability testing.

(Korvenranta, 2005, 111, 121-123.) In my view, if it is feasible to evaluate the user

documentation with good usability heuristics in the information design phase, it is

possible to spot defects in user documentation and make corrective actions, even when

the target group cannot be narrowed down.

Purho (2000) writes that he developed his own heuristics for evaluating the

usability of documentation, because there was no such set available when he was

conducting a study on documentation usability. This set of ten heuristics was the result

of combining all kinds of different ideas about what constitutes good documentation.

But he notes that heuristics should not be used to replace proper information design,

instead they can be used for checking the necessary things in the design phase.


Since then, at least two theses have been written which are based on Purho’s

heuristics as mentioned in the Introduction. Salomaa (2004) studied the readability and

understandability of documentation, and she used six of Purho’s ten heuristics for

analysing the qualities of different types of documentation and their usability problems.

Laakkonen (2006), on the other hand, used all ten heuristics for analysing the use of

safety instructions in motorcycle owner’s manuals. However, neither of them evaluated

the actual heuristics, which is the secondary purpose of my research.

Match between Documentation and the Real World

In his first heuristic Purho (2000) emphasizes the need of using natural

language in user documentation:

The documentation should speak the users’ language, with words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.

This heuristic corresponds directly to Nielsen’s (2008b) first user interface usability


By speaking the users’ language Nielsen (1993, 123-124, 152) means that the

intention is not to use a limited set of vocabulary which contains only common words.

Instead, when the users have their own vocabulary or terminology for some application

or domain, he suggests that those specialised terms should be used in the interface rather

than everyday language. But words in nonstandard meanings should not be used unless

that nonstandard use and meaning is a common practice among the users, a part of that

area’s terminology. He also cautions against any unnecessary use of jargon. In my

opinion these principles apply to user documentation as well.


I will use Purho’s first heuristic in the usability analysis to evaluate the user

manual on the basis of language used in the user documentation and the presentation of

the information. That is, whether the language is standard English language and the

terminology and concepts familiar to the users of MP3 player user documentation, and

how logically the information is presented from the users’ point of view.

Match between Documentation and the Product

In his second heuristic, which is closely related to the first one, Purho (2000)

calls for consistency in the terminology used in documentation and the product:

The forms, screens, manuals, and online helps system should match so that the same terminology is used in all of them. This may contradict with ‘Match between the documentation and real world’ if the interface uses strange terminology.

The closest matches to Purho’s second principle are Nielsen’s (2008b) first heuristic

and partly his second one: “The system should always keep users informed about what

is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.” In my judgment

Nielsen’s first and second heuristic can be applied to user documentation evaluation, not

only user interfaces. As a synthesis, besides there being a match between the

documentation, or system, and the real world, the product’s status should also be visible

so that the user can match the product’s feedback to the documentation, thus preventing

error situations.

Nielsen (1993, 134) asserts that the feedback should not be provided after the

error, rather before, and that positive feedback helps the users. This helps the users, in

my view, to perceive what they are doing and whether the user documentation matches

the situation at hand. Nielsen (1993, 152) suggests that because examples are easier to


understand than plain descriptive text there should be enough examples available in the


Purho’s second heuristic will be used in the usability analysis to evaluate

whether the terminology in the user manual matches the product. Illustrations of the

product, and pictures of menus and other views should match the product and the view

on the user’s screen.

Purposeful Documentation

The function of the documents should be obvious and they should be provided

in an appropriate format, as Purho (2000) states in his third heuristic:

If the documentation set contains several documents, the purpose of each type of document should be clear, as well as the intended use. The media of the documentation must be purposeful so that users get what they need. For example, people working on a rooftop installing some hardware would not necessarily be delighted with nice multimedia CD-ROMs but prefer a laminated quick reference card.

This heuristic does not directly correlate with Nielsen’s heuristics, although some

parallels can be made between writing purposeful documentation and Nielsen’s and

Purho’s first two heuristics about consistency using natural language.

Users should be provided information in an appropriate medium. For an MP3

player, for example, a CD-ROM is useless when the player is used on the move. Even a

user manual is rather excessive carriage in that case. These kinds of things should

already be taken into consideration in information design, which will be discussed in

more detail in a later topic regarding Purho’s fifth heuristic.

Although this heuristic is more appropriate for documentation sets consisting

of multiple documents, I will use Purho’s third heuristic in the analysis to evaluate


whether the function of the user manual is clear and it is provided in an appropriate

format for the users.

Support for Different Users

When it comes to writing user documentation, the needs of other users than

those of the target group have to be taken into consideration, as Purho (2000) remarks in

his fourth heuristic:

Documentation should support users with different levels of knowledge on the domain as well as those assigned different tasks in the domain. Any unnecessary information for a specific user must be hidden from other users or be easily overlooked. Quick reference information for expert users should be available.

Nielsen’s (2008b) seventh heuristic about the flexibility and efficiency of use points out

the same need for taking different users into consideration:

Accelerators - unseen by the novice user - may often speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.

Users, especially novice users, need to be supported when they are unsure and afraid of

doing something irreversible, and therefore the exits should be clear. An easy way out,

such as a cancel button, should be provided for the users because they like to be in

control of the situation instead of feeling trapped. But, although a product could be used

with just general-level knowledge, the more experienced users should be taken into

consideration by providing them with an opportunity to perform operations they use

frequently by using accelerators or shortcuts. (Nielsen, 1993, 138-139.) This kind of

information is usually not relevant to novice users, but, in my opinion, documentation

should include information about how to take into use, for example, menus or functions


that normally are not seen or available in an MP3 player. Default values and settings

function as a shortcut, because users do not have to specify the settings unless they want

or need to (Nielsen, 1993, 142). Such default settings are often used in MP3 players so

that the users do not have to think about the possible settings, but they can start using

the player faster and modify the settings to better suit their needs after gaining more


The writer has to take into account the users’ level of knowledge about the

subject, because the less the reader knows about the subject, the clearer and simpler the

information has to be stated (Lyytikäinen and Riikonen, 1995, 7). As for the different

users and user groups, there are many user types and attributes to be considered, as was

discussed in Chapter 2.2.

I will use Purho’s fourth heuristic to evaluate whether the documentation

supports the users’ needs. That is, there is variation in the level of experience within the

user groups and their information needs, and the documentation should provide all users

what they need and also quick referential guidance for more experienced users.

Effective Information Design

Good information design is an important part of user documentation, because it

affects so many other aspects and measures of usability, as Purho (2000) establishes in

his fifth heuristic:

Information must be presented in a way that it is easily found and understood by the users. Short lines and paragraphs are easier to read. Graphics, tables, and lists are easy to scan and read, and appropriately used to support the information need the user has. Unnecessary graphics only slow the reading and the download time of web-based documentation. Write instructions in imperative form and address the user directly using active sentences.


This principle corresponds to several of Nielsen’s (2008b) heuristics: aesthetic and

minimalist design (eighth), recognition rather than recall (sixth), help and

documentation (tenth), user control and freedom (third), and error prevention (fifth) ,

which accentuates the importance of information design in constructing usable


Aesthetic and minimalist design is what Purho’s effective information design

basically deals with. Nielsen (2008b) reminds us in his eighth principle to keep it

simple, that there should not be too much or unnecessary information to draw attention

away from the relevant information. In order to minimise how much the users have to

remember, Nielsen (1993, 121, 130-131, 152) instructs that the product and user

documentation should focus on a small set of general rules that encompass the whole

product. Every additional piece of information distracts the users from performing their

tasks and every additional function is one more thing for the users to read and learn,

thus making errors more probable. If the instructions are written according to the actual

users’ tasks and in a sequence of steps, the steps should be numbered, so that users’ do

not have to remember the previous information and tasks.

These aforementioned ideas are also emphasized in Nielsen’s (2008b) sixth

principle which can be directly applied to user documentation:

Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another. Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever appropriate.

I summarise in the following Purho’s and Nielsen’s information design related

principles which were just discussed: short paragraphs, clear layout and typography, and

easily retrievable information enable the users to understand and remember the

information. Alasilta (2000, 148) supports this when she writes that text is


understandable if the user can remember the relevant content without looking it up.

Clearer layout can be achieved by using vertical lists, such as bulleted or numbered

lists, which have more white space around each piece of information, thus the main

points can be understand and references more easily. Studies show that compared to

inline list they can improve usability by 47%. Wording is also important, therefore the

items should be listed using parallel phrasing which improves the flow of the text.

(Nielsen and Loranger, 2006, 279.)

In his tenth heuristic, Nielsen (2008b) states that:

Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.

Users should be able to perform the functions in a way that is the most effective and

productive for them (Nielsen, 1993, 116). In his third heuristic Nielsen (2008b)

encourages to allow user control and freedom by providing emergency exits when the

product does not function as they intended, because the users make mistakes every once

in a while. User support corresponds to Purho’s fifth heuristic, because user freedom is

one of the goals of effective information design. The different aspects of effective

information design were discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.1, and the impact of

target groups in the information design and usability were discussed in more detail in

Chapter 2.2.

In the analysis I will use Purho’s fifth heuristic to evaluate whether information

can be found and understood easily. That is, sentences and paragraphs should be

concise, graphics and lists should be clear and easy to read and used to support the

users’ information needs, and the graphics are not overused. The instructions should be

written in imperative form addressing the user directly.


Support for Various Methods for Searching Information

The design, structure, and layout of user documentation should enable different

reading and searching methods, and topics and important text passages should be as

easily recognisable as possible, as Purho (2000) defines in his sixth heuristic:

Documentation should support people with different strategies for finding information: some search through the table of contents, some use the index, some browse, and some use searches (in electronic documentation). The index should contain users’ own terminology as well as system terms, terms from international standards, and those used by competitors. The layout of documentation should support browsing so that beginnings of new chapters and important warnings and notes are easily picked up.

Users should be free to jump directly to the location where they can find the information

they need at that moment. Every section should be as independent as possible, as the

users may not have read the previous sections. (Nielsen, 1993, 140, 152.) These

principles are connected to Purho’s fifth principle of effective information design.

The main search tools are the table of contents and the index which is so

apparent when it comes to its importance and usefulness, but which still is left out of

many user manuals. The index of a user manual should contain product-related

terminology, task terminology, and synonyms, as well as terminology used by

competitors, because some users have gathered experience using other manufacturers’

products. (Nielsen, 1993, 152.)

If users cannot search for the necessary information in a way they want or need

to, and they do not find the information, it is possible that they give up searching after a

while. Therefore, the possibility of errors, disappointments, and frustration increases,

which may lead to inefficient and erroneous use of the product. These decrease the level

of user satisfaction, and all of these affect the usability of the user documentation and


the product. The users adapt their reading technique according to the text and their own

purposes, as was discussed in Chapter 2.3.

I will use Purho’s sixth heuristic to evaluate whether the documentation

supports different ways of searching for information. That is, there should be a table of

contents and an index available, and the documentation should support browsing so that

new chapters, notes and warnings can be easily noticed. The index should contain users’

own terminology, those concerning the product, and other manufacturers’ terminology.

Task Orientation

Purho (2000) argues in his seventh heuristic that instructional user

documentation should focus on whatever the user is supposed to do, although the

product might change, thus keeping the basic information usable:

Instructional documentation should be structured around the users’ job tasks, that is, tasks that are independent of the tools used. The job tasks remain the same although the tools may change. For example, the job task “baking bread” remains the same although the baker may do it all by hand or using latest state-of-the-art tools. This reduces the need to restructure the documentation when the product is changed. The tasks should be approximately at the same level of granularity throughout the documentation.

As discussed in Chapter 2.1 about effective information design, the user

interfaces and the layout of the user documentation should be simplified and the number

of objects and amount of information kept to a minimum. The interface or product

should match the users’ tasks (Nielsen, 1993, 115). This is closely related to Purho’s

heuristics about matching the documentation, product, and the real world.

Purho (2000) suggests building the information around the actual tasks. For

example, in this study when it comes to listening to music, the task of ‘playing music’

stays basically the same whether the music is played on an MP3 player or from a CD.


As Purho states in his principle above, this kind of document structure minimises the

need to restructure the user manual when the actual product changes. In this study the

change could relate to a newer version of that MP3 player or a completely new product

designed for listening to music.

I will use Purho’s seventh heuristic to evaluate whether the instructions are

structured around the users’ actual tasks and are presented at the same level of detail

throughout the documentation.


Troubleshooting instructions are extremely important, as Purho (2000) stresses

in his eighth heuristic: “The documentation should contain a troubleshooting section

giving users guidance for common problem situations and how to analyze rare

situations. All documentation related to errors must be easily accessible.” As a

description of such guidance process Nielsen (1993, 151) presents a model, originally

by Wright, in which users go through three stages when interacting with manuals and

help systems: searching, understanding, and applying. In my view this means that the

users first try to locate the information relevant to their need. After that they try to

understand the information, and then they try to execute the task as described in the


In his ninth heuristic Nielsen (2008b) stresses the same things, the importance

to help the users to recognise, diagnose, and recover from errors, that is, to use natural

and clear and unambiguous language in error messages and troubleshooting instructions

which should indicate accurately what the problem is and what corrective actions the

user should take. Nielsen (1993, 142-143) adds that language and format used in the

error messages should be polite and neutral, not blaming the user, and not the kind that

the user might find intimidating.


The aspects of user documentation discussed in Purho’s (2000) first two

heuristics about using user’s language and establishing a match between documentation

and the product are closely related to troubleshooting. One of the basic principles in

information and user interface design is to realise and accept the fact that users will

make errors despite how the product or user interface is improved, and therefore error

recovery should be made as easy as possible (Nielsen, 1993, 138-139). Markel (2007,

130) points out three common reasons for error situations: the steps do not contain

enough information, all the necessary tools and equipment are not described, and it may

remain unclear to the user why the task should performed.

But Nielsen (2008b) asserts in his fifth heuristic regarding error prevention that

it would be even more important than good error messages to prevent the error

situations in the first place, for example, by eliminating the circumstances in which

errors are likely to happen. He addresses this in his third heuristic when he calls for user

control and freedom by providing the users clear emergency exits for escaping

unwanted situations or states. According to Nielsen (1993, 144), there should be a

possibility for the users to undo what they just did and a possibility to enter those

previous commands after that without starting from the beginning again.

In connection with error prevention Hoft (1995, 237) suggests that safety

information should be placed in such a way that the reader will notice the information at

the correct situation, preferably on the same page and before the procedural instructions.

She points out that the user should be able to perceive the possible dangers related to a

specific procedure when reading the instructions of the procedure. Markel (2007, 130)

summarises well what constitutes poorly written safety instructions: “. . . the safety

information follows, rather than precedes, the pertinent steps; the steps themselves are

not consistently numbered and expressed in the imperative mood. . . .” However, there


are different views on the placement of the warnings. Van der Meij and Gellevij (2004,

9-10) note that some research recommend placing warnings within the procedures. On

the other hand, companies have different policies on where to present the warnings, and

the decision about the placement is sometimes such that the warning is presented both

within the procedure and in a section listing all the warnings, for example. But to be

more precise on the placement, Van der Meij and Gellevij state that studies show that

the most efficient order of presenting the information to the users is to give the

instruction first and the description after it, because it emphasizes the instructive quality

of the warnings.

It would be a good idea, for example, to give users a warning message before

they perform an irreversible action. Critical error messages and warnings should remain

visible long enough, so that the users are able to discern what the problem is and figure

out what to do (Nielsen, 1993, 140). User documentation should contain

troubleshooting instructions especially regarding all major error situations with

illustrations of them so that the erroneous states can be recognised and the users are able

to recover from them. Users should also get feedback in case of system or product

failure, because if the users get no feedback, they have no idea what is wrong, and that

is the case with many products (Nielsen, 1993, 137). If a user wants to read the manual,

there is probably some kind of emergency and the user needs immediate assistance,

which indicates that good, task-oriented search tools are needed in manuals (Nielsen,

1993, 149).

I will use Purho’s eighth heuristic in the analysis to evaluate whether the

troubleshooting section in the user documentation provides the users help in common

problem situations and even in rarer cases, and whether the necessary information is

easily accessible.


Consistency and Standards

Purho (2000) stresses the need of consistent use of language, terminology, and

document structure and information design in his ninth heuristic:

Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. If the product has several documents, they should be consistent in their structure and the information in different documents should be designed so that no unnecessary overlapping exists. Follow platform conventions when creating the help system. Be sure that the terminology is consistent throughout the documentation suite.

There is overlap with other heuristics, such as effective information design and match

between the documentation and the product, which were discussed in the previous


Nielsen’s (2008b) fourth heuristic about consistency and standards stresses

exactly the same things as Purho’s principle. This is one of the fundamental usability

issues according to Nielsen (1993, 132), because if similar commands and actions have

the same effect, the terminology is uniform, and the same information is located in the

same place in all menus and screens, the users feel more confident in the product and

they may try exploratory learning. In my view it helps the users to recognise and

remember the information and to use the product more effectively and efficiently, thus

enhancing usability.

I will use Purho’s ninth heuristic to evaluate whether the language,

terminology, and the structure of the document are consistent. The actions and

situations should always mean the same thing.

Help on Using Documentation

In his tenth heuristic, Purho (2000) argues that: “If the documentation set is

large, provide instructions on intended use, and how it is going to be updated (if


separate updates are delivered).” The ideal situation according to Nielsen (1993, 148) is

when the user needs no assistance or user documentation to use the product, which is a

very challenging task to accomplish. If that goal cannot be reached, the target should be

set so that at least the use of the documentation does not need any instructions.

Although Purho’s tenth heuristic and the evaluation criteria are not that

relevant in the analysis, as just discussed, I will use this principle to evaluate whether

the user documentation contains instructions on its intended use and, more importantly,

how the possible updates to the documentation can be obtained.

We have discussed Purho’s ten heuristics, and I will next evaluate the material

against Purho’s heuristics and then evaluate how up to date Purho’s heuristics are. I will

not make a hypothesis about the heuristics or aspects that would need updating. Nielsen

(2005) states that usability guidelines become outdated if they are limited to specific

technologies. The main reason for the durability of the guidelines is the fact that they

are based on human behaviour which does not change easily – things that were difficult

for users earlier are that still today. But my conviction is that this does not mean that all

heuristics are up to date by default. I will now evaluate the material against Purho’s

heuristics and then evaluate how up to date Purho’s heuristics are.


4 Usability Analysis of the User Documentation

The decision about the appropriate usability testing methods and techniques is

made individually in each project and corporation (Testing Standards Working Party,

2005). In my assessment, nobody is interested in or prepared to invest more money in

usability testing and evaluation than is absolutely necessary, although they are likely to

benefit from it in the long run. The benefits of investing in proper usability study are

cumulative: costs will be reduced because there is not as much need for customer

support and the customers will be more satisfied, which is beneficial to the brand and

the image of the company, which in turn is likely to increase the market share of the

product and profits of the company.

4.1 Motive and Method for the Analysis

There are certain things we get as a result of a heuristic analysis: a list of the

usability problems, reference to the heuristics the problem violates, and possibly a

suggestion of how to fix the problem (Korvenranta, 2005, 116; Nielsen, 1993, 159).

Nielsen (1993, 159) notes that although heuristic usability analysis does not provide

solutions for fixing the problems, the solution is often so obvious that a suggestion can

be added in connection with the problem.

Korvenranta (2005, 111) argues that this method provides slightly different

results when compared to, for example, usability testing. The major flaw of this method,

according to her, is that no test user is included in the usability analysis, which Nielsen

(1993, 166) recognises as well. We get the most genuine results if we test the product or

application with actual users and ideally under as authentic use conditions as possible

(Nielsen, 1993, 165). It is not, however, always possible or worthwhile to include a test

user in the usability analysis. Testing with a test user is slow and there is not always


time to arrange proper usability testing (Korvenranta, 2005, 111). There is also an

underlying reliability problem in usability testing, as there are huge differences in the

skills of the test users (Nielsen, 1993, 166).

Nonetheless, some products are more difficult to test under authentic

conditions. Many people use their MP3 players when they are on the move or doing

something else than just concentrating on the music. Typical situations for listening to

music with such player are, for instance, while jogging, taking a walk, cycling, driving,

or as background music for a party. It is not likely that the users carry the manual with

them for reference, for example, in case a troubleshooting situation comes up. Therefore

I have chosen to perform a detailed, heuristic analysis instead of conducting a test with

actual users.

One evaluator cannot find all the usability problems when conducting a

heuristic usability analysis, and different evaluators often find different problems. An

ideal number would be three to five evaluators. (Korvenranta, 2005, 114; Nielsen, 1993,

155-156.) If there are not enough usability experts available, Nielsen (1993, 162)

suggests that technical writers from the documentation group could be used, because

they have a natural tendency to point out when something is difficult to explain.

Nevertheless, here I will conduct the evaluation alone, since this is a pro gradu thesis

and it is not necessary to find all the usability problems in this MP3 user manual,

because one of the aims of the study is to also test the appropriateness of Purho’s

heuristics to a new set of material and whether the heuristics should be revised.

In the course of the heuristic usability analysis I will go through the contents of

the Fifth generation iPod late 2006 features guide (Apple Inc., 2006a) thoroughly using

Purho’s (2000) ten documentation usability heuristics. For rating the severity of the


usability problems I will use the following severity rating scale compiled by Nielsen


• 0 = Problem is not a usability problem. • 1 = Cosmetic usability problem, will be fixed if there is time. • 2 = Minor usability problem, low priority. • 3 = Major usability problem, high priority, complicates the use considerately. • 4 = Catastrophic usability problem – the problem has to be fixed before

launching the product to the market.

Nielsen has defined three main factors which define the seriousness of the usability

problem: frequency (how often the problem occurs), impact (the difficulty of solving

the problem), and persistence (whether the same problem bothers every time the user

runs into it).

I will also establish how Purho’s heuristics fit into evaluating this type of

material. The analysis will focus on the PDF version of the user documentation, CD-

ROM version is not evaluated. After the analysis I will compile the results of the

usability analysis and compare the problems I discovered to Purho’s heuristics to find

out whether those heuristics need updating or not.

4.2 Results of the Heuristic Analysis

There will be overlap, because many of the heuristics are interconnected in

more ways than one, but I will keep the overlap to a minimum when presenting the

results of the analysis. Some aspects will be evaluated in more than one place, but from

the viewpoint of that particular heuristic. All graphics presented in this chapter have

been published in the analysis material, that is, in the Fifth generation iPod late 2006

features guide (Apple Inc., 2006a). At the beginning of each heuristic there is a brief

summary of the main issues the principle concerns as a reminder from Chapter 3.2.


I will give an estimated usability severity rating (in parentheses) for all

evaluated aspects when they are discussed and also an overall severity rating of the

heuristic in question at the end of each heuristic. I will base the overall rating on a

relative average consisting of the following aspects: the number of aspects evaluated,

the severity of those findings, and my estimation of the importance of each evaluated

aspect in relation to the other evaluated aspects. Naturally major problems influence the

overall rating more than other aspects, because they immediately decrease the level of

usability although no other usability problems would be presented by the other aspects.

The aspects that will be evaluated and rated are all included in the heuristics

discussed in Chapter 3.2. However, some aspects of the heuristics will be divided into

separate sub-aspects in the analysis, which lessens their individual importance when I

estimate the overall severity rating. I will discuss those aspects and the importance of

the findings related to such aspects under each relevant heuristic. The ratings are, of

course, subjective and we can only speculate how severe the actual users would see the


Match between documentation and the real world

This principle deals with the following issues: Is the language standard

English, and are the phrases, terminology, and concepts familiar to the users? Is the

information presented in logical order and from the users’ viewpoint?

In this heuristic Purho has included the aspect standard English language

which is a rather vague concept. That aspect could encompass a lot of other aspects

related to language. That is why I have chosen to evaluate further to get more

conclusive results of the possible problems. In my judgment standard English language

covers not only the semantics and syntax which are considered in that aspect, but also

the absence of Latin-based phrases, abbreviations, and unnecessary noun strings. The


aspects that differentiate standard English from the language used in the technical texts

were discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.1 in connection with information design.

The user manual is written in standard English language (0). Excessive use of

long noun strings and any Latin-based phrases or abbreviations has been avoided. Only

few terms were composed of several nouns, such as the iPod USB Power Adapter or the

Dock connector port, but their meaning is unambiguous in the context of use and they

have been illustrated as well (0).

Heuristic analysis enables us to evaluate the familiarity of the terminology and

concepts to the users, but only to a certain extent. Ultimately we can only speculate

what the actual users think and how they see the terminology as opposed their level of

knowledge. For the most part, the terminology and concepts can be expected to be

familiar to the users of MP3 player documentation although the target group is so wide

and varied, and most of the words used in the text have a clear meaning. There are,

however, some terms or concepts whose meaning is not necessarily clear to all users,

for example, iPod Dock, FireWire, and scrubber bar (2).

The iPod Dock is not necessarily familiar to all users, as it is an optional device

for Apple Inc. products such as the MP3 player in question. FireWire is an Apple Inc.

trademark which may not be familiar to users who have not used Apple’s products

previously. FireWire can be defined thus:

FireWire is a high-speed serial bus, developed by Apple and Texas Instruments, that allows for the connection of up to 63 external devices. FireWire is also commonly known as the IEEE 1394 standard. FireWire, which Apple originally developed and trademarked, may appear under different names (such as iLink or Lynx) depending on what platform or company implements the technology. (Indiana University Knowledge Base, 2008.)


This means that FireWire is similar kind of method of transferring information between

devices as USB which is familiar to users of other manufacturers’ devices and

computers than those of Apple. In my experience, scrubber bar is a term that is used in

other manufacturers’ devices and software as well. It denotes the horizontal bar at the

bottom of the screen indicating the duration of the song being played at the moment,

that is, the Song time status bar.

Procedures and task sequences are presented logically and from the users’

point of view (0). They are titled and structured so that they support the users’ workflow

(0) as shown in the task sequence and heading in the following example:

Example 2: iPod task sequence supporting users’ workflow

Information and chapters are presented and organised in similar fashion, except for

chapter 7, Safety and Cleaning, which is located at the end of the user manual after all

other possible tasks (3). Only the index and the chapter containing support information

come after that. This order does not support the users’ workflow, because setup safety

instructions, and also guidelines for handling and general safety, contain information

that should be presented before using the MP3 player – not after it. If that kind of

information is not presented at the beginning of the manual, the users may not have the

motivation to read it at all, because their main purpose is to play music with the player,

not learn the other functions first.


In my judgment, the overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user

documentation regarding this heuristic is 2, because there are terms that are not

explained and the chapter organisation of the user documentation does not follow the

user’s workflow.

Match between documentation and the product

This principle deals with the following issues: Does the terminology in the

product match with the user documentation? Do the illustrations and descriptions

correspond to the product? Although I will not evaluate the interface between iPod and

the computer, that is, the use of the iTunes software, the illustrations of the iPod

controls and menus presented in the user documentation will be evaluated against the

actual product, thus ensuring that there is a match.

The terminology used in the user documentation corresponds with the terms

used in the product’s interface (0). The following figure, presented in the user

documentation, shows a view of the main menu before it has been customised by a user:

Figure 5: Using iPod menus


The names and locations of the menu items and status icons, such as Battery status,

which the user sees in the product match those in the user documentation (0). In the user

documentation the path from the top menu to the function in question is marked clearly,

for example, Music > Playlists > On-The-Go > Clear Playlist. The views and paths in

the iPod interface match those presented in the user documentation (0). The Menu title

in the user documentation matches with the actual menu and the view at the top of the

display. For example, when the path in the user documentation is described as Music >

Playlists > On-The-Go, the Menu title reads On-The-Go in that view in the product, and

in the main menu displayed above the Menu title reads iPod.

Icons and other information in the documentation match those in the product

(0). The Song time status bar and other icons such as Shuffle icon, depicted in the

following figure which is taken from the user documentation, present the same pieces of

information to the user in the product as described in the user documentation.

Figure 6: Playing music with iPod

The symbols described in the user documentation match with those the user can see on

the product (0). The same symbols are used in the user documentation to describe

actions users can perform with them.


The overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user documentation

regarding this heuristic is 0.

Purposeful Documentation

This principle deals with the following issues: Is the intended use of the user

documentation clear? Is the documentation provided in appropriate media?

In the evaluation of this heuristic the intended use of the user documentation is

divided into two aspects to provide more detailed results, as follows. The function of the

user documentation is otherwise clear except for the main title – iPod Features Guide.

The title refers more to describing the features incorporated in this MP3 player than to

actual MP3 player user instructions. All other headings and titles are clear and they

describe the users’ actions, for example, Setting iPod to Shuffle Songs (1). Most of the

terminology, definitions, and concepts are listed in the index, which helps to keep the

function of the documentation clear (1).

One of the major faults in this particular MP3 player, though, is that the player

does not contain a help in itself (3). Although this analysis concentrates on the user

manual and not the actual player, this is a relevant issue, because in problem situations

there is no possibility for the users to find help in problem situations while on the move

– unless they are carrying the paper manual or a laptop with them. Users should be

provided with some kind of help and instructions for using the product without the

actual manual. An appropriate medium for short instructions and troubleshooting would

be the MP3 player itself, therefore we can conclude that all the information is not

provided in an appropriate or necessary format. Of course, if the MP3 player freezes or

goes blank, an integrated help system would not be of much use in that case. If the

player does not contain a help, users should be provided some kind of short instructions


for using the player and for troubleshooting, or at least some kind of help in some


The overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user documentation

regarding this heuristic is evaluated to be 2. The proper medium for the troubleshooting

instructions is not the PDF version only – especially the troubleshooting instructions

should be available on the go. However, that aspect should not be as important in

comparison as the other two, because the main focus here is the PDF version of the user


Support for Different Users

This principle deals with the following issues: Does the user documentation

support the users’ needs? Is there unnecessary information for specific users?

There are all kinds of users in the MP3 player target groups, therefore the level

of knowledge and experience varies a lot, and users have different needs. Therefore the

aspects in this heuristic have been divided into more descriptive and detailed aspects.

In spite of the wide audience, the user documentation contains enough detail for its

intended audience (0), and terminology and concepts can be expected to be understood

by users of different levels of knowledge and experience. Figures in right places also

support the users. As an example, the following figure shows how the illustration

supports the instructions by presenting a context for both the use of the Dock connector

and the meaning of the term.


Figure 7: iPod Dock connector A figure can be used to make up for indistinctly expressed instructions, and vice versa

(Van der Meij and Gellevij, 2004, 10). In the figure above, the text is not unambiguous,

but the arrows in the figure complement the instructions.

Language used in describing errors and trouble situations is presented at a

suitable level for the intended audience. The following is an example of troubleshooting

instructions if the user cannot hear music:

Example 3: iPod troubleshooting instructions


The language is clear, easy, unambiguous, and not too patronising (0). Important words

and concepts are repeated in the instructions when necessary and the index provides an

access to terms, definitions, and concepts. The index contains terminology and concepts

for the needs of all users, in spite of their level of knowledge and experience (0).

The user documentation does not contain words or phrases that are redundant

for the user, and there is no real redundancy in the information provided either (0).

There is some overlap in the procedure for changing the maximum volume, because it is

explained right after setting the volume and the procedure for both is the same (1).

Some of the safety instructions in chapter 7 can be regarded as unnecessary and

patronising, but the manufacturer most likely does not want to held liable if someone

misuses iPod, and therefore the necessary safety instructions and precautions are stated

in the user documentation, although they might seem unnecessary for the users.

The overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user documentation

regarding this heuristic is 0.

Effective Information Design

This principle deals with the following issues: Can the information be found

and understood easily? Are the sentences and paragraphs concise, graphics and lists

easy to read and not overused, user’s needs supported, and is the user addressed directly

using imperative verb forms?

In this heuristic I chose to evaluate in detail the aspect of finding and

understanding information easily, which is such a general description that it could

include several sub-aspects. There are many variables besides graphics which all

together constitute that whole aspect and I think they all should be taken into


consideration in the evaluation. This includes, for instance, headings, layout,

notifications, and language.

The names of headings and subchapters are clear and they describe the users’

actions (0), for example, Using iPod controls, Playing music, and Adding or Removing

Items from the Main Menu.

Example 4: iPod task with preconditions and outcomes

Procedures and task sequences describe the preconditions and outcomes of the users’

actions and they are titled and structured so that they support the user’s workflow (0).

These factors make it easy for users to find and understand the information they need,

as seen in the Example 3 previously.

Although the titles and the internal structure of the procedures and task

sequences support the users’ workflow, the layout is not well designed, because

everything in the subchapters and topics is written one after another without breaks or

proper numbering. The following example shows what the headings and the text in

procedures and tasks look like:


Example 5: Layout of headings, procedures, and steps

The topics and subchapters are not numbered and they are not big or bold enough, and

there is not enough white space between them, which makes them unclear, because they

do not stand out properly. The second and third level headings look too much alike and

get easily mixed up and especially the third level headings are drowned amidst the short

paragraphs (3).

The grammar and the linguistic structures used in the user documentation are

correct (0), as can be seen in the following example:

If iPod is exceptionally low on power and you connect it to a USB port, it might charge for up to 30 minutes before it turns on. The display could be dark for up to 30 minutes while it charges. Leave iPod connected until it charges sufficiently. If you have an iPod USB Power adapter (available separately), you can use that to charge iPod more quickly. (Apple Inc., 2006a.)


There are no spelling errors or typos present (0). Linguistic connectors have been used

effectively and their meaning and purpose is unambiguous, and it is clearly indicated

whether a procedure is optional (0).

With a few exceptions, when a term, abbreviation, or concept appears for the

first time in the user documentation it is explained, as for instance Dock connector,

podcast, On-The-Go Playlist. There are some terms which are not explained at first or at

all. For example, disambiguation of the term Dock connector with the help of a figure is

presented a few pages later than where it was first mentioned in the user documentation

(2). Once the terms have been explained, the same meaning is used throughout the

documentation (0).

Paragraphs and sentences are focused and concise, most paragraphs are not

more than four lines long. The only exception is the Safety and Cleaning chapter in

which the paragraphs are overall longer than elsewhere in the documentation (2). Long

paragraphs are divided into numbered or bulleted lists, where applicable, and the lists

are clear and easy to read (0), as can be seen in Examples 3 and 4. They are used to

support the users’ information needs and do not provide redundant information.

An example of poor information design would be a situation where appropriate

graphics that would have made the instructions easier to understand have been left out

of the documentation. These recommendations and criteria are also relevant from the

troubleshooting point of view.


Example 6: A warning and a note in iPod user manual The example above shows how graphics can be used to help to convey the message

clearly. The instructions precede the warnings in the procedures, which is the most

efficient way of presenting the information according to Van der Meij and Gellevij

(2004, 10).

The Important messages in general are too similar in their outlook to the actual

topics and tasks, so they do not stand out, as in the following example:

Example 7: Information content of the Important message

The Important messages sometimes contain information that should be placed in a

different notification category. The example above contains information warning the

user against possible damage to data or iPod if the instructions are not followed. That

kind of information should be presented in a Warning.


Notes are not clearly distinguishable either, because they look too much like

the rest of the text, except for the word Note being bolded and italicised (3). The Note in

the Example 5 previously is more visible than others, because it is not in the middle of a

paragraph containing normal text, but instead under a figure and a Warning.

Nevertheless, warnings and notifications are phrased so that the users are aware of

possible physical injury, loss of data, or damage to equipment that may result from the

action, thus supporting the information needs of the users (0).

Typography and visual organisation are very important factors in how the text

is read and interpreted, as discussed in Chapter 3.2. The layout and typography should

help and support the users to understand the instructions. Graphics have not been

overused in this manual, but there are still enough of them to support the users’

information needs, and they are clear and easy to read (0), as the following illustration

of the iPod controls:


Figure 8: iPod controls

Symbols have been used consistently and unambiguously throughout the documentation

(0). The figure above presents the users with the various symbols on the player, but as

can be seen, the symbols cannot be easily distinguished, because the illustration shows

them in white colour against a gray background. However, they have been marked with

a line pointing to the correct place and the symbols are explained and shown in black

colour one page later in the user documentation (2).

The user is consistently addressed in the first person (0), and the tasks are

described using active voice (0) and imperative verb forms (0), and the present tense is

used (0). The language used throughout the user documentation is gender-neutral and


informative, clear, and unambiguous (0). Descriptions of errors and trouble situations

are written in neutral language (0).

In my judgment, the overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user

documentation regarding this heuristic is 2. The majority of the rated aspects are not

usability problems, but there are so many minor and major usability problems which

raise the overall severity rating.

Support for Various Methods for Searching Information

This principle deals with the following issues: Does the user documentation

support different ways of searching for information? Is there an index and a table of

contents, and can the notes and warnings be easily noticed? In this heuristic, the support

of different strategies for finding information contains various aspects, as discussed in

Chapter 3.2.

The user documentation supports different strategies of searching for

information, for example, the naming of the topics and subchapters is self-descriptive

and appropriate, and the table of contents is clear and focused (0). The users have the

table of contents and index at their disposal (0).

The user documentation does not contain any numbered subchapters, only

topics which are not big or bold enough to be noticed (3). The absence of numbering

makes it more difficult for the users to search for information. Notes are almost similar

to normal text, and the Important messages resemble subchapters and topics, and only

Warnings and Notices stand out from the text, when all the notification types should be

distinguishable so that browsing would be supported (3).

Long paragraphs are divided into numbered or bulleted lists, where applicable,

except in the Safety and Cleaning chapter, as shown in the following example:


Example 8: Instructions without a list or steps In my view the long paragraphs should be divided into lists, because now many actions

and options in that chapter are presented to the user one sentence after another as one

single paragraph, which makes the instructions more difficult to understand (2). There

are a few bulleted lists in that chapter, but much of the information is difficult to read.

The location of figures and tables is not indicated with identifiers. They do

relate to the heading under which they are presented, but the figures and tables do not

have captions. The text either continues right after the figure or there is just blank space

after it for the rest of the page, as in the following figure:


Figure 9: Lack of caption in iPod instructions The figures are not listed or mentioned in the index or table of contents, or otherwise

referred to in the text (3). Although the figures can be easily noticed from the text while

browsing, the absence of identifiers and captions does not support searching for

information or easy understanding.

In my judgement, the overall severity rating of the usability problems in the

user documentation regarding this heuristic is 3, due to the many severe usability

problems which are likely to complicate the use of the documentation.

Task Orientation

This principle deals with the following issues: Are the instructions structured

around the users’ tasks? Is the same level of detail used in all task sequences?


Procedures and task sequences in the user documentation structured around the

users’ tasks (0), and they describe the preconditions and outcomes of the user’s actions

clearly (0).

Example 9: iPod procedure and preconditions Users are not left to wonder what the actual task is and what the outcome should be.

Headings and topic titles in every chapter also support the task-oriented style of

presenting the information, as they describe users’ real instead of artificial tasks (0).

The overall structure of procedural information is consistent. Tasks are

presented in the same pattern and at the same level of detail throughout the user

documentation, except for the Safety and Cleaning chapter (2). Otherwise users can use

the documentation efficiently without having to read each procedure and step carefully,

in case a smaller amount of information is provided for completing the task.

The overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user documentation

regarding this heuristic is 1, because the only usability problem is in the Safety and

Cleaning chapter.


This principle deals with the following issues: Does the troubleshooting section

provide necessary information concerning both common and rare error situations? Is the

information easily accessible?


The Tips and Troubleshooting section in the user documentation first provides

basic guidance and instructions for solving common error situations, that is, the 5 Rs:

reset, retry, restart, reinstall, and restore. They present a short description of actions

that normally help in problem situations (0). If those do not help, there are several pages

of more detailed descriptions of rarer situations providing users instructions how to

recognise various other errors and recover from those situations (0).

The lack of a help in this MP3 player itself is, as established in related aspects

of the third and fifth principles, a major fault. It is a relevant issue also from the

perspective of this heuristic. Although there is a troubleshooting section in the user

documentation and it provides guidance for many kinds of problem situations, users

have no access to documentation related to errors while on the move – without a paper

copy or a laptop. Users should be able to overcome problems and recover from error

situations without having to go home and study the user manual. All such

documentation should be made easily available. The users should be provided some

kind of short instructions for troubleshooting, or at least some kind of help, and the

documentation media should support this (3).

The overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user documentation

regarding this heuristic is evaluated to be 1. There are no usability problems related to

the principle as such, but the issue of a help in the MP3 player itself is relevant, because

it is related to troubleshooting and without it there is no easy access to such information

when the user is on the move. Because it is not part of the user documentation that is

evaluated, the importance of that aspect is low although severity rating is high.

Consistency and Standards

This principle deals with the following issues: Are the language and

terminology consistent? Is the structure of the user documentation and the presented


information consistent? The aspect of information structure consistency is not simple,

therefore it is evaluated from a few different angles which together constitute the whole


The overall tone of the user documentation is appropriate and consistent with

the characteristics of the genre (0), meaning technical documentation. The chosen

spelling convention is consistent (0). Contracted verb forms are used throughout the

user documentation, that is, forms don’t, won’t, isn’t, doesn’t, you’re, for example. In

the Safety and Cleaning chapter, however, both formats are used, don’t and do not (1).

The internal structure of task steps is consistent throughout the user

documentation, as shown in the following figure:

Example 10: Consistency of procedural information The overall structure of procedural information is presented in the same pattern

throughout the user documentation, except for the Safety and Cleaning chapter (2). The

menu paths are described in a consistent fashion, for instance Settings > Main Menu (0).

There is no unnecessary overlap in the user documentation (0).

The layout and construction of chapter 7, Safety and Cleaning, is not consistent

with other information in the manual that I analysed. The tasks procedures are not

placed under headings describing the tasks (2), and there are too many topics which all

look alike and get easily mixed up with other paragraphs, because the rest of the text

starts from the same line as the name of the topic, with only an additional space


character between them (3). The topic names are bolded, but there is no additional white

space to clearly separate the topic from the next, as the following figure shows:

Example 11: Layout of topics in chapter 7 Although there are instructions which are written in the present tense imperative

addressing the user in the first person, that information is not presented in steps, and

there is only one bulleted list containing instructional information. Instructions and

information are also listed in the same paragraph one sentence after another without lists

or steps as done in other chapters of the user documentation (2).

One possible theory for explaining the differences is that the chapter 7 may be

a single-sourced information unit. Exactly the same information content can be found in

the iPod safety guide (Apple Inc., 2006c) which is delivered with the iPod along with

the Fifth generation iPod late 2006 features guide (Apple Inc., 2006a). Only the

following sentence has been added to the beginning of the iPod safety guide: “For


detailed operating instructions, see the features guide for your iPod found at:”. The same information content can also be found in the

user documentation of other models, and their safety guides, for example the iPod nano

safety guide (Apple Inc., 2006b). If single sourcing is applied in user documentation, all

different information modules should be linguistically, typographically, and structurally

consistent within one user manual, and they should contain only relevant information,

despite being reused in different manuals, which is not the case here. All other chapters

conform to those guidelines except the Safety and Cleaning chapter.

The location of the Safety and Cleaning chapter is not consistent with the

structure of the user documentation in general, because the structure of the rest of the

documentation supports the user’s workflow, except for this section. The chapter

contains safety and handling information, but also guidelines for cleaning and disposing

of the player, which should not be in the same chapter. It would be more logical to place

the chapter at the beginning, as most of the information in that chapter is related to

taking the MP3 player into use (3).

The information content in Warnings, Notes, Notices, and the Important

messages is not consistent (2). The Safety and Cleaning chapter contains the following

Notice which stands out well:

Example 12: Notice in iPod user documentation The meaning is also clear, but it describes possible damage to iPod if the instructions in

the Notice are not followed, therefore it should be a Warning or a Caution instead of a

Notice. Chapter 7 is the only place where a Notice is used and it is used only once,


which supports my theory of that chapter having been reused in many user manuals, as

the chapter is not consistent with the others.

When terms or concepts have been explained, the same meaning is used

throughout the user documentation (0). The term lanyard is used only twice, in the

Safety and Cleaning chapter. Lanyards are not even available for the Fifth Generation

iPod, but they are sold in the Apple Store (Apple Inc., 2008) for iPod nano, therefore

the term should not be mentioned in the user documentation of this particular model.

In my judgment, the overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user

documentation regarding this heuristic is 2. There are several major problems related to

consistent presentation of information and its structure, therefore a lower grade cannot

be given.

Help on Using Documentation

This principle deals with the following issues: Does the user documentation

provide instructions on its intended use? How is the documentation going to be

updated? I chose to include also service, support, and iPod-related software updates as

one important aspect of this heuristic, and because it contains characteristics of both

other aspects it cannot be straightforwardly evaluated as a part of either one of those


At the beginning of each chapter users are provided with instructions on the

intended use of the user documentation.


Example 13: The summary at the beginning of chapter 2

First there is a short introductory description of what users are about to learn to do in

that particular chapter, as in the example above, and then there is a more detailed

description of the main topics and areas of information that the chapter covers (0).

Longer descriptions are summarised in a bulleted list.

As for getting the possible updates to the user documentation, there is no

explicit mention of that. The user documentation contains a section, chapter 8,

instructing the users where to get service, support, and more information on iPod, and

software updates and downloads (0). Other support and update needs are covered, but

not user documentation itself (1). It raises a question whether there is any real need for

user documentation updates in such a small documentation set as this.

The overall severity rating of the usability problems in the user documentation

regarding this heuristic is 0, because the users are provided with well organised

instructions on the use of the documentation, support information, and service. In my

estimation the documentation update needs are most likely to be minimal.


5 Conclusions

The main purpose of this study was to conduct a heuristic usability analysis of

MP3 player documentation using Purho’s (2000) list of ten documentation usability

heuristics. The usability evaluation was performed as an expert analysis against the

heuristics list by examining the user documentation in detail. But as usability is product-

specific, the best case scenario would be to have a product-specific list of heuristics

which could then be reused several times (Korvenranta, 2005, 122-123). Such list was

not, however, available. The secondary purpose of my thesis was to examine how

suitable Purho’s heuristics are in evaluating new material such as an MP3 player user

manual and whether some of the heuristics have become outdated.

The purpose of a user documentation usability evaluation is to reveal possible

problems in using and understanding the user documentation, preferably in the early

development phase and also before the product and documentation are released to the

customers. Before the actual usability evaluation there are matters that should be taken

into consideration in the information design phase, most importantly the users. Target

group analysis provides important information about the users, thus enabling further

development regarding the usability of the product and the user documentation. It

provides personal details about the users, for example, age, gender, level of experience,

and general knowledge. Users also have different motives for reading and the

environment and situation influence their reading style. As discussed in Chapter 2, these

all affect information design which forms the basis for constructing the actual user

documentation, and through it they relate to the usability of the user documentation.

As a combination of the most important basic aspects in defining and

evaluating usability we can list the following factors from the short definitions of


Nielsen (2003) and the ISO standard 9241-11 (1998): learnability, efficiency,

memorability, errors, and satisfaction, as well as the contextual components, that is, the

user, task, equipment, and environment. In a comprehensive usability evaluation a set of

more detailed heuristics is needed, because usability encompasses so many other

attributes, many of which are related to information design and target group analysis.

Therefore the analysis was performed on the basis of Purho’s general documentation

usability heuristics. An estimated usability severity rating was given for all individual

aspects related to the heuristics, and an overall severity rating was given at the end of

each heuristic. The ratings, especially the overall rating, were subjective, because no

actual users were used in this type of usability analysis.

Purho’s first heuristic, match between documentation and the real world,

focuses mostly on language, words, phrases, and concepts. The lexicon and morphology

correlate with standard English language and simple and unambiguous sentence

structures of the MP3 player documentation support the real-world conventions –

consequently it can be considered that the language and text are easily understood by

the users. Technical jargon and acronyms have been avoided, and terminology and

concepts can be expected to be familiar to the users. Procedures, except in the Safety

and Cleaning chapter, are logical and support the users’ workflow. All findings

considered, my overall assessment is that the usability problems related to this heuristic

are minor and should be given a low priority.

In the second heuristic, match between documentation and the product, there

were no usability problems found. Terminology in the user documentation corresponds

with the terms used in the product, and also symbols, menus, statuses, and icons match

with the users see in the product.


The third heuristic, purposeful documentation, concentrates on the purpose of

the user documentation and whether it is provided in appropriate format. The function

of the user documentation is clear, except for the main title, iPod Features Guide, which

suggests that the user documentation concentrates on describing the features of the MP3

player not the instructions for using it. Other headings and titles are unambiguous and

they reflect the users’ actions. Terms, definitions, and concepts are listed in the index,

except iPod Dock, FireWire, scrubber bar, and lanyards. The biggest problem was that

the player does not contain a help in itself, which should, in my judgment, be included

so that the necessary information is provided in an appropriate format. My conclusion is

that the usability problems related to this heuristic are minor and of a low priority.

The fourth heuristic, support for different users, is closely related to target

group analysis and the users’ needs, that is, the types of people that read the user

documentation in question and how or why they read it. The MP3 player target groups

are varied and there are all kinds of users, but the user documentation provides enough

detail for the intended audience. Important concepts are repeated when necessary and

there are no redundant words, phrases, or information. Figures are placed so that they

support the users. Language is easy to understand, unambiguous, and presented at a

suitable level for the intended audience. There were only few findings regarding this

heuristic, but they are not usability problems.

The fifth heuristic, effective information design, mainly concerns finding and

understanding the information, and typographic conventions that are easy to understand

and support the users’ needs. Headings and topic names are self-descriptive, and

procedures are presented from the users’ point of view, supporting the workflow, which

make the information easier to understand and find. However, subchapters are not

numbered, typeface is not distinct enough, and they lack the white space between them.


Third level headings, especially the task headings, blend with the text paragraphs.

Terms and concepts are explained when they are presented for the first time, except

iPod Dock, FireWire, scrubber bar, and lanyards, and the same meaning is used after

that. Paragraphs and sentences are focused and concise, and numbered and bulleted lists

instead of long instructive paragraphs, except in the Safety and Cleaning chapter which

is not consistent with the other chapters. Notifications are phrased well, but their

visibility varies – only warnings can be clearly distinguished. Graphics are not overused

and they support easy understanding. The text is grammatically and linguistically

correct, gender-neutral, informative, there are no spelling errors, and weak sentence

structures and excessive use of passive voice are avoided. Users are addressed in the

first person, using active voice, imperative verb forms, and present tense. Although

information design covers various other aspects, these were the main aspects related to

this heuristic. All findings and their importance considered, my overall assessment is

that the usability problems related to this heuristic are minor and should be given a low


The sixth heuristic, support for various methods for searching information,

presented more severe and numerous usability problems than I anticipated. There were

positive things as well, for instance the names of the topics and subchapters are

descriptive and appropriate, and the table of contents is clear and focused. But there are

no numbered subchapters, only topics which are not distinct from the text and tasks, not

big or bold enough. Notification types are not visible enough, and tables and figures do

not have captions and they are not listed either in the table of contents or the index.

There are different strategies for reading and searching for information, but the user

documentation does not sufficiently support different types of reading processes. As an

overall estimation of the findings related to this principle, there were major usability


problems which should be given high priority, because they complicate the use and

decrease the level of usability considerably.

In the seventh heuristic, task orientation, there were only cosmetic usability

problems in my estimation. Task sequences were presented from the users’ viewpoint

and according to their workflow, and all preconditions and outcomes were clear. The

overall structure of procedural information is consistent and presented in the same

parallel pattern and at the same level of detail throughout the documentation.

The eighth heuristic, troubleshooting, also presented mainly cosmetic usability

problems. The user documentation includes unambiguous short descriptions for

common and general error situations – the 5 Rs. There are several more detailed

descriptions for rarer situations related to error recovery. As regards the accessibility of

the troubleshooting instructions, the user documentation provides an easy access, but as

mentioned, the player does not contain a help in itself, thus providing no help on the


In the ninth heuristic, consistency and standards, the consistency of language,

terminology, and the structure were evaluated, and whether the actions and situations

mean the same thing. Grammatical constructions are consistent and there are no

nonparallel headings. The Safety and Cleaning chapter is not consistent with the other

chapters: task topics are not placed under headings, and the topics look too much alike

and there is no additional white space between the topics. Instructions and tasks are

most often written in the same paragraph, instead of using bulleted and numbered lists.

The structure of the chapter does not support the users’ workflow, the location of the

Safety and Cleaning is not consistent with the structure of the documentation, and safety

and handling instructions should not be in the same chapter with instructions for

cleaning and disposing of the player.


All findings and their importance considered the usability problems were in my

judgment minor and of a low priority, as nearly all bigger problems were related to one

chapter – Safety and Cleaning.

As regards the tenth heuristic, help on using documentation, the overall

estimation was that the findings are not usability problems. Users are provided with

instructions on the intended use of the user documentation at the beginning of each

chapter. After a short introductory description there is a more detailed description of the

main topics and areas. Possible updates to the user documentation are not mentioned,

but users are instructed where to get service, support, and more information on iPod.

Overall, the method chosen for this study was, in my opinion, successful, as it

enabled a detailed evaluation of the user documentation and revealed problems that

were not visible at first. Based on the evaluation results, the overall usability of the Fifth

generation iPod late 2006 features guide (Apple Inc., 2006a) proved to be uneven. Most

of the findings were cosmetic and minor usability problems with which users can be

expected to cope. The language and the structure of the task sequences proved to be

much better than I anticipated. On the other hand, the number of major usability

problems and their source came as a surprise. I expected to find usability problems, but

neither as numerous and severe as the analysis revealed nor related to the aspects I

discovered. All in all, it can be argued that this user documentation is usable enough to

guide the users through their tasks, but there is still much room for improvement –

especially when it comes to searching for information.

The secondary purpose of this study was to establish whether Purho’s

heuristics list is outdated or still suitable, and in case the list is not up-to-date, to

conclude which usability aspects of user documentation the heuristics do not cover

properly and how the heuristics could be updated.


In my estimation, I managed to gather sufficient data during the usability

evaluation to be able to evaluate the functionality of Purho’s heuristics in this context.

In general, they are well suited for user documentation usability evaluation and are still

up-to-date, but in my view they could be updated and improved, because a few

important aspects of usability are not accounted for and there is also some redundancy

in Purho’s principles. Based on the analysis, I concluded that the more detailed aspects

that Purho’s heuristics do not thoroughly or at all account for are predictability,

memorability, error prevention, and user control and freedom, and I will now give an

overview of these aspects.

With predictability we can evaluate how intuitive and easy the user

documentation is to use and learn. Consistency of the user documentation and proper

information design help to achieve these goals, as especially effective information

design is interconnected with all the other heuristics. Predictability is very closely

related to the match between documentation and the real world, and the aspect of logical

order of information, and if procedural information is predictable, it also supports

different users. Of course users have their own opinions of what is predictable or

intuitive, based on their own internal models, but information design can be based on

what most people would find predictable according to target group analysis.

Memorability is closely related to predictability. If the user documentation and

product are predictable to use, it is easier for the users to remember the instructions.

Nielsen (2003) established memorability as a part of the five most important quality

components in evaluating the usability of user interfaces. Memorability evaluates how

easily users are able to reestablish their proficiency when they use the product after an

interval. Purho’s (2000) fifth heuristic, effective information design, emphasizes easy

understanding and reading, typographical aspects, and addressing the users directly,


among others. Memorability is closely related to these and, although it is difficult to

evaluate in an expert evaluation without actual users, it could in my estimation be

incorporated as an aspect in the detailed description of the fifth heuristic. It could also

be integrated into the second heuristic, because it pertains to the match between

documentation and the product.

In my opinion Purho’s tenth heuristic, help on using documentation, is rather

irrelevant when evaluating small document sets and individual user manuals, such as the

one used in this study, because the need for user documentation updates is not that

great. That principle also covers the intended use of the user documentation, but the

same aspect is covered by the third heuristic, purposeful documentation. In my view

they could be combined as a single heuristic. Purposeful documentation evaluates

whether the function of the user documentation is clear and the documentation provided

in an appropriate format and medium for the users. The aspect information on

documentation updates could be included in that heuristic.

As a replacement for Purho’s tenth heuristic I would add a new heuristic,

which, in my judgment, covers some of the other weaknesses in Purho’s heuristics list.

Nielsen’s (2008b) heuristics list included the following two principles: error prevention,

and user control and freedom. In error prevention Nielsen suggests to eliminate error-

prone situations and to ask the users for confirmation before performing the action. In

user control and freedom he points out that users make mistakes and they need

emergency exits, such as undo and redo. These Nielsen’s two heuristics are related to

each other and Purho’s (2000) list does not directly cover these aspects. There are

related heuristics and aspects, for example in troubleshooting and effective information

design, but the aspects mentioned above are not included in those either.


Although user control and freedom is not directly applicable to user

documentation evaluation, it can be used to evaluate several aspects related to those.

Therefore, I would suggest a new heuristic called user freedom and error tolerance,

which I composed by modifying the Nielsen’s heuristics just mentioned and adding a

few aspects more suited for user documentation analysis:

Users should be given freedom to proceed with their tasks at a pace they need and to switch between tasks when they need. Users should be allowed to make mistakes. Despite incorrect actions, users should be able to complete the task sequences with the intended results with minimal corrective actions. Descriptions of the corrective actions should be clear, near, and visible, in addition to a troubleshooting section.

Some of the aspects are closely related to Purho’s heuristics, especially match between

documentation and the product, and information design, but not directly. On the other

hand, this description is also very much related to Purho’s troubleshooting heuristic.

Most of this could be incorporated into that heuristic, thus improving it.

Few individual studies have been made using Purho’s documentation usability

heuristics and none of the previous studies have evaluated Purho’s heuristics as well. As

this was the first study to pursue that angle besides using the heuristics, I had no real

reference material to use or criticise besides Purho’s heuristics and the evaluation

results. However, I managed to identify possible deficiencies in the heuristics and

propose a few improvements, although the heuristics proved to be generally functional

and up-to-date for usability evaluation. Nevertheless, more case studies would be

needed to properly assess whether Purho’s principles actually need updating or whether

this study is just a statistical anomaly or subject to partiality on my behalf. Even more

use cases would be needed to assess the revised heuristics list to come up with

suggestions for further improvements to my revisions – which are completely

theoretical at present. Both lists could be used in a usability evaluation in parallel and


compare the outcome and findings produced by each list. It might reveal what kind or

size of user documentation the two lists are most suited for. The parallel evaluation

might reveal the benefits and drawbacks of all the heuristics, thus presenting

information on which aspects would constitute the new tenth heuristic. But such matters

are not in the scope of this study and they will be left for future studies on this field.



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