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The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong 11th - 31st March 2013 9am -7pm

香港中環交易廣 場中央大廳 二零一三年三月十一日至三十一日 上午九時至晚上七時



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Hongkong Land is a regular sponsor of the arts. Prominent exhibitions

have been held in and around its buildings in CENTRAL for many years.

The Company is delighted to display

a group exhibition showcasing the works of five local artists at The Rotunda,

Exchange Square, Central for the enjoyment of the public.


推廣藝術及舉辦藝術展覽。 地公司很高興於



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雖 然 人 口 日 益 稠 密 , 但 只 要 享 有 生 活 上 的 種 種 便 利 , 也 就 是 我 們 的 藝 術 家 呂 豐 雅 所 說 的








遠離城巿煩囂,將時間壓力 諸腦後,以他們自己的語言進行創作。他們的作品主題與周遭








藝 術 創 作 向 觀 眾 表 達 或 反 映 某 種 政 治 或 社 會 矛 盾 , 而 是 要 帶 領 觀 眾 反 求 諸 己 , 去 反 思 、

細 味 和 恪 守 那 些 價 值 逾 恆 的 思 想 和 行 為 。

Hong Kong is a vertical city fuelled over the past three decades by the rapid economic

growth of her motherland, China. The result is increasing urbanisation for Hong Kong.

This increasing concentration does not seem to affect the human spirit as long as

it is accompanied by convenience, or what our artist, Eddie Lui, refers to as ‘instant

noodle culture’. ‘Time matters’ is almost a daily mantra that captures the socio-spatial

character of Hong Kong’s busy, crowded population.

These five collective hermit artists, retreating from this cacophony, are searching

for the more ethereal qualities of l ife, not those of convenience and immediacy.

In seclusion, these five artists are exploring their inner voices and drawing inspiration

from the beauty found in their imaginations.

Instead of exploring how the dense urban environment shapes the society or culture

of the city, these five artists dabble and chisel in their monastic, cell-like studios,

searching to convey ‘what really counts’. They paint contentedly in their own language,

stepping aside from the hustle and bustle of urban l iv ing and ignoring all t ime

pressures. Their themes are disconnected from the immediate urban fabric; their work

emphasises feelings of transcendence and interplay with nature, speaking of a world

of contemplation rather than one of action. Our hermit artists prefer to awaken the

viewer’s aesthetic sense rather that to evoke emotion. As one artist, Robert O’Brien,

said of his ‘walking draw’ experience in southern China, “Country people see everything

and say nothing. Urban people see nothing but say everything.”

The five established local artists featured in this exhibition are all hermits who have

seceded from a concrete jungle of noise, pace and folly: Norman Ko, Lam Tian Xing,

Eddie Lui, Winnie Mak and Robert O’Brien. Their works represent a variety of styles,

approaches and mediums. Although each artist exhibits strong individual technical

and artistic mastery and style, they share a common vision. Their art does not voice

or reflect a political or social challenge to the viewer. Instead, it invites reflection,

contemplation and commitment to ideas and practices of lasting value.


華圖 斯

Art Advisor

Sandra Walters

Urban Hermits

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Norman KO


Professor Norman Ko graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the

University of Hong Kong in 1963. He is a world renowned expert in fluid dynamics and

acoustics. However, he is equally known for his artistic talents. His interest in 3-dimensional

art sparked when he saw an ancient Greek sculpture in his primary school library. At the age

of 41, his passion was rekindled while doing scientific research at the University of Cambridge.

In 1979, Ko took up 3-dimensional art seriously, and in 1983 he received the Urban Council

Fine Arts Award in sculpture. In 1987, he started painting and was awarded a French

Government Fellowshi p in the same year. In 1991, he was given a grant from the Consortium

for Pacific Arts and Culture, Honolulu, Hawaii.

In 1991, Ko was made a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the United Kingdom. He was

co-founder of the Hong Kong Sculptors Association and, in 2008, he joined the Chinese

Artists Association. In 2011, he became artist-in-residence at the Hong Kong Polytechnic

University. Ko lectures extensively on the history and appreciation of sculptural art.

Ko has held 23 solo exhibitions in sculpture, painting, underwater photography, imagery

and installation art, and has participated in numerous group exhibitions. Many of his large

sculptures are on permanent display in public spaces in Hong Kong. His smaller works are

included in private collections throughout the world.

高華文教授於 1963 年畢業於香港大學機械工程系,是舉世知名的流體動力學及音響學專家,同時也


誘發。他 41 歲在劍橋大學從事科學研究期間,重燃起對立體藝術的熱愛。

高教授於 1979 年開始從事立體藝術創作,1983 年獲市政局藝術獎 ( 雕塑組別 );1987 年開始從事

繪畫創作,同年獲選為法國政府院士;1991 年獲夏威夷檀香山太平洋藝術文化聯合會資助獎勵。

高教授於 1991 年被頒授英國皇家藝術學會院士。他是香港雕塑家協會的創會成員,並於 2008

年加入中國美術家協會。 2011 年,他成為香港理工大學駐校藝術家。他在教授雕塑藝術的歷史和


高教授曾舉辦 23 次個人展覽,展出其創作的雕塑、繪畫、水底攝影及裝 藝術作品,並曾參與



Lady 35 淑女 35  2012

Bronze 青銅

157h x 20w x 20d cm

Lady 43 淑女 43  2012

Bronze 青銅

180h x 20w x 20d cm

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Lady 44 淑女 44  2012

Bronze 青銅

197h x 20w x 20d cm

Lady 45 淑女 45  2012

Bronze 青銅

180h x 20w x 20d cm

Lady 46 淑女 46  2012

Bronze 青銅

180h x 20w x 20d cm

Lady 48 淑女 48  2012

Bronze 青銅

180h x 20w x 20d cm

Lady 50 淑女 50  2012

Bronze 青銅

180h x 20w x 20d cm

Lady 47 淑女 47  2012

Bronze 青銅

180h x 20w x 20d cm

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LAM Tian Xing


Lam Tian Xing, a renowned contemporary ink painter, was born in 1963 in Fujian Province,

China. He started studying Chinese and Western painting, and Chinese calligraphy, at the age

of 14. Lam practised under the guidance of many masters in China. In 1984, Lam immigrated

to Hong Kong and later returned to China to continue his studies at the Central Academy of

Fine Arts in Beijing. After graduating in 1990, he became a lecturer at the Hong Kong First

Institute of Art and Design until 1998. During his 30 years of artistic exploration, Lam has

developed his unique style of blending Chinese ink with Western painting techniques.

Lam was invited by the Chinese Ministry of Culture to provide paint ings of Hong Kong

scenery to accompany two landmark space journeys and bear witness to these important

national milestones. The first painting “Morning Songs” travelled with Shenzhou VI in

2005; while the second “Side View in Victoria Harbour” was on board the 2008 Shenzhou VII


Lam has held more than 30 solo exhib it ions in Bei j ing, Hong Kong, New York, Berlin,

Mi lan , S ing ap ore and Ta iwan. H e has a lso p art i c ip a t ed in many j o in t exh ib i t i ons

worldwide. His work has been collected by museums in both Hong Kong and China, and

placed in many international corporate collections.

林天行是著名當代水墨畫家,1963 年於中國福建省出生。14 歲時開始學習中國畫、西洋畫及中國

書法,師承多位中國藝術大師。 1984 年,林天行移居香港,及後返回中國北京中央美術學院繼續

學習。1990年畢業後,他擔任香港大一藝術設計學院講師至 1998年。在其 30 年的藝術探索體驗中,



里程。第一幅作品「晨曲」於2005 年隨神州六號升空;而第二幅作品「維港兩岸」則於2008年隨


林天行曾於北京、香港、紐約、柏林、米蘭、新加坡及台灣舉行超過 30 個個人作品展覽,亦曾多次


Duet 對話 2012

Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本

68h x 68w cm

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Far Away Dream 遙遠的夢 2012

Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本

68h x 68w cm

Indian Summer 秋分 2012

Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本

68h x 68w cm

Cozy Corner 幸福的一角 2012

Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本

68h x 68w cm

Drifting Clouds 浮雲 2012

Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本

68h x 68w cm

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Eddie LUI


Eddie Lui was born in Hong Kong in 1947. He received his formal visual arts training at the

School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong from 1969

to 1972. In 1981, he received the Urban Council Fine Arts Award at the Hong Kong Biennial

Exhibition. In 1997, Lui was awarded the Silver Jubilee Achievement Award by the Hong Kong

Visual Arts Society in recognition of his relentless support and contributions.

Lui was the president of the Hong Kong Visual Arts Society from 1978 to 1982. He was an honorary

advisor to the Hong Kong Art Promotion Panel between 1996 and 1999; as well as secretary

general of the Asian Watercolour Confederation from 1997 to 2002. In 1997, he co-founded the

Hong Kong Union of Visual Artists and was the president until 2005. Lui is currently director of the

Hong Kong Committee of the Federation of Asian Artists, a position he has held since 1997.

In 2005, Lui was appointed to oversee the revitalisation and conversion of a decommissioned

factory estate into the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, where he served as executive director

from its opening until 2010.

Lui’s paintings and sculptures have been collected by museums in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and

Malaysia, and are also found in government, corporate and private collections.

呂豐雅於 1947 年出生於香港。1969 年至 1972 年間他在香港大學專業進修學院接受正規的視覺

藝術培訓。1981 年他獲香港藝術館香港藝術雙年展「香港市政局藝術獎」,並於 1997 年獲頒發


呂豐雅曾任香港視覺藝術協會會長 (1978-1982 );香港藝術館推廣香港藝術顧問團榮譽顧問 (1996-

1999 );及亞洲水彩畫聯盟秘書長 (1997-2002 )。1997 年,他與夥伴共同創立了香港視藝聯盟,並擔

任創會會長至 2005 年。他自 1997 年起擔任亞洲藝術家聯盟香港委員會主席至今。

2005 年呂豐雅獲任命,負責監督把一座舊式廠廈活化及改建成賽馬會創意藝術中心,並自該中心啟用

起擔任其行政總裁至 2010年。



The Apple Of My Eye 蘋果密語 2012

Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本

170h x 96w cm

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Red Rose & White Lace 玫瑰與白紗 2009

Acrylic on linen 塑膠彩布本

122h x 122w cm

White Lace & Deep Blue Sea 白紗與深海 2010

Acrylic on linen 塑膠彩布本

122h x 122w cm

Fire Red Flower In Winter 冬日火焰百合 2013

Ink, mixed media on canvas 水墨混合素材布本

60h x 90w cm

Nectar For Autumn 秋天的花蜜 2013

Ink, mixed media on canvas 水墨混合素材布本

90h x 60w cm

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Winnie MAK


Winnie Mak was born in Hong Kong in 1956. She studied Chinese ink paint ing and

calligraphy in Calgary while liv ing in Canada in the 1980s. She at tended workshops

organised by the late Lee Byng, the foremost watercolourist from Hong Kong, and the late

Chin Shek Lam, a leading ink painter.

Mak co-founded the Artrend Creat ive Studio & Visual Art Consultants Ltd in 1994.

She designed and conducted a series of experimental art classes for children from 3

to 15 years old . Her students were frequent entrants in both local and regional art

competitions with outstanding results. Between the years 2004 and 2007, she provided

visual arts training to primary and secondary schools under the aegis of the Hong Kong

Ballet ’s educat ion and outreach programmes. Mak also set up ceramic workshops in

Foshan, China, in 2000, and has since been involved in various public art initiations and

installat ions in Hong Kong and the Asia region. With the recent establishment of her

studio in Kwai Chung, she now engages in art project management and the creation of

art on a full-time basis.

Mak is very active in co-curating and co-organising the annual Asian International Art

Exhibitions of the Federation of Asian Artists and is also a member of its Hong Kong Committee.

麥翠影,1956 年在香港出生。八十年代在加拿大卡加利生活。期間她學習中國水墨畫及書法,


麥翠影於 1994 年創辦精雅畫室及視藝顧問公司,為 3 至 15 歲兒童設計及開辦一系列藝術實驗課程,

其學生經常參加本地及地區性藝術比賽,成績斐然。2004 年至 2007 年期間,她透過香港芭蕾舞團

的教育及外展計劃,為中小學生提供藝術教育;另於 2000 年於中國佛山成立陶瓷工作室,自此

經常參與各項公共藝術活動及大型裝 藝術展覽。她最近剛於葵涌成立工作室,現全職從事藝術




Green Peace (I)  花天草地之初 2008

Ink on paper 水墨紙本

58h x 84w cm

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Green Mandala 花壇 2011

Ink on paper 水墨紙本

90h x 90w cm

Green Peace (II)  花天草地重現 2010

Ink on paper 水墨紙本

80h x 100w cm

Cactus Colony 仙人掌天地 2013

Ink on paper 水墨紙本

75h x 75w cm

Spring Bank 春堤 2012

Ink on paper 水墨紙本

96h x 104w cm

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Robert O’BRIEN


Robert O’Brien was born in the United Kingdom in 1939. He spent his childhood in Congo,

Egypt and England, and has been an avid traveller. He first approached drawing and painting

when he was 13. Two years later, he worked in the theatre as an apprentice scene painter

before attending formal art education. In 1961, he graduated in Theatre Design from the

Central St. Martins in London. As a developing artist, he was associated with leading

galleries in London and Continental Europe. In 1976, he moved to Hong Kong.

O’Brien worked extensively in the field of art education in both Hong Kong and southern

China. He was a lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts between the

years of 1994 and 2003. Since 2003, he has been a senior lecturer at The Design Factory

International of the Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China.

Since his first exhibition in 1964, O’Brien has held 13 solo exhibitions and participated inmany group shows in Europe and Asia. He had a solo exhibition in Hong Kong as part of

The City Festival in 2001 and participated in the 2005 Guangzhou triennial as well as group

exhibitions within the region. His works are included in public, corporate and private

collections in Hong Kong, Europe, the USA and Asia.

白禮仁於 1939 年在英國出生,童年時曾在剛果、埃及和英國生活,熱愛旅遊。他在 13 歲時首次

接觸素描和繪畫,兩年後在一家劇院當場景繪圖學徒,其後接受正規的藝術教育。 1961 年,他於

倫敦中央聖馬汀舞台設計系畢業,曾與多間倫敦及歐陸著名畫廊合作。 1967 年移居香港。

白禮仁在香港及華南地區廣泛從事藝術教育工作,1994 年至 2003 年期間在香港演藝學院擔任講

師,自 2003 年起擔任中國北京師範大學廣東省珠海分校國際傳媒設計學院高級講師。

白禮仁自 1964 年舉行首個個人展以來,先後舉行了 13 次個人作品展,並於歐洲及亞洲參與無數

聯合展覽。他於 2001 年在香港的乙城節舉行一場個人作品展,又於 2005參與廣州三年展及區內


Territorial Division 界限分明 2011

Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本

90h x 82w cm

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Journey To The South 南行之旅 2012

Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本

127h x 131w cm

After Dark 夜已深 2011

Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本

112h x 119w cm

Distant Rain 遠方的雨 2012

Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本

92h x 92w cm

Ming-gen Narrative 民間傳說 2010

Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本

84h x 98w cm

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List of works展品目錄Measurements in centimetres. Height precedes width and depth.



Norman KO高華文 Lady 35 淑女 35 Bronze青銅  2012 157 x 20 x 20

Lady 43 淑女 43 Bronze青銅 2012 180 x 20 x 20

Lady 44 淑女 44 Bronze青銅  2012 197 x 20 x 20

Lady 45 淑女 45 Bronze青銅  2012 180 x 20 x 20

Lady 46 淑女 46 Bronze青銅  2012 180 x 20 x 20

Lady 47 淑女 47 Bronze青銅  2012 180 x 20 x 20

Lady 48 淑女 48 Bronze青銅  2012 180 x 20 x 20

Lady 50 淑女 50 Bronze青銅  2012 180 x 20 x 20


LAM Tian Xing林天行 Duet 對話   Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本  2012 68 x 68

Indian Summer 秋分   Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本  2012 68 x 68

Far Away Dream 遙遠的夢   Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本  2012 68 x 68

Cozy Corner 幸福的一角  Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本  2012 68 x 68

Drifting Clouds 浮雲 Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本  2012 68 x 68

Eddie LUI呂豐雅 The Apple Of My Eye 蘋果密語 Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本  2012 170 x 96

Red Rose & White Lace 玫瑰與白紗  Acrylic on linen 塑膠彩布本  2009 122 x 122

White Lace & Deep Blue Sea 白紗與深海  Acrylic on linen 塑膠彩布本  2010 122 x 122

Fire Red Flower In Winter 冬日火焰百合   Ink, mixed media on canvas 水墨混合素材布本  2013 60 x 90

Nectar For Autumn 秋天的花蜜  Ink, mixed media on canvas 水墨混合素材布本  2013 90 x 60

Winnie MAK麥翠影 Green Peace (I)  花天草地之初 Ink on paper 水墨紙本  2008 58 x 84

Green Peace (II)  花天草地重現   Ink on paper 水墨紙本  2010 80 x 100

Green Mandala 花壇   Ink on paper 水墨紙本  2011 90 x 90

Spring Bank 春堤   Ink on paper 水墨紙本  2012 96 x 104

Cactus Colony 仙人掌天地  Ink on paper 水墨紙本  2013 75 x 75

Robert O'BRIEN白禮仁 Territorial Division 界限分明   Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本   2011 90 x 82

After Dark 夜已深   Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本   2011 112 x 119

Journey To The South 南行之旅   Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本   2012 127 x 131

Ming-gen Narrative 民間傳說 Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本   2010 84 x 98

Distant Rain 遠方的雨   Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas 油彩塑膠彩貼紙帆布本   2012 92 x 92

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