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Page 1: Updated photo shoot plan

Candidate Name – Elizabeth Plumb Candidate Number - 2049

Project Description: For this project I plan on taking photos of people for my pop music magazine. These

people will all be teenagers as this is reflective of my target audience. I will make sure that the teenagers that I am taking photos of look like they are in a boy band or girl group, as this is what I need them to look like. To make them look like this I will make sure they have props, which may be a guitar and accessories for the girls.


I will be the photographer when taking the photos for my magazine front cover, contents page and DPS. I will mainly be doing mid-close up shots, this is because

they include the persons head to the middle of their arms, therefore the audience is focused on them. I may use a long shot when taking a photo of the boy bands as this

way the target audience can see their fashion style. For all of the photos I will have high key lighting, this is so that the target audience can see the people clearly. I am planning to edit the photos in Adobe Photoshop CS5 once I have taken them. To do this I will sharpen the photos, by using Photoshop so they are a better quality and I may also crop them so that the person is in the middle of the photo.

Reasons behind the title I feel that this font stands out the best, this is because it is in capitals however it is also simple which attracts readers. I plan to have the masthead in a black colour with the ‘o’ of ‘forever’ in a pink heart. This is because it includes the main colour of the magazine in the title whilst remaining eye-catching. The connotations for the pink heart is that my target audience’s favorite colour is usually pink, therefore they will be attracted by this, also pink represents girls (my target audience) I also plan to have the masthead in the center and at the top of the page so it is easy to see and eye-catching.

Page 2: Updated photo shoot plan

Candidate Name – Elizabeth Plumb Candidate Number - 2049

Reference images and ideas:


These 3 pictures are my photos of inspiration when taking photos for my magazine front cover and double page spread. I chose these photos as my inspiration because these are what attracts my target audience. The 2 photos of the groups connotes unity and that they are having fun, this is what young teens want to see s it makes them happy. The last photo is about fashion, this is what young teens love to read because it signifies to them how to obtain the same style/clothing as their idol. These photos are all from my magazine of inspiration because they have the same target audience as I do therefore I would like to replicate what they include in their magazine.

Page 3: Updated photo shoot plan

Candidate Name – Elizabeth Plumb Candidate Number - 2049

I plan to use these people when taking photos for my magazine, this is because they are the same age as the target audience and the boys also look like they could be in a boy band. I will use the girl to display the fashion clothing and some photos on the front cover and

contents page, as she can be the main cover story because the target audience are also girls. These pictures give an idea of what the people will look like up close and in a mid-shot, this is because I will be including both in my magazine.

Page 4: Updated photo shoot plan

Candidate Name – Elizabeth Plumb Candidate Number - 2049

Model requirements:

These pictures represent the types of clothing that I want the models to wear. This is because the

clothes are fashionable and something that young teens will want to buy to look like their idols. These types of clothing are very stereotypical of celebrities in a pop magazine because they are fashionable

and easy to buy from a high street store. When choosing the models they cannot be too tall and they cannot be really short, this is because it Is not what celebrities stereotypically look like.

Page 5: Updated photo shoot plan

Candidate Name – Elizabeth Plumb Candidate Number - 2049

Wardrobe and Look:

Hair and Make up:

When taking photos I will make sure that the models wear some accessories like these, this is because they are fashionable and are very stereotypical of what a celebrity wears.

When taking the photos I intend to have their hair like the photos, this is because it id fashionable and stereotypical to the types of celebrities on my magazine of

inspiration. I will also use some make up just to cover up any spots and blemishes.

Page 6: Updated photo shoot plan

Candidate Name – Elizabeth Plumb Candidate Number - 2049

Where: When taking the photos they will mainly be taken outside as I can either edit the background or leave it. When: I will take my photos in the day time as the sun will be my main and natural light source. I plan to take them on a weekend (Saturday) as my models are still in full time education.