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Update on pig value chain development in Vietnam

Lucy Lapar (ILRI)

Planning Meeting

ILRI Nairobi

27-29 September 2011

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish

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Why pigs in Vietnam? Pork is a significant component of the Vietnamese diet, er capita pork

consumption is likely to remain on the uptrend with rising incomes.

Strong demand for fresh pork that smallholders can supply through most preferred outlets by consumers;

Changing nature of pork demand, e.g., emerging food safety, quality concerns need to be assessed and properly understood

Dominance of smallholders in pig production, importance in employment generation, significant contribution to HH income

Smallholder competitiveness (vis-à-vis other suppliers, e.g., large farms, imports) remains a development policy challenge (rising feed prices, animal disease risks)

Enabling policy environment, willingness of policymakers, development partners, and stakeholders to engage in R4D initiatives

Building on previous ILRI work with various partners.

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Impact pathway and outcomes

Pathway: works with research and development partners and value chain actors to identify opportunities, test and validate best-bet options and strategies, and disseminate lessons for scaling up and policy advocacy for pro-poor upgrading of the value chain.

Outcome: increased marketable surplus (30%) from household pig production and sustained, viable participation by smallholders in pig production in the project sites (10%)

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Proposed Intermediate Outcomes

Priority VC constraints resolved and/or relaxed

Increase in farm level productivity (30%)

Evidence and mechanism for scaling out are in place.

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Value Chain Outcomes: Inputs and Services

Increased access by smallholders to good quality and cost-effective inputs such as appropriate feeds and breeds.

Improved access by smallholders to efficient and cost-effective veterinary and extension services.

Increased availability of cost-effective feeding options.

More efficient markets for inputs and services in place.

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Value Chain Outcomes: Production

Improved productivity from adoption of good quality, cost-effective feeding options.

Increased survival, growth, and disease resistance of sows and piglets.

Enhanced production cost-efficiency from adoption of suitable pig breeds.

Reduced incidence of pig diseases (e.g., PRRS, classical swine fever, diarrhea, cysticercosis, among others).

Improved uptake by smallholders of appropriate pig husbandry and animal health practices.

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Value Chain Outcomes: Transport and Processing

Reduced incidence of food-borne and water-borne diseases associated with pork consumption.

Increased public and private sector investment in upgrading of slaughtering and marketing facilities.

Better trained slaughterhouse operators, carcass transporters, and other pork supply chain actors.

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Value Chain Outcomes: Marketing

Increased availability of safe and hygienic pork supplied by smallholders or household producers.

More efficient marketing system and arrangements in place and accessible to smallholder pig producers.

Increased share of pork retail price accruing to smallholder pig producers.

Higher proportion of women participation in pork supply chain, and improved income opportunities for women from these activities.

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Proposed Priority Outcomes & Outputs2012 2013 2014

Outcomes CRP3.7, local and international partners have established an R&D alliance to transform target VC in each country

1. Partners have capacity to use basic set of tools for VC assessment2. Stakeholders in each country are increasingly aware of potential, constraints and initial options for pro-poor development of target VC

Evidence base in each target VC for best-bet pro-poor VC development interventions is influencing development investment decisions

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Proposed Priority Outcomes & Outputs2012 2013 2014

Outcomes R&D alliance 1. capacity to use tools 2. Stakeholders aware

Evidence base influencing decisions

Research Outputs

1. Scoping study to develop an inventory of feed technology options and identify stakeholders and potential partners.

2. Rapid assessment of target VC to inform design of in-depth assessment of animal health constraints, and to identify preliminary priority constraints and best-bet upgrading strategies to test.

3. Selected best-best options on feeds (and possibly animal health (biosecurity, diagnostics) and breed) identified and piloting initiated in selected sites (e.g. with LIFSAP)

1. Inventory and evidence base (literature review) for key constraints and proposed solutions compiled

2. Quantitative assessment of VC performance

3. Technical and economic assessments of key VC components to target for upgrading (e.g. farm-level: husbandry, feeds, breeds, health, environmental issues; market-level: institutional environment, food safety, demand characteristics; overall: policies, organizational strategies)

1. Best-bet intervention strategy formulated and tested, ready for scaling up and out.

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Proposed Priority Outcomes & Outputs2012 2013 2014

Outcomes R&D alliance 1. capacity to use tools 2. Stakeholders aware

Evidence base influencing decisions

Research Outputs 4. Basic toolkit for VC assessment

compiled for testing (with CRP 2)

5. Analytical framework for assessing VC performance established (with CRP 2)

4. Pig feed ration decision support tool – to inform feeding options under a range of feed types, nutrient value, and feed prices (build on CIP-LifSim model?)

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Current Activities & Resources/Potential Linkages

ACIAR Improving competitiveness of pig producers in an adjusting Vietnam market (recently completed, ongoing engagement with national partners on policy advocacy, outreach)

Supporting small-scale pig production in Vietnam through reducing risks, enhancing productivity, and upgrading value chains (with CRP 4.3, likely 2012)

GEF-Asia (Vietnam)

Development and application of decision support tools to conserve and sustainably use genetic diversity in indigenous livestock and wild relatives (pigs)

CIAT Improved forage-based feeding systems in Vietnam (+Cambodia, Laos)

WB-MARD Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project (development partner)

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Identified Priority Gaps for Resource Mobilization

VC assessment of productivity constraints from animal diseases, prioritization.

Inventory of feeding options and assessment to identify best-bet options for testing and validation, both in terms of technical parameters and economic viability.

Assessment of innovation capacity at farm level (farmers, development partners on technology adoption) and along the value chain (best practices, institutions).

Assessment of VC performance (ex ante and ex post) of identified interventions.

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2012 Priorities for Organisational, Capacity Development and

Communication Activities

Restructure team to match CRP needs at the target VC (currently, 37% of economist time + possible access to minimal vet-epi time from CRP 4.3).

Identify gaps for priority recruitment and/or shared appointments (local research support, pig nutrition) and partnership.

Identify strategy and mechanisms for working links internally with other CRP3.7 components, and externally with CRP2 and CRP 4.3.

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