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Up & Running with Bootstrap

Jen Kramer • Boston PHP • February 11, 2015

Page 2: Up and Running with Bootstrap • [email protected] Photo back story

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� Build a separate mobile-compatible website or mobile app (or both)

� Responsive Design � A comparison of

methods for building mobile-optimized websites • [email protected]

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� Defined by three characteristics o  Flexible grid-based layout o  Images that resize o  Media queries (CSS3)

� • [email protected]

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�  Images should change size, based on screen resolution o  Load a big image and let it

scale (not good) o  Server-side (good) o  Client-side: Load several

images and display the one right for this resolution (not good)

o  Client-side: let JavaScript decide (better)

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�  Browser reports screen resolution

�  Based on current width, serve a stylesheet with layout for that width

�  No JavaScript involved

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�  Bootstrap is a responsive design framework for building web sites and web applications.

�  It is the most popular project in GitHub. June 2014: 73K stars, 27K forks • [email protected]

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�  A fully functional grid system with 4 different sizes.

�  Base CSS includes standardized styling for forms, buttons, images, headings, navigation systems, etc.

�  CSS customization through LESS CSS or Sass

�  jQuery-driven components include dropdown menus, tooltips, popovers, alerts, image carousel, accordion panels, etc.

�  Optional icon font for incorporating vector images, distributed with Bootstrap, 180 icons

�  Distributed under MIT license (Apache 2.0 prior to 3.1.0) • [email protected]

Page 10: Up and Running with Bootstrap • [email protected]

22 Best Responsive CSS Frameworks for Web Design

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�  Joomla (open source CMS) integrated Bootstrap into version 3.

�  Bootstrap unofficial showcase �  Love Bootstrap �  Bootstrap Expo

�  A few big names: o  State of Kentucky o  code.NASA (with WordPress) o  Michael’s craft store o  Fender guitars o  StumbleUpon o  Salvation Army (Midwest) o o  Disqus o  Delicious • [email protected]

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�  Started by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, while working at Twitter, as internal tool

�  Released Bootstrap in 2011 �  Otto & Thornton left Twitter

in 2012

�  Otto is now in charge of the open source project and is adding core team members.

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•  bootstrap.css •  bootstrap.min.css •  bootstrap-theme.css •  bootstrap-theme.min.css

•  glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot •  glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg •  glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf •  glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff

•  bootstrap.js •  bootstrap.min.js •  Download/link to jquery

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Internet Explorer 9-11 natively, IE 8 with respond.js

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�  Some effort put into accessibility improvements

�  Includes the Aria codes, screen reader only styles

�  Joomla has pushed for accessibility since Bootstrap is incorporated in the version 3 CMS

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� 4 grid system: o  Extra small always

stays horizontal o  Small, medium, large

grids stack after breakpoint

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�  Not much LESS documentation on Bootstrap site

�  Less of an expectation that you will work with LESS

�  There is also a direct Sass port from LESS available for use.

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�  You want to build a responsive front-end quickly.

�  You need lots of styling out of the box.

�  You love LESS CSS.

�  You love open source.

�  You hate semicolons in your JavaScript. • [email protected]

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Jen Kramer Arlington, MA Phone: 802-257-2657 [email protected] Twitter: @jen4web Facebook: • [email protected]

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