Download - Unveiling the collagen truth



A common feature of scientifically advanced anti aging formulas is that they contain powerful collagen boosters. There exists a lot of fuss over collagen.

Why not! It is the core of skin – it is the “building block”…and when the block crumbles, the building collapses.


According to dermatologists, collagen is a skin protein. It is responsible for skin strength, elasticity, its well-defined structure, and firmness. In other words, collagen keeps the skin youthful.

As you age, collagen gets depleted.

This affects skin structure and appearance.


High sugar consumption speeds up the rate of glycation. This forms advanced glycation end products, which adhere to collagen molecules and destroys them. This makes your skin more prone to wrinkles.

Nicotine present in the smoke of cigarettes destroys collagen. It also narrows blood vessels. This deprives skin cells of oxygen and nutrition, which are carried by blood. Skin cells start dying. Autoimmune diseases affect normal collagen production in skin. Prolonged exposure of skin to the sun destroys the collagen network present in the dermal or middle layer of skin.

So, if collagen is the key factor to the skin’s youthfulness, a successful anti aging treatment is the one that restores this collagen in skin.

Bellaplex does that.

According to reviews, Bellaplex’s anti aging formula contains powerful collagen-boosting agents derived from botanical extracts. They either prevent breakdown of collagen, or restore collagen levels by stimulating the skin’s collagen-producing mechanism.


As mentioned earlier, it is the core of the skin structure. You cannot succeed in reviving the skin’s youthfulness unless you restructure its core.

Slathering generous amounts of moisturizers or scrubbing your skin hard to clean off its dead cells, or applying various face packs or masks won’t work. They would fail to retrieve the skin’s natural youthfulness, firmness, and smoothness with low collagen levels.

So, as dermatologists put it, the first step towards effective anti aging skin treatment starts with collagen restoration in skin. The rest comes later.

WHY COLLAGEN-CONTAINING CREAMS FAIL?It is found that creams that boast of ‘feeding’ skin with collagen fail miserably. A scientific study reveals that collagen molecules are too big to penetrate skin. So, collagen-containing creams are useless. The collagen simply ‘sits’ on skin surface doing nothing, except creating an illusion of moisturized skin for some time.

So, as experts say, there isn’t much option with you, except to make your skin produce its own collagen. You must find a cream that stimulates natural collagen production rather than claim to supply collagen to skin.

Women who are aware of Bellaplex’s formula need not use any other anti aging product. This cream suffices. It contains moisturizers, anti aging benefits, nourishing elements, and sunscreen. In other words, the formula is devised for complete skin care.

It is hard to miss such a formula, especially when you are on the lookout for an advanced anti aging skin treatment.

It is vital to have knowledge about effective treatment. For instance, a lady who is unaware of collagen might get lured by just any product labeled ‘anti aging.’

It helps to be an informed customer, say experts. You can make a better purchase, which you will be thankful about.

For more information on Bellaplex, please contact its customer service. Know the formula well. Get smart skin care tips from experts.

Take aging in your stride. Just a little effort and you can maintain beautiful skin that neatly conceals your true age and always makes you look youthful and fresh.

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