Download - UNPLUGGED - Newsletter - · UNPLUGGED The first step to selfThe first step to self----realization is to knowrealization is to knowrealization


1 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

A Brief Summary of Black History Prepared by Uzziyahu ben Yahuda This informational brochure is not a solicitation to

join any particular congregation, assembly, church,

or organization. In addition, this brochure is not a

call to leave any particular congregation, assembly,

church, or organization. This brochure was

prepared to simply unplug your mind from the

matrix of common misunderstanding of your history.

A long time ago God (“YAH-Elohim”) created man

and named him Adam. From Adam's rib YAH-

Elohim created Adam’s wife, Eve. (Genesis. 2:21-

23). Many years later, man became so wicked that

YAH-Elohim destroyed the Earth with a great flood.

(Gen. 6:3-7). However, Adam’s descendent, Noah

(and his family), were saved for Noah’s obedience.

(Gen. 6:8). Prior to the flood, Noah had three sons:

Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Gen. 6:10). After the

flood Ham’s descendants inhabited Egypt and

Ethiopia. Shem’s descendants inhabited the “so

called Middle East.” Japheth’s descendants

migrated to Europe and Asia.

Some of



were the


(Gen. 10:6).

By order of


King of




Shem’s descendants, the Israelites, into Egypt

during the reign of Joseph (an Israelite who became

a ruler in Egypt) to protect the Israelites from a great

famine. (Gen. 45:1-8, 16-17). The Israelites rode

into Egypt on Pharaoh’s chariots. Gen. 45:17. The

Egyptians and the Israelites peacefully lived

together in Egypt, and the Israelites were fruitful,

and increased in abundance, and multiplied, and

waxed exceeding mighty, in Egypt. (Ex. 1:7).

However, years after Joseph died, a king rose in

Egypt who did not know Joseph and enslaved the

Israelites in Egypt after years of living together.

(Exodus 1:8-14). During the same time period,



fought the

Trojan Wars



the Great



Elohim (God) sent his servant Moses to free the

Israelites from their first cousins the Egyptians.

After Elohim (God) saved the Israelites from

captivity, the Israelites were not appreciative and

turned their backs on Him breaking their Covenant

(contract) with Elohim (God). Elohim (God)

warned Moses that if this happened He would send

them into Egypt (the word “Egypt” means Place of

Bondage, Ex. 13:3,14; 20:2; Deuteronomy 5:6;

6;12) again with ships, and they will not see their

UNPLUGGEDUNPLUGGEDUNPLUGGEDUNPLUGGED The first step to selfThe first step to selfThe first step to selfThe first step to self----realization is to knowrealization is to knowrealization is to knowrealization is to know…………


2 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

land again and will be sold as bond men and bond

women (slaves) (Deut. 28:68).

As we fast forward . . . in 70 A.D., Jerusalem was in

a state of peril and paganism was at an all-time high.

The people turned their backs on YAH by rejecting

his Son, Yahusha’s (Jesus’), teachings and His

living sacrifice. The Roman Empire destroyed the

temple and overthrew the city and the inhabitants

fled to other parts of the Continent the British

named Africa more specifically Western Africa…

The Great Trans Atlantic Slave Trade transpired

from 1525 to 1867, and the first British Slave ship

called “the good Jesus” transported Shem’s

Descendants (The Israelites) over to Egypt

(America) again and was sold as bondmen and

bondwomen (The “African” Slave Trade)… The

first slaves touched down in Jamestown, Virginia in

1619 and their descendants inhabit all of your major

cities in this country today and are referred to as

Colored, Negroes, Nig**, Black people, African

Americans, West Indians, Afro- Americans, etc.

Deuteronomy 28:37 states, “And thou shalt become

an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among

all nations whither the YAH (LORD) shall lead






A Hebrew is a descendant of the scriptural Patriarch

Abraham. He was the first to be called a

Hebrew (Gen. 14:13). The Most High made a

Covenant (contract) with Abraham and his

seed. The title Hebrew passed from Abraham to his

son Isaac then from Isaac to his son Jacob then from

Jacob to his 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of

Israel. The Israelites were known and called

Hebrews mainly by outsiders or foreigners. The

word “Hebrew” means “one who crosses over, or

wanders”. It is also derived from the name Eber (a

descendent of Shem, Gen. 10:21-25) which means

"one who emigrates" and "beyond, on the other

side." Abraham and his future generations were

called Hebrews in order to express a distinction

between the races East and West of the Euphrates

River. Hebrew is a proper title that is still in use

today by the true modern descendants of ancient


3 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)


An Israelite is a descendant of the scriptural

patriarch Jacob. Jacob was the grandson of Abraham

and the son of Isaac. Jacob had 12 sons. These sons

were the progenitors of the 12 tribes of

Israel. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel (Ysrayl).

In Genesis 32:28, Jacob/Israel’s descendants were

called Israelites which denotes they are The

Children of Jacob or The Children of Israel. The

suffix “ITE” means a descendant from. Thus,

ISRAEL-ITE means a descendant of our father

Jacob whose name was changed to Israel.


A Jew is a person who practices the religion of

Judaism. Jew does not mean a descendant of

Israel/Jacob. The ancient Hebrews were not called

Jews. The term Jew in the New Testament is a

mistranslation of the Hebrew text. The word “Jew”

is not a Hebrew word. It is an English word. Jew is

a word that was created by Gentiles and given to the

Israelite tribe of Yahudah (Judah). Yah the Most

High did not give his people the name Jew, as this

was done by men. The word Jew is not in the 1611

King James Bible (the first edition of the King

James Bible authorized for publication by King

James of England). Therefore, the ancient Hebrew

Israelites were not Jews and neither are their

descendants. However, if you practice the religion

of Judaism or subscribe to the “Jewish” culture or

traditions then you can be called a Jew.


The Hebrew Israelites are the modern descendants

of the ancient Israelites. The Hebrew Israelites have

been scattered to the four corners of the earth. They

reside in all lands among all people. They are

suffering the curses that are found in the law books

of Leviticus Chapter 26 and Deuteronomy Chapter

28. Today, they are known by the bywords and




28:37). The Hebrew Israelites are the true

descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are

priests and a holy people of the Most High, above

all people that are upon the face of the earth. (Ex.

19:6, Deut. 7:6).

A PROPHETIC RETURN TO EGYPT “And YAH shall bring thee into Egypt again with

ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou

shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be

sold unto your enemies for bondmen and

bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.”

Deuteronomy 28:68 In Deut. 28:68 we find the prophetic statement made

by Elohim (God) that the Hebrews would be

returned to Egypt again. But, this time “by way of

ships… and there they would be sold unto their

enemies for bondmen and bondwomen…” It is

4 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

certain that this prophecy fell upon only ONE


Hebrews living in Africa - the victims of the

greatest, most cruel, vicious, and horrifying slave

trade in the annals of history.

In their quest to escape the onslaught of destruction

that came upon Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by the Roman

General Titus, the Hebrews fled westward and

southward into northern and central Africa. This

invasion of Jerusalem and the conquest of this

region caused the final dispersion of all the remnants

of the Hebrews living in Africa. This flight into

northern, central, and western Africa placed the

Hebrews in position for the fulfillment of the

prophecy, the great African Trans-Atlantic Slave

Trade. This great slavery brought about the final

phase of chastisement and disbursement of the

Hebrews living in Africa into Europe and the lands

of the Americas, the “New World.” The African

slaves were transported to the New World (a second

Egypt) in the bottoms of slave ships, under the most

inhumane conditions.

These people were stretched out face-to-face in two

lines, and in the space between their feet were others

lying on their backs. The ships were packed to the

brim. On board, the most frequent sickness was

scurvy, dysentery, and the “pian”, a skin disease.

The high mortality rate led to a large number of

suicides. Floors of the compartments were covered

with so much mucous from the dysentery cases that

the scene resembled a slaughter house.

Elohim’s (God’s) prophecy upon Israel to “Bring

thee into Egypt again with ships” was fulfilled. Over

100 million people were either taken as captives or

killed in the slave wars. About one third of the

Africans taken from their homes died at sea. Only a

third (1/3) finally survived to become the laborers in

the New World.

The great captivity in the Americas not only

enslaved the Hebrews living in Africa physically,

5 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

but also served as a means to remove ALL


LANGUAGE, and CULTURE from the minds of

the Hebrew slaves. (Jeremiah 17:4) A great

international religious conspiracy was formulated to

destroy the truth of their SPECIAL


LIVING GOD YAH. (Psalms 83).

The Hebrew (Black) people have been the most

abused, exploited, and oppressed peoples in all of

history and only Elohim (God) can bring their

redemption and salvation. Elohim (God) said “no

man shall buy you.” (Deut. 28:68). No man shall

intercede on behalf of the Hebrew (Black) Man and

Woman except that he is sent by Elohim (God)

Almighty Himself to break the bonds of slavery.


NO. All people with black skin are not

Israelites. Israel is just one black nation that exists

among many. The Egyptians, Canaanites,

Ethiopians, Babylonians, etc. were “black skinned,”

but they were not Israelites. There are Israelites

throughout the continents of Africa and Asia. To

say all black skinned people are Israelites is like

saying all Asians are Chinese, or All Europeans are

French. You would never consider that proposition

as true. It is the same principle for Israel. ONLY


ISRAELITES as the curses now identifies true

Israel. The identification of Israel through this

worldwide awakening is not a Black Nationalist or

Afro-centric movement. However, the Messiah

stated, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the

house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24). He also

instructed his disciples to only go to the lost sheep

of the house of Israel. (Matthew 10:6). This

movement of Truth, Justice, Righteousness,

Salvation and Eternal life is the Kingdom of YAH.



YES. All men, women, and children of any nation,

race, kindred, tongue or people who join themselves

to the House of Israel and bind themselves to the

Covenant (contract) will become Israelites, not

“spiritual Israelites”. There is no mention or

evidence in the Book (Bible) that talks about or

justifies the concept of a “spiritual Israelite.” A

non-Israelite only becomes grafted into Israel by

obeying YAH’s commandments and believing on

Yahusha (Jesus). “Here is the patience of the saints:

here are they that keep the commandments of

Elohim (God), and the faith of Yahusha (Jesus).”

(Revelations 14:12).

To be saved you must be an Israelite, and you are

either an Israelite by birth or by joining onto Israel

for salvation is of the Yahudi (Judah/Jews) (John

4:22) (See Romans 11). Thus, if you are a natural

born Israelite, you must come back to YAH and His

law by accepting his Son, Yahusha, The Messiah. If

you are not a natural born Israelite you must submit

yourself to YAH’s word and acknowledge the

identity of his people because salvation is to the

Yahudi (Judah/Jews) then to the Gentile. (Romans

1:16; 2:10).




YES. The salvation of the world will depend on

them knowing the true identity of Israel. The

scriptures prophesied that the entire world will not

only know who we are but look to us to teach them

about YAH.

Zephaniah 3:19 Behold, at that time I will undo all

that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and

gather her that was driven out; and I will get them

praise and fame in every land where they have been

put to shame.

6 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

Zephaniah 3:20 At that time will I bring you again,

even in the time that I gather you: for I will make

you a name and a praise among all people of the

earth, when I turn back your captivity before your

eyes, saith YAH.

Zechariah 8:23 Thus saith YAH of hosts; In those

days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take

hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall

take hold of the skirt of him that is an Israelite,

saying, We will go with you: for we have heard

that YAH is with you.



Because our identity is based on truth and the world

hates the truth. Satan knows when Israel is FULLY

AWAKEN (UNPLUGGED) then his time is up.

(Rev. 12:12). YAH said we would lose our identity

as part of our punishment. (Deut. 9: 13-14).

Everything is done in his time frame according to

his will. HE controls all things. But, the Scripture

reveals to us that our enemies through Satan

conspired against us in the concealment of our

identity. (Psalms 83). In Psalm 83, we are called

the hidden ones as our entire identity is hidden to the

world. These are the days spoken of in prophecy

concerning our re-gathering.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. (Isaiah 11:11)

The time is now for Israel to come back to YAH.

HalleluYAH! (Praise YAH)

Who are the people in the land of

Israel Known as Jews?


ISRAELITES is the answer most people will give

when confronted with this question. But is this true?

If you have read all the above information, you

know the answer is “no”. To prove this, all we have

to do is look to history for this answer. The Israeli

Jews consists of two groups (Ashkenazi and

7 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

Sephardim), ten to twenty percent are known as

Sephardim or Eastern Jew, the remaining eighty to

ninety percent are known as Ashkenazi or European

Jew. The Ashkenazi Jew comes from Eastern

European countries, the Sephardim comes from

"Mideast countries". Let history show us who the

KHAZARS and Sephardim were and are:

In the year 450 A.D. one of Europe's barbaric tribes

was beginning to show signs of restlessness. This

tribe was called the KHAZARS (Chazars). Within

the next two hundred years, the KHAZARS would

form Eastern Europe's largest and most powerful

kingdom. They would rule supreme for about 200

years, ranking in power with the Muslim Caliphate

and the Byzantine Empire. Their kingdom, of

approximately one million square miles, bordered

the Aral sea on the east; Kiev and the Ukrainian

Steppes on the west: the Caucasus mountain and the

Black Sea on the south: and the Ural mountain on

the north.

Khazaria represented a very important period in

European history, without their valor, Europe would

have probably been one 100% Muslim today. Why

don't we hear more about the KHAZARS and their

mighty empire today?

Now let’s look at the genealogy of the KHAZARS.

Since this matter is so important, we shall allow the

Kagan or King of the KHAZARS to inform us. A

Khazar King named Joseph corresponded with a

Spanish Israelite named Hasdai Ibn Sharprut

sometime between 954 and 961 C.E. (Manuscripts

of this correspondence may be seen in the Library of

Christ Church at Oxford, England and in the

Leningrad Public Library in Leningrad, Russia)

Hasdai was the chief minister of the Caliph of

Cordoba Abd - al - Rahman III.

At that time Cordoba was the splendor of Moorish

Spain (a mixture of black skinned Muslims and

Israelites ), and was the main center of European

Culture. In his letter to Hasdai, King Joseph stated

that he was from the line of JAPHETH, FROM THE

SEED OF TOGARMAH, Japheth's grandson. He

further stated that Togarmah, who was the brother of

ASHKENAZ, had ten sons and the KHAZARS

represented the seventh son. With his own lips, this

King had given the root of his being and the lineage

of his offspring which was from the sons of Japheth.

8 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

Let us now see what the scriptures have to say about

Japheth and Togarmah. In the book of Genesis 10:

2-5, "The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and

Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and

Tiras. and the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, AND

Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan:

Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By

these were THE ISLES OF THE GENTILE divided

in their lands everyone after his tongue, after their

families, in their nations.

According to the King of the KHAZARS, his people

descended from the family of Magog. Like all

European nations at the time, the KHAZARS were

pagans. However, ca. 740 C.E. King Bulan initiated

the conversion of his kingdom to a new and

different philosophy. Before the conversion, the

Kagan invited representatives of Christianity, Islam

and the Israelites to discuss the three doctrines. It

was unanimously agreed, in response to the Kagan's

question, that the doctrine of the Israelites was

closest to the truth, he came to this conclusion

because both the Christians (Byzantine) and

Muslims both respected the Hebrew scriptures.

In addition, in order for the KHAZARS to remain

independent they chose the faith that neither the

Christian or Muslims was part of but both respected.

After the conversion the Khazar King changed his

name to become King Obadiah. They displayed

much hope but very little understanding, especially

of spiritual matters. Eventually, they had to invent

their own brand of the law which later they named

Judaism. The word "Judaism" cannot be found in the

writings of the Prophets of old, neither is it found

anywhere in the Holy Scriptures. Judaism, is a

misunderstanding or perversion of the customs of

the ancient Israelites, as practiced by the


Arthur Koestler in his very noteworthy book "THE

THIRTEENTH TRIBE gives further detailed

information about the KHAZARS and their

conversion to the faith of the Israelites and how the

majority of today's European Jews are direct

descendants of them. The information contained in

his book is backed up by scripture that shows the

Jews are Gentiles, not natural -born Israelites.

According to Microsoft Encarta, "Today, about 85%

of all Jews are Ashkenazim." The Ashkenazi are not

descendants of Israel, Ashkenaz was the grandson of

Japheth and brother of Togarmah. Arthur Koestler

further explains why today's Jews call themselves

9 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

Ashkenazi even though they are the Physical seed of

Togarmah. He shows that the KHAZARS took on

the name of Ashkenaz because it was prophesied in

Jeremiah 51:27 that Ashkenaz and their allies would

conquer Babylon.

After reading all the historical and biblical

information about who are and who are not the true

Israelites according to the flesh, should make us

have a full understanding of Revelation 12:9 which

states: “And the great dragon was cast out, that

old serpent called the devil and Satan, which

deceive the whole world.”

The whole world is deceived not only about the

right way to worship YHUH, but they are deceived

about who are the true Israelites a people near and

dear unto YHUH (Psalms 148:14).

The second half of the Jewish populace in the land

of Yisrael today are the Sephardim or Eastern Jew /

Edomites. They have been in the land for over 1900

years , since the 1st century C.E. They are

indigenous to the "Mideast". These are the real

Edomites (descendants of Jacob twin Esau or Edom)

they have lived side by side with the Arab

population for many centuries. They are truly

descendant from Shem, these Jews are different

from the Ashkenazi in appearance they have darker

skin and look more like the darker Arab population

of the "Mid East", they also comprise less than 20%

of the Israeli population. But it would appear that

this small segment "Children of Shem" (NOT

SEMITES) lineage is cleverly used, along with

"Judaism" to imply the "Shemitic" origin of all

Israelis Jews.

These Sephardim entered the land in the first

century C.E., along with the Romans when Israel

was being kicked out of the land, as it is written in

the book of Obadiah. Obadiah Chapter 1 Verse 2

"Behold, I have made you small among the heathen:


While verses 10 - 16 tells us of Edom's injustice

against the Israelites and the prophesy of their

curse. "For your violence against your brother

Jacob shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut

off for ever.

verse 11 In the day that you stood on the other side,

in the day that the strangers carried away captive

his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and

cast lots upon Jerusalem, even you was as one of


verse 12 But you should not have looked on the day

of your brother in the day that he became a

stranger; neither should you have spoken proudly in

the day of distress,



OF THEIR CALAMITY: yeah, you should not have

look on their affliction in the day of their calamity,

nor have laid hands ON THEIR SUBSTANCE IN


verse 14 Neither should you have stood in the

crossway, to cut off his that did escape; neither

should you have you have delivered up those of his

that did remain in the day of distress.

verse 15 For the day of YHUH is near upon all the

heathen: as you have done, IT SHALL BE DONE



The Sephardim / Edomite / Eastern Jews are being

oppressed big time by the Ashkenazi and because

they have joined with the Ashkenazi and call

themselves Jews, the surrounding Arab population

despise them just as much as they do the Ashkenazi.

So they have it coming both ways, but this is their

punishment for helping to mistreat the Israelites.

In a book by a Ashkenazi Jew Jack Bernstein


10 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

RACIST, MARXIST ISRAEL', he tells of his

experience in Israel which was not a pleasant one,

but he tells of how he married a Sephardim woman

and the hatred and discrimination he received from

the Ashkenazi population even though he himself is

a Ashkenazi. But because he was married to a

Sephardim he caught all kinds of hell, the

Sephardim are second class citizens in Israel, for this

reason Jack Bernstein calls Israel racist, because

anybody who is not Ashkenazi is treated as second

class citizens.

The Sephardim / Edomites came into the land and

laid their hands on Israel possessions and pretended

to be the Hebrews, but as Yah said, he would return

their reward on their own head. So now the

Ashkenazi has come in and move them over and

they are pretending to be the true Hebrews and laid

their hands on Edom possessions, but this is just the

fulfillment of prophecy. I find it interesting that the

Sephardim are looked at and called Niggers by the


This fact Mr. Bernstein points out in his book on

page 39

"One Day I entered a café in Tel Aviv, The place

was crowded and I sat down on the only seat

available. Also sitting at this table were five

Sephardim Jews from Morocco. they learned that I

was studying the Hebrew language so they were

helping me with my studies when a blue eyed Nazi

type Israeli Police officer walked into the café. He

ordered me to "GET AWAY FROM THOSE

KOOSHIM" . "KOOSHIM" in Hebrew means


The Ashkenazi are treating the Sephardim in a

similar manner as we are being treated in the United


One thing we have learnt is that history rewards all

those that do the research. History has showed us

that the Jews are not Israelites but Gentiles. We have

learnt that this Gentile has descended from the

families of Japheth (Togarmah, Gomer, Gig,

Magog) and not from the House of Jacob. We have

also learnt that Edom has joined with this Gentile to

deliberately pervert the word of YHUH.

The Israelites descended from Jacob; while the

KHAZARS descended from Japheth and the

Edomites from Esau. The Israelites originated from

northeastern Africa; while the KHAZARS

originated from southeastern Europe and the

Edomites from the southern Palestine/Jordan area.

The Majority of Israelites have black skin, according

to the Holy Scripture, with woolly hair. The Israelis

have white skin, mostly blue eyes, long straight hair.

The Israelites spoke Egyptian, Hebrew, Aramaic and

later Greek, Roman, Spanish, various West African

languages and today the various languages of the

Americas. The Israelis (KHAZARS) spoke a

language called Yiddish which many of them still


The Israelites practiced the faith of their forefathers

as commanded by their creator through Moshe and

written in their history book, the holy scriptures.

The Israelis practice a pagan philosophy called

Judaism (those few who have a religious belief).

The Israelites traveled by way of the Red Sea and

the Jordan; while the KHAZARS traveled by the

way of the Caspian Sea and the Volga, and the

11 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

Edomites by way of the Dead or salt Sea and the


The Israelites came from Canaan through the lineage

of Abraham, Isaac and Yaaqob; while the

KHAZARS came from the Caucasus through

Gomer, Togarmah and Khazar, and the Edomites

from Mount Seir through Abraham, Isaac and Esau

or Edom.

Finally, according to the Holy Scriptures, YAH

himself selected the Israelites and hated the

Edomites (Malachi 1: 1-5), while according to

history, the KHAZARS were chosen by men.

Scriptures that Reveal the True

Identity of Israel The key to identifying who exactly is YAH’s

Chosen, Bloodline People, the real life Hebrew

Israelites; you must study the curses that Elohim

(God) put in place for this group of people as a

whole, not just individuals, for their disobedience.

Here are some key verses that outline them. Notice

that none of these curses apply to the people we

call Jews/Israelis that occupy the country Israel.

Israel is a nuclear powerhouse and the Jews/Israelis

are one of the most powerful group of people on this

Earth which is contradictory to what the Scriptures

reveal. But you don’t have to take my word for it…

Study to show thy self approved. (2Timothy 2:15).

� The Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade. (Deut.


� Cursed in the field and city. (Deut. 28:15-16)

i.e., Blacks migrated from South to North,

but faced discrimination, poverty, and

violence in northern city like the southern


� High Prison Population. (Is. 42:22)

� A sick and diseased stricken people. (Deut.


� Suffering from mental illness. (Deut. 28:27-

32) i.e., Slaves went insane on ships, others

committed suicide, while others “willed”

themselves dead.

� Oppressed and spoiled (plundered)


� White men raped our women; we built the

USA with no reward (Deut. 28:30)

� Stripped of possessions (Deut. 28:31)

� Children taken away and given to other

people. (Deut. 28:32)

12 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

� Forced to adopt pagan customs and religions

of oppressors (Deut. 28:33-36)

� Every racial group running successful

business in Black neighborhoods. (Deut.


� Lack of wealth and sustenance (Deut. 28-17-

18) i.e., total net worth of Blacks = 1.2%

since the end of the Civil War. In 2002, 32%

of African-Americans had zero (0) or a

negative net worth. African-Americans have

the highest unemployment rate, the lowest

rate of home ownership, and a high degree of

homelessness (42% of American homeless

population are African-American).

� Scattered throughout all nations. (Deut.

28:25, 64 & Luke 21:24)

� Not being able to stand against their

enemies. This is especially important

because the country Israel that was founded

in 1948 has fought off and defeated every

opposition since their existence and are a

Nuclear Powerhouse. (Deut. 28:29)

� Called racist names instead of referred to by

their true identity. (Deut. 28:37)

� Young men standing on street corners going

wild. (Isaiah 51:20)

� Having many places of worship on every

street corner. (Ezekiel 16:24,25)

� Fearful for life without assurance of life.

(Deut. 28:64-66)

� Lynching and being burned alive by the

enemy. (Deut. 28:22)

� Teenage Gangs Running Black

Neighborhoods, Many Corrupt Elected

Officials and Leaders. (Isaiah 3:12)

� Cannot control their children and women

rule over the house hold. All of the single

parent homes in the Black Community with

children that the woman cannot control.

(Isaiah 3:12)

� Black on Black crime, Children

disrespecting the elders. (Isaiah 3:5, 12)

13 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

� Men not stepping up to the plate to be men

and lead their household or communities.

(Isaiah 3:6,7)

Additional Scriptures that

Reveal the True Identity of

Israel � Valley of dry bones (Ez. 31: 1-5)

� Covenant made with Israel (Deut. 29:1) See

Deut. 19:8

� Israel was a kingdom of priest (Ex. 19:5-8)

� Curses poured upon us for disobedience and

breaking the covenant (Daniel 9:11) See Zec.

11:5, II Thes. 2:8-12

� Those that hate us shall reign over us (Lev.


� We must confess the iniquity (wickedness or

conscious disregard for the law “Torah”) of

our fathers (Lev. 26:40-42)

� YAH gave us (Israel) a spirit of slumber

(Romans 11:8) See Deut. 29:4

� Israel has an identity crisis (Is. 1:3)

� Israel led away as captives (Luke 21:24)

� If my people who are called by MY NAME

(Rev. 18:1-5; II Chron. 7:14)

� YAH only knows Israel (Amos 3:2)

� YAHUSHA (mistakenly referred to as

“Jesus”) was sent for the lost sheep of Israel

(Matt. 15:24)

14 | U n p l u g g e d

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast

forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV)



STUDY BIBLES � The Original African Heritage Study Bible,

King’s James Version Bible

� Restoration Study Bible KJV (Uses names

Yahweh and Yahshua which is better than

LORD, or Jesus) (can order online at

� The Scriptures or Bible that translates from

Hebrew to English (can order online from

Amazon or directly from


� The Halleluyah Scriptures (free from

BOOKS � Into Egypt Again With Ships by Elisha J.


� From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph R.


� The Valley of Dry Bones The Conditions

That Face Black People in America by

Rudolph R. Windsor

� Hebrewism of West Africa by Joseph J


� The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler

DVDs � Hebrew or the So- Called Negro by Yahya


� Hidden Colors Volumes 1 and 2

*** With all things Spiritual pray to YHUH through

his son Yahusha for guidance of Their Holy Spirit

when searching and reading. The major point of this

syllabus is to help awaken the Black Man/Woman to

WHO AND WHOSE YOU ARE!!! No matter what

your faith, HISTORY has not changed . . . just

attempted to be hidden from you. You cannot hide

from the fact that YOUR (Black Man/Woman) roots

come from Israel no matter if you converted to the


GOD (JESUS CHIRST who is not Yahusha the

Messiah), or do not believe in a God at all; you

cannot change your bloodline. At the end of the day



your legacy be stolen again… Shalom (Peace).