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Reprogramming Your Mind for Ultimate Success


The Subconscious MindBalanced You Ultimate Success

Online Program - Module 6

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I am so happy that you’ve joined us for these online modules.

If you are like me, you’ve been fascinated about how the power of

your mind can change everything about your life. Let’s continue

to look at how the power of your mind and the science behind it

can change your reality.

When I first started learning about the power of the mind I was

especially drawn to the science behind how the mind actually

works. As you learned in module two, this mind change process

is scientifically grounded. I love that scientific minds are studying

the power of our subconscious and helping us understand how

we are literally creating our own reality at a cellular level.

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“When you think a thought (or have a memory), a biochemical reaction begins in your brain causing the brain to release certain chemical signals. This is how

immaterial thoughts literally become matter—they

become chemical messengers. These chemical signals

make your body feel exactly the way you were just

thinking. Once you notice you are feeling a particular

way, then you generate more thoughts equal to how

you’re feeling, releasing more

chemicals from your brain to

make you feel the way you’ve

been thinking. For example, if

you have a fearful thought, you

start to feel fear. The moment

you feel fear, that emotion

influences you to think more

fearful thoughts, and those

thoughts trigger the release

of more chemicals in the brain

and body that make you

continue to feel more fear. The

next thing you know, you get

caught in a loop where your

thinking creates feeling, and

your feeling creates thinking. If

thoughts are the vocabulary of

the brain, and feelings are the

vocabulary of the body, and the cycle of how you think

and feel becomes your state of being, then your entire

state of being is in the past.

Let’s look at what that means for you on a day-to-day basis. Let’s say after you wake up, you turn off your

alarm, and as you lie there in bed, you check Facebook,

Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, your texts, your e-mails,

and the news. Then you go to the bathroom. You use

the toilet, brush your teeth, take a shower, get dressed,

and head for the kitchen. You drink some coffee and

eat breakfast. Maybe you watch the news or check your

e-mail again. It’s the same routine you follow every

day. Then you drive to work using the same old route,

and when you get there you interact with the same

coworkers you saw the day before. You spend your day

performing pretty much the same duties you performed

yesterday. You might even react to the same challenges

at work with the same emotions. Then after work, you

drive home and maybe you

stop at the same grocery store

and buy the same food you

always eat. You cook the same

food for dinner and watch the

same television show at the

same time while sitting in the

same place in your living room.

Then you get ready for bed

in the same way you always

do—you brush your teeth (with

your right hand, starting from

the upper right side of your

mouth), you crawl into the

same side of the bed, maybe

you read a little, and then you

go to sleep.

If you were looking at a

timeline of your day, starting with waking up in the

morning and continuing until you go to bed that night,

you could pick up the timeline of today or yesterday

(your past) and place it in the space reserved for

tomorrow (the future) because essentially the same

actions you took today are the ones you are going to

take tomorrow—and the day after that, and the day

after that. Let’s face it: If you keep the same routine as

yesterday, it makes sense that your tomorrow is going

to be a lot like your yesterday. Your future is just a rerun

of your past. That’s because your yesterday is creating

your tomorrow.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza perfectly describes how thoughts can turn into things in an article he wrote for Conscious Lifestyle Magazine:

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Have you ever heard a person say about another, “they will never change, they’ve always been like that.”?

Sometimes it’s easy to believe

that is true. We do tend to run the

same patterns over and over unless

we reprogram our subconscious

and make different behaviors and

perceptions our new automatic.

Many times when people look

for change they look outside of

themselves. They look to be fixed

or helped or told what to do from

an external source. The advice they

seek does not always help because the advice comes from someone who has

not walked in their shoes. Someone who has not lived or experienced what

they have. Someone who did not grow up in the same family, under the same

conditions, or with the same examples as they had.

I believe each of us has a soul, an inner knowing. And each of us can tap into

that power, along with the power of the subconscious mind, and easily change

everything about our lives. You can be truly happy by learning to create that

happiness from the inside out.

True and lasting change need to be made internally at the subconscious level.

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This is illustrated perfectly in the story of Ali Hafed.

Ali Hafed was a wealthy Persian merchant who owned

much land and many productive fields, orchards,

and gardens and had money out at interest. He had

a lovely family and at first was contented because he

was wealthy, and wealthy because he was contented.

An old priest came to Ali Hafed and told him that if

he had a diamond the size of

his thumb, he could purchase a

dozen farms like his. Ali Hafed

said, “Will you tell me where I

can find diamonds?”

The priest told him, “If you will

find a river that runs over white

sands, between high mountains,

in those white sands you will

always find diamonds.”

“Well,” said Ali Hafed, “I will go.”

So he sold his farm, collected his

money that was at interest, and

left his family in the charge of a neighbor, and away he

went in search of diamonds, traveling through many

lands in Asia and Europe. After years of searching his

money was all spent, and he passed away in rags and


Meanwhile, the man who purchased Ali Hafed’s farm

one day led his camel out into the garden to drink,

and as the animal put his nose into the shallow

waters, the farmer noticed a curious flash of light

in the white sands of the stream. Reaching in, he

pulled out a black stone containing a strange eye

of light. Not long after, the same old priest came to

visit Ali Hafed’s successor and

found that in the black stone

was a diamond. As they rushed

out into the garden and stirred

up the white sands with their

fingers, they came up with

many more beautiful, valuable

gems. According to the story,

this marked the discovery of the

diamond mines of Golconda, the

most valuable diamond mines in

the history of the ancient world.

Had Ali Hafed remained at home

and dug in his own cellar, or

anywhere in his own fields, rather

than traveling in strange lands where he eventually

faced starvation and ruin, he would have had “acres of


You don’t need to look elsewhere for diamonds, the treasure is YOU.

(Story paraphrased from Russell H. Conwell, Acres of Diamonds [Westwood, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1960], 10–14.)

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Like Joe Dispenza wrote, the power of your mind can

create the reality of your dreams.

And like the diamonds in Ali’s story, you don’t need to go

searching for your dreams.

The power of your mind can create the reality of your

dreams right where you are at. You don’t need to look

elsewhere for diamonds, the treasure is YOU.

Are you ready to create a new tomorrow?

If the answer is yes, that is GREAT!

But how DO you create a new tomorrow?

How DO you change your life?

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In order to really align your powerful subconscious with your goals and dreams, it is important to keep 4 things in mind from the previous sections of this course:

1. There is a scientific basis for this process of change.

Cellular Biologist Bruce Lipton explains in his book The Biology of Belief how it’s truly our

belief that adjusts our biology not our genes. Less than 1% of people are born with disease

in their genes but most of us die of disease. How does this happen? When Bruce was cloning

stem cells back in the 1960’s, he learned that it was the environment that determined the

health of the cell and how the cell acted and responded to the information it received. Bruce

explains that a message comes to our cells and the membrane around the cell decides how

to respond to that message based on our perception. We used to think it was our genes that

determined our cells response to a message but he and other scientists have discovered that

our genes are just a blueprint and we are the contractor carrying out our interpretation of our

blueprint. The blueprint can be perceived in many different ways.

Our perception and how we respond to a signal that comes to our cells is not only based on

our perception but on our subconscious programmed perception. Our subconscious mind is

like a computer program and it just responds. You many have experienced this power in your

life when you try to change and it seems so hard. You are literally fighting your programming.

Because the subconscious mind is about 1 million times more powerful than the conscious

mind according to scientist of our day like Bruce Lipton, it’s only possible to fight our

programming temporarily with our conscious mind. The moment we lose focus on our goal,

we go right back to our programming.

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Let’s put this description in real life terms. Your eyes blinking are a subconscious program. It happens automatically and you don’t think about it. You can choose however to blink faster or slower or stop blinking. Try it. Stop blinking and time how long you can go without blinking. I just tried this myself and went for 17 seconds without blinking. Why could I not go longer than that? My conscious mind jumped to another thought and so my conscious mind lost focus and control of my eyelids and they went right back to their programming.

What scientist have discovered now is that we can change our programming. We can literally change how our cells read the signals coming in. We can reprogram our subconscious and align it with our conscious goals. We can literally create the life of our dreams by changing our limiting beliefs and creating supportive beliefs. When we do this with our subconscious mind, our life and our goals can become automatic and effortless. We truly can create automatic health, happiness, abundance and more, by tapping into this mind power. What am amazing scientific discovery that we can take advantage of!

2. In order to change your life, you’ve got to understand the power of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is one million times more powerful than the conscious mind and controls your thoughts, actions, attitudes, beliefs and reactions 95-99% of the time. Most of you are only in control of your own life 1-4% of the time. The rest of the time you run the programming that is in your mind. If your life does not look how you hoped it would, it’s because you do not have a subconscious program to support that life. Change your programming and you change your reality.

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4. If you want more happiness, health, wealth, fun, success etc. in your life, you have to get rid of your limiting programming.

Now this is a different kind of approach to changing your life than traditional methods. Most methods that are

taught are centered around mindfulness and conscious mind processes of change. The process we use is a whole

lot more powerful than willpower, stronger than positive thinking, and vastly more effective than affirmations.

The process we use actually helps you to rewrite the patterns of your subconscious mind and erase the negative

programming you haven’t been able to escape until now.

3. You were programmed! But don’t worry, we all were!

You picked up this programming from in utero to around seven years old while your brain was in a theta state, which is similar to a hypnotic state. You did not judge good or bad, you just took in what you saw, heard, and felt and assimilated it as your subconscious programming. You learned the language you speak as well as how to crawl and walk and eat. You also learned how you feel about yourself and others, your health and your relationships, and everything you encounter in your life. You learned what you believed about everyone and everything, and that became your programming. Just as you no longer have to try hard to walk because it’s a subconscious program, your subconscious mind spends 95-99% of it’s time making all your programs a reality for you.

In my previous career, I thought I had everything that ‘should’ have made me happy.

I was a successful Realtor and had a custom built home, investment properties, cars, vacations whenever I

wanted, 4 beautiful children...BUT...I was living with 3 big secrets:

1. I was doing a job that was not really my passion just because it made good money. I didn’t know what my passion or purpose was.

2. I was unhappy with my life and my marriage and was on the edge of literally running away.

3. I had been suffering from chronic pain my entire life. For years, I could not even sit in a chair because my back pain was so intense.

I tried everything to “fix” myself and my pain and nothing worked. I saw chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and kinesiologists. I tried herbal remedies, traditional therapists, pain injections, pain pills, physical therapists, surgeries, and nothing helped, or if it did, it was only temporary.

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Pretty much literally my rock bottom. This was the beginning of my journey to my own best self and the authentic me that I enjoy today.

Yet every day, I’d put on a happy face for the world and acted like everything was just great! As my pain continued to worsen, I could not fake the smiles anymore. I hid out at home a lot and becoming very antisocial. All I could think about was my pain. I was only in my thirties. How could I be suffering this much?

Winning awards with a smile on my face, but inside I was miserable.

It wasn’t until everything came to a screeching halt when I broke my back in a hiking accident that I was forced to take a long, hard look at where I was in my life. Even this long hard look didn’t spur on change right away. I didn’t realize all the negative subconscious patterns that were keeping me in pain. Only after more years of chronic suffering was I was finally ready and able to move past the self-limiting patterns that had become the subconscious beliefs that were creating the pain and disharmony I was experiencing.

At the time, I did not understand the mind-body connection and it never even occurred to me to examine my mind in order to relieve my pain. Look-ing deeply inward was really my last ditch effort as I had tried all other meth-ods friends and doctors had recommended to get over my pain.

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I in no way want ending up immobile and in excruciating pain at the bottom of a mountain cliff like I experienced to be your catalyst for change. My hope is that by reading these words, you are ready to take a deeper look at you, even subconscious you and make the changes needed to transform your life. My hope for you is that this course has been your catalyst.

Chronic pain and unhappiness is what it took for me to be ready to learn how to tap into the power of my subconscious mind, and that is when my world shifted imme-diately.

If you are ready to change your life, the first step to reprogram your mind is to clearly define what you want different in your life beginning with written statements.

If I gave you a magic wand and you could manifest your three biggest wishes or goals right now, what would

they be?

Maybe the goal is monetary, or something about your health or your relationships.

If that is the case, the your goal statements could look something like this:

I easily make [$xxxxxx] per month


I get along perfectly with my [name of family member]


I am the healthiest I’ve ever been.

Also remember, these statements have to reflect what you do want, not what you don’t want.

When you say something like, “I don’t want to have back pain.”

Your subconscious hears, “I don’t want to have back pain.”

The subconscious mind doesn’t understand negative statements. It will just ignore the negative part and assimilate the rest of the statement.

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Your brain is rewiring itself constantly. The brain

adds neural capacity to regions we exercise. Choose

a different experience, like meditation, and your

brain begins working differently. Change your mind,

and information starts to flow along new neural

pathways in the brain. The brain’s neurons reconfigure

themselves accordingly, firing and wiring to fit the new

pattern. As the mind directs, the brain responds.

Imagine having more nerve cells in your brain to

handle the task of emotional regulation. “Emotional

regulation” may be jargon from neuroscience, but those

two words have a big impact on your daily life. Better

emotional regulation means that you’re not bothered

by common challenges such as:

• Getting triggered by coworkers at your job

• Annoying things your spouse or partner says or


• Being startled by sudden noises or sights

• The problematic behavior of your children

• What politicians say and do

• Being stuck in traffic

• Stories in the news

• The way your body looks and functions

• Winning or losing at games or conflicts with others

• Religious conflicts or views held by others

• The stock market, your investments, and the


• Staying calm when people around you are

stressed out

• Being short of time or feeling overwhelmed

• The amount of money you have or expect

• The way other people drive their cars

• Your age and how your body is changing

• Crowds, shopping, and close physical proximity to

other people

• Other people’s opinions that clash with yours

• Your expectations about the way your life ought to


• The way your parents think and what they say

• Having to wait in line or wait for something you


• The enviable lifestyles of movie stars and


• People who make unwanted demands on your

time and attention

• The possessions you have or don’t have

• Annoying family members you interact with at

family gatherings

• Random mishaps of daily life

• Getting or not getting promotions, rewards, and

other things you want

• …and anything else that routinely annoys you.

Imagine having a brain with vastly increased ability

to master those challenges, preventing them from

compromising your happiness. That’s the promise of

changing your mind, and having the matter of your

brain change right along with it.

In the book Mind to Matter by Dawson Church PhD., we learn so much about the power of the mind to change our material world.

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This week, ponder these questions:

What IS working great in my life?

What IS NOT working so well in my life?

What do I want different in my life?

Why do I want those things different in my life?

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How would I rather feel about:




Health and Wellness:


Personal Power:

Self Esteem:



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Are you ready to change your life with the power of your mind? Schedule your next subconscious mind reprogramming session at

We can’t wait to help you create your new reality.

“I can’t say enough good about Jenny and Balanced You.

There were many things I wanted to change about myself.

Jenny made it so easy for me to change and I can feel that

this is so much more than a “job” for her. She and her team

genuinely love to help people feel better about themselves

and the lives they live. I’m so thankful for the healing she’s

helped me do and that I am able to live the life I’ve always

dreamed of living. Thank you Jenny and Balanced You!”

– Hanna