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University of WindsorAnimal User Training Program

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Gwendolyn Jeun, D.V.M.

• Honours Bachelor of Science, Zoology (UWO)

• Master of Science, Zoology (UWO)

• Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Ontario Veterinary College, U of Guelph)

• Aquavet, Woods Hole

• Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Connecticut

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Legislation and Regulation

• Canadian Council on Animal Care

• OMAFRA - “Animals for Research Act”

• University of Windsor Animal Care Committee

• Ministry of Natural Resources etc. for fieldwork and wildlife

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Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)

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Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)

The Three Rs

• Reduction

• Refinement

• Replacement

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The Three R’s

Center for Alternatives to

Animal Testing at

Johns Hopkins University-to foster development of scientifically

acceptable in vitro & other

R-R-R alternatives for animal testing

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• are there appropriate alternatives?

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• achieve expertise

• limit pain

• prevent wasting of animals

• expertise can reduce variability thus reducing numbers required

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• appropriate animal numbers - statistical requirements

• controlling variability

• literature researches

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How does CCAC accomplish its goals?

3 Rs

Guidelines Assessment Education

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CCAC Guidelines• “Guide to the Care and Use of

Experimental Animals, Volumes 1 & 2”

• Vol 1 - principles for good animal care and use

• Vol 2 - husbandry of experimental animals on a species by species basis

• Available through

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• CCAC assessment panel carries out site visits to ensure guidelines are being followed

• status of compliance, conditional compliance or non-compliance

• if non-compliant, CCAC can inform granting agencies (e.g. NSERC)

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• via CCAC assessment panel

• CCAC workshops for members of Animal Care Committee

• National Institutional Animal User Training Program (NIAUT) - ensures all personnel are trained in basic principles of lab animal science and ethical issues

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Ontario Ministry of AgricultureFood and Rural Affairs


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Animals for Research Act

• provincial legislation protecting all animals used in research and testing

• applies to all vertebrates - fish, rodents, reptiles, birds, primates and livestock

• OMAFRA responsible for administering and enforcing the law

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Required by law

• Animal Care Committee at U of W

• Research Proposals or Protocols

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Objectives of the Act

• maintain a minimum standard of care

• protect research animals from unnecessary pain

• assure that dogs and cats used for research are obtained legally

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Key elements of the Act

• minimum standards of housing and care

• animal care committees

• research proposals

• veterinary inspectors

• dog pounds and supply facilities

• pet protection

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Housing and Care

• cage size, construction, cleanliness

• food, water and bedding

• ventilation, temperature, humidity

• transportation of animals

• surgical facilities and procedures must meet established veterinary standards

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• must be submitted well before animal use is to begin so ACC can review:

-suitable animal numbers

- appropriate species

- appropriate procedures

- unnecessary pain/discomfort

- scientific work

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Veterinary Inspectors

• unannounced visits

• authority to enter any area where they believe animal research is taking place

• inspect all aspects of animal use to ensure it meets the requirements of the Act

• can revoke registration of research facility and lay court charges

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U of W Animal Care Committee (ACC)

• required by both CCAC and “Animals for Research Act”

• ensures that all animal use meets guidelines

• accomplished via:– research and teaching protocols– training and information sessions– veterinary inspections

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ACC Members

• Vice President Research

• representative from each user department

• non-animal user from University

• community lay person

• veterinarian

• student representative

• others as needed

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Animal Facilities

• Great Lakes Institute

• Biology

• Psychology

• Human Kinetics (not active currently)

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Wildlife and Fieldwork

• all the same rules and regulations apply, PLUS

• additional laws and permits– Migratory Birds Convention Act– Game Export Act– provincial Fish and Wildlife Acts– Convention on International Trade in

Endangered Species (CITES)