Download - University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    W E L C O M E T O T H E

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  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016




    Pickled beetroot and St Maure Ash goat’s cheeseGreen apple puree, watercress salad and balsamic dressing


    Supreme of chickenBaby onion, button mushrooms, buttered spinach andfondant potato. Tarragon red wine sauce

    Roast red pepper polenta (V)Moroccan spiced vegetables, green beansand balsamic dressing


    Rich chocolate TartMulled fruit compote and mascarpone

    I am delighted to welcome you to the ninth annual BirminghamUniversity Awards for Tremendous Achievement (BUAFTAs) galaevening, where the outstanding achievements of our ProfessionalServices staff are recognised and celebrated.

    I am delighted to welcome you to the ninth

    annual Birmingham University Awards for

    Tremendous Achievement (BUAFTAs) galaevening, where the outstanding achievements

    of our Professional Services staff are

    recognised and celebrated.

    Our Professional Services staff are a great

    asset to the University and the BUAFTAs are an

    excellent reminder of the hard work undertaken

    to support our breadth of activities. Our

    teamwork and dedication allow the University

    to continue to thrive and be successful.

    I am delighted that this year there were more

    than 750 BUAFTA nominations submitted

    across all areas of the University, and the quality

    of those nominations was better than ever. This

    clearly recognises the outstanding impact our

    staff make in their roles individually, in teams and

    across our wider community. Congratulations

    to all those nominated and especially to those

    shortlisted this evening. Within this programme

    you will find more information about all of

    tonight’s stars and their achievements.

    Of course we would be unable to celebrate

    such accomplishments without the hard work

    of the people who have made tonight’s galapossible. I would like to thank our judges for

    selecting tonight’s stars, our sponsors for their

    continued support, our committee and

    champions for organising and promoting the

    awards, and to everyone who took the time

    to recognise outstanding achievement by

    nominating a colleague or team to l et them know

    that they make a real diff erence. Your support

    is valued.

    This year we are pleased to be raising money

    for Childhood Cancer Research at the University

    of Birmingham with our charity raffle. 100% of

    proceeds go to the work of Dr Frank Mussai,

    UoB academic and clinician at the Birmingham

    Children’s Hospital, who is testing a new drug

    that could save lives. I urge you to do so to

    support this worthy cause.

    Best wishes,

    Lee Sanders




  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Our hos tBUAFTA ’ s 2016

    he Birmingham University Awards Forremendous Achievement celebrate thexceptional work of Professional Servicestaff across the University.

    arted in 2008, they are now in their ninth year and are a much-nticipated part of the University’s calendar

    We have seen more than 750 nominations this year, highlighting the

    ntastic support and recognition of the awards across the Universityth so many of our staff and students inspired to nominate.

    hroughout tonight’s BUAFTA celebrations we will be highlighting

    oth the University and the city of Birmingham. We hope you enjoy

    e evening.

    he BUAFTAs are a highlight of the Birmingham Professional calendar, as they celebrate

    chievement across the full breadth of Professional Services.

    he Birmingham Professional affirms our commitment to Professional Services staff. It is for

    veryone who works in Professional Services, irrespective of grade, where they are located ine University, or role. This includes support staff, academic-related staff, senior managers,

    chnical staff, administrative staff, catering, estates, cleaning and grounds staff, nursery staff

    nd security officers across all levels of the University.

    he Birmingham Professional aims to help you to understand the context in which you work,

    grow and develop in your current role, to connect with your peers, and to make the mostthe opportunities that are available to you. It does this by bringing together a range of

    ctivities, including networking events, workshops, communities of practice and development

    pportunities. You can find out more using our Resource Hub accessed via the Intranet.

    he B irmingham Professiona l


    Rachel New

    Rachel New co-hosts the Breakfast Show on Heart FM,and is an emerging writer.

    In 2014 Rachel graduated from University of Birmingham with a distinction in her

    Creative Writing MA and is currently studying for a PhD i n Creative Writing. Rachel

    has been resident writer at the Birmingham Literature Festive in 2013 and 2014,

    where she undertook the challenges ‘Ten Day Sentence’ which saw her write a

    novella in 10 days, and ‘One Page Wonders’, 100 short stories produced to order

    in the public glare of the Library of Birmingham.

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  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Th is yea r ’ s cha r i t y

    ighting Childhood Cancer

    ore than 1500 children are diagnosed with cancer in the UK every year.

    his equates to more than 30 young people each week, and means that

    ound 1 in 500 children will suffer from some form of cancer before they

    ach 14 years of age. Urgent action is required.

    Amber’s Story

    mber was just a year old when she was diagnosed with acute myeloid

    ukaemia (AML), one of the most devastating forms of blood cancer. After

    tially responding well to chemotherapy, her condition rapidly five months after Amber had been di agnosed, her parents were told

    at doctors had run out of treatment options. Tragically, Amber passed

    way on 5th March 2011. One cannot begin to imagine her parents’ grieflosing their child, yet their response was truly inspiring. They donated

    sample of Amber’s blood to a team of cancer scientists led by Dr Frank

    ussai. This gave Dr Mussai invaluable new insights into the way thatancer affects the immune system, and in particular revealed that cancer

    ells are addicted to a particular nutrient called arginine. This kind of

    scovery can take years or even decades to accomplish. It has shapedr Mussai’s research ever since, and he is now on the cusp of developing

    new form of treatment for childhood cancer using the body’s own

    mune system. This would be the most fitting tribute to the courage thatmber showed during her short life, as well as her parents’ astonishing

    elflessness and resolve.

    We may not be able to stop cancer from developing, but we can help

    hildren to overcome it by creating revolutionary new treatments. Dr Frank

    ussai and his team are doing just that. His research is investigating the

    echanisms that enable cancer to “switch off” the human immune system,

    aving the body defenceless. In simple terms, the research has two

    incipal goals: firstly, to establish how cancer suppresses the immune

    sponse, and secondly to develop drugs that reactivate this response by

    arving cancer cells of the arginine that they need to survive. This

    pproach is typical of the team’s dual focus, which combines cutting-edge

    cience with an unwavering focus on clinical practice. The immune system

    an incredibly powerful tool. It kills bacteria and viruses, and protects us

    gainst a huge range of threats. In theory it should be able to kill cancer

    ells, but for some reason it does not. Rectifying this flaw in nature’s design

    ould be a momentous advance in medical science, and would unlock the

    oor to a world of life-saving cures and innovative therapies.

    his year’s raffle is supporting Childhood Cancer Research at the University ofBirmingham. When you buy a ticket you offer hope to children suffering with canceror whom chemotherapy hasn’t worked. 100% of proceeds go to the work of Drrank Mussai, UoB academic and clinician at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital,

    who is testing a new drug that could save lives.

    Ra f f l e

    To support this year’s charity you can buytickets to win one of our fantastic raffle prizes:

    Don’t miss the chance to buy your raffle tickettonight from a BUAFTA champion – look outfor the yellow sashes!

    n  B&B for one night at Conference Park 

    n  Warwick Castle Tickets x 4n  Signed Aston Villa Memorabilian  Key Travel – Eurostar – a pair of tickets for travel to Paris,

    Brussels or Lille, with tickets valid until November 16n  £100 cashn  Presentation box of 5 small different colour/scented candles

    n  Breakfast at Selly Sausageand more!

    n  Tour of BBC Studios

    n  2 bottles of Champagnen  Restaurant Voucher for 2 at Carters Michelin* Restaurant, Moseleyn  Winterbourne House – Tour of House and Garden and Afternoon

    Tea for 2 peoplen  Additional Day’s leaven  Use a new car for a week from SG Fleet

    n  Highfields Beauty – £50 voucher for any of their treatments,

    valid for 12 months

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Who made BUAFTAs 2016 p o s s i b l e

    he BUAFTAs are the result of hard work and dedication by a committee andupport teams made up of volunteer representatives from across the University.

    Ou r Judge s

    This year’s BUAFTA shortlist was drawn up by our judgingpanel who have been brought together to represent a spreadof views and experience from across the University.

    u r Commi t t e e

    Ou r Champ i on sWe are very grateful to all of our BUAFTA Champions for their effortsthis year; the Awards would not be a success without their support.Our Champions help to promote the nomination period, encouragingnominations from staff and students, as well as selling raffle tickets tocolleagues, friends and families in support of our chosen charity.

    ur Support Team

    n Winterbourn, Lesley Driscoll, Charlotte Bowles, Monica Guise, Nicola Cartwright,

    ona Newell, Charlotte Gill, Tamzin Knox, Lucy Guest, Javed Rehman

    Left image

    Charlotte Whetton, Laura Fairbanks,

    Peter Hazelwood, Linda Hunter,

    Kevin Herbert, Tom Stanasiuk,

    Olivia Kew-Fickus, Katie Stone

    ght imageruna Stecoza, Stuart Panrucker,

    aura Forrest, Anna Shierson,

    berto Guglielmi, Fran Peach

    Our Champions

    Back row, left to rightSarah Stimpson, Kevin Shepherd, Sindhu Patil,

    Sophie Kusicka, Richard Clayton, Nisha Williams,

    Ali Wright, Rachel McCairn, Karina Smith.

    Jonathon Face, Kim Ekste


    Front row, left to right

    Becki Timmings, Helen Webb,

    Sandra Hayes, Yvonne Mullan-Evans


    Not in photo

    Stuart Panrucker, Fran Peach. Mark Clayton,

    Lovely Mwambazi, James Hall, Charlotte Smith


    Our Judges

    Daisy Lindlar, Stuart Richards, Catherine Wardius,

    Alessandro Mottura, Professor Myra Nimmo,

    Sarah Jeffery, Chris Campbell-Kelly

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    CoSS Strategic Framework Team

    College of Social Sciences

    The team has worked together to create a College strategy that will

    support the new University Strategic Framework 2015–2020. They have

    taken this to an excellent level by creating a digital resource that ensuresthat the CoSS intranet and supporting content is best in class. They

    demonstrated excellent project management skills, creativity and

    collaboration across the College to ensure that the strategy supports the

    four pillars of Research, Education, Influence and Resources and will

    deliver the goals of the University whilst giving staff clear direction and

    support over the next five years. They have created a digital platform which

    is innovative and inspirational and showcases our vision. The team have

    created a template and set a standard that has enabled other Colleges

    to follow suit and deliver on their aspirational strategies.

    Birmingham Qur’an Project

    Hospitality and Accommodation Services, External Relations, Academic

    Services and the College of Arts and Law

    The Birmingham Qur’an Exhibition drew in expertise from HAS, External

    Relations, Academic Services and the College of Arts and Law. The project

    team incorporated specific areas of expertise from corporate services to deliver

    the maximum impact possible. Working collaboratively the team managed all

    aspects of exhibition delivery – exhibition content, graphic design, press

    coverage, ticketing, security, facilities management and customer experience.

    The three week exhibition was visited by 8212 individuals plus 592 school

    students. As part of school sessions, 26 talks were delivered. Exhibition

    facilitators were recruited from existing students and trained in the Cadbury

    Research Library. International visitors came from as far afield as the UnitedStates, Kuwait, Dubai, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

    Team o f t h e Y ea r

    Recognising a team that is acknowledged as high performing andhat works exceptionally well as a team, using the skills of all membersroductively. Teams may be formal or ad hoc, functional or multi-

    unctional/cross-institutional, and permanent or temporary.

    Our f ina l ists

    Postgraduate Virtual Open Day (PGVOD) project team

    External Relations

    The team has developed a sector leading platform that is tailored to the needs

    of prospective postgraduate applicants by offering a suite of interactive,

    discipline-focused online material. The platform allows the University to offerprofessional online presentations alongside physical events. Developing live,

    pre-recorded or on-demand events provides additional and attractive

    information to drive and maintain engagement with prospective students.

    The new platform has improved access to accurate programme information,

    taster lectures, and timetables. Short films presented by current postgraduates

    and alumni talk about their motivations for study, their feedback on and

    satisfaction with our PG programmes, and their career outcomes. The targeted

    use of existing UoB postgraduate students working as ‘advocates’ can

    improve the student experience by offering mentoring and peer-to-peer advice

    sessions to prospective postgraduates. The platform is been praised for its

    innovative and informative content by both academic programme leads and

    prospective students.

    Sports Maintenance team


    The Sports Maintenance Team prepared and maintained the Bournbook

    rugby pitch to a world class standard to host South Africa during the

    Rugby World Cup. Stringent testing was carried out over 16 months, the

    pitch was prepared to an even higher standard than necessary, and on a

    par with world class stadia including Wembley and Twickenham. In the

    build up to the South African team arriving the team worked 3 consecutive

    weekends, preparing and repairing the pitch.

    The Rugby World Cup committee were so impressed with what they hadachieved that they commented “it’s like someone has picked up

    Twickenham and dropped it in Birmingham!” This alone will have spread

    word of the University’s ability to host world class sporting events.

    Portering Team

    Hospitality and Accommodation Services

    The Porters team were commended by a variety of departments within the

    University. They make things happen, they are pleasant to work with and they

    undertake jobs that others don’t want to do. They are often in the background

    and unseen but they do an excellent job. In going above and beyond for us

    on high pressure events they show the University in a very good light for our

    external stakeholders.

    Working well together, the team are happy to help in a friendly and

    welcoming way, adding to the positive experience that we hope our visitors

    will have with us whilst they are on campus.

    Sponsored by Couch Perry Wilkes

    Couch Perry Wilkes was founded on a phi losophy of delivering buildings with passion, creativity

    and technical expertise, and we specialise in designing and integrating the full range of energy

    solutions into existing and new buildings. We aim to deli ver energy efficient schemes that are

    financially and environmentally sustainable. We are delighted to support the University

    of Birmingham in sponsoring the Team of the Year Award.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    BIA Administration Team

    Academic Services

    During an exceptionally busy summer, the BIA Admin Team have

    supported students and teachers alike in an outstandingly friendly and

    efficient way. This year, the Birmingham International Academy hastransitioned from its previous existence as EISU. Alongside the managerial

    reshaping that this has entailed, the BIA Admin Team have needed to

    contend with new government regulations on the IELTS test and changing

    VISA policies. They have been flexibly supporting ISAS during a very hectic

    summer and have dealt with an increased number of applications from

    prospective students in a tremendous way.

    Shaun Willetts

    IT Services

    Shaun exemplifies excellent customer service, consistently going the extra

    mile to ensure staff members and students alike receive the best p ossible

    service when experiencing IT difficulties. Shaun approaches every instance

    amiably and professionally, always explaining his intervention and outlining

    steps that can be taken to avoid similar problems in future.

    Shaun’s proactive approach is matched by his enthusiasm for ensuring

     jobs are done right first time, and his expertise in a seemingly limitless array

    of technical areas.

    Excep t i o n a l Cu s t ome r Se r v i c e

    Recognising an individual who makes the University a better place to work.his may include those who maintain our physical environment, ensureompliance, support others in delivering their roles, or perform other functions

    whose importance and value may only be widely noticed in their absence.

    Our f ina l ists

    Samuel Ingram

    Academic Services

    As Project Manager, Sam has played an integral role in the move to the new

    Aston Webb Student Hub. This was a complex project involving multiple teams

    moving from a number of locations across campus during a critical time periodas teams prepared for Welcome. Sam had the unenviable role of balancing the

    need to move teams quickly and efficiently to ensure continuity of service for

    students/colleagues, with the challenges of moving into a completely new


    Sam took an active role in all aspects of the move, quickly becoming known as

    the ‘go to’ person for any Hub-related query. Sam ensured these were dealt

    with quickly and held colleagues and suppliers to high standards. He regularly

    went above and beyond to make the move go as smoothly as possible,

    whether it was carrying crates, installing PCs or staying over weekends to

    ensure everything happened as it should.

    Stephanus Sanjaya

    Hospitality and Accommodation Services

    Stephanus always offers exemplary service, whether in the VCs suite,

    in Staff House or in the Hospitality Suite at Muirhead Tower. He is

    always immaculately turned out, endeavours to use the customers’

    names at all times and remembers their quirks, dietary requirements and

    drink requirements. Over the past year he has started running functions,

    and taking more responsibility. He always receives great feedback.

    Stephanus is always charming and polite, and customers love him!

    Adam Walker


    Adam has been working with colleagues in Student Accommodation, HAS

    to implement a new card access system for student bedrooms and flat

    doors. The first site to go live was Chamberlain, with 726 bedrooms

    which opened in September. Adam has been working with the team on

    this high profile project for over 2 years in getting the specification drawn

    up, presentations from interested companies, and a review of tender

    submissions to selecting the preferred supplier. The system also had to

    interface with the accommodation software system which was a first for

    this particular type of technology. Adam spent many hours over and above

    his normal working hours supporting the team with his knowledge of door

    access to ensure the best possible outcome.

    Sponsored by GV Multi-media

    GV Multi-media are a national Audio Visual Solutions Provider, with many years’ experience

    in the design, supply and installation of AV. As a major supplier to the University of Birmingham

    for many years, GV are again delighted to sponsor the Team Player of the Year award.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Gavin David James Harper

    Engineering and Physical Sciences

    Gavin joined the University January 2015 as Energy Development

    Manager. This was soon after the creation of the Birmingham Energy

    Institute. He has established himself as the go to energy person inthe University. He has not only been key in the delivery of the publicity

    material (website content, brochures, event organisation) but has led the

    organisation of the Policy Commission on Cold, the coordination of the

    report writing, production and writing of elements of the content. He has

    worked night and day and through illness to deliver a very high quality

    report which will place the University in the leading position in this sector

    from a policy perspective. The rapid acceleration from someone completely

    new to the University to mastery of the system, with effective exploitation

    marks him out as someone with an i mpressive career ahead.

    Anne Simper


    Anne has quite simply rejuvenated the role of Business engagement

    partner, bringing not only a wealth of experience but crucially a very

    positive and infectiously optimistic attitude.

    Her colleagues say she brings an energy and a dynamism that is infectious.

    Anne has succeeded in re-engaging a broad range of staff who has in the

    past tried to engage with industry but had little success. Her enthusiasm

    and tenacious approach has meant that this has paid off.

    Newcomer o f the Yea r

    Recognising a recently-appointed individual who has been pro-active in implementingetter practice, or who has had a positive effect within a department, generatingesults in a relatively short time. Consideration will be given to those who have movedo a new role, as well as those who have recently joined the University.

    Our f ina l ists

    Michelle Arnold

    College of Arts and Law

    Michelle has embedded into the fabric of a diverse School extremely quickly,

    with acceptance from all staff. She is highly valued and has ingratiated her

    role through support and understanding whilst encouraging change.

    Michelle has managed to exceed her objectives in timetabling bringing

    forward her achievements to within her first year rather than her second.

    She is a key support to the Head of Quality and was instrumental in the

    HER return. Her submission, along with one other, was used as a best

    practice template for other Schools within CAL.

    Deanne Brettle

    Life and Environmental Sciences

    On just 0.4 of a full-time post and from a ‘standing start’, Deanne

    organised, sustained, and enlarged a stakeholder base of Birmingham

    academics, external research partners, and research end-users for one

    of the university’s landmark research initiatives. With no previous

    experience in Higher Education, and so in the middle of a steep learning

    curve, Deanne offered immediate and ongoing help with activities that

    she could easily have left to academic colleagues. By simplifying our story

    and relating it back always to things we all like to see, smell and touch,

    Deanne has enabled the Institute to reach young children in ways that are

    far more appropriate than anything suggested by the academics. Applying

    real creative flair to the design of our promotional material, Deanne has

    also greatly improved the Institute’s reach out into the general public,

    the private sector, government, and non-governmental organisations.

    Josefine Susann Frank 

    Academic Services

    Josefine has won a large grant to enable work on the Mingana Collection,

    the university’s collection of middle eastern manuscripts, which includes

    the Birmingham Qur’an. Josefine has been cataloguing the collection online

    to make it more visible to scholars. She has been working with community

    groups and schools to increase awareness of the manuscripts and

    encourage a wider group of people to visit the university and take

    advantage of its cultural collections. Josefine has organised the exhibition

    of the Birmingham Qur’an, which has attracted a high level of public

    interest and enthusiasm. Josefine’s level of commitment, professionalism

    and expertise in all she does is a credit to the university

    Sponsored by Pertemps

    With over 50 years’ experience, Pertemps are specialists in the supply of commercial, professional

    and industrial recruitment throughout the UK. They are delighted to be in partnership with the

    University of Birmingham, providing recruitment solutions for all their staffing needs. Pertemps

    are delighted to sponsor the Best Newcomer Award.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Mary Li

    Engineering and Physical Sciences

    In 2015, the College of EPS proposed the unification of the three School of

    Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering into one School of Engineering.

    Mary was responsible for reviewing and remodelling the entire teachingsupport function of the three existing Schools (involving c 30 staff) and, once

    the proposals were approved, undertaking the formal consultation exercise

    and appointment of staff to new roles. Mary’s work was informed by her role

    on the Professional Services Transition Group and her role as Secretary to

    the CAL Review of Professional Services; the latter was a role which she

    was invited to undertake by the Director of Operations in CAL because of

    her professionalism, knowledge and expertise.

    LSS-MDS Realignment Change Team

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    The Life Sciences Strategy (LSS) MDS Change Team ensured effective

    delivery of the very significant operational and business systems changes

    required to ensure implementation of the new MDS academic structure

    approved by UEB. The work was undertaken in addition to core business

    delivery and in a period of considerable transition for many staff. Large

    volumes of complex information for all 1600 MDS staff and their associated

    research and teaching activity was remapped, including Institute alignment,

    research grants, cost centres, access to student records systems etc. The

    work was delivered in partnership with key academic and professional

    services stakeholders and communicated widely.

    Excep t i ona l Change Leade rsh ip

    Recognising an individual or a team who has led or significantly contributedo the successful implementation of change at the University, whether thentroduction of something new or the overhaul of an existing activity.

    Our f ina l ists

    Open Access Advocacy

    Strategic Planning

    Karen and Suzanne have together been visiting Colleges, Schools and

    departments to promote a better understanding of the Open Access

    requirements for REF, and to show academic colleagues how they canachieve compliance, which is essential for the next REF. Requirements are

    complex and achieving buy-in challenging, given the change in behaviours

    required of academics. Karen and Suzanne have presented the message

    clearly and compellingly, answered the endless questions raised patiently,

    and followed up where required with individual academics. In short, they have

    made a difficult and unwelcome message much clearer for academic

    colleagues to understand and easier for them to comply with.

    Dee Drapkin

    Academic Services

    Dee led on the office move for Careers Network (a team of circa 60 staff)

    to the new Student Hub. Dee made the experience an inclusive and

    transparent one, getting a CN staff ‘hub move’ working group together

    (featuring representation from each CN team) to discuss and identify both

    potential issues and possible solutions. She established a number of

    different communication channels for sharing information, such as a

    dedicated white-board (in one of our communal areas) on which staff could

    add questions and receive a response. For Careers, there were several

    specific logistical complications – such as the fact we had occupied our

    old offices for a considerable number of years; we have a large amount of

    printed and promotional materials; the BRP Team had a fixed deadline for

    moving in; and we have a large number of staff who work part-time or

    have to take A/L over the summer.

    James Kelly (Institute of Clinical Sciences)

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    James has been instrumental in effecting great change among 80+ academics

    in getting them to use wifi Tablets for live assessment and feedback to

    clinical dental students treating their patients at the Dental Hospital. He has

    achieved this through exemplary lateral leadership , dealing confidently and

    supportively with a full range of academic personality types and seniorities.

    Although nominally employed as an expert in App software development,

    and instrumental in designing the Clinical and Assessment Feedback

    System (CAFS), he has moved far beyond this narrow skill into the role of

    Champion for a new technology that initially had much ‘fear of change’

    opposition from our clinical teachers.

    CAFS is now a fully established and integrated tool that has collected over

    200,000 grades and feedback-to-students comments.

    Robinson Low Francis LLP

    Robinson Low Francis are proud of their 20 year involvement on the University Campus and their

    contribution to many of the major development projects including Muirhead Tower, the Business

    School, the Materials and Metallurgy building and, most recently, the new Indoor Sports Centre.

    Better known on campus and beyond as RLF, this organisation mainly provides quantity surveying

    and cost consultancy services to the University as part of the University’s Quantity Surveying

    Framework Agreement, but they also provide other construction related consultancy services.

    Robinson Low Francis are delighted to be sponsoring the Vice-Chancellor’s Award.

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    Robert Hall

    Life and Environmental Sciences

    Bob came to the University as a trainee and has devoted his life work to

    the support of teaching. His knowledge of his subject is first rate and will

    approach all tasks with the same enthusiasm and expertise. Bob is alwayscoming up with ideas how teaching practical skills can be delivered and is

    highly thought of from all of his colleagues. Many of his colleagues are

    amazed at his knowledge and experience.

    Bob was instrumental in support to final year students under taking research

    projects which included building a seal skeleton from what was basically a

    large bag of bones.

    Denise Thomson

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    Denise has introduced new administrative procedures to streamline the

    administrative burden of this complex MSc programme which has several

    different cohorts, plus CPD students, on its modules at the same time.

    The programme has had a number of different administrators over the last

    few years, all with different systems of working, who have stored information

    in different places. Denise has taken the initiative and produced standardised

    templates for letters, mail merges to generate lecturer invites from timetables

    and better systems for tracking the progress of students, all of which has

    meant that the programme runs more efficiently.

    Exce l l e n t Suppo r t f o r T e ach i ng and L e a rn i n g

    Recognising an individual or team who makes a significant contribution tonsuring that teaching and learning is of the highest standard. For example thisould involve support for curriculum development or educational environments,taff development, technical support or other teaching and learning support.

    Our f ina l ists

    Kelly Chilton-Davies

    Engineering and Physical Sciences

    The performance of the School of Physics in the National Student Survey

    (NSS) has over the last 4 years been consistently high. The teaching

    support office is the main contact point for the students in resolvingorganisational issues and is the key component in ensuring that the School

    runs smoothly from the teaching perspective.

    Kelly has held together the teaching support provided to the School under

    this period of enormous pressure, working above and beyond. Her endless

    positivity and resilience got the School through a difficult period with an

    unblemished NSS record.

    Helen Evans

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    Helen is the human form of ‘OK Google’ where the department MSc

    courses are concerned. Her knowledge of the complexity of options that a

    student can take is unrivalled, enabling students to can get the best out of

    the course.

    Helen has encouraged students to think about different choices that would

    be beneficial for them. A student who graduated in the summer on the back

    of Helen’s suggestion quoted ‘completing the MSc was a critical factor to

    enable me to undertake a change i n my role with my current employer’.

    Ruth GermanCollege of Social Sciences

    Ruth single-handedly has supported the team of Li beral Arts and Natural

    Sciences staff and also the students for over a year. Not only has Ruth

    been instrumental is helping this programme to become established, but

    she provides us all with individual support on a daily basis. Ruth is generally

    the person who both staff and students go to with their problems and she

    always helps in a calm and friendly manner.

    Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences is a unique programme in that it is very

    complex and involves a good understanding of how all the schools in the

    University work and requires a good working relationship with all of these

    people. Ruth manages this very successfully, even when dealing with

    difficult tasks and she always does it with a smile!

    Sponsored by Mr Brendan Casey, Director of

    Academic Services and College Administration

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Adrian Powney

    College of Arts and Law

    Adrian is a fine example of a true professional. He works tirelessly hard to

    promote SHaC’s welfare team, and promotes the importance of diversity

    throughout the College. His pro-active approach has helped students todeal with difficulties, and I’m convinced has helped many to stay on at

    University to complete their degrees. I see him as our unsung hero, who is

    naturally kind, and cares so much about helping those who are the most

    vulnerable at our University. His work was highlighted by the panel of The

    Times Leadership and Management Award as one of the significant reasons

    as to why the team won the Outstanding Departmental Administration

    Team award 2015.

    Sally Schofield

    Engineering and Physical Sciences

    Sally is the Admissions Tutor for the School of Mathematics but works

    above and beyond her remit to provide a fantastic student experience for

    current students enhancing the student experience tremendously which

    impacts positively on the NSS. Sally initiated a School trip to Coniston and

    due to the popularity of student attendance this is now an annual event for

    the School. This year will be the fourth year and includes UG, PGT and

    PGR students. Sally organises gatherings for International students to

    enhance their student experience by providing further opportunities for the

    students to become familiar with the programme of study and the learning

    that takes place within the School. Sally make applicants and current

    students feel welcome, she encourages and allows each student to have

    the best experience.

    The S tuden t Expe r ience Award

    Recognising an individual or team whose work helps to create a distinctive,igh-quality and enhanced student experience at Birmingham. Consideration

    will be given to those who work directly with students as well as those whowork behind the scenes.

    Our f ina l ists

    The Raymond Priestley Centre

    Hospitality and Accommodation Services

    The creation of powerful learning experiences that students enjoy and from

    which they develop inter personal skills are crucial for effective team work

    that they can use back on campus and in future employment.

    This is facilitated by Centre staff who have created a learning environment

    in which students feel confident to step out of their comfort zone, take on

    responsibility, challenge themselves and extend their skill base.

    Comments from staff and students clearly indicate that the time spent at the

    Centre has been highly valued. The Centre’s commitment to delivering high

    quality programmes has provided a fantastic experience for students, with

    98.8% of feedback forms indicating overall satisfaction with their visit to

    the Centre.

    The Welcome Weekend Maintenance Team


    Moving to a University is a big step for many young people and the transition

    is made much easier for them with the Maintenance Welcome Weekend

    Team sorting out any problems quickly with appliances, fixtures and fittings

    in their accommodation. The Team work tirelessly every year for long hours

    over this weekend to give the new students the best service possible and a

    memorable and impressionable welcome to the campus.

    Parents and students will make a decision on what the University has to

    offer as soon as they arrive to drop off their son/daughter for their first time

    at University. What they perceive in the first few moments of arriving and the

    service they are given will help them to decide what they think of the

    University and what it is offering their child/themselves. 

    Vicki Phillips

    Academic Services

    Countless disabled students whose cases might otherwise have been lost

    within such a large institution, or who might otherwise have been disadvantaged

    through having to interrupt their studies while their cases were resolved, or have

    dropped out altogether, have been enabled to achieve their academic potential

    thanks to Vicki’s excellent work. Single-handedly, she protects the institution

    from any exposure to the risk of litigation under the Equality Act by ensuring

    these cases are resolved fairly and without any delay.

    The clarity and accuracy of the information she provides allows obstacles

    affecting our students’ registration to be resolved swiftly meaning that any

    interruption to their studies can often be avoided or enabling them to get back

    on track with their studies with the minimum delay. She is a shining example of

    how one individual’s performance behind the scenes can benefit the mental

    health of the student community as a whole.

    Sponsored by sgfleet UK Limited

    sgfleet are a professional fleet management company and are the providers of the University

    of Birmingham’s Fuel Efficient Car Lease Scheme. The name of the scheme is Novalease,

    which is a cost and tax effective way of obtaining a new car and enjoying all the benefits of hassle

    free motoring that this brings, including excellent fuel efficiency. sgfleet are delighted to sponsor

    the Idea of the Year Award.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Sally Wiley


    The University has established a formal collaboration with the European

    Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), the in-house scientific service

    of the Commission, which employs over 2000 scientists.

    From scratch and no prior experience, Sally was instrumental in developing

    this relationship.

    Thanks to her, it grew within a short time from a discovery roundtable to a

    legally-binding 3-year collaboration agreement, signed by Professor

    Eastwood in Oct 2014 in Brussels. It was unheard of within the JRC and a

    big reputational coup for Birmingham.

    Since then, it has grown into a substantial body of work with Sally

    continuing to initiate targeted activities. In particular, Sally has been central

    in ensuring actions actually took place. All involved agree that little would

    have happened without this driving force behind everyone.

    Jennie Young

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    Jennie is a Trial Coordinator in the Breast Trials Group within the Cancer

    Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU). She is responsible for a

    government funded clinical trial called LORIS, which aims to reduce

    unnecessary breast surgery. LORIS is a complex and particularly high

    profile project, attracting both national and international interest, which

    was recently mentioned in the acclaimed ‘TIME’ magazine.

    Jennie also supports a team of central review pathologists, all based at

    different institutions, each playing a critical role in the successful deliveryof the trial.

    Exce l l e n t Suppo r t f o r Re s ea r ch

    Recognising an individual or team whose work supports attracting, delivering,r promoting high-quality research or research impact. Consideration will beiven to those who work directly with academic staff and/or students as wells those whose role indirectly supports research.

    Our f ina l ists

    David Boardman


    David has worked tirelessly to co-ordinate and organise the research groups

    within EPS in to clusters with a clear focus that can be understood by both

    internal and external stakeholders. The prime example of this being theBirmingham Energy Insitute (BEI), however David’s influence is strategically

    important projects of scale extends beyond energy in to rail, infrastructure

    and in the China market. The vision, laterall thinking, dedication and

    enthusiasm shown by David is outstanding and a sets an excellent example

    to colleagues in professional services and academia alike.

    The Energy Research Accelerator project is a major regional government

    initiative led by the Treasury. The coordination provided by David and the

    careful, rigorous, approach to getting the detail right and building consensus

    has helped build confidence around this project. The ERA investment will see

    step change in the energy research capability, new facilities, staff and

    enhanced revenue streams from industry, EPSRC, Horizon2020 and


    David Evans (RIS)

    College of Social Sciences

    David has been at the forefront of Research Support in CoSS for a number

    of years, facilitating research and impact activities for academic colleagues,

    and stewarding team members to always strive to go the extra mile. Having

    recently been promoted to Research Support Partner, he has steered

    the team through a period of significant change due to high staff turnover

    and departmental restructuring. The CRSO’s reputation for success and

    excellent customer service has been kept in tact throughout this period,

    and it is testament to David’s strong leadership that changes behind the

    scenes have gone almost unnoticed across the CRSO’s core customerbase, with no drop in service delivery. An example of the outstanding

    support David offers the team was witnessed recently when he voluntarily

    devoted his own time to helpi ng a temporary team member reaching the

    end of their contract to apply for new roles.

    Anna Lawson (Clinical Trials – CCTU)

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    Anna’s commitment to ensuring that the University of Birmingham continues

    to be the leading UK institution in the delivery of clinical trials for children

    with cancer can be evidenced by her contribution to a recent successful

    European Commission Horizon 2020 application. Anna worked tirelessly on

    behalf of her academic colleagues to ensure that the’ Chiltern’ application

    was of outstanding quality and submitted on time despite very tight

    deadlines. This resulted in the University leading on a successful 7.9million

    Euro award (which we believe is the largest EC award granted to the

    University). Her attitude and commitment to her work and the delivery of

    clinical trials for children with cancer should be commended.

    Thermo Fisher Scientific

    Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and

    approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to makethe world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve

    complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Roxanne Mclean

    Life and Environmental Sciences

    The College of Arts and Law is well known for its excellent record for student

    recruitment both for undergraduate and postgraduate market and Roxanne

    Mclean has definitely had a positive impact on sustaining those efforts. Thishas been achieved through her hard-work nature, putting 100% effort into

    every single project, pioneering new initiatives (e.g. a recent Digital

    filming-making MOOC having record breaking registration figures) and

    motivating a significantly large and new team.

    In Roxanne’s role as College Marketing and Communications Manager, the

    exceptional recruitment figures for the College are testament to her hard

    working attitude and ability to motivate a large team. Roxanne is generally

    one of the first to arrive in the office, and almost always the last to leave.

    Maria Thi Bui

    Academic Services

    Maria has overall responsibility for the running of the University’s central

    examinations (which there are over 1,500), and is involved in every element

    of the process – from booking rooms and scheduling, to developing

    procedures and training staff. She is the main point of contact for all School/

    Department Administrators, Operations Managers and Examinations

    Officers. She manages 140 invigilators, including both budget forecasting

    and facilitating payments.

    Outside of examination periods, she is involved in annually reviewing and

    improving the exams processes, procedures around student complaints

    arising from examinations, research projects for SMT (for example on the use

    of academics as Senior Invigilators), and has regularly been Floor Manager

    at degree congregations getting involved in as much as she can to supportthe University. In addition, many will know her as a ‘social secretary’ within

    AS, and testament to her character is the number of good friendships with

    colleagues she has developed.

    Unsung He ro ’ o f the Yea r

    Recognising an individual who makes the University a better place to work.his may include those who maintain our physical environment, ensureompliance, support others in delivering their roles, or perform other functions

    whose importance and value may only be widely noticed in their absence.

    Our f ina l ists

    Hemalata Chahal

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    Hema Chahal has worked as a research technician for almost 25 years.

    Since moving to the QE Hema has ensured that a disparate group of people

    gelled and bedded in successfully to a very different working environment.Hema is the go to person, ensuring with her positive attitude that there is a

    collegiate atmosphere with researchers sharing resources, skills and time.

    The Institute of Inflammation and Ageing contains military personnel carrying

    out research in the UK but also whilst deployed in Afghanistan. Hema

    maintained contact through this difficult period, ensuring samples were

    received and dealt with no matter what time of day or night they arrived.

    Gemma Davies

    UoB Sport

    Gemma has worked far beyond her contracted coaching hours to support

    and nurture the growth of over 60 students in the women’s football club,

    instigating a huge number of projects to provide community links and

    opportunities for real-life work experience. She has worked on projects

    including a mentoring scheme with Birmingham Met College, a

    Schools Football Tournament

    Gemma mentored three volunteer coaches while studying for her own

    UEFA B licence and also implemented player 1–1s, supporting both

    football and getting the right life balance for all team members

    Gemma has done all of this above and beyond her remit and has enriched

    the club, allowing them to achieve things in the community that one would

    more likely associate with a professional sports team.


    Trevor Hayward

    College of Medical and Dental Sciences

    Trevor has advised, supported, assisted, motivated and been an inspiration

    to the School of Dentistry Research Laboratory team, during the ups and

    downs of the moving process to the ‘New Build’ Dental Hospital and

    School of Dentistry.

    Trevor’s calm and relaxed manner make him very approachable and he is

    well respected by all who know him. He is always prepared to go the extra

    mile. He meets with the lab staff at the School of Dentistry on a monthly

    basis and this helps them feel connected to the University. The NHS

    members of the lab staff also attend these meetings and will actively go to

    Trevor for help and advice as they know he will help them as much as the

    UoB staff.

    Sponsored by Office Depot

    Office Depot provide business supplies and services to help our customers work better – whatever

    their workplace. We are a single source for everything customers need to be more productive,

    including the latest technology, core office supplies, print and document services, business

    services, facilities products, furniture, and education essentials. We are very proud of our

    longstanding association supporting the Higher Education Sector across the UK, in particular our

    partnership of over 25 years with the University of Birmingham. Office Depot are delighted to be

    sponsoring the ‘Unsung Hero of the Year’ Award.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    Helen Murray

    CAL Student Experience Manager

    Helen’s contribution to the student experience goes beyond that of CAL

    students. The pioneering development of the Bank has led the way on

    campus for the development of analogous resources. Over the past yearHelen worked with colleagues in Student Services to develop a new

    Professional Services mentoring scheme for students. The interest shown by

    Professional Services staff exceeded all expectations and 50 mentors were

    trained. This has enabled Professional Services staff to develop their own

    skills and experience and enabled them to give something more to the

    students who study at Birmingham. In developing this scheme Helen

    identified personal development needs but more importantly her creative

    energy and zeal has given others the opportunity to develop themselves in

    new and rewarding ways. Now cited in NSS, BSS feedback and External

    Examiner reports, without Helen’s supreme professionalism the Bank would

    not be the success it is.

    Alexandra Parish

    Interim Director of Operation

    Alexandra Parish has been responsible for overseeing all operational aspects

    of the development of the new University of Birmingham School. The School

    is a giant achievement for the University. It has involved collaboration from

    almost every department. Through Alexandra’s leadership the School has

    already gained an excellent reputation. Alexandra has demonstrated how

    positivity and perseverance can galvanise a movement and produce an

    outstanding achievement for the University, The University is the first in the

    country to open a UTS and as such Ali has superbly managed not only a

    wide range of internal relationships but some extremely important external

    relationships. Most importantly Alexandra has ensured the University and city

    of Birmingham has a School it can be proud of.

    B i rm ingham P ro f e s s i o n a l o f t h e Y ea r

    Recognising an individual who embodies the values of the Birmingham Professional. It is open to allrofessional Services staff, irrespective of grade or type of role. The winner will be someone who,y excelling in their own role, helps the University to excel and stands out as an example to others.heir approach will be characterised by consistently high standards, building strong relationships withthers, and taking responsibility for their own development.

    Our f ina l ists

    Richard Clayton

    Application Services Bespoke Sustenance Manager

    Richard is highly, intelligent and focused, but also highly personable and

    engaging. In whatever task or endeavour he undertakes he does it to the

    highest standards and effectively communicates with all members of staff.His enthusiasm and ability to analyse and contribute effectively mean that he

    is quite rightly in demand not only within IT Services but in wider projects and

    initiatives. Since taking on the role of Sustenance Manager Richard has

    become a strong and inspirational leader during a huge period of change.

    Richard is also presenting a paper at a major HE IT conference on the ways

    of working he has introduced at Birmingham. The improvement in the

    reputation of IT Services over the past few months is very much down to the

    work that Richard has done.

    Kara Griffiths

    Communications and Engagement Manager – Estates Development

    Kara has worked tirelessly to ensure that each new development is used

    effectively to engage with relevant local and regional stakeholders. She

    brings together colleagues from across the University and has helped

    create a shared agenda and vision and built excitement amongst our

    diverse audience groups throughout the build period – from exciting

    prospective students at open days, to keeping current students engaged in

    the developments and keeping neighbours, community groups and

    politicians onside. Kara has given up many evenings and weekends to

    attend planning consultations to try and convince local residents of the

    positive impact the University brings and counter the negative narrative

    drawing on her own enthusiasm and passion for the University. Kara always

    takes an innovative approach and was responsible for the development of

    the University’s 3D film – a first for the sector.


    Kat Grover

    Schools Liaison and Outreach Officer

    Kat has positively impacted the university by building up the outreach for the

    college. She has not been afraid to get her hands dirty with all the physical

    work that running these events entails. She has taken the role of Schools

    Liaison and Outreach Officer and made it her own. She has involved herself

    in the Public Engagement Working Group for the university and is forging

    useful links for the college in this way. She has run a number of very big

    events successfully which have contributed strongly to our outreach situation

    both as a School and as a college. She actively seeks out opportunities to be

    trained and is not afraid to try things to see if they work. Kat excels in her role

    and is an outstanding example for and to the university.

    Shaylor Group plc

    Shaylor Group plc have a long established relationship carrying out construction projects for the

    University of Birmingham, recent successful projects include the phased refurbishment of Jarratt

    Hall students accommodation and the construction of the BIFoR climate change research facility in

    Staffordshire, BIFoR has recently been awarded a national Health and Safety award.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


    QT Hub professional services team

    Working together as part of a cross-functional project group to support the

    academic community, this team were instrumental in the development of the

    UoB input to the bid from a consortium of Universities to secure the award of

    a UK Quantum Technology Hub. The Hub will create technology that couldhelp numerous problems in industry. The award of the Hub has already

    secured significant press coverage both nationally and internationally, thus

    helping to profile the University on a global stage for pioneering research.

    With engagement from 70 industrial partners already secured, this

    demonstrates the real potential that the Hub will have for showing the

    genuine impact of our research as well as providing a solid platform for

    spring-boarding many more partnerships with industry. It is important that

    the University is leading this technology, which is seen to be at the forefront

    of the second industrial revolution.

    University School Project Team

    As the first University secondary school in the country, this project has

    attracted much interest both at a regional, national and sector level, with

    extensive positive media coverage surrounding the University’s backing for

    the project and the aims of the School to transform and enrich the lives of

    its pupils.

    The pioneering nature of this, in conjunction with some tight timescales,

    meant that relatively small team frequently had to work ‘above and beyond’

    in order to successfully overcome challenges, devise solutions and meet

    deadlines throughout the project. As the School approached completion,

    there were some heroic efforts by the team to see through the completion

    of the building, recruitment of the 6th form and the opening of the School

    to its first cohorts of pupils on 10th September. The project have positivity

    demonstrated the University’s commitment to the city and taking the leadwith innovation in education.

    The V i c e -Chance l l o r ’ s Awa rd

    Our f ina l ists

    The Qur’an team

    This unique find was exhibited sensitively and gained global and regional

    recognition. The dedicated Qur’an team worked together to make this

    exhibition an outstanding success. An exhibition of this kind, with the high

    security risks had never been done at the University before. The exhibitionsaw over 8122 visitors, brochure sales of £6500, and included 2 VIP events.

    With 800 members of staff, 18 schools with 592 students, 12 countries, 13

    community organisations, and coverage that reached across the globe it

    was a real team effort.

    Joanna Labudek 

    Head of Undergraduate Admissions

    The Confirmation and Clearing operation is integral to the University’s

    continued success. Jo is responsible for the organization of the annual

    Confirmation and Clearing exercise, which this year was praised by the

    Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar and Secretary as being ‘sector leading’.

    The operation is incredibly well pl anned and managed so that it runs

    smoothly and without any problems. It allows undergraduate students to

    have their University places confirmed without a hitch following the receipt

    of their results and through the clearing process.

    Circles of Influence TeamThe University’s Circles of Influence campaign closed on 31st July 2015

    after having raised in excess of £193.4 million. The original target was

    £60million which was then raised to £160million. This success makes the

    Circles of Influence the most successful fundraising campaign of any charity

    in the Midlands, and the most successful campaign of any UK university

    outside the golden triangle of Oxbridge and London.

    The campaign has resulted in a renaissance of philanthropy at the University.

    The opportunities to work collaboratively on campaign projects have

    provided a gateway to increase the scope and use of alumni volunteers in

    many areas of University life, further enriching the lives of our students.

    his premier BUAFTA recognises an individual or team whose work hasad a significant and lasting impact on the University’s reputation and standing.heir work is recognisably ‘best in class’ and demonstrates major achievement

    n challenging circumstances.

    Sponsored by Gresham Office Furniture

    As one of the UK’s leading manufacturers and designers of contract furniture, Gresham are always

    looking for new innovations and technologies and that’s why they are proud to be sponsoring

    the Change Leader of the Year Award. With over 30 years’ experience, Gresham pride themselves

    on developing high quality, functional furniture solutions and are renowned for their first class

    customer service.

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


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    Thank you for attending the BUAFTA 2016 gala. We hope thatyou have had a fantastic and enjoyable evening celebrating ourachievements and hard work over the past year.

    A big thank you also to everyone involved in organising and promoting the 2016 BUAFTAs,

    who dedicated their time to make this event possible.

    To relive memories of the evening and stay in touch with BUAFTAs developments, please

    visit our intranet page: This will be updated

    shortly with photos from the 2016 BUAFTAs gala, so see if you can spot yourself in one!

    You can also follow us on Twitter @BUAFTAs for more BUAFTAs news and updates,

    and don’t miss the next edition of Buzz, which will have a feature on the event!

    Once again, congratulations to everyone who has been shortlisted and particularly thisyear’s winners.

    Thank y ouOu r E n t e r t a i nmen t Spon so r

    Thanks to our award sponsors for their support in helping us stage an awards ceremony worthy of our finalists.

    and Mr Brendan Casey, Director of Academic Services and College Administration

  • 8/17/2019 University of Birmingham BUAFTA Brochure 2016


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