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LOGISTICS OF WORSHIPPING INSIDE There are LOTS of logistics and details that have to be figured out in order for us to return to worshipping inside the building. Thankfully, we have a dedicated team of volunteers who are handling many of these items, but PLEASE remember to extend grace and understanding in regards to the decisions and requirements. We know many are anxious to be back in the building, but be patient as we figure out some details as we gather (some of which we won’t discover until we have actually started back inside). THANKS for your understanding!

Please be aware that worship in the building WILL NOT be the same as it was pre-pandemic.

For the health of ourselves and others, while in the building, we will continue to require face masks to be worn and physical distancing to be observed. We are doing this so that we can continue to care for our neighbors (because that is what Jesus wants) as we gather for worship.

Continued on page 3

LIVE-STREAM & DRIVE-IN Even though we are returning to worship in the building, we WILL continue to offer the live-stream of our worship service for people who prefer/need to stay home. As before, this can be found on our church website, Facebook page and YouTube channel.

We are still discussing the Drive-In radio transmission. We MAY also continue this ministry so that people can come to the parking lot and listen to the worship service. (Watch for more information on this in the future.)

T h e K i n g ' s H e r a l d

M AY 2 0 2 1

C h r i s t t h e K i n g L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

Universal City, Texas

The Council of Christ the King Lutheran Church hereby resolves that

it will resume in-person worship as of May 16, 2021 at 9:00a.m.

Consistent with our calling to love and care for one another and for the health of our neighbors, any person attending in-person worship must wear a mask and maintain social distancing at all times. Those who are ill, have tested positive for COVID-19, or who are in vulnerable populations should refrain from attending in-person worship. Persons exposed to COVID-19, or who have previously tested positive for COVID-19, must refrain from attending in-person worship until at least two weeks have passed or after ten days if they have tested negative for the presence of the virus.

Persons who choose to attend in-person worship agree to inform the church promptly if they learn they have been exposed to COVID-19. Notice of COVID-19 exposure should be made by calling Margaret Vogt at the church office, 210-658-2254 and should inform us of the relevant date(s) of in-person attendance.

The church will then make appropriate, anonymous notifications to others who may have been in attendance on the same date, so they may take appropriate steps to protect their health and safety. The church office will also notify public health authorities and will assist them in any efforts to undertake contact tracing.


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The Intern Committee invites the congregation to a breakfast honoring Vicar Ricardo on Sunday, May 30th, immediately following the worship service. We will follow Covid protocols in the courtyard.

Farewell to CTK I have been reflecting recently on the last two years and the work I was blessed enough to be able to experience while in this congregation especially

during the challenging times of a pandemic. Two years and 6 months ago, I was in Puerto Rico. I did not have any idea that God would trace a different route for Ramon and I and bring us to Texas. God prepared everything and opened the door for us and for me to the Southwestern Texas Synod. So, Ramon and I left home, our families, culture, language, etc. And yes, I was scared, but I was confident in God. As you know, the language was my main concern since I did not consider myself fully fluent in English. During those first months, I felt frustrated. I wanted to return to my home in Puerto Rico, but the Spirit was with us all the time. God gave me a beautiful gift, that gift was you, the community of CTK. Siblings, the promise of Christ has been fulfilled in you. As the Gospel of Mark says whoever leaves everything for Christ, on the road will find brothers, sisters, etc. In this wonderful community, I have found fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, excellent friends, who day by day have shown me the face of Christ. THANK YOU! During these 2 years, I have lived the best, meaningful and most beautiful experience as a seminarian here at CTK. Thank you for your patience, for your support, and for your love for me. Thank you for opening your lives and hearts to me. Thank you for teaching me not only a language but also the love and presence of God. You are in my heart. In a special way, I want to say thank you to whom I now call my hermano, Pastor Mike. I feel very blessed with him. He is an excellent pastor, and mentor. Thanks to Margaret and Mariesa for your support and collaboration. I will forever be grateful to all the members of the Intern Committee. My gratitude for all of you who shared words (spoken or written) of encouragement with me during this time. Those words were received by me as God’s word of affirmation. They got through to me; especially in times when I very much needed to hear them. Gracias! So, I leave with the full knowledge of your love and care for me. I leave behind my own love and care. I was taught, by my abuelas in Puerto Rico, that everywhere you go and everyone you love becomes a part of yourself. And you carry them for the rest of your life. I will carry CTK with me for the rest of my life because of the love we have shared. Only God knows what the future may bring. Our challenge in our Christian journey is to live as faithfully as we can – loving God and neighbor after Jesus’s example (and being willing to struggle with questions about what exactly that may mean in the time at hand). As I express my thanks for the time we have had together, I also pray that in the coming seasons of this world’s life, CTK congregation will continue witnessing God’s love and grace for everyone. May the peace of the Lord be with you! I will miss you greatly. Vicar Ricardo “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NRSV)

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LOGISTICS OF WORSHIPPING INSIDE - continued Attendance - In order to attend worship in the building, you MUST have a reservation. Reservations can be scheduled either online (through the church website) or by calling the church office.

Reservations WILL NOT be taken until the Tuesday preceding the following Sunday (i.e., for Sunday, May 16, reservations will open on Tuesday, May

11th) in an effort to provide equitable access. Entry / Exit - (See the map on page 4) In order to maintain safe protocols, we are asking everyone to enter and exit through specific doors. To enter and exit the sanctuary building, use the ramp door (on the courtyard side) and use the double glass doors by the office (on the opposite side of the building). To enter the Fellowship Hall, use the single glass door at the bottom of the ramp and to exit the Fellowship Hall, use the double doors leading onto the courtyard. Communion Kits - We will have the disposable communion kits (like we have been using in the parking lot) set out on a table as you enter the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. Baskets will be placed on the pews / chairs for disposing trash. Offering - Offering plates will be located near the doors for the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall so you can leave your offering as you enter or exit (according to your preference). Seating - You will be seated in the order in which you arrive, starting in the front and working toward the back. You won’t be able to sit in your favorite / preferred spot. Every other pew has been blocked off and we have “spacers” to slide between each family / individual to help maintain the appropriate distances. Ushers will also dismiss from the back to the front and pew by pew in order to keep safe distances. Singing – For the first few weeks (at least), we will not be singing hymns. We will have instrumental

music and songs being offered by song leaders. You can hum along but we ask that you don’t sing.

Bulletins - We will NOT be printing bulletins to hand out at worship to limit exposure and because we will be utilizing the new video system. Bulletins will be published and available on our website and through email. If you would like a printed bulletin, please contact the church office and one can be mailed to you. Restrooms - Restrooms will be available but we ask that ALL restrooms be considered SINGLE OCCUPANT; meaning only one person in the restroom at a time. The wheelchair accessible restroom by the office is already a single occupant restroom. For the restrooms by the water fountain, please knock and await an answer before entering. Water Fountains - At this time, we have covered the water fountains so they cannot be used.

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g L


Fellowship Hall

Communion kits for pickup

Offering plate


LEGEND: Green Arrows - Sanctuary Entrances Blue Arrows - Fellowship Hall Entrance Red Arrows - Exits

Communion kits for pickup

Offering plate


Emergency Exit Only

Not to Scale

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BIBLE STUDY, SMALL GROUPS AND OTHER MINISTRIES Even though we will be returning to in person worship, the church council is asking that all Bible

Studies, small groups and all other programs and ministries wait until June 1 to resume any in

person gatherings on the church campus. After that, please continue following prescribed safety

protocols regarding face masks and physical distancing.

VIRTUAL GATHERINGS We continue to offer virtual gatherings—Bible studies, youth activities and through Google Meets. Check Facebook for the most up to date information on meeting ID’s and links or call one of the hosting leaders. * - If you have difficulty with Zoom, call/text Pr. Mike or your meeting host.

Sundays 1:30 pm - Youth Group Zoom - Mariesa Sundays, 4pm - Soulful Conversations - Joyce Lucas Wednesdays, 10:15am - Bible Study - Pr Mike Saturdays, 8:30am - Adult Bible Study - Thomas Hawkins Saturdays, 9:30am - Where Moms Connect - Sheri Boos & Maggie Boos

FRIDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP We had a blast at Biff Buzby’s in April and are looking forward to meeting again in May. Please join us at Sea Island on Friday, May 21st, at 6:30 p.m. We’ll limit the group to 10 again this month to ensure we’re able to meet the restaurant’s social distancing rules. Please let me know if you will be able to join us by calling me at 210-218-1469 or emailing me at [email protected]. Thanks!


Susan Abbey


Items Needed: Feminine Hygiene Products (pads, tampon, etc.), All toiletry items (shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.), Diapers sizes 4-6, and Pull-Ups sizes 3T-5T Is your harvest too big for you? Do you have fruits or vegetables you would like to share with RACAP clients? Please feel free to donate any surplus fruits or vegetables you might grow to RACAP and we will include them in our grocery orders. We are available for donation drop off Monday thru Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.


Thank you for your fire alarm system donations!! As of April 28, y’all have given $16,148.45 toward our goal of $17,725. If you wish to contribute, you may do so by using your regular offering envelope and marking your donation for “fire alarm” or by going online and using Vanco to contribute. Your donations are greatly appreciated! As soon as the Fire Alarm Company has the city permit, they will begin installation.

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Stewardship Committee Report—May, 2021

“All that we have, all that we are, all that we hope to be, we give to You….”

You probably recognize the above verse from the offertory hymn that we often sing. We believe that everything we have is a gift from God. Whether it be our time, talents, and/or treasures, we have an obligation to use these gifts as stewards of His love for us. Having said that, we sometimes encounter situations that challenge us, and results in our being hesitant in providing financial support to our church. Or, we may find it difficult to faithfully respond to support the church as we pray the passage shown above. We find that some of these challenges are with us from the cradle to the grave. Following is a “Spoof on Stewardship” article published over 20 years ago. I have had for a number of years and I still find it rather thought provoking. Consider the following: “I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but you see I’m still in diapers, and I don’t have any money of my own. I’m sure you understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but you see I’m a toddler, and I haven’t learned to count yet. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church Lord, but my allowance is only a dollar. And 10 percent would only be a dime. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but my parents say to save the money for college. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but now that I’m on a college scholarship it would be unfair to tithe when others are helping me. I’m sure you will understand. I’d love to give to the church, Lord, but I just got married and setting up a home. This has to be number one priority, payments and everything. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but you see raising a family is more expensive than I thought. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but a college education these days is more expensive than ever. My mission is to my kids for the next 10 years. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but retirement has come for both of us. And you know what it’s like to live on a fixed income. I’m sure you will understand. I’d like to give to the church, Lord, but now our estate plan and wills are all drawn up, and although we forgot the church, we’re sure our kids will take care of it the way we always wanted to. I’m sure you will understand. And so it goes. However, let us never forget that God endows each of us with certain gifts, talents, and possessions. Stewardship requires us to acknowledge always the source of each gift that we have, and to use them as He expects (and not procrastinate). Our prayer is that God will continue to bless and guide us in our work. We remember that by regularly sharing what we have, regularly sharing what we are, and regularly sharing what we hope to be, we will continue growing disciples for Christ. Bill Maddox Stewardship Committee

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May 9 from 10:30—1pm, we will need lots of help!!! We will be pricing and organizing a week early. Bring your stuff on this day for the sale. ALL YOUTH at CTK who are available and any adult who would love to help us out are welcome to join in on the fun to sift through the donations and price items. We are going to line the halls with items. Nothing will be placed in the Fellowship Hall to prepare for church the next Sunday. May 15 8 am—2pm YARD SALE!!!!! We will be OUTSIDE in the parking lot!! Do you have furniture you are donating? You can even bring that furniture that morning possibly. We will be socially distanced and requesting masks even though we are outside. This is the big youth fundraiser to get us to camp. We have youth signed up already to go to LYLE 1 and LYLE 2. These programs are pricy and they will need lots of help.

M&M Container Fundraiser We will be handing these out in the parking lot for the next few Sundays. The idea is to enjoy the candy and then to fill up the tubes with quarters. Each tube will hold between 13—14 dollars. Youth hope to fill 100 tubes. This will help us not only save for camp this summer but also start raising funds for National Youth Gathering next summer in Minneapolis.

WOW, Summer starts really really fast so let’s get those dates in everyone’s calendars!!! Confirmation Camp June 13—18 Ebert Ranch Art Camp Kindergarten—5th Grade June 21—25 High School Beach Camp / Lyle 1 June 27—July 2 Art Camp 6th—9th grade July 12—16 Lutherhill Alpha July 25—28 1st grade Lutherhill 2nd—6th grade July 25—30 Parents, you will be getting an email and flyer in the mail about all of these things very quickly. (grandparents who want info, let me know). This is going to be an AMAZING summer and we are so excited to have all of these awesome opportunities!!!!

Because of the Sunday activities, Children’s Church will be announced through Flocknotes and text messages on a weekly basis.

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Articles for the June 2021 newsletter are due NO LATER THAN the 20th of May and may be sent to Margaret Vogt at [email protected] or brought to the church office.

Page 8 Mission Endowment Fund

At Christ the King, we know that God’s people are blessed so that they can be a blessing to others. Thanks to the generous support of our congregation, we were able to celebrate the recipients of our second distribution from our Mission Endowment Fund. During the April 18, 2021 worship service, Kathy Staley as a representative of Boysville, Inc accepted a check in the amount of $1,000 to assist in their work in providing a safe, family environment for children in need. Checks in the amount of $750 were mailed to Cross Trails Ministry and Lutherhill Ministries to help with their work with those who gather to worship, study and play together. Additionally, a check for $800 was mailed to Christ Chapel at Texas State University for their campus ministry to the students, faculty, and staff.

Christ the King’s Mission Endowment Fund provides an avenue for making charitable gifts that become part of a permanent endowment for financial support and a living memorial: a gift that keeps on giving.

Annual distributions support mission work at home and around the world, above and beyond programs supported through regular offerings and church budgeted funds.

Current gifts may be given to the fund, and it is also designed to receive designated legacy (estate) gifts to the congregation. A mission endowment fund stewards these generous legacy gifts – both small and large – effectively, making the most of all that God has blessed us with.

A mission endowment fund gives confidence and assurance to members and friends considering a legacy gift to the congregation, as they know their gift will be stewarded wisely and will help the congregation expand its mission and outreach for years to come. Members of Christ the King are invited to consider including the congregation as a part of their charitable legacy plans. Deacon John Dellis, senior gift planner for the congregations in our synod through Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest, is available to meet with members to discuss making legacy plans for family and loved ones, our congregation and other ministries of the church, and other non-profit organizations.

Meetings with him are at no cost, are confidential, and are at no obligation. Contact him at (830) 305-2758 or [email protected] to set an appointment.

MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES AT CTK Our Handbells rehearse at CTK on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Our Worship Band rehearses at CTK on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.

For more information about either of these groups, contact Sally Walters at [email protected] .

Our Choir “singing season” is drawing to a close. We are preparing our final presentation in a fun way for the worship at CTK!

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to Leona Hietala and Kathy Staley for counting the offering and updating the financial records EACH week during the pandemic.

to Joyce Lucas and Rich Patterson for serving as our worship volunteer coordinators each alternating week since June.

to John and April Poe for the use of their trailer for drive-in worship.

to Edward Sauseda for cleaning up all the oak debris before the Easter Service.

to Jody Robbins for the balloon butterflies for Easter Sunday Worship.

to Pastor Mike, Vicar Ricardo, and Mariesa for their creative joyful Easter presentation.

to everyone who helped get the worship service moved inside at the last minute on Palm Sunday.

to Joyce Lucas and Vicar Ricardo for pinning eggs on the trailer drape for Easter.

to Cade Robbins for his help on Easter morning getting things set up.

to Chloe Barden for organizing the office supplies.

to Kathy Staley and Linda Dowda for setting up the baptismal items on Easter Sunday.

to Don Vogt for planting mums near the office door.

to Edward Sauseda; Rich Patterson and his son, Greg; Vanessa Jackson and son, Will; Dale, Katharine & Delilah Barden; Margaret & Don Vogt, Kathy Staley, Susan Abbey, and BJ Henk for making in-person worship preparations.

to Shy Healey for driving kids to Camp Chrysalis for a day retreat.

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HUGE thank you’s continue to everyone who has helped prepare and implement our worship services during April: Susan Abbey, Kathy Hanley, Carmen Hawkins, Will Jackson, Bruce Lemire, Ray & Lisa Lopez, Joyce Lucas, Carol McClelland, Martha McIntyre, Dale & Patsy Meyers, Rich Patterson, Julie Trent, Don & Margaret Vogt, and Tim Walters.

Also, a SPECIAL thank you to Ryan Agrella, Dale Meyers, and Sally Walters for managing the sound, to Vanessa Jackson and Sally Walters for music, to Ryan Agrella and Mariesa Robbins for live streaming the services, and to Cindy Bonaccorsi, Melissa Compton, Merrikay Compton, Vanessa Jackson, Ann Krahn, Carol McClelland, Kathy Staley, and Margaret Vogt for leading worship hymns.

Thank you to our Handbell group for ringing on Easter Sunday and to Alex Compton for help notating the music. Our ringers are Audrey Compton, Melissa Compton, Alan and Merrikay Compton, Dale and Patsy Meyers, Jared Rode, and Cindy Bonaccorsi.


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What does WELCA do? The information below from our website says it best:

Through various program areas, Women of the ELCA’s community of women provide services in their churches, communities, and even the world.

We engage in ministry; we take action through advocacy; we promote healing and wholeness, and we support one another in our callings.

We offer anti-racism training; address domestic violence, commercial sexual exploitation, and human trafficking; and support families with special needs.

We assist participants in their desire to discern God’s call in their lives and discover their spiritual gifts through workshops, retreats, resources, scholarships, and global education.

We offer grants to not-for-profit organizations, both domestic and international, that support healing and wholeness for women of all ages through the affirmation and advancement of women’s emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

What does that look like at Christ the King? We participate in making and gathering items for Lutheran World Relief such as school supplies and quilts; we buy slippers and PJ’s for girls who are residents at New Life Children’s Center. We make shawls which are prayed over and offered to people who could use the comfort of knowing they are wrapped in prayer. We put together bereave-ment baskets and distribute them to families who have suffered a recent loss. We celebrate baptisms by providing Bibles for people of all ages who are baptized. We serve our community by giving food and monetary donations to RACAP, Boysville, Sunshine Cottage, and other organiza-tions in our area. We support those in need by donating holiday meal baskets to people in our area. We encourage each other through fellowship events such as our book club. We have fundraisers to help keep our ministries going, and so much more! Rachel’s Day is a memorial originally designed to illuminate the devastating effect of gun violence against children. Designated on the first Sunday in May each year this day is based on Jeremiah 31:15-17 wherein Rachel grieved for her children, “to mourn the loss of our children and to renounce the forces of evil and fear that plague our nation.” Rachel’s Day has come to include advocating against all forms of violence against children and teens. How can we help? Women of the ELCA at Christ the King have worked with New Life Children’s Center in Canyon Lake for years. New Life serves girls ages 11-17 years old who have experienced severe abuse and neglect. Residential care, usually 6-8 months, includes clinical therapy, personal development activities, and spiritual care. How can you help? In addition to donations, there are various areas of volunteer opportunities at new Life. To learn more about new Life and volunteer opportunities, please go to their website: Join us as we make a difference in the world.

Carmen Hawkins, WELCA President

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Beginning on Sunday, May 16th, we will again need flowers for worship. The flower chart is in the church office so if you wish to donate flowers, please call Margaret in the church office during regular office hours from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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ADULT FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES Adult faith formation is just as important as when we were children. Therefore, we have a number of opportunities here at Christ the King for you to get involved. These are open to everyone! So come join the discussion of your choice and bring a friend!

Saturdays at 8:30 am – via Zoom You’re invited join us at 8:30am on Saturdays for Bible study. We are studying Martin Luther. Please contact Thomas Hawkins for details if you are interested in joining us.

Where Mom’s Connect - Saturdays at 9:30am We meet every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. We will be studying a Lutheran Hour Ministries study about fostering a spiritually vibrant household. Each week we will watch a 15-20 minute video together followed by discussion on the topic. For more details about the study, check out this 1 minute promotional video from Lutheran Hour Ministries on Vimeo: Please re-spond to Sherri or Maggie if you would like more information. The book is availa-ble on Amazon.

ALL moms are welcome to attend. If you would like more information, please contact Sheri Boos or Maggie Boos for details. We would love to have you join us!

Soulful Conversations

We are still meeting virtually every Sunday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. “Zoom in” to join the conversation – Meeting ID: 848 5961 2107; by phone: 346-248-7799. The book, Reading While Black, has allowed us the opportunity to deepen our knowledge about what scripture says. Presently, we are discussing the Bible and the pursuit of justice followed by the Bible and Black identity and anger. The Black church finds great

hope and forgiveness in Christ’s suffering and resurrection. Your voice is always welcomed in our conversation – whether it is one time or many times.

Wednesday at 10:15am via Zoom We are continuing our discussions based on seven contemporary theologians/scholars/pastors teaching on: testaments, gospels, genre, interpretation, & grace. The conversations will be in a continuous fashion – meaning we won’t just discuss one topic each week. We will continue the conversation on a topic from week to week until we have finished that topic. Then we will move to the next topic.

Because of the continuous fashion, we will show the video from the previous week’s discussion each week at 10:15am for anyone who may have missed it or who wants a quick refresher of the previous topic presentation.

Contact Pastor Mike with any questions or if you need the Zoom meeting link. Everyone is welcome to join us and enjoy the entertaining and informative conversations.

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Gene Bielke Sherry Bielke Fran Bitney Aina Blake Darlene Christiansen

Carol DeNoble Bill Laxton Ellen Mayclin Judy McCort Betsy Reid

DJ Schultz Kent Schultz Philip Seaman Marion Weishaar

Ginny Boos 7 Delilah Barden 8 Dan Healey 8 Belinda Luza 8 Richard Venske 12 Jim Mosley 13 Edward Sauseda 13 Nicholas Hawkins 15

Rosalind Agrella 16 Joanne Benson 16 Kent Schultz 17 Mary Petermeier 19 April Poe 19 Betsy Reid 20 Aliyah Cabacungan 21 Linda Dowda 21

Caden Herrera 22 Audrey Compton 24 Paul Judkins 25 Barbara Lerum 26 Cade Robbins 26 Al Boos III 28 Katharine Barden 29


Tyler & Bridget Wilburn 4 Henry & Michelle Serry 18 Mike & Sissie Mirhashemi 8 Dan & Shy Healey 25 Rob & Erika Robeson 8 Don & Margaret Vogt 25 Robert & Joyce Elkins 12

FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF CTK: Roy Alvarado, Joanne Swansiger’s neighbor’s brother Ava Anderson, granddaughter of Glen & Alfrieda Anderson Fran Bezold, cousin of Kathy Staley & Barbara Kovacich Jacque Donaldson, friend of Cindy Patterson Joe Dougherty, friend of Dinah Ryson Lauren Doyle, Jan Lindorfer’s friend Shaun Dudley, friend of Joanne Swansiger Larry Dunn, Leonard Geyer’s step-son Laine Fichter, friend of Mariesa Robbins Mary Henderson, friend of Cathie Theis Terry Hepworth, Kathy Staley’s friend Pedro Jimenez, Vicar Ricardo’s brother Corinne Johnson, Joanne Swansiger’s friend Betty Ann Jones, Kathy Staley & Barbara Kovacich’s cousin

Lendell Jones, friend of Joanne Swansiger Carolyn Sue Kelly, friend of Kathy Hanley Sophia Kermavner, great niece of Joanne Swansiger Debbie Kittridge, sister of Cindy Bonaccorsi Gene Kraemer, Marion Weishaar’s brother Howie Marbach, Barbara Kovacich’s friend Luke Marbach, Barbara Kovacich’s grandson Scott Mayclin, nephew of Toni Hollinbeck

Jackie Golson Meek, friend of BJ & Harold Henk Autumn Mendoza, friend of Mariesa Robbins Diedre Morin, Steve Lerum’s sister Teri Neal Pearce, friend of Mary Petermeier Donna Pichelmann, Kathy Hanley’s mother Elizabeth Poe, John Poe’s mother Nancy Rajanen, friend of Don & Joyce Nellermoe Janet Ramirez, friend of Aileen Zittle Donna Scheel, Susan Abbey’s cousin Ray Schmidt, friend of Don Nellermoe Randy Smith II, friend of Richard & Marilyn Groomes Don Stout, Marge Stout’s son

Sandra Theis, Cathie Theis’ sister-in-law Glenn Uecker, cousin of Barbara Kovacich & Kathy Staley Kurt Weinelt, Louise Cruz’ brother-in-law James Wieshaar, son of Marion Weishaar Keith Whitaker, brother-in-law of Edward & Pearl Sauseda Clay Wright, Dinah Ryson’s friend’s brother-in-law Shannon Wright, friend of Joanne Swansiger Jennifer Zahradnick, Mariesa’s friend’s mother

We remember in prayer: THOSE WITH HEALTH CONCERNS:

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THOSE IN CARE FACILITIES: Anna Harman Fred Hermann


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MAY 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




9:00 Drive-in




8:00 Phoenix

3 PastorMariesa’s /

Vicar’s Day Off

6:30 Boy Scouts


8:30 Star Academy

4:00 Star Academy

Meet the Teacher

5:00 Girl Scout

Troop 476


10:30 Bible Study

5:30 Handbells


6:00 Worship Band

7:00 Hermann Sons,

Parish Hall

7:30 Choir Small




9 White



9:00 Drive-in


10:30 Set up for

Yard Sale

8:30 Phoenix


10 Pastor’s/


Day Off

6:30 Boy Scouts


8:30 Star Academy

7:00 Worship



10:30 Bible Study

5:30 Handbells


6:00 Worship Band

7:00 DAV/DAVA,

Learning Building

7:30 Choir Small




Yard Sale Set-




Youth Yard




9:00 Worship in


Fellowship Hall

8:30 Phoenix


17 Pastor’s/


Day Off

6:30 Boy Scouts


8:30 Star Academy

5:00 Girl Scouts


10:30 Bible Study

5:30 Handbells


6:00 Worship Band

7:30 Choir Small



6:30 Friday


Fellowship at

Sea Island





9:00 Worship in


Fellowship Hall

8:30 Phoenix


24 Pastor’s/


Vicar’s Day Off

6:30 Boy Scouts


6:30 Council by



10:30 Bible Study

5:30 Handbells


6:00 Worship Band

7:30 Choir Small




30 White

HOLY TRINITY 9:00 Worship in Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall/ Vicar Ricardo’s Last Sunday 8:30 Phoenix







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Christ the King Lutheran Church

1129 Pat Booker Road

Universal City, TX 78148

(210) 658-2254

Office email: [email protected]

Ministry Team Leaders

Fellowship Ministries Bunco Lisa Lopez Dominoes Leona Hietala Education / Faith Formation Ministries Sunday School Superintendent Disciples Room Adult Bible Study Thomas Hawkins Soulful Conversations Joyce Lucas Via de Cristo Reunion Group Mary Petermeier/ Dinah Ryson Where Mom’s Connect Maggie Boos

All Other Ministries

Men’s Group Don Vogt

Women of the ELCA Carmen Hawkins

LWR Kits/Quilts Erika Robeson

Prayer Shawls

Bereavement Barbara Kovacich

Intern Committee Edward Sauseda / Kathy Staley

Stewardship Committee

Mission Endowment Fund Cmte Marilyn Groomes

Church Council

President Kathy Staley

Education/Faith Formation Sheri Boos

Evangelism Carol McClelland

Fellowship/Secretary Susan Abbey

Finance Tyler Wilburn

Mutual Ministry Dinah Halopka-Ryson

Outreach Leona Hietala

Property, Building, & Grounds Edward Sauseda

Worship/Vice-President Joyce Lucas

Worship Rich Patterson

Did you know … that the Church Council prays for specific church members each month in our meetings and we work through the entire directory praying for the whole congregation this way? Please pray for them as they give of their time and talents to help lead our congregation.

Church Council and Ministry Team Leaders



Print date: 4/29/2021