Download - United Nations Development Programme in the Russian Federation Moscow: Ostozhenka, 28 Tel: (095) 787-21-00 Fax: (095) 787-21-01 Integrating.


United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme in the Russian Federationin the Russian Federation

Moscow: Ostozhenka, 28 Tel: (095) 787-21-00 Fax: (095) 787-21-01

Integrating GEF Strategic Integrating GEF Strategic Priorities in Russia’s Biodiversity Priorities in Russia’s Biodiversity

Conservation ProgrammeConservation Programmeby Natalia Olofinskaya, UNDP Russiaby Natalia Olofinskaya, UNDP Russia

UNDP/GEF Biodiversity Programme in Russia:

•Kamchatka Peninsula: Protected Areas project (FP)BD1 Salmon Biodiversity (FP) BD2 Commander Islands Biodiversity BD1 (PDFA/MSP)

•Altay-Sayan (FP) BD1•Lower Volga (FP) BD2•Taimyr (MSP) BD1•Daurian Steppe (MSP) BD1

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

Designed: 1999-2001

GEF OP4 Mountain Ecosystems

Duration: 2002-2008 (2 phases)

National Executing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources

Key Partners: CIDA, Kamchatka Regional Administration,


Secure global biodiversity

benefits through replicable and

sustainable biodiversity

conservation and protected

areas managementKronotsky






1Kronotsky Zapovednik

Nature Park “Bystrinsky”

Nature Park “Nalychevo”

Zakaznik “Yuzhno-Kamchatsky”

Project Sites:Project Components 1 Phase:

2002 – 2004

• protected areas management

• biodiversity information management

• sustainable PA financing

• legal, regulatory and policy base

• biodiversity awareness and advocacy • alternative livelihoods and community based conservation

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

“…ecological, institutional, social, political and financial sustainability in the context of national-level PA systems…”

“…long-term comprehensive approach…”

“…conserve biodiversity through the expansion, consolidation, and rationalization of national PA systems…”

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

Design of the Phase 2 Project Brief (2004)

BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas:

(a) Demonstration and Implementation of Innovative Financial Mechanisms: CTFs, systems of payments for environmental services, easements, debt-for-nature swaps and certification processes; internalization of PA economic values within other government agencies

(KCTF, user-fees…)(b) Capacity Building for Long-term Sustainability: legislation, policy

and enabling activities; institutional capacity building; targeted training

(c) Catalyzing Community – Indigenous Initiatives

(SMESF, NTFPs, co-mngmt…)

(d) Remove Barriers to Facilitate Public – Private Partnerships

(EcoCharter, ecotourism…)

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas: Difficulties in Design and Implementation

• Lack of coordination among 4 PAs

• Different legislation and management arrangements in 4 PAs (2 federal PAs vs 2 regional parks)

• Lack of coordination among sectoral agencies, regional and federal authorities

• Inadequate staffing and staff capacities

• Uncertainties in future political and economic trends

• Insufficient timeframe to judge about long-term sustainability of results (2 years)

• Lack of experience in sustainable financing mechanisms

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

System approach


BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas Proposals for 2d Phase to address BD1:

• Improve coordination and collaboration among the PAs – regional PA system (network), plan joint activities

• Strengthen institutional capacities and regulatory frameworks

• Continue and strengthen capacity building and training activities

• Introduce inclusive and participatory management arrangements: cooperation agreements between regional and federal authorities, community management councils…

• Focus on dissemination; region- and nation-wide replication of experience and lessons

• Design and introduce tools for sustainable financing

• Analyze risks

• Integrate a long-term and comprehensive monitoring programme

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

System approach


Immediate objective

to demonstrate approaches for sustainable and replicable conservation of biodiversity in four existing protected areas as a

model for a sustainable system of protected areas in Kamchatka

Expected Project OutcomesRegional PA system is effectively managed

Local communities benefit from sustainable alternative livelihoods and are actively involved in biodiversity conservation

Biodiversity awareness and advocacy is heightened among all stakeholders

Sustainable financing mechanisms support conservation and promote biodiversity-friendly alternative livelihoods in and around the PA system

PA systems and other stakeholders throughout Kamchatka and the Russian Federation systematically apply and utilize lessons learned and best practices generated by the project

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project – 2 Phase

BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas Examples of practical measures:

PA and Wilderness Management Training Centre: (1) training to PA staff; (2) joint ownership of 4 PAs; (3) further expansion of operations to the Far East region

PA Management Plans include provisions for inter-agency cooperation in resource protection, fire management, etc.

SME Support Fund and Community Conservation Councils

Kamchatka Ecological Initiative – Biodiversity Conservation Charter: (1) public involvement; (2) PPPs (signed by the administrations, environmental NGOs, media, business community)

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas Provisions for Sustainable Financing:

• PA revenue generating mechanisms

• Kamchatka Biodiversity Trust Fund Mission: Secure sustainable financing for biodiversity

conservation and ensuring PAs recurrent costs

Objective: Support the operating costs of the 4 Protected Areas and 4 salmon watersheds for a 7 to 10 year period

after the current UNDP/GEF Projects end Revenue sources:

User fees and other revenues (including fees related to tourism and fishing);Specified annual contributions from Russian governmental

and non-governmental entities; Earnings from investing an international endowment fund

Kamchatka Protected Areas Project

More project design tips:

Stress programmatic approach – regional portfolio, complementary non-GEF projects

Prove that your project PAs have a representative selection of the threats and opportunities found in other protected areas (representative and inclusive selection of project sites)

Demonstrate replication potential – while it is impossible to replicate ALL experiences and outputs identify explicit products (models, model-agreements, regulations, training modules…) and use demand-tailored replication strategy

BD1 Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas