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Anna Fitt

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Benefits of E-commerce

Global MarketplaceBy having a global presence a business can target a global audience.

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Benefits of E-commerce

24/7 Tradingtrading can be carried out at any time, day or night, in all different time zones around the world.

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Benefits of E-commerce

Low Start -up & Running Coststhe start up costs and running costs of a website are relatively low. This is a great incentive to company owners.

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Benefits of E-commerce

Search Facilitiesit takes just seconds to find the product you want. There are often different criteria you can easily add to find exact product you looking for.

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Benefits of E-commerce

Fluid Pricingprices are increased or decreased quickly depending on circumstances. when selling airline flight tickets as more are sold and fewer are available then the tickets could become more expensive as the demand rises.

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Weaknesses of E-commerce & how to address this

Consumer Trust They can worry about several different issues when using e-commerce sites like whether the company is a legitimate, their personal information and security.


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Weaknesses of E-commerce& how to address this

Lack of Human ContactCustomers might be deterred from purchasing online because they can’t speak to someone from the business directly.


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Weaknesses of E-commerce& how to address this

Product Description ProblemsCustomers might worry about the information which are on the e-commerce site,And their products might not accurately reflect the real product.


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Weaknesses of E-commerce& how to address this

Security issuesCustomers worry about their financial details safety. That the business will use these details in unauthorized way or security of this Information may not be sufficient.


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The Technology


They allow you to view web pages on the PC. In case user interaction is needed to tell the browser what web page or web site we want to view. This is done by the browser’s address bar. The URL and web address tells the browser where to obtain a page.


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The Technology

Database systemsThe Database system holds the catalogue of products & customer records. A site which allows users to sign in will have a database which will gold all the customers details. It should link seamlessly so the user is unaware of it. There are organizations which outsource the creation of the website, and also they control the content of the database.Only organization can make changes if needed in database like changing prices etc.


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The Technology

Domain NamesEvery website needs to have a memorable domain name because if a site is easy to spell and relevant to the business it will make the users to remember them and go on them more often when they access the internet. Some of the names has a suffix like: gov – Government agencies, org – Organizations.Most of the business won’t have just one domain name because if the user types the domain in incorrectly, they will be directed to the correct website straight away and a rival business will often try to buy domain names with similar names so they can try and reach a wider target audience.


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The Technology

Ports & ProtocolsEach computer is given a unique number to make sure the data reaches the right location on a network. It contains 4 numbers from 0 to 255. If a PC don’t use the same protocol it becomes impossible for them to understand the data which is transmitted between them. PC has several ports which connect protocols and IP addresses together for data to pass through but they are visual so they can’t be seen. Each port has number to identify it & it can be opened or closed.


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Paying to be prominent in search engine results

Search engines look for our search term within the web pages they’ve collected and indexed. All the results are reflected in engine’s determination of how relevant the site’s content is to our inquiry. Some search engines might rank sites higher in our results if the site pays a fee, regardless of its relevance to our terms.


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Newsgroups & Forums

They are tend to be very focused but the discussion might be only about folk music and only posting of recipes or only programming for Windows. You often need special software to use them because they are more structured. Web forums which are called discussion boards will function in a similar way to newsgroups and they are an online discussion site where all the people can hold conversations by posted messages. There’s also another and more modern form of creating a forum which will be in the form of a group on social networking sites like Facebook, where one topic is discussed in detail.


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Banners & Pop-ups

It entails embedding an advertisement into a web page and it’s intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser. It is constructed from an image, but the banner will normally go along down the side or along the top of bottom of a webpage. They are often animated to help attract attention to it. Most sites which offer to have a web banner for another company on their site will receive more money on a pay per click system.


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This is an email which is not targeted at particular customer or customer needs. It’s mailed to random people and customers to reach as bigger audience as possible. When more web users will become more concerned about internet privacy and viruses, they will become less likely to open emails from companies which they don’t know. Companies have many different ways to get hold of our email address and then they will send to us regular emails.


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Ensuring An Effective User Interface

This is essential to make sure when web users get to our site. They will stay there for as long as possible. There are several factors to avoid-broken links, difficult navigation, unclear fonts and too much text while we are creating a site. When we create a simple and clear website it will mean that this will be able to purchase products and services with ease. If the users like the website they will always come back to us.


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Establishing Customer loyalty in a virtual environment

We can find many different methods used to help create customer loyalty which include direct mailing to each customer because it’s really useful to keep our business at the front of their minds. If we are setting up loyalty system which is based on points or money spent so that customers can claim rewards by staying with our company. We also have to treat all the customers as individuals by welcoming them onto our site by name when they sign in , but also sending them information specific to them and offering different products and services which we think they might like by looking at the items they have viewed and purchased before.


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Site Names

The most important thing is to have a relevant, memorable and suitable name to the site. If the name will be complicated then the less users we will get because they might up on rival businesses websites by mistake. By having a multiple domain name registration this will help to maximize the number of users which can access our site.


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Direct Marketing

This is targeted at specific audiences, most of the customers which have signed up for a newsletter, offers or updates. It basically mean if the user have chosen to be a part of this they will have a genuine interests in the product so are more likely to purchase from the site.


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Hacking Hacking Prevention

P3, M2

Hacking means finding out weaknesses in an established system and exploiting them. A computer hacker is a person which can find out weaknesses in the computer and exploit it. They can be motivated by an multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest or challenge. By hacking a PC you are breaking the Computer Misue Act. Some hackers hack to a PC just to test their skills and for these individuals, computer hacking is a real life application of their problem-solving skills. They use it as a chance to demonstrate their abilities, not an opportunity to harm others. Hackers who are out to steal personal information, change a corporation’s financial data, break security codes to gain unauthorized network access, or conduct other destructive activities are sometimes called crackers.

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Virus Prevention

P3, M2

A virus is a computer program which can replace itself and spread from one computer to another. Viruses can be spread around easily by disk to disk and computer to computer. A Trojan Horse must be sent by someone or carried by another program and may arrive in the form of a joke program or software of some sort. This virus can damage the whole security of the PC. A Worm might arrive by exploitation of system vulnerability or by clicking on an infected e-mail. It can damage and compromise the security of the computer.

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ID Theft ID Theft Protection

P3, M2

This is a form of fraud or cheating of another person’s identity in which people pretends to be someone else by assuming that person’s identity. People are concerned about identity theft and this can make them worried about giving their details to companies that they are not familiar with. People’s personal information can be accesses by many different ways like leaving accounts logged in on whilst leaving a PC unattended, not password protecting sensitive information and from hackers and phishing scams.

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Strong Passwords


Strong password is one way to help protect your personal information and accounts. You shouldn’t use the same password for all your accounts, they shouldn’t be written down in one place. Your password should contain characters like !”$%”^$ and be at least 8 characters long. It shouldn’t contain any common words like 123, your birth date or your login name and any words that can be found in the dictionary.